Male Celebrities who are *so much* Hotter & Talented than Leonardo DiCaprio... (HONESTLY, girls!)
Yes, I'm being serious! ...And I really dare say, can even *act* leagues better than him. (Yeah, I know this description is a bit LENGTHY, but I'm only doing my best to be as specific as possible.)
But hey, I KNOW a good actor/celebrity when I see one!
(Other lists would likely joke about & waste your time, but I decided to be whole-heartedly *honest* on this topic instead.
"Joking" or 'trolling around' is the LAST thing I'd wanna do to anyone, even in this case! And I did not create this list because I'm a "jerk" ~ no way! I'm the nicest guy I ever met! lol I'm your *best* friend and you don't even know it.)
Some of these are men, dead or alive, who assuredly DESERVE much more airtime & recognition than all that Leo's getting (AND some sort of big award too) for being overall more coherent & better actors, who actually SURPASS him with a keen sense of skill & ability! Boy, it just appears like many drooling, agitated, overzealous Leo fanboys and fangirls out there seem totally *oblivious* to the fact that THESE guys exist as well too! A few may be quite a ladies' man. lulz
(Now to be clear <dear READERS>, all of this is opinion-based ~ need I should remind you that opinions *exist*. To admit, I'm may not be the "best" to address this issue ~ and this certainly ain't no ploy to be rude, crude, crass, or unnecessarily mean about anything; I've got nothing against DiCaprio personally. This is just a bit of "honesty" & "reality" coming from someone actually STUDYING acting as a Hollywood-hopeful.
Plus, I've made QUITE an effort in putting this whole thing together, so don't just go off on a tangent labeling & calling me another "jealous DiCaprio hater", 'cause that's just lazy.
"Jealous... Jealous... Jealous..." I mean, is that the ONLY word in your vocabulary??? Truth is, I'm NOT at all. And I have certainly NOT created this list as thing to gain attention for "myself" ~ u kidding? I was only convinced bringing attention & a bit of love to *THESE* guys as a worthy enough cause, having the spotlight been unfairly taken away from a number of them. lol)
All joking aside, there are *more* important things in life to take care of, concentrate on, & devote time to other than just THIS Leo's career ~ becoming too much of a sellout lately which is annoying as a reputation ~ not even in recent years gaining notoriety for being a so-called "expert" on & giving an ALTAR CALL to global warming, climate change, or whatever; I just warn you to brace yourselves whenever a star spouts off about something he knows NOTHING of, notwithstanding the trivia that he *dropped out* of high school... *cough* Greta Thunberg *cough* you're embarrassing your future. Go sit down! It's ridiculous, & it goes to ridiculous lengths....!
Doesn't even matter that he called a pope or the corrupt United Nations in on it either.
C'mon, Dr. KENT HOVIND is a MUCH better research scientist, teacher, & historian than DiCaprio. Or heck, even Bill Nye!
[No worries, I AM against pollution & destroying things unnecessarily.]
But it just don't makes sense to me even for an "actor" to be a supposed 'expert' on climate change. But hey, c'mon, the "Climate Change" scare (or what used to be called "global warming") is pretty much a baloney hoax scam that ended like 16 years ago! Carbon dioxide, basically, is 0.04% of the atmosphere, not even one-tenth of 1%. Such tiny amounts can not affect the temperature. "Global warming" is just propaganda to justify new taxes and new bureaucracies.
He may be a self-promoted "environmentalist", but that doesn't erase or equal out all the trashy things he's done & continues to do to other people. In my humble unbiased opinion, I'd believe his MORAL COMPASS has been broken since birth.
FIRSTLY, *if* there is "global warming" (which is highly questionable & I doubt it), that doesn't prove that MAN is causing it. Think about it....
SECONDLY, *if* man is causing it, the government is the LAST one who should try to fix it; because their fix will cost 1000x times *more* than it should, be half as effective, & it won't work ~ show me *anything* they ever really fixed! A plot to just let the government in on, run & dictate your life ~ it's all a FARCE!
Private Property ownership is the solution, not more big government regulation. I warn you, overall, the "environmentalist movement" isn't really about saving the environment ~ it's a plot to push Agenda 21 & establishing Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, Plank #1, "Abolish private property."
Don't look at me! Research it yourself.
If that's the case, it kinda makes me wonder if this Leo dude is just another puppet being used for the Illuminati's coming corrupt New World Order (NWO).
