Véronique Bernard(I)
- Producer
- Additional Crew
- Actress
Véronique Bernard, president of Iliad Entertainment, a film and
television company specializing in international co-productions for
non-fiction projects, is a senior television executive with more than
20 years' experience in nonfiction production and broadcast journalism.
She has commissioned, developed, produced and executive produced
hundreds of hours of programming including news and current affairs,
talk shows, magazine shows, documentaries, reality series, lifestyle
series, docu-dramas, live programs and remote broadcasts for companies
including National Geographic Television, New York Times Television,
ABC News Productions, Condé Nast Media Group, WNET, WNYC, PBS,
Discovery Communications, Sundance Channel and SBS Television in
Australia where she was Head of Production. She has secured funding
from the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting and the Australia Council and was a key creative in
programs for Nova, The Learning Channel, National Geographic Channels
and Discovery Times. She has taught at New York University's Tisch
School of the Arts amongst others. She is an international content
development executive with deep knowledge of the global broadcasting
market. She is on the board of Global Action Project, a youth media and
social justice organization.