Luca Arcidiacono
- Casting Department
- Additional Crew
- Second Unit Director or Assistant Director
From Sicilian origin, he has been living in Rome since 2011. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Cinema at the University of Rome Tre in 2014 and is currently pursuing master studies. Formed in Director and Film Screening with courses and workshops with directors such as Sergio Rubini, assistant director Ciro Scognamiglio, writer Marco Pettenello and the Holden School in Turin, since 2014 works as Casting and Assistant Director for companies such as Cattleya, Pupkin, Ascent Film, Groenlandia, Lux Vide and in 2016 he worked as a co-writer and consequently as the First Assistant Director for the movie "Malarazza", which was released at the cinema on November 9, 2017. Since 2016 he has founded the Jaws Production, a small Roman company that deals with the production of shorts, spots and video clips. His latest short film "The Red Room" is distributed by Premiere Film and his new short film "Aggrappati a me", which he wrote and directed, is currently in production.