Giovanni Piperno
- Director
- Writer
- Cinematographer
Giovanni Piperno (Rome, 1964) after a degree in photography from the Istituto Europeo di Design, attended a workshop of Leonard Freed (Magnum) and worked for one year as a photographer for the italian newspapers. From 1987 he worked as a clapper-loader and camera assistant for italian and international movies and commercials, working with directors like Gilliam, Scorsese, Moretti, Brakha, Tarsem Dhan and d.p. as Rotunno, Deakins, Kaminski, Lanci, Seale. He directed several tv programs and documentaries, among which "Interview with my mother" broadcasted in prime time by RAI3, "Mario's film" broadcasted also by Arte and "The explosion" that it won Turin Film Festival 2003.
"Atomic! a train of mad Italians in China" was in Locarno Film Festival 2008, "The missing piece" after the prize Cinema Doc as Best Director it was shown in Italians cinemas in 2011. "The beautiful things" after participating in the Festival of Venice 2012, in a pre - release version, has already won 25 national and international awards, including best Italian documentary 2013 at Doc/It Professional Award and was released in its final form in Italian cinemas in the summer of 2014 remaining in programming for over four months. Giovanni Piperno also took the prize for the best school Biografilm Biografilm retrospective at the Festival in 2014.
With the collective film "9x10 ninety", produced by Istituto Luce for its ninety years old, participated in the Venice Days at the Venice Film Festival 2014. In the same year he collaborated with Antonietta De Lillo documentary film "Let's go" out of competition at the Festival Turin 2014.
At the Rome Film Festival 2015 he presented "If I had the words" and "Almost Heroes", two short films made with the kids of the "Tor Sapienza Film Lab."
"Almost Heroes" won the Nastro d'Argento for best short film of 2016. Since 2017 he is president of the Perugia Social Film Festival and member of the 100 Authors association board.