Did you know? There is SAFE & CLEAN energy to perform?? (Even what President Trump, for example, is instituting in encouraging opening up & starting new energy companies & factories) You don't have to shut down all factories & hug trees to save the environment!
Try cleaning up the beach! Or planting new trees! You'd be a lot more helpful, instead of acting like a bunch of cry-baby buffoons.
Leo's ironically the pure definition of a smug, patronizing, self-righteous, sanctimonious, out-of-touch, massive, narcissistic HYPOCRITE, an elitist snob like Clooney (and much of modern-day Hollywood celebrities) ~ burning fuel around the world in his private JET to celebrate New Years twice, flew 4,000 miles to just pick up an award, million-dollar diesel-burning YACHT, & all around DEBAUCHED life-style, he pollutes *way more* in a month than dozens of middle-class families do in a year; and then (like an Al Gore clone) has the nerve to lecture *us* about the environment, for us the hoard resources, yet THEY get to pollute all the want ~ typical Hollywood elitist, pestering you with their *annoying* requests. "Do as I say, not as I do..."; it's like PETA protesters eating animals while wearing a leather jacket and shoes. His real approach really seems to be saying is that all the resources are for him and you need to stop using them! lol
Though in a fight between Dickaprio and George Clooney, I wonder who'd win first???
Trivially, every single thing USED in & to MAKE a movie can irresponsibly 'destroy' the climate - from the props, to the computers, to the vehicles, and to the chemicals put into that cheesy Oscar trophy, etc. Every single bit of anything for this is harmful to the climate ~ they are all too hypocritical.) The politics of greed in a nutshell. He supported Hillary, one of the most corrupt women/politicians on the planet.
Other than that, Leo's self-made global-warming 'schlockumentary' "The 11th Hour" was a major box-office FLOP.
And don't even get me started on "Before The Flood". (That's a subject Dr. Kent HOVIND would address better in his Science seminars.)
But when you get down to it, Dickaprio's talent is really just limited to frowning, shouting, doing a FREAKOUT routine. That's it!
...And playing a bit of a retard. I'm not joking.
Truth be told, he isn't very original ~ kinda overrated & can't even ACT his way out of a paper bag, no matter how many movies he's been, how many awards he gets, whether he has an Oscar or not. Having spent a overwhelming majority of time playing each & every character virtually the same; the habitual traits of the squinty-eyed, serious-eyebrow frown whispering-line delivery that he has done from film to film, since his career just *magically* took off somehow! Wow...
At most just amateur, a mediocre WANNA-BE ~ no range, same tone, same face, same expression, NOTHING! Every line of dialogue he delivers is the SAME way; he's always ANGRY the same way; always SMUG & HAPPY the same way; always SAD the same way, etc! Across the board. It's kinda made him stale, lacking RANGE, no matter what ppl or 'Hollywood' say. At least Claire Danes got to say they both initially did not get along well on set of "romeo + juliet", where she accused DiCaprio of being immature. No surprise. And that flick is really no "Shakespeare" material at all.
But like I said, I honestly can't take Leo serious in nearly ANY role he's in! Not even when he uses a ridiculous unconvincing accent, look like he's playing dress-up all the time, scream like a little girl, or even wears hilariously bad makeup to look like an older man (even though he looks 15).
And any film he's in that seems *remotely* interesting, he ends up RUINING it...!
And has he ever been able to KEEP a woman? For the precious marriage life? Or just playing around in adultery? From woman to woman... That ain't cool.
Plus, is it me or does it seem his HEAD or face has weirdly expanded wider over the years.... maybe from "acting angry" too much?? Maybe it's that whole "I must FREAK OUT, shout, & cry" all in one scene in his work, trying too hard like that's what he considers "real acting". Surprisingly, it's NOT! 'Gangs Of New York' was overrated anyway (tho I liked Liam Neeson's cameo) but Leo made it worse with all the charisma of a digestive biscuit, and just about NO chemistry with his leading lady Diaz [which I think even 'Twilight' would laugh at].
In the end, I'm not SURPRISED he hadn't won an Oscar all those years, Why? Perhaps because he never deserved one. (After all being beaten TWICE by African-American actors, and people complain about "not enough" in the Academy) ~ and I wasn't even the LEAST bit swayed due to his recent win. Rather disappointed instead. (Just like I was with Sylvester Stallone losing "Best Supporting Actor" to Mark Rylance. lol wut??? Such a joke)
In fact, I admit it was interesting seeing all these numerous Internet videos of people freakin' out over his Oscar win ~ how people can just LOSE IT over something so *nonessential*. And all those Leo Oscar memes never fail to make me shake my head with laughter; and with the Internet and that meme being so huge, the only thing many younger people know about the Oscars at ALL is that Leo had never won one... that's it!
