Tuck John Porter
- Special Effects
- Costume and Wardrobe Department
- Costume Designer
Tuck is a Designer's Designer. An Artist's Artist. The Creative
Entrepreneur's Muse. Entertainment Industry speaking, Tuck (a.k.a.
Designer TJP) is the "go to" guy to make the magic happen. Born in
Oklahoma City 1957, This African American Designer wanted to be an
engineer, by age five and later loved what made things work, what made
people laugh or cry, and the behind the scenes action in Movie
Blockbusters. His College Illustration Teacher told him to be sure and
see 'Star Wars' and 'Close Encounters of the Third Kind', in the late
70's to forever re-shape his creative train of thought as it applied to
this Designer's several disciplines of Art. Whether it's Costume
Design, Advertising Concept Design, Fashion Design, or Wild Profound
Prose, this Cat will "lay it out for you!"