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Hannibal: Contorno (2015)
Season 3, Episode 5
Nearly as good as the movie
22 May 2024
For the first time in the Hannibal TV show a scene from the movies is used exactly the same in the movie, an iconic scene from Hannibal (2002) that concluded the finest hour in the Hannibal trilogy, the Lector vs Pazzy. Here 13 years later it's not Anthony Hopkins, but we are close, closer than I would have ever thought. Finally something is happening after 3 episodes of absolutely nothing... And for the first time In the entire series I had my eyes glue to the screen. Clearly the best 10 minutes in the show and a solid episode 9/10 after 3 bad 7/10 ep Let's see what happen next, how Hannibal will be caught and will he ? Since they are changing the story.
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Hannibal: Antipasto (2015)
Season 3, Episode 1
The best episode in the show
16 May 2024
Clearly the best episode so far, because it's about Hannibal lector ! The most fascinating character, there is not the boring will Graham and the endless nonsensical between characters. No jack no journalist no stupid Alana , this episode feel much more real and on the ground. Often the show seems to lost track with reality, this one is about Hannibal new life, makes us think about the incredible "Hannibal" movie 2002. Hannibal, florence, art , violence, cannibal. This is finally the version of Hannibal lector we know from the movie. He kills and talk. In season 1 and 2 he only was talking and talking forever with jack and Will.

9.25/10 episode, best in the show.
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The 100: Spacewalker (2014)
Season 2, Episode 8
They should kill of the grounders
31 March 2024
The grounders are just savage people, you can't argue with them. Kill them all sound like a good solution. The right solution was to flee just like Jaha proposed. But no Clarke mother is a B*tch who likes power too much, (and for some reason she stay in control even with Marcus Kane return and the true boss Jaha return ? WTF ) And she choose to stay. Then some people want finn to die, how can you let someone from your own group be sacrificed to satisfy some savage stupid people ?

Finn should have stayed alive, but unfortunately he decided to surrender and of course it was then too late I guess.. maybe the could have tried to start the war at this point, but I guess Clarke did the right thing in this situation.

For the Chancellor role, Jaha should be in control, he is the boss, he even sacrificed himself in space to save everybody, but the writers decide to forget about that, so every character forget about it too. Worst case then Kane Marcus should be the leader, he only gave control to Clarke mother because he went outside, I don't understand why she got to keep the leader role with Jaha and Kane around.
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You can feel the twist coming miles ahead
18 January 2024
Wow what a twist, probably the easiest twist to find in manga history, Daryl Dixon titan was not really a nice titan, the previous episode was pretty good, this one is just lame to be honest, still going to give this an 7/10 because of the momentum gained with the previous decent episodes.

After 8 episodes the show is pretty much average, you can find lot worst and lot better.

They literally nothing special that you cannot find in any other shonen, the boring one main character is back, wish he had stay dead, " I'm gonna kill the titans " only line he got.

All in all the hype is not justified as of now, but I guess it's like anything in life, the most popular are usually not the best thing, look at game of thrones, popular and average show, Fortnite, popular but garbage video game, same with popular music, the list goes on.

Still waiting for the show to improve In the epic like the great Dragon ball, Naruto, batman, berserk.. just to name a few.
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Dallas: Winds of War (1985)
Season 8, Episode 16
Jock Ewing was a complete jerk
6 December 2023
Everything Cliff Barnes told Jamie Ewing in the final minutes is right, Jock ewing is a dick than let Digger Barnes and his own brother Jason Ewing on the streets , alcoholic and poor , while Jock was making millions of dollar. Its only justice if their name is finally clean and their children given a 1/3 of Ewing oil. The show tell us so many time how good of a man Jock was, truth is he was not, he was always rude towards his kids and sometime even towards Ellie. He was not a man of great value for friendship ( digger ) brotherhood ( Jason ) or children ( Garry) , He had some quality of course, sometimes he was a good man.

But on this case, Cliff is right and J. R like always is an asshole ( that we love so much ) Amazing season Amazing TV show.
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Angel: The House Always Wins (2002)
Season 4, Episode 3
The best Angel episode ?
1 October 2023
It's definitely up there with the best episode of the Buffy universe, because it is a great standalone story, because it's one of these episodes you can show a new watcher. Episodes about Darla or spike or sad Buffy or bad Connor, any of the " main story" are fine but never really reach greatness.