Actually, *I* would give Leo an award for 'Most Overrated Actor' of all time ~ being constantly nominated, and is always called an "underrated actor" everywhere because he hadn't won an Oscar yet ~ so he's definitely overrated. The complete deserving ones opposite DiCaprio would be the likes of Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr., or Gary Oldman (btw, who are REAL talents at being so versatile with changing their appearance & delivery to make each & every character unique.)
DiCaprio's a fraud; and if you were ever "impressed" at his work, then you've been PUNK'D.
I had firmly guessed there would ALWAYS be that one other actor who did a much better & deserving job than Leo did; and I predicted he would win [for "The Revenant"] only because of peer pressure to WEAK competition ~ no contest!
GOOD LOOKS only get you so far, unfortunately too far ~ he's just gotten too lucky is all; likely having vast sorts of the most excellent agents putting him in all these *big* films with *big* directors...
And he comes across pretty BLAND in interviews on the other hand.
He was just given lucky DIRECTION is all ~ c'mon, ANY other competent actor could've been chosen to fight a CG bear, eat bison liver, sleep in a horse carcass, and won an Oscar for it! In all honesty, perhaps JOAQUIN PHOENIX would've made a better & believable Hugh Glass!)
Besides, Leo's even stated himself, "...I only do this job because I love it, not to win prizes."
....Yeah sure, I guess you love it a little *too* much, pal; like an unhealthy OBSESSION with it.
Furthermore, director Scorsese (who I'm not particularly a fan of anyways, except for "HUGO" [2011]) needs to give it a *BREAK* using this Leo guy in every freakin' movie! Using De Niro, I could understand, because he surely is one of the best (& talented) actors out there. ...But DiCaprio? COME ON!!!
....And I wonder how laughable it is Scorsese must feeling jealous neVer been able to have Leo win any Oscar after casting him in SO many movies, when Alejandro González Iñárritu was able to have him win one after casting in just one film. xDDD
BEST EXAMPLE: At one point the main role of "American Psycho" bounced back & forth between him and Christian Bale - can you honestly see Leo topping Christian Bale's performance? Or any performance by Tom Hanks (or even Johnny Depp)?? Tom Hanks does what DiCaprio only WISHES he could do - actually BECOME the character he is portraying in whatever movie he is in - not just inside himself, but TO THE AUDIENCE. Like, Hanks WAS Forrest Gump; Johnny Depp WAS Jack Sparrow (Though to be fair, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" did have some redeeming qualities, like Johnny Depp's character, and the emotions of them struggling as a family & all). But put DiCaprio in any scene next to an actual, recognized actor and just watch him disappear! For instance, Ben Kingsley in "shutter island", or Tom Hanks in "catch me if you can" ~ wow, their scenes together were quite frankly embarrassing.
(No wonder Kirk Cameron's "Growing Pains" got canceled right after Leo joined in - maybe audience members sensed something quite disturbing or annoying about him.)
Though, if there's ONE redeemable thing about DiCaprio, it's when he was dating Jewish & Israeli model, Bar Refaeli (from 2006~2011).
"INCEPTION" (the film he's most notably known for) is a clear such case; [I'll give it this] the MUSIC & special effects were cool, but him & the characters and the story were NOT cool - not even the least bit sympathetic! Man, his constant vibe of nonsensical whispering, frowning, to insecure screaming, freakouts, & blaspheming the Lord's name in vain was just very disappointing & took me out of it. Bewildered how it made up this whole crazy, unrealistic, nonsensical, & MEANINGLESS ideal about "dreams", which still confuses the heck out of people TODAY, even after that stupid ending!
(I mean, c'mon, "Edge of Tomorrow" (2014) was a *much* more engaging & meaningful science fiction film than that OVERRATED circus-fest.)
It settles the fact that I'm *NEVER* wasting any of my hard-earned money on his movies... ever. Or even looking forward that Marylin Manson film or any new movie he's putting out - wish his film career would just pucker-up and DIE already.
He doesn't deserve a majority of the praise he gets for playing the same insecure, smug, spoilt, frowning, whiny, screaming, raging, repressive, degenerate, foul-mouthed, blasphemous, antisocial, amoral, abusive, condescending character in so many damn movies...
