The film that launched a career
20 October 2001
Hercules in New York was Arnold Schwarzenegger's first film, and while not really good, it did open up the world of movies to him. As the name implies, the movie features Arnold as Hercules on an adventure in the Big Apple. As a Greek Demigod he is not "hip" to the world we live in, and his ignorance get's him into trouble which his muscles must get him out of. Speaking of muscles, Arnie is HUGE in this one! Originally, Arnold was credited as "Arnold Strong", and his voice was dubbed because of his poor english, but since Arnold has become a name over the years there is a newer version that credits him under his true name, and restores his voice. Make sure you get this version if you buy it, the dubbed voice in the original was horrible. If you an Arnie fan this spoofy light hearted film is worth seeing for the nostalgia factor, but don't expect too much.
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