Master Ji Gong is a 2021 animated film about the ancient Master Ji Gong losing his known smelliness, and it's the journey his son has to make to find the ancient shtinkeh potion of e to make sure Master Ji Gong keeps his smell of his Jigong. I found this film to be fantastic, not only because of it's brand new and very well done 9D smell feature, but also because this film's main plot and story is brilliant. Master Ji Gong's son, who goes unamed until the end of the film, was very well executed. His main purpouse and conflict is very well executed and other filmakers should take this movie's main central plot and conflict as a lesson for their future movies, as it truly is really good. Master Ji Gong is also played brilliantly by Jackie Chan, who sadly and weirdly wasn't credited in the main cast. I don't know if it had something to do with the actor himself, or with studio reasons, but otherwise he did brilliantly here, maybe his best role yet besides Monkey in the Kung Fu Panda trilogy. Anyway, I'm gonna talk about the 9D smell feature. I thought it was executed brilliantly. The best "EXTRA" feature for a film I've ever seen. Beating 3D and even IMAX. Oh and, the side characters, while not as good as the main characters, are very well done and works well as both comic relief an as a helpling hand to our main protagonist. Anyways, reaching to a conclusion, this film I thought was a cinematic masterpiece. Great characters, great story, great pacing, great everything. I loved it, 10/10 would smell again.