...Movies with little to NO morals!
Playing characters that just only *encourage* horrific behavior.
Couldn't he try playing a more unflappable character any time soon?? (One who doesn't "freakout" , or LOSE THEIR S*** at the drop of a hat!?) ...Or at the very least RETIRE???
(And I'm GLAD he didn't play Steve Jobs; not only would it not make any lick of sense since he doesn't even look the part (same goes for Fassbender), but what? Was he gonna SCREAM most of his lines?? Not to mention the late rumors him playing "Lenin" for pete's sake! I mean, does he HAVE to play *every* *single* *person* throughout history!???
I don't see him playing characters ~ I just SEE Leonardo DiCaprio; that's it! Moreover, I hardly remember his movie characters' names! He's in that group of actors who always play THEMSELVES in movies. (i.e. Jim Carrey, Tom Cruise, etc.)
"He looks like a girl." ~ Roger Ebert
(Need I say more??? ...I believe he should've actually retired after all the hype of "Titanic". As they say, "Better quit while you're ahead.") Though try closing your eyes & listening to his dialogue in Titanic too ~ it is worse than a high school play. Truly OVERRATED film, whether it's based on a true story or not!
[Seriously, "Groundhog Day" (1993) is still a MUCH better tremendous romantic love story compared to that nonessential over-hyped blockbuster... or really ANY other film that Leo's been in]
Never heard of it?? Not surprised. I say it's a classic underrated hidden gem that's been drowned out by much bizarre similar overrated films and movie stars throughout the years. It did win a BAFTA for Bets Original Screenplay. It's a work of *genius*. Give it a watch ~ you won't be disappointed! ;-]
There're some exceptions to the rule of course, but most child actors grow up to be talentless hacks (ex. Macaulay Culkin, Haley Joel Osmit, Edward Furlong, Gary Coleman, Corey Feldman, etc), And Dickaprio certainly wouldn't have made it as an adult if he wasn't lucky as a kid FIRST.
If you'd like the simple short & sweet story instead, I've provided these quick [YouTube] links:
DISCLAIMER: Not ALL the men listed are necessarily actors ~ they're just simply celebrities, who do things even beyond just acting. And even if you claim they're "not that good," "they suck", "DiCaprio is 'much better' than a lot of these", "You don't know anything about acting", "Whoever created this list is a crazy idiot", or "He's won an Oscar now, so shut up!", well perhaps you haven't yet gotten to SEE their full potential! And a bunch of them ARE Oscar-material too! Some of their movie choices may not have always been the best, but hey, actors have to put a lot of trust in their directors or casting agents even.
Perhaps Leo has just been given TOO MUCH of the spotlight ~ as a result, these guys don't have a lot of attention to even allow flexing their acting careers & abilities! Just you wait & see... ;-)
I realize I've only just scratched the surface here, but in the end, all of this is in my total, humble, un-biased [and correct] opinion. psych.
[By the way...
I'll dare say this is a list of men who're even hotter & better than the likes of Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Fassbender, Charlie Hunnam, Bradley Cooper, Eddie Redmayne, even Channing Tatum, ...just some other smug, overrated, irritating, cantankerous, snobbish, rancorous same-same celebrities I don't give two monkey HOOTS about.]
(Fine, I WELCOME your comments, experiences, critiques, & suggestions on this list ~ I'm just hoping you will find some beginner tips & tools to help you see the art of Hollywood acting in a new light a little MORE a new way. If you've enjoyed this page, please do "LIKE" through Facebook, and spread it around & share with others you know ~ I'd really appreciate if you could do that, but that's completely up to you. If you abhor this list, then I recommend U just find something else possibly better to do ~ you don't have to turn into a bunch of cyber-bullies, be all mean-spirited & profane about it, 'cause that'd be just immature & impulsive. Pleez be nice, grow up, & get a life.
(And THANK YOU all so much, from the bottom of my heart, for over 41K views ~ just WOW. Goodness me, so unexpected; but sadly, I DO expect to get a lot of hate for making this. just as well looking at the comment section; seems the citizens who thumbed this page down with negative comments are far too loyal towards their precious Leo & his hypocrisy & Hollywood's. Pathetic ~ Haters R gonna Hate! And you have my pity ~ Peace out. And POOF! They're all gone! Wow, how'd that happen? ROFL! )
PS: To the trolls.... Nope, I'm a completely *straight* dude... I have an *amazing* woman in my life!
