Roy Tighe
- Director
- Writer
- Producer
Roy Tighe (owner of Tigheland Productions) is an Award Winning Director, as well as a Los Angeles based Actor, taking rise as a modern day film maker by his rare talent to also write, produce, edit and act. Mentored by two time Oscar nominee, Bud Smith (The Exorcist and Flashdance), Roy is a working director in Los Angeles working for such brands as Alcatel, TCL and Coors Light. In addition to his active directing career, Roy is also a working commercial actor appearing in commercials for brands such as Subway, Sierra Nevada, Mazda, Alcatel, and Pepsi. Roy has also been the creative, driving force behind numerous short films, web series and comedy sketches, totaling well over 500 videos. Roy's first film "Where's Barry?" was released on VOD in December 2016. Previously, Roy had spent time performing as a stand-up comedian, which led to his introduction to Richard Lett, the subject of his first feature film "Never Be Done: The Richard Glen Lett Story."