Ragin' Cajun Redneck Gators (2013) Poster

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See you later alli... ah, just forget it...
paul_haakonsen6 April 2014
"Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators" (aka "Alligator Alley") is one of those movies. You know, those kind of monstrous creature features, that just have way too awful effects to come off as properly being good entertainment.

The story is about a young girl named Avery (played by Jordan Hinson) who returns to the swamps of Louisiana to her family after having been away for college. The ongoing feud between the Robichaud and Doucette families is still blazing, and things doesn't take a turn for the better when the Robichaud family's failed moonshine brew turns the local alligator residents into mutated giants hungry for human flesh.

Essentially the story did have some good things to it here and there, but it was all just brutally slaughtered with the worst CGI alligators ever to make it to the screen. I mean, seriously, these are without a doubt amongst the top five of worst creature CGI effects I have ever seen.

The characters in the movie are painfully stereotypical to the point where it is starting to become embarrassing to bear witness to.

As for the acting, well, for a movie of this particular genre and type, then it was alright. Nothing mind-blowingly impressive though, mind you.

And as if giant, mutated man-killing alligators wasn't enough, wait to you find out what happens later on, it just goes from being silly to downright stupid. Trust me...

"Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators" is the type of movie that you will suffer through once, out of sheer boredom, and never to make a return trip to watch it ever again. There just wasn't anything worthwhile to support a second watching - unless you count horrible CGI creatures as worthwhile, of course.
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Not good
SanteeFats15 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I read GL84's nine star review and he is an idiot. This is another stupid Syfy movie. First how can bad moonshine mutate gators and not other species? Then there is the Romeo and Juliet aspect between two feuding families. One guy is in love with the daughter of the other side. The mutated creatures can whip some kind of killer stuff with their tails plus have some red coloration that I guess is suppose to come from the moonshine. Hence the redneck gator part of the title, I guess. This moonshine of course comes from one to the two feuding families. Now the two feuding maybe lovers go looking for the problem and gee they find it. My isn't it amazing that their boat manages to start when they need to rescue some family? Lucien's wife is a real piece of work. I did love the plan of distraction the guy had when he threw the mutt to the gator. While not PC it was really funny. The Gator Whisperer is another idiot but gets his. Unfortunately his entire crew gets hammered before that happens. Of course the bites are toxic and here it gets Syfy stupid. It turns out the bit turns the bitee into gator clones and everything gets even more stupid from there. I was glad to see a black man as the sheriff and he didn't die first. This is just a stupid unbelievable plot.
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Eating Alligators
wes-connors7 September 2013
Pouring rank blue chemicals in a Louisiana swamp somehow causes the alligator population to morph into monstrous creatures with werewolfish vampirisms. They have cool spikes in their tails, which are used to immobilize victims before the kill. Like the title reveals, they have red necks. The local redneck population consists mostly of two extended families, who feud like the Hatfields and the McCoys. They also drink, hunt and eat like slobs. Our heroine is leggy Jordan Hinson (as Avery Doucette). She left the area to attend college and avoid becoming another of the "in-bred bottom feeders" noted in the script...

While away at school, Ms. Avery gave up her gun-toting ways (she's a sure-shot, naturally) and became an animal-loving vegan. Her refusal to hunt alligators will come and go, depending upon the situation. Of course, she's carrying on a romance with the rival family's most eligibly muscular member, John Chriss (as Dathan Robichaud). Several in the supporting cast, led by spitting Christopher Berry (as Bud), have fun. Gold-toothed Ritchie Montgomery (as Lucien Doucette) and oddly-accented Thomas Francis Murphy (as Wade Robichaud) are the hammy family patriarchs. Over the top Amy Brassette (as Candy) has a blast.

**** Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators (9/5/13) G.E. Furst ~ Jordan Hinson, John Chriss, Christopher Berry, Ritchie Montgomery
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About As Fun As a SyFy Film Can Get
Michael_Elliott15 September 2013
Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators (2013)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Not only does this film have one of the greatest titles in the history of cinema, it also manages to be one of the most entertaining movies to appear on SyFy. The story is pretty simple as a girl (Jordan Hinson) returns home to see that her family is still feuding with their neighbors and worst of all is that these neighbors have been dumping bad moonshine into the swamps, which has created large, redneck gators. Once again I find myself reviewing a SyFy movie and wondering why so many people go into a movie called RAGIN CAJUN REDNECK GATORS and are expecting some sort of quality material. Again, if you're wanting CITIZEN KANE then don't watch a film called RAGIN CAJUN REDNECK GATORS. It should go without saying but this is a pretty bad little movie but thankfully there's enough camp to make it quite entertaining. I think the best thing going for this are the horrendous CGI alligators, which are among some of the worst things you're ever going to see but thankfully they're funny, which adds to the entertainment. The scenes of the gators attacking are so poorly done and the blood so fake looking that it's impossible to take these scenes serious, which is another good thing. The performances are quite mixed at best but I thought Hinson was good enough in the lead. The film manages to have quite a few funny moments, which is about all you can hope for when watching something like this. The direction is pretty good throughout since he does manage to keep things moving at a nice pace, which, again, is about as much as you can hope for in a film like this. With that said, this is still a "C" level horror movie that aired on SyFy so obviously the material is very thin, runs out of gas before the conclusion but it's a creature feature that has enough entertaining moments.
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The Gator With The Golden Tooth
Calaboss5 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I've probably seen a few dozen of these SyFy "original" movies now, and I've even reviewed a few here at IMDb. So I know you can't compare them to anything other than previous SyFy movies. The low budgets, grade C actors, crew and SFX are to be expected. Before this, I thought Alien Tornado and Sharktopus were about as bad as they got. I was mistaken.

The director, Griff Furst, has done a number of these movies. Most recently, Ghost Shark, which only came out