But hey, I KNOW a good actor/celebrity when I see one!
(Other lists would likely joke about & waste your time, but I decided to be whole-heartedly *honest* on this topic instead.
"Joking" or 'trolling around' is the LAST thing I'd wanna do to anyone, even in this case! And I did not create this list because I'm a "jerk" ~ no way! I'm the nicest guy I ever met! lol I'm your *best* friend and you don't even know it.)
Some of these are men, dead or alive, who assuredly DESERVE much more airtime & recognition than all that Leo's getting (AND some sort of big award too) for being overall more coherent & better actors, who actually SURPASS him with a keen sense of skill & ability! Boy, it just appears like many drooling, agitated, overzealous Leo fanboys and fangirls out there seem totally *oblivious* to the fact that THESE guys exist as well too! A few may be quite a ladies' man. lulz
(Now to be clear <dear READERS>, all of this is opinion-based ~ need I should remind you that opinions *exist*. To admit, I'm may not be the "best" to address this issue ~ and this certainly ain't no ploy to be rude, crude, crass, or unnecessarily mean about anything; I've got nothing against DiCaprio personally. This is just a bit of "honesty" & "reality" coming from someone actually STUDYING acting as a Hollywood-hopeful.
Plus, I've made QUITE an effort in putting this whole thing together, so don't just go off on a tangent labeling & calling me another "jealous DiCaprio hater", 'cause that's just lazy.
"Jealous... Jealous... Jealous..." I mean, is that the ONLY word in your vocabulary??? Truth is, I'm NOT at all. And I have certainly NOT created this list as thing to gain attention for "myself" ~ u kidding? I was only convinced bringing attention & a bit of love to *THESE* guys as a worthy enough cause, having the spotlight been unfairly taken away from a number of them. lol)
All joking aside, there are *more* important things in life to take care of, concentrate on, & devote time to other than just THIS Leo's career ~ becoming too much of a sellout lately which is annoying as a reputation ~ not even in recent years gaining notoriety for being a so-called "expert" on & giving an ALTAR CALL to global warming, climate change, or whatever; I just warn you to brace yourselves whenever a star spouts off about something he knows NOTHING of, notwithstanding the trivia that he *dropped out* of high school... *cough* Greta Thunberg *cough* you're embarrassing your future. Go sit down! It's ridiculous, & it goes to ridiculous lengths....!
Doesn't even matter that he called a pope or the corrupt United Nations in on it either.
C'mon, Dr. KENT HOVIND is a MUCH better research scientist, teacher, & historian than DiCaprio. Or heck, even Bill Nye!
[No worries, I AM against pollution & destroying things unnecessarily.]
But it just don't makes sense to me even for an "actor" to be a supposed 'expert' on climate change. But hey, c'mon, the "Climate Change" scare (or what used to be called "global warming") is pretty much a baloney hoax scam that ended like 16 years ago! Carbon dioxide, basically, is 0.04% of the atmosphere, not even one-tenth of 1%. Such tiny amounts can not affect the temperature. "Global warming" is just propaganda to justify new taxes and new bureaucracies.
He may be a self-promoted "environmentalist", but that doesn't erase or equal out all the trashy things he's done & continues to do to other people. In my humble unbiased opinion, I'd believe his MORAL COMPASS has been broken since birth.
FIRSTLY, *if* there is "global warming" (which is highly questionable & I doubt it), that doesn't prove that MAN is causing it. Think about it....
SECONDLY, *if* man is causing it, the government is the LAST one who should try to fix it; because their fix will cost 1000x times *more* than it should, be half as effective, & it won't work ~ show me *anything* they ever really fixed! A plot to just let the government in on, run & dictate your life ~ it's all a FARCE!
Private Property ownership is the solution, not more big government regulation. I warn you, overall, the "environmentalist movement" isn't really about saving the environment ~ it's a plot to push Agenda 21 & establishing Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto, Plank #1, "Abolish private property."
Don't look at me! Research it yourself.
If that's the case, it kinda makes me wonder if this Leo dude is just another puppet being used for the Illuminati's coming corrupt New World Order (NWO).
Did you know? There is SAFE & CLEAN energy to perform?? (Even what President Trump, for example, is instituting in encouraging opening up & starting new energy companies & factories) You don't have to shut down all factories & hug trees to save the environment!
