Gábor Nagysolymosi
- Composer
- Actor
- Music Department
Gábor's family is partly influenced by music, his grandfather was a drummer and his father played the guitar. His talent showed early, he played back on the piano everything that he heard. As a child he learned in Kecskemét and started his first band with his friends.
After grammar school, he went to Budapest to learn at Jazz Conservatory from János Halász, Péter Sárik, Egon Póka, Gyula Babos and János Fogarasi. He played in pop, funky and jazz bands, practiced on stage what he had learned at school. The time had come to form the 'Nagysolymosi Trio', a progressive jazz trio with Gábor's own compositions. These songs were different and more than just scoring.
He was interested better and better in film music, epic music and music for video games. He passed into Budapest Film Academy for a semester, where he had the chance to learn from Ferenc Lukács, Tom Ernst, Mac Ruth, Jenö Hódi, János Vecsernyés, Elemér Ragályi and István Szabó. Gábor composed music for many short films, festival films and commercials.
He worked for several bands as a producer and music director. He found his own style, his compositions are notable for integrating electronic music sounds and symphonic orchestral arrangements.