Nokufika Mdanda
- Sound Department
- Actress
- Camera and Electrical Department
Nokufika Mdanda also known as Fika, is a South African born female sound assistant. She completed her film studies at the South African School of Motion Picture Medium and Live Performance (2009), in Sound Design. Nokufika has worked and learned from the world's best known and respected sound recordist, including the likes of Edward Tise, Nico Louw, Ivan Milborrow, Arthur Koundouris just to name a few. Her duties have included radio micing the well respected actors of Hollywood, which include Terry Pheto, Idris Alba, Laurence Fishburne, Javier Bardem, Charlize Theron, Jean Reno and Mark Strong..the list is endless.
The international film industry has been fond of the South African crew because of their work ethics and growing resume. The crew is at an international level and so is this young female. Even though the sound department is one known to be dominated by the male specie, Nokufika has sought to remain one of the few females to stick and grow in it.