Try cleaning up the beach! Or planting new trees! You'd be a lot more helpful, instead of acting like a bunch of cry-baby buffoons.
Leo's ironically the pure definition of a smug, patronizing, self-righteous, sanctimonious, out-of-touch, massive, narcissistic HYPOCRITE, an elitist snob like Clooney (and much of modern-day Hollywood celebrities) ~ burning fuel around the world in his private JET to celebrate New Years twice, flew 4,000 miles to just pick up an award, million-dollar diesel-burning YACHT, & all around DEBAUCHED life-style, he pollutes *way more* in a month than dozens of middle-class families do in a year; and then (like an Al Gore clone) has the nerve to lecture *us* about the environment, for us the hoard resources, yet THEY get to pollute all the want ~ typical Hollywood elitist, pestering you with their *annoying* requests. "Do as I say, not as I do..."; it's like PETA protesters eating animals while wearing a leather jacket and shoes. His real approach really seems to be saying is that all the resources are for him and you need to stop using them! lol
Though in a fight between Dickaprio and George Clooney, I wonder who'd win first???
Trivially, every single thing USED in & to MAKE a movie can irresponsibly 'destroy' the climate - from the props, to the computers, to the vehicles, and to the chemicals put into that cheesy Oscar trophy, etc. Every single bit of anything for this is harmful to the climate ~ they are all too hypocritical.) The politics of greed in a nutshell. He supported Hillary, one of the most corrupt women/politicians on the planet.
Other than that, Leo's self-made global-warming 'schlockumentary' "The 11th Hour" was a major box-office FLOP.
And don't even get me started on "Before The Flood". (That's a subject Dr. Kent HOVIND would address better in his Science seminars.)
But when you get down to it, Dickaprio's talent is really just limited to frowning, shouting, doing a FREAKOUT routine. That's it!
...And playing a bit of a retard. I'm not joking.
Truth be told, he isn't very original ~ kinda overrated & can't even ACT his way out of a paper bag, no matter how many movies he's been, how many awards he gets, whether he has an Oscar or not. Having spent a overwhelming majority of time playing each & every character virtually the same; the habitual traits of the squinty-eyed, serious-eyebrow frown whispering-line delivery that he has done from film to film, since his career just *magically* took off somehow! Wow...
At most just amateur, a mediocre WANNA-BE ~ no range, same tone, same face, same expression, NOTHING! Every line of dialogue he delivers is the SAME way; he's always ANGRY the same way; always SMUG & HAPPY the same way; always SAD the same way, etc! Across the board. It's kinda made him stale, lacking RANGE, no matter what ppl or 'Hollywood' say. At least Claire Danes got to say they both initially did not get along well on set of "romeo + juliet", where she accused DiCaprio of being immature. No surprise. And that flick is really no "Shakespeare" material at all.
But like I said, I honestly can't take Leo serious in nearly ANY role he's in! Not even when he uses a ridiculous unconvincing accent, look like he's playing dress-up all the time, scream like a little girl, or even wears hilariously bad makeup to look like an older man (even though he looks 15).
And any film he's in that seems *remotely* interesting, he ends up RUINING it...!
And has he ever been able to KEEP a woman? For the precious marriage life? Or just playing around in adultery? From woman to woman... That ain't cool.
Plus, is it me or does it seem his HEAD or face has weirdly expanded wider over the years.... maybe from "acting angry" too much?? Maybe it's that whole "I must FREAK OUT, shout, & cry" all in one scene in his work, trying too hard like that's what he considers "real acting". Surprisingly, it's NOT! 'Gangs Of New York' was overrated anyway (tho I liked Liam Neeson's cameo) but Leo made it worse with all the charisma of a digestive biscuit, and just about NO chemistry with his leading lady Diaz [which I think even 'Twilight' would laugh at].
In the end, I'm not SURPRISED he hadn't won an Oscar all those years, Why? Perhaps because he never deserved one. (After all being beaten TWICE by African-American actors, and people complain about "not enough" in the Academy) ~ and I wasn't even the LEAST bit swayed due to his recent win. Rather disappointed instead. (Just like I was with Sylvester Stallone losing "Best Supporting Actor" to Mark Rylance. lol wut??? Such a joke)
In fact, I admit it was interesting seeing all these numerous Internet videos of people freakin' out over his Oscar win ~ how people can just LOSE IT over something so *nonessential*. And all those Leo Oscar memes never fail to make me shake my head with laughter; and with the Internet and that meme being so huge, the only thing many younger people know about the Oscars at ALL is that Leo had never won one... that's it!
