He performed in the ballet, "Twin Suite 2," "Hurricane," "Ground Level Overlay," "The Celebrated Soubrette," "Land," "Gaps," "Laps and Relapse," and "Grinning in Your Face," in a Rambert Dance Company production at the Sadler's Wells Theatre in London, England with David Hughes, Elizabeth Old, Lucila Alves, Rafael Bonachela, Deirdre Chapman, Simon Cooper, Megumi Eda, Branden Faulis, Robin Gladwyin, Antonia Grove, Amy Hollingsworth, Andrew Hurst, Paul Liburd, Miranda Lind, Martin Lindinger, Ana Lujan Sanchez, Hope Muir, Conor O'Brien, Mikaela Polley, Vincent Redmon, Samantha Smith, Angela Towler, and Glenn Wilkinson in the cast.