"The house always win" is a great story, full of fun, full of energy. A clever plot.

Like I said , one of the few episodes in the Buffyverse, that you can show to your friend and make him fall in love with the show.

I wish Buffy and Angel had have more standalone episode because that's what make a show great, just like the far superior The X files.
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Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Grave (2002)
Season 6, Episode 22
Xander is the best character of Buffy V.S
27 September 2023
With Rupert Giles of course. These two are and always have been a head and shoulder above everybody else in this show and in " Angel" , for now 6 seasons Giles and Xander either consistently save Buffy from pretty bad episodes or elevate the show.

Xander by providing 90% of the best comedy content, always fun and entertaining, he is also one of the only character to never lose sight of whats ok or not, of who's good and who's not, that why he was always against Spike, when other character are losing their minds trusting or even sleeping with an evil creature.

Xander is also the most courageous of all of our heroes, because he is the only one always there to help despite having no supernatural power at all.

Xander is the one saving Buffy in the season 1 final, And right here in "grave" the season 6 final, he save the entire world , in the very best scene of the Buffy universe. No question about it.

( Giles always helped a lot saving the world, it's was a two man job ) This episode is a classic, a top 10 in the Buffyverse , a 9/10 hands down.
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One of the best Buffy's
14 September 2023
Ok I enjoy Buffy the Vampire slayer, it's a legendary show from the 90's, but I'm not a fan, never succeed to be one. Because to me it's only " good" , but I give a lot of credit to this episode right here ! Why ? Because a great TV show is a show that take risks ! Doesn't stay in its confort zone , that is why tv shows like criminal minds or NCIS are boring , it's always the same episode, Buffy took some risks ( the body , the gift, this one and others) And that is a proof of greatness, just like the X files before Buffy, like star trek, and others legendary shows, you go out of your confort zone and you try, and you make history.

" Once more with feeling" make history of TV I understand that for a buffy fan it is a total 10/10 !! Perfect episode.
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The X-Files: Little Green Men (1994)
Season 2, Episode 1
30 years of greatness !
11 September 2023
Little green man is the opening of season 2 and a second pilot to the X files, at least it was design like this by Chris carter the creator. Because of the large amount of people joining the show from season 1 to 2, they wanted to give people the chance to join now and still understand everything ( Samantha, Mulder Scully duo, skinner, smoking man, aliens ) everything in a 43 minutes story.

In 1994, you couldn't rewatch season 1 just like that, dvd of season 1 were probably not out yet , so how do you watch season 1 again ? You don't, you need to start from here and now Little green men is of course a 10/10 , like many other X files, and it's a fantastic second pilot to the show, but from now on, you needed to watch to understand what's coming next. That was the last wagon to the X files train. And what a train... the Greatest of all time.
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Boston Legal: Made in China (2008)
Season 5, Episode 12
They are evil !
1 August 2023
Made in china is a very funny and solid episode in an incredible TV show, one of the best show ever is coming to an end. Everything said about China in this episode is right, they are a dangerous communist country that should not be allow taking over our business like this. Human rights does not exist there, they killed millions of female before they born ! They only think about money and have no respect for values.

It's sad the network cancel Boston legal because they had to rush the end unfortunately, Denny Alzheimer's, Jerry love story, the firm and Denny Alan love story.

But at least we got and end ! And most show can't said that.

I'm gonna enjoy the last episode... But man I'm sad it's over.
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Boston Legal: Mad Cows (2008)
Season 5, Episode 7
Jerry is a partner
22 July 2023
I got to answer to the crazy guy on the previous review, the guy ( Hitch) watching every episode and posting a review of every episode. You actually wrote " it's good they were not approved for a 6th season " ?

You must have the worst taste ever, the fact this unbelievable and fascinating TV show was cancelled is a shame, one of the biggest lost ever for TV. If you don't wish there was more episodes, why are you watching every single episodes ?

Anyway some people will always remain stupid, must be the mad cow for you my friend.

Jerry is a partner, Denny Crane vote Obama to the big surprise of Alan, Denise and Brad are still together.