Actually, *I* would give Leo an award for 'Most Overrated Actor' of all time ~ being constantly nominated, and is always called an "underrated actor" everywhere because he hadn't won an Oscar yet ~ so he's definitely overrated. The complete deserving ones opposite DiCaprio would be the likes of Johnny Depp, Robert Downey Jr., or Gary Oldman (btw, who are REAL talents at being so versatile with changing their appearance & delivery to make each & every character unique.)
DiCaprio's a fraud; and if you were ever "impressed" at his work, then you've been PUNK'D.
I had firmly guessed there would ALWAYS be that one other actor who did a much better & deserving job than Leo did; and I predicted he would win [for "The Revenant"] only because of peer pressure to WEAK competition ~ no contest!
GOOD LOOKS only get you so far, unfortunately too far ~ he's just gotten too lucky is all; likely having vast sorts of the most excellent agents putting him in all these *big* films with *big* directors...
And he comes across pretty BLAND in interviews on the other hand.
He was just given lucky DIRECTION is all ~ c'mon, ANY other competent actor could've been chosen to fight a CG bear, eat bison liver, sleep in a horse carcass, and won an Oscar for it! In all honesty, perhaps JOAQUIN PHOENIX would've made a better & believable Hugh Glass!)
Besides, Leo's even stated himself, "...I only do this job because I love it, not to win prizes."
....Yeah sure, I guess you love it a little *too* much, pal; like an unhealthy OBSESSION with it.
Furthermore, director Scorsese (who I'm not particularly a fan of anyways, except for "HUGO" [2011]) needs to give it a *BREAK* using this Leo guy in every freakin' movie! Using De Niro, I could understand, because he surely is one of the best (& talented) actors out there. ...But DiCaprio? COME ON!!!
....And I wonder how laughable it is Scorsese must feeling jealous neVer been able to have Leo win any Oscar after casting him in SO many movies, when Alejandro González Iñárritu was able to have him win one after casting in just one film. xDDD
BEST EXAMPLE: At one point the main role of "American Psycho" bounced back & forth between him and Christian Bale - can you honestly see Leo topping Christian Bale's performance? Or any performance by Tom Hanks (or even Johnny Depp)?? Tom Hanks does what DiCaprio only WISHES he could do - actually BECOME the character he is portraying in whatever movie he is in - not just inside himself, but TO THE AUDIENCE. Like, Hanks WAS Forrest Gump; Johnny Depp WAS Jack Sparrow (Though to be fair, "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" did have some redeeming qualities, like Johnny Depp's character, and the emotions of them struggling as a family & all). But put DiCaprio in any scene next to an actual, recognized actor and just watch him disappear! For instance, Ben Kingsley in "shutter island", or Tom Hanks in "catch me if you can" ~ wow, their scenes together were quite frankly embarrassing.
(No wonder Kirk Cameron's "Growing Pains" got canceled right after Leo joined in - maybe audience members sensed something quite disturbing or annoying about him.)
Though, if there's ONE redeemable thing about DiCaprio, it's when he was dating Jewish & Israeli model, Bar Refaeli (from 2006~2011).
"INCEPTION" (the film he's most notably known for) is a clear such case; [I'll give it this] the MUSIC & special effects were cool, but him & the characters and the story were NOT cool - not even the least bit sympathetic! Man, his constant vibe of nonsensical whispering, frowning, to insecure screaming, freakouts, & blaspheming the Lord's name in vain was just very disappointing & took me out of it. Bewildered how it made up this whole crazy, unrealistic, nonsensical, & MEANINGLESS ideal about "dreams", which still confuses the heck out of people TODAY, even after that stupid ending!
(I mean, c'mon, "Edge of Tomorrow" (2014) was a *much* more engaging & meaningful science fiction film than that OVERRATED circus-fest.)
It settles the fact that I'm *NEVER* wasting any of my hard-earned money on his movies... ever. Or even looking forward that Marylin Manson film or any new movie he's putting out - wish his film career would just pucker-up and DIE already.
He doesn't deserve a majority of the praise he gets for playing the same insecure, smug, spoilt, frowning, whiny, screaming, raging, repressive, degenerate, foul-mouthed, blasphemous, antisocial, amoral, abusive, condescending character in so many damn movies...
...Movies with little to NO morals!
