Top 80 Best Episodes of Dragon Ball Z
These are my favorite episodes of Dragon Ball Z, respectively. I choose them not only based on emotional depth or developmental value... but also on the sheer ferocity and brutality that is found in each. If it's not on my list, then the fight just isn't as devastating or relentless... I've found that these represent the most bone-cracking, spine-breaking, and the grisly when it comes to the overall feel of the series; The series is fueled by these extreme episodes and it would have never been as severely action-packed and overwhelming if it were not for these episodes; without them, the series would just not have been the same. Maybe a list incorporating emotional moments would be nice also, but this list is derived to illustrate the most ruthless aspects of the series in its nitty, gritty, bone-cracking, back-breaking battles whilst amassing a glorious savage moral, yet maintaining and encompassing tremendous brutality.
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- StarsKara EdwardsLaura BaileyChristopher SabatAfter fighting with Majin Buu, Vegeta realizes he isn't fighting for just himself, but for the entire planet, and commits the ultimate sacrifice.After requesting that Trunks and Goten be dragged away from the battlefield, Vegeta has a heartwarming conversation with Piccolo and sacrifices himself against Majin Buu in a grand explosion, dying for his loved ones, and shattering the entire area.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnySonny StraitWhen Frieza strikes at Goku's friends, he undergoes a raging, radical transformation.Frieza returns after surviving Goku's devastating Spirit Bomb and quickly wounds Piccolo as well as annihilating Krillin. This, coupled with all of Frieza's other evil deeds, forces Goku to change into a Super Saiyan for the first time in a thousand years and lay down the thunderous silent anger on Frieza, who had made so many suffer.
- StarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnyChristopher SabatFrieza and King Cold descend upon the Earth, but a mysterious warrior has come to thwart their diabolical plot for revenge. Does this brash young hero have what it takes to stand up to these twin titans of evil?Trunks appears and slices Frieza in half... and then into pieces with ease! He obliterates what pieces of Frieza remain in midair... and Frieza has been the deadly villain feared for over a hundred episodes up to this point... King Cold attempts to persuade the young Saiyan to join him... but is unsuccessful. After King Cold takes Trunks' sword, he believes that Trunks could not have won without it. It's a mistake on his part, as he's blasted into the mountain and completely eradicated by a blast via Trunks' arm. Trunks then proceeds to destroy Frieza's ship and greets Earth's warriors, who are stunned at the skill of this mysterious warrior.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnySonny StraitWith Goku recovered and on his way to the battlefield, the end of Vegeta is getting even more close.Vegeta dies at Frieza's icy hands as Goku bares witness to his lifetime struggle to survive. He explains that it was Frieza who made him the way he was and describes the extermination of his race at the tyrant's hands. The elite Saiyan prince dies in front of Goku, shedding tears and begging for him to let go of his goodness and fight Frieza with everything he's got.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsPeter KelamisSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenAfter Goku revives Gohan, Krillin, and Vegeta with Senzu beans and gets updated on the situation, he topples Recoome with a single blow, stunning Jeice and Burter; Dr. Briefs and Chi-Chi contact Bulma.Recoome attempts to unleash his enormous Bomber technique, charging the attack to the maximum capacity. Goku penetrates the massive Recoome with a single hit, crippling the behemoth as Jeice and Burter stare with confusion and surprise. Vegeta is baffled by this outcome, concluding that Goku has exceeded the power of a normal Saiyan and has become a Super Saiyan.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnyChristopher SabatFrieza lashes out in a blind rage, launching a reckless volley of energy attacks. In the face of Goku's superior power, the evil tyrant's greatest fear has finally been realized: defeat at the hands of a Super Saiyan!Frieza unleashes his deadly discs into the sky in a desperate last resort to defeat Goku... which backfires... as in a moment of his confusion, he is sliced in half by his own attack. Frieza lays on the ground and begs for his life... and is temporarily spared by Goku, who proceeds to give him some of his own energy. But since Frieza is as unforgiving as ever, he still attempts to attack Goku, even with half his body gone!
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsIan James CorlettSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenOn the verge of victory, Vegeta is defeated and brought to death. What will be his ultimate fate?Vegeta is greatly wounded from his scuffle with Earth's warriors and makes for an escape. Krillin picks up Yajirobe's sword and prepares to execute the unprepared Saiyan prince. The battle-damaged Goku begs Krillin to spare Vegeta's life, which induces great genuine morality and complex psychological emotion. Through showing mercy, Goku hopes to change Vegeta's ruthless ways.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsPeter KelamisSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenGohan struggles against Recoome; Chi-Chi worries about Gohan; Captain Ginyu delivers the Dragon Balls to Frieza, but they learn they need a password for the activation of the balls; Goku finally arrives on Namek.Recoome's awesome onslaught continues after he's downed Vegeta and Krillin. Recoome's enormously powerful bomber attack perfectly takes down Gohan directly prior to unleashing a neck-breaking kick that paralyzes him.
- StarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnyChristopher SabatAttacked from within by a crippling virus, Goku is helpless against the maniacal Android 19. But just when it looks like the end for Goku, Vegeta appears on the scene! And he's got a few big surprises in store for the Androids!Vegeta pummels Android 19 after intervening in Goku's scuffle... where Android 19 was about to choke the life out of Goku with his deadly grip. As Goku tries to fight for his life due to his ailing heart virus... Vegeta comes to his aid and topples Android 19, claiming that it shall be he and only he who defeats Goku. Awesome plot and extremely awesome battle scene.
- StarsSean SchemmelKyle HebertKara EdwardsGoku has no choice but to accept Vegeta's challenge.Vegeta ruthlessly kills a slew of people in the World Martial Arts Tournament crowd with a cold-hearted blast and reveals that all the struggle of the universe is useless to him: all that matters is the fight between himself and Goku. The age-old rivalry comes to a head in this episode as Vegeta reveals the magnitude of his anger, suppressed for so long, but fluently unleashed in this grand episode.
- StarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnyChristopher SabatThe Earth faces its darkest hour as Frieza and his father King Cold rapidly approach! Without Goku to assist them, the Z-Fighters prepare to launch a desperate attack against the most powerful evil the universe has ever known!Gohan, Krillin, Piccolo, Vegeta, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu are amazed by Frieza's presence... but before they get a chance to fight back, Trunks, the warrior from the future appears... and butchers Frieza's scouts, challenging Frieza and his father.
- StarsSean SchemmelChristopher SabatJosh MartinWhen Super Saiyan 3 Goku collapses from exhaustion, Vegeta enters the fight, but he doesn't last long. Just as Majin Buu is about to deliver the deathblow, Goku makes a comeback.Vegeta pays tribute to Goku as he watches his rival battle Kid Buu. He reveals that he is proud of him and explains his true emotions, which have grown tremendously between the two Saiyan warriors.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsIan James CorlettSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenLocked in battle with the Saiyans, Goku gives Nappa a brutal demonstration of the training he received from King Kai. Broken and defeated, Nappa must now face the ferocious wrath of Vegeta!Goku gets back at Nappa for the deaths of Chiaotzu, Tien, Piccolo, and Yamcha... and Nappa is completely paralyzed after Goku unleashes his Kaio-ken technique, leaving Nappa twitching and begging for his life. As Nappa asks Vegeta for help, the ruthless Saiyan slaughters him for his failure by tossing him into the air and unleashing a blast that completely obliterates him... making his eyes explode directly before turning him to dust.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsIan James CorlettSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenAs Vegeta turns into a gargantuan ape, Goku makes a terrifying revelation.Yajirobe gets together some of his courage and manages to slice off Oozaru Vegeta's tail, shrinking him back to his normal size.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnySonny StraitFrieza reveals a dark secret from Vegeta's past, but the villain has an even more shocking secret in store for the Z-fighters! As the monster's power level rises to terrifying new heights, all hope for the universe seems lost!Frieza transforms into his second deadly form, a grisly brute with refined technique and enormous speed. Taking advantage of his slithery yet sleek tail and sharp horns, he impales the unsuspecting Krillin and tosses him aside like trash.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnySonny StraitFrieza claims his first victim, Krillin, and Gohan must summon every ounce of his strength in order to save his friend. Can the young Saiyan put a stop to Freiza's ruthless onslaught, or is he destined to become the next victim?Gohan goes berserk and attacks the massive Frieza in his second form. With a relentless combo, he attempts to take out the sinister emperor of evil, but to no avail . The dust clears, Frieza proves he's a force to be reckoned with, and Piccolo the Super Namek arrives to try his newly acquired skill against the icy tyrant.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsPeter KelamisSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenDue to his increased strength, Vegeta is able to defeat Zarbon and takes the Dragon Ball from Krillin; the Ginyu Force is launched; Goku continues training at 100 times normal gravity; Gohan has a run-in with Vegeta.Vegeta mutilates Zarbon with a spine-cracking maneuver, smashing his fist clean through Zarbon's stomach, jamming into him and keeping his hand there while Zarbon begs for his life. Blood gushes out as Vegeta unleashes a blast through Zarbon's stomach, sending him sprawling into the air and directly to a watery grave in the Namekian sea.