Stockholm Film Festival
- 2020s
- 2010s
- 2000s
- 1990s
- "In this film's energetic storytelling style, a young woman goes through several epic transformations. Marieme charges forward through snares and dead-ends, not knowing where to go, but determined to survive. Girlhood fills a gap in the stories that get told about Paris. As Marieme relates to the diverse characters in her world, the acting and directing strike complex notes. Ultimately, we see this young woman as a whole person, and we wonder and care about what will happen to her next."
- 6.9 (3.3K)
- 5.4 (356)
- 7.0 (8K)
- 6.5 (286)
- 7.0 (152K)
- 6.2 (999)
- 5.7 (1.3K)
- 6.8 (9.7K)
- 7.2 (1.4K)
- 6.0 (7.7K)
- 6.4 (2.1K)
- 6.3 (818)
- 7.8 (629K)
- 5.1 (693)
- 7.3 (3.9K)
- 6.5 (653)
- 7.0 (12K)
- 8.5 (1.1M)
- 6.7 (62K)
- "In addition to this, 3 other films, 'These Are the Rules (2014)', 'Melbourne (2014)', and 'Name Me (2014)' used the starkness of quiet and ambient sounds to push us into a deeper involvement, forcing us to ask, "What would I do in this situation?". We were excited because, instead of music filling up that space of contemplation, we were implicated. In a time when all of us are afforded very little quiet, this was an audacious choice."
- "This year's winner has demonstrated the ability to capture the present in less than 15 minutes. The director refuses to give easy answers and displays a willingness to challenge her audience. In her next film she aims to visualize issues such as the creation of identity, the need to be recognized and our uneasy longing to meet societal norms."
- 6.5 (21)
- 5.2 (19)
- Winner"The jury would like to acknowledge a director who depicts something we rarely get to see on the big screen; love and desire that gets very little attention in Sweden today. A director who depicts what we might do when our repressed emotions have to be released and how we break away when our lives keep us prisoners."
- Winner"Ever since his breakthrough with »A Love Story (1970)«, Roy Andersson has refined a distinctive cinematic expression he shares with no other director. Roy Andersson's films are characterized by an insistent search for a perfect tone - every image, gesture and line of dialogue mediates through humor and seriousness both humanity's greatness and fallibility."
- "With a liberating sense of fearlessness this year's Rising Star winner has delivered two completely different performances in two features this year. With intelligence and a palpable sense of pleasure for her work she turns the expected unexpected."
- 6.7 (1.6K)
- 6.1 (767)
- 6.2 (999)
- 5.8 (432)
- Winner"Every new Mike Leigh feature is an invitation to a glimpse into lives so fully formed and vivid with a cast of actors who portray not characters, but breathing, living people. This year's Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to a filmmaker who is comfortable humanizing master artists, abortionists and people who others would shy their gaze from. Mike Leigh is a true cinematic humanist, an exceptional director of actors and a master of improvisational filmmaking."
- "For its use of unexpected imagery to tell a compelling arc of paranoia and helplessness in a modern world. Thanks to excellent performances and writing, this film is a devastating and fascinating dissection of mutating basic human instincts and self-preservation."
- 6.7 (121)
- 4.9 (35)
- Winner"Ever since her earliest roles, Uma Thurman has displayed an ability to portray and project the perfect and fantastical, while giving glimpses of the humanity that lies within. Every performance is exciting, enthralling and ferocious and a gift to audiences worldwide."
- "The jury is celebrating the remarkably high calibre of acting in this year's selection, a feast of powerful performances. We want to highlight the work of an actor who artfully draws on life experience, with a strong, compassionate presence, using small gestures acutely, and developing palpable on-screen chemistry with his acting partner."
- "Defying cliche, without exaggeration. Naked honesty. This actor embodies soulful restraint, leading us to feel for and with this character and her husband. Her work is a powerful testament to how a good story and an unflinching performance bring us close to the experience of an individual in an unfamiliar place and situation."
- Winners"In a time of technological bells and whistles, we are impressed with the elegance of two films in which photography responds to and enhances the story. The jury was torn between vivid depictions of teenage women in Paris and the profundity of a stoic older couple in Croatia. Amazingly, both films were the work of the same brilliant cinematographer."
- "In this debut, the filmmaker has brought a fresh eye to characters and environments we have not seen before. There is an existential excitement in seeing the intersection of basic human needs, and in deciphering behaviors that we don't understand fully, which nevertheless have shocking consequences."
- "The prize for music in film goes to a film that used music coming from the culture in which it was set. It managed to use diverse music in a way that respects us as viewers-- giving us space to think our own thoughts and feel our own feelings."
- "When a character makes choices that are hard to understand, the challenge is to put ourselves in that character's place. This film compels us to reflect, reminding us to dwell on the ramifications of our own actions. It is an affirmation of how complicated it is to be a responsible human being."
- "A film that manages to make the audience experience the complex reality of war through the eyes of a 6-year old girl. The sensitive direction gives space for the young actors to shine. A birthday, a chicken, a window, a girl's hands and face, sometimes the smallest details says more than any grand explanation."
- 5.6 (53)
- 7.4 (17)
- 6.4 (80)
- 6.0 (16)
- 5.9 (48)
- 6.2 (31)
- 6.0 (26)
- 7.3 (353)
- 6.9 (43)
- 7.2 (109)
Also known as
- Stockholms Filmfestival
- Stockholms Internationella Film Festival
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Event Location
Stockholm, Sweden