Playing characters that just only *encourage* horrific behavior.
Couldn't he try playing a more unflappable character any time soon?? (One who doesn't "freakout" , or LOSE THEIR S*** at the drop of a hat!?) ...Or at the very least RETIRE???
(And I'm GLAD he didn't play Steve Jobs; not only would it not make any lick of sense since he doesn't even look the part (same goes for Fassbender), but what? Was he gonna SCREAM most of his lines?? Not to mention the late rumors him playing "Lenin" for pete's sake! I mean, does he HAVE to play *every* *single* *person* throughout history!???
I don't see him playing characters ~ I just SEE Leonardo DiCaprio; that's it! Moreover, I hardly remember his movie characters' names! He's in that group of actors who always play THEMSELVES in movies. (i.e. Jim Carrey, Tom Cruise, etc.)
"He looks like a girl." ~ Roger Ebert
(Need I say more??? ...I believe he should've actually retired after all the hype of "Titanic". As they say, "Better quit while you're ahead.") Though try closing your eyes & listening to his dialogue in Titanic too ~ it is worse than a high school play. Truly OVERRATED film, whether it's based on a true story or not!
[Seriously, "Groundhog Day" (1993) is still a MUCH better tremendous romantic love story compared to that nonessential over-hyped blockbuster... or really ANY other film that Leo's been in]
Never heard of it?? Not surprised. I say it's a classic underrated hidden gem that's been drowned out by much bizarre similar overrated films and movie stars throughout the years. It did win a BAFTA for Bets Original Screenplay. It's a work of *genius*. Give it a watch ~ you won't be disappointed! ;-]
There're some exceptions to the rule of course, but most child actors grow up to be talentless hacks (ex. Macaulay Culkin, Haley Joel Osmit, Edward Furlong, Gary Coleman, Corey Feldman, etc), And Dickaprio certainly wouldn't have made it as an adult if he wasn't lucky as a kid FIRST.
If you'd like the simple short & sweet story instead, I've provided these quick [YouTube] links:
DISCLAIMER: Not ALL the men listed are necessarily actors ~ they're just simply celebrities, who do things even beyond just acting. And even if you claim they're "not that good," "they suck", "DiCaprio is 'much better' than a lot of these", "You don't know anything about acting", "Whoever created this list is a crazy idiot", or "He's won an Oscar now, so shut up!", well perhaps you haven't yet gotten to SEE their full potential! And a bunch of them ARE Oscar-material too! Some of their movie choices may not have always been the best, but hey, actors have to put a lot of trust in their directors or casting agents even.
Perhaps Leo has just been given TOO MUCH of the spotlight ~ as a result, these guys don't have a lot of attention to even allow flexing their acting careers & abilities! Just you wait & see... ;-)
I realize I've only just scratched the surface here, but in the end, all of this is in my total, humble, un-biased [and correct] opinion. psych.
[By the way...
I'll dare say this is a list of men who're even hotter & better than the likes of Brad Pitt, George Clooney, Michael Fassbender, Charlie Hunnam, Bradley Cooper, Eddie Redmayne, even Channing Tatum, ...just some other smug, overrated, irritating, cantankerous, snobbish, rancorous same-same celebrities I don't give two monkey HOOTS about.]
(Fine, I WELCOME your comments, experiences, critiques, & suggestions on this list ~ I'm just hoping you will find some beginner tips & tools to help you see the art of Hollywood acting in a new light a little MORE a new way. If you've enjoyed this page, please do "LIKE" through Facebook, and spread it around & share with others you know ~ I'd really appreciate if you could do that, but that's completely up to you. If you abhor this list, then I recommend U just find something else possibly better to do ~ you don't have to turn into a bunch of cyber-bullies, be all mean-spirited & profane about it, 'cause that'd be just immature & impulsive. Pleez be nice, grow up, & get a life.
(And THANK YOU all so much, from the bottom of my heart, for over 41K views ~ just WOW. Goodness me, so unexpected; but sadly, I DO expect to get a lot of hate for making this. just as well looking at the comment section; seems the citizens who thumbed this page down with negative comments are far too loyal towards their precious Leo & his hypocrisy & Hollywood's. Pathetic ~ Haters R gonna Hate! And you have my pity ~ Peace out. And POOF! They're all gone! Wow, how'd that happen? ROFL! )
PS: To the trolls.... Nope, I'm a completely *straight* dude... I have an *amazing* woman in my life!
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