9/10 , great fun once more.
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Greatest ! Like always
9 July 2023
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom is a fantastic movie ! As good as the original trilogy, ans thats a hell of thing to do After 19 years since the third movie. Indiana is now 65 and the story take place in the late 50's, the ennemy are now the USSR instead of the nazy.

The Movie by Steven Spielberg deliver Big time just like the first 3 did.

Adventure ! Humor , great action, solid secondary characters and a larger than life hero. The movie got everything and i dont understand at all people who dislike it. Film Critics seems to like it a bit more than people but still.

Raiders is still the masterpiece ! With a 10/10 Then Cruisade and Kingdom And Temple 4th ( but still so good)

I cannot wait to see indiana Jones 5 next week !! I havent got the honor to see the first Indiana Jones, but im gonna be lucky enough to see history, to see the last... Thank you Harrison, George and Steven.
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FUBAR: Here Today, Gone To-Marrow (2023)
Season 1, Episode 5
The cause justify the means !
25 June 2023
In response to the other review, you cannot be more wrong, of course the cause justify the means. If it was your daughter about to die, what kind of father are you if you dont try anything !! And if it means finding a way to get the organ, so be it. It is the moral thing to do, save someone life always is. And i truly hope hospital would use the organs to save thé little girl life, they would be monsters if they let a kid die just because they dont know the origin of an organ.

Im glad modern TV still can show a bit of creativity. Not like all these woke modern TV shows, with political agenda.

As of now Fubar is a strong TV show, with a very funny and effective cast, ive only been giving 9/10 and 8/10. I wish Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone would have done TV shows sooner !
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Boston Legal: Mad About You (2008)
Season 4, Episode 11
Greatness is back !!
14 June 2023
Oh lord that was a fantastic episode of TV ! Emotion, tears and laugh all the way.

Mad about you is a Denny Crane episode and Denny Crane is the funniest and most lovable character in the show, you just cant help but feel something deep for this man. He is the greatness trial attorney of all time and Alzheimer is knocking at the door. The day will come were he will be over,but its not quite yet now, Denny Crane can still rise and show he is the man.

The Alan Denny friendship is just too much not to cry or have a tear in your eyes in this episode.

You soon will have some rough time, but in the meantime live big my friend, live big... Another 10 for boston legal, in a weaker season then the previous 3.
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Criminal Minds: Moose (2022)
Season 16, Episode 3
Better than the first two !
7 June 2023
Okay that was a lot better now, the first two episodes were only talk talk talk, confusing plots crossing. In epispde 3 we got some acting.

Criminal Minds was Always at its best when the killer was known from the start and we get to see him in action. A great criminal Minds episode in when 50% of screen time is on the killer 50% on the team. Like the fantastic episode with Mitch Pillegi as the killer. ( Season 4 i believe) And often more boring episodes was when we ( us on TV not the team of course) only knew the identity of the killer the last 5 minutes.

I believe again in Criminal Minds Season 16 ,even without Spencer, Hotch and Derek.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Last Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 10
True Poker True Star trek is back
21 May 2023
The best Season of Star trek in the last 2 decades ! We had to go to hell with the woke BS of discovery, strange new world, and even the 2 decent first seasons of picard. And finaly there is it a very good Season, not TNG material, nope but a good story and the legendary characters back to save this show.

Picard Season 3 just did the greatest change of course in the History of the small screen.

Two Seasons at a 7/10 quality at best, to end of a nearly 9/10 Season, its incredible... Of course the story was not the best ever, the borg, again... All 3 Seasons of picard have now be about them, i would have prefer a good Romulian story i guess. But im not gonna complain, because star trek is back, and even if its only for this Season and the woke BS start again, then at least it was worth it.

PS: I also love that star trek stick with the 5 card stud poker, this was the variation use mostly in TNG, with also the traditional 5 card draw poker. They could have been lazy and make them play the modern Texas hold em, but no they stick to it, bravo for the writting.

The Poker scene was nearly as great as the final scene of TNG, another poker scene.