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsPeter KelamisSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenKing Kai warns Goku to stay away from Frieza. Piccolo, Yamcha, Tien, and Chiaotzu must make King Kai laugh before he will train them. Gohan, Krillin and Dende hide from Vegeta; Vegeta locates and challenges Frieza's elite henchman, Zarbon.King Kai warns Goku to stay clear from Frieza's wrath. Zarbon proceeds to locate the remaining Dragon Balls, but is challenged by Vegeta, who attempts to execute him as he did Cui and Dodoria. Zarbon warns Vegeta not to push him, as he will be forced to unleash the dormant beast within.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsIan James CorlettSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenAs Goku trains on his ship, Gohan and Krillin watch as Frieza and his henchmen Zarbon and Dodoria, interrogate a group of Namekians about their Dragon Ball, and another group of Namekian Warriors show up to stand against them.Zarbon and Dodoria butcher the Namek elders and warriors. Dodoria slams his elbow through one warrior, mouth blasts another, roasting him... and headbutts another into a mountain, wiping the bloody remnants from his spiky head. Dodoria then proceeds to eliminate the elder Namek, Muuri.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsIan James CorlettSaffron HendersonTerry KlassenPiccolo makes the ultimate sacrifice to save Gohan from the rampaging Saiyans. Just when all seems lost, Goku returns to Earth with an incredible new level of power and confronts the invaders.Piccolo reveals his soft side to Gohan as he dies from Nappa's powerful assault. Oh, and Goku arrives barely on time to save Gohan and stop Nappa's onslaught.
- DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnySonny StraitWhile Krillin accepts Vegeta's proposal, Frieza does his last transformation. Meanwhile, Dende has a choice.Frieza's third form receives a massive barrage of blasts via Gohan's furiously angered hands. Meanwhile, Vegeta concocts a plan which involves Krillin wounding him so he can heal and ascend to a Super Saiyan. As Vegeta's plan goes into effect, Dende refuses to heal him. However, the others convince Dende to heal Vegeta. Frieza also declares that he shall enter his final form, allowing them all to be amazed at height of his essence. Everyone is unaware, however, that Frieza has seen Dende heal them, which will prove lethal for the young Namekian when the dust clears.
- 1996–200326mTV-PG8.2 (1.5K)TV EpisodeDirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnySonny StraitIn an attempt to save the Elder, Nail fights a hopeless battle against the ruthless Frieza. Meanwhile, finding himself no match for Goku's superior abilities, Captain Ginyu unleashes his ultimate attack, the Body Switch Technique!Nail attempts to buy time by taking on Frieza, which results in his arm getting ripped off.
Ginyu slams his hand into his chest, making himself bleed just so he can switch bodies with Goku and leave the Saiyan to die. - DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnyChristopher SabatEven after being sliced into pieces by his own energy disk, Frieza isn't ready to release his stranglehold on the universe. With what little power he has left, Frieza fires a final energy blast after Goku as he leaves the battlefield!Frieza still attempts to attack Goku even after Goku spared some of his energy to save Frieza's life. Goku unleashes a final attack, burning Frieza in the powerful explosion. He then attempts to escape from planet Namek's destruction.
Note: Frieza does not die as he can breathe in space. He floats while severely wounded, later being picked up by King Cold and powered to become Cyborg Frieza. Goku does manage to escape the planet's destruction, landing on Yardrat and learning a new technique: the instant transmission. - DirectorDaisuke NishioStarsSean SchemmelStephanie NadolnySonny StraitGohan and Krillin continue their struggle against the overwhelming powers of Frieza, but as the fighting reaches its peak, a new warrior arrives on the battlefield to aid them in their efforts!Just as all hope seems lost for the Earthling warriors, Piccolo arrives to take on Frieza in his second deadly form. The Namekian powerhouse proves to be a mighty force, even for Frieza. This also amazes Vegeta, who is astonished to see him reach this level of power.
- StarsSean SchemmelKyle HebertChristopher SabatIn an all-out assault against Vegeta, Babidi uses his power to undo the unsuspecting Prince from within! Vegeta is stripped of his good qualities by the wicked wizard, and becomes the heartless warrior that he once was!Babidi attempts to take control of Vegeta with his Majin powers. Vegeta allows himself to fall victim to Babidi's power, unleashing his evil once again, which had remained dormant for so long.