- Actor
Rosalía GT Began her acting journey in Barcelona, knowing she needed to strengthen her acting technique she studied professional development for actors obtaining the Professional training qualification in acting technique at El Timbal acting centre. She graduated in Meisner technique with Javier Galitó-Cava's program and also studied camera acting, monologue and stand-up comedy acting. She is currently developing herself as a playwright and actually she already performed some of her plays. In addition, she is also a director for different theatre projects ("Íncubo", "El síndrome Hitchcock", "Las 1001 noches").
She starred in the feature film "Mayombe Paula", directed by Randy Machado; and various different short films such as "Encuentros y desencuentros" by Miquel Sitjar, "Espacio cerrado" by Manel Mateos, "Las mil y una posibilidades" de Zhu Shijiao; and also a web-series "Proyecto Adelfa" by Andrea Caba.
She also performed in theatre plays such as "Exiliadas" (Dir. Ricard Boluda), "Amor matern" (Dir. Montse Bernat), "Instrucciones de vida" (Dir. Marc Mercader) and the musical "Fantasmas" (Dir. Rossella Scalzi). She also worked with La Xixa teatre company famous for developing Forum-Theatre. She currently works with a children's theatre company called Xirriquiteula and as stilt performer with two companies such as The Comic Group and Todo Zancos.
She has also worked as a dancer, actress, choreographer, dance teacher, entertainer, presenter and model. All this continued personal and professional development is intended to improve her skills and abilities in order to become a more versatile, multi-disciplined artist.
Languages: Galician language, native level; Spanish, native level; French, high level; English, high level; Portuguese, high level; Catalan language, high level.