" 5 card stud... And the sky 's the limit"
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Star Trek: Picard: Võx (2023)
Season 3, Episode 9
So much better, still so far from TNG
20 May 2023
Võx was another solid episode in the best Star trek Season of the last 20 years. After so many woke BS we had to endure... To witness this Season give you a bit more Hope in the future of Star trek. But still this is absolutely not 9.4/10 material, the fan service is great sure, and im so happy this Legendary crew fond their way back to the enterprise... Epic.

But Come the episode was not memorable appart from the last 5 minutes.

To rate it above episodes like " the best of both World" " the measure of a man" , even a better rating than TOS city in the edge of forever.

Dont be stupid Trekkers, it was a good Season, sometime great sometime okay. Still this episode would not enter a top 50 of TNG episodes.

Rate 8/10.
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Star Trek: Picard: The Next Generation (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Star trek is back !
13 May 2023
Star trek is back After 20+ year ! The best episose of the last 20+ years.

-First Season of Strange New World was a disaster, an horrible woke BS.

-Star trek discovery, i dont have words... really garbage.

  • First two Seasons of picard were okay, thanks to Patrick Stewart, also the few scene Brent spiner is in and a few moment of greatness. But overall just decent.

Then came Season 3 episode 1, and boom the writting is great again, simple so simple it is to do a good star trek episode, you just put two great actors/ character, with chemistry ( and picard/riker got it since day one) a few funny line, a solid plot, and more important, no woke BS. To you see ? The first episode in 20 years without that horrible political BS woke mouvement, and it is the best !

I was almost dreeming, but yes the dinner table was Amazing because of the actors, the writting, 3 white men talking, not only woman talking strange new world/ discovery.

  • A lot more respect toward Jean Luc picard ! Aye sir for Christ sake, not JL !! It seems nothing but its F important, he is Jean Luc picard !

STAR TREK is the story of Captain James T KIRK, the story of Mr. SPOCK, the story of DATA, of Captain Picard, William Riker !

Not the story of F Raffy ! Or the story of Rios, or the story of agnes ! 3 of the worst character ever.

TNG is back about exactly 30 years off ! 1993-2023... ( If you dont count the movies)

9/10 here, looking and hoping for greatness again... Gene will maybe be proud again...
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The best Star Wars movie
8 May 2023
Although you can said that The Empire strike back is the best star Wars story, The Phantom Menace got to be the best Star Wars movie out of the 9 movies. Because the acting is so much superior, Liam Neeson is a far better actor than any other actors in others Star Wars movie, Nathalie Portman and Ewan McGregor are very solid too.

Also the performance by the young Anakin is touching.

As a Star trek fan, i love a human story, an intelligent story, and this movie is that more than the other 8.

The hour on Tatooine is without a doubt the finnest hour is Star Wars History, and the race was the moment. Let alone the epicness of the Saber battle in the end, short but never a saber battle have been more epic i guess.

You had to that some great scene with Mr. Yoda, some funny scene with the great jar jar binks, and some epic war scene in the end, and you have the most complete Star Wars movie ever. A 9.5/10 in my Book.

The Empire strike back and the Revenge of the sith complete the podium for best Star Wars movie ever .
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Two Brothers (2004)
Not for the animal lover
27 April 2023
I used to love this movie as a kid, because it is a good movie in itself, a nice fairytail movie between two beautiful brothers. Tortured by the shame of race us human are.

But now as an adult i only enjoy it for the storytelling and the cuteness, but to see the humans torturing animals is hard. Any person torturing an animal should not be allow to live in this earth. Every Life is sacred on this earth, and i hate to see these stupid savage man killing for the F money.

After seeing this movie you can only feel asshame to be human in a way. Even if good man exist.

All in all a solid movie, 8/10, use to be a 9/10.
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Boston Legal: Trial of the Century (2007)
Season 3, Episode 24
An all time best ..
19 April 2023
It was Indeed the Trial of the century, Season 3 finale of boston legal deliver big time, huge time i might Say.

James spader and William shatner were at their very best, probably their best work as a duo is right there in this episode.

I love that the show focus the attention back on Denny and Alan, the Heart of this incredible series.

Also Jerry and Clarence a sweet together, pretty funny story here about a casino.

Undefeated streak on the Line, as well as two kids freedom, lock and load my friend here we go, Denny Crane !

