All this, and Jello too!
12 May 2004
I hope God doesn't smite me for the line above, but the effect is somewhat obvious. But as obvious as the Jello used for the Red Sea parting is, it cannot take away from how great this film really is. Now don't get me wrong, the 1956 version is unbelievable itself, but while looking at this one you get a sense of DeMille trying to tell us something about ourselves, our way of life, and of course, what we are doing wrong. The prologue itself is extremely quick. That could be because I saw the '56 version prior to this one. The rest of the story drags a little bit, but not too much, don't get me wrong this is a long movie (the package reads 146 minutes, it's really 136), but if you have the time you could make it through in one sitting. I'd recommend renting this movie (only if you can find it though) because it really is worth watching it and seeing how we are today and how we can make ourselves better by doing certain things a certain way. I can't put it in to words though, only this film can. It's an intriguing motion picture experience to behold. 8/10
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