Review of The Forgotten

The Forgotten (1973)
Excellent low-budget madness
21 December 2000
There's not much I can add to the positive reviews of the film, other than I agree completely - this weird little movie has a unique atmosphere all its own. Brownrigg creates a very effective atmosphere of obsessive madness; the movie breathes down your neck! It's amazing that a film so well-lit and full of bright colors can be so unsettling. As someone mentioned, the film looks like a retitle because there's a strange title card inserted, but I have seen a televised version of the film that had the original titles superimposed on-screen - they were orange and read "Don't Look In The Basement" - with quote marks around them, just like that. Why they were taken out and replaced by that garish title card is a mystery to me, but the originals did exist. Another interesting note: I read in an old horror magazine that during the climactic massacre, Brownrigg wanted to make things ultra-gory and so he used a lot of slaughterhouse entrails (sheep, I think), and they were kept in a bag with fake blood. Well, when it came time to film that scene, it was hot in the room, and the entrails had begun to rot, so when the actors tore the bag open, they all nearly vomited at the stench! If you look really closely around the edges of the frame, you can get little glimpses of some entrail... but, to my knowledge, they aren't graphically shown in any prints. In any case, check this movie out... it proves that a low budget can be made up for with a lot of imagination. There's no other film like this... I also recommend Brownrigg's other movies.
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