Boris Missirkov
- Cinematographer
- Director
- Writer
Boris Misirkov was born on February 8, 1971 in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is grandson of the publicist Krste Misirkov and son of the famous translator of Russian Boris Missirkov . Boris Misirkov Graduated National School for Ancients Languages and Culture in 1990 and the National Academy for Theatre and Film Arts in 1996. During the 1996-1997, he specialized in the movie FABRICA center of Olivero Toscani in Treviso , Italy . In 1998, together with Georgi Bogdanov create "Production company AGITPROP"; they organized also "Bulgarian Photographic Association". Boris Misirkov is a cinematographer (together with Georgi Bogoanov) of the films " Georgi and the Butterflies ," " The Mosquito Problem and Other Stories " and " Corridor Number 8 " which won numerous international awards.