( Boston legal is a Comedy show, i agree with the other review, Hitchcock you seems to be a very very boring man, please laugh a little, its there to entertain you for god sake ! If you want to watch a 100% accuerate legal show, watch something with a more serious tone. Because my friend this episode was not an 8/10, its was a perfect finale for the best Season of Boston legal)
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Boston Legal: Guise 'n Dolls (2007)
Season 3, Episode 20
Funny and emotional
10 April 2023
Jerry is an awesome character, played by an Amazing actor, and his friendship with alan is something that will make you cry everytime.

I love the fact Alan got two great friendship in the show. I also enjoy Jerry beat Alan, because he deserve to win and alan deserve to lose for what he told Jerry 3 episodes ago... Brad and Denise story start to run out of gas.

Deny crane story was very funny again, he dont see the problem in telling a black person he dont have a black voice, but I too dont really the problem, i guess if someone kidnap your wife, you cannot Saïd to the police he had a black voice ? Of course you can and you should. Its not racist at all because most black people do have a special voice, just like asian do or other people. Its just fact, i dont think Denny crane is racist.
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Your Honor: Part Fifteen (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Worst episode yet
5 April 2023
Season one was mostly good except for Every scenes with Adam. I was ready to like Season 2 the same way, with the Baxter vs Michael and the mayor story arc.

But 3 points make it difficult to love this Season, First, the black business family, they took half the running time of every episode, Big mo, little mo, little man, who Cares ? Who care about their drug business ? And how is it relevant to the story ? Its called Your honor ! Not Big mo drug business. And we barely got to see Bryan cranston in 5 épisodes , when he is the only reason why 90% of the people are watching.

Second, Nancy... More illogical character than her you cannot find, she now hate Michael guts so much, for what ? Because Michael lie to her wanting to save his son life, woww what a great Friend Nancy is ... And this whole Side of the story about Michael wife Murder is way to late to arrived.

And who was the black assh*les chasing Adam in the Pilot and why ? They are the real killer of Rocco. Its the whole point of the story and its now maybe to late to deliver... Many viewer have lost interest already.
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Monster (2022– )
The Dahmer and Glenda show ?
15 March 2023
I would said that the show was decent overall.

First of all 10 episode of 50+ minutes is way to long to tell this story, that is why they had to drag the plot in some not so interesting arc, like the terribly boring episode 9.

For 8 episodes the show is solid, with a weird construction all about flashback and countless jump in time between different timelines. It would have been better in my view, to tell the story in a more linear way, episode 1-3 Dahmer as a kid-teen, then dahmer adult and the killing era ,then only one episode about the after ( prison time/ neigbour pain/ dahmer parents afterlife).

But no, they had to gave us the Glenda show, do the point i have to ask, is she the real villain here ? She is stealing the pain of the families victims, she is acting like if she suffer as much as the families who lost a dear one ! WTF is wrong with her, Dahmer didnt kill your daughter, so stop being a drama queen. It was to the point my gf and I had to skip scenes with her, she tried to steal the spotlight and the pain. Also when I watch a TV show i want to be entertain, i dont Care about the families victim or worst about a neigbour. You can give them 20 minutes screen time thats it. I want to see the Monster Dahmer do his thing.

In the end If you had to remember one episode, and I will advise you to watch only this one, its the one about the deaf man, this episode was great TV, Overall i give the show a 7.5/10, losing half a point for the crazy Glenda. Also losing points for the joke of a final, Christopher the guy who killed dahmer appear to be a hero here, like if we are supposed to thank him. When in reality he is not at all the decent man it appear to be, he is a bigger psychopath than dahmer and probably a more dangerous person.
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Boston Legal: A Greater Good (2004)
Season 1, Episode 9
Another great episode
28 November 2022
Once again Boston legal deliver a very entertaining episode, very Funny , clever, great writting as usual.

So many things happen un this one.

I love that Denny stand up for himself against Allan.

But eventually doing the right thing and playing like if he dont know if he's sained or crazy.

Denny crane and Allan shore are the best from the show but its the Incredible writting and fast rytm that makes the show so good.

A greater good was not the best episode at all so far, its second last, but still i gotta go for a 9/10, that say a lot about the quality of this TV show.

Looking forward for Whats next.

Its a complicated show ( for not english native speaker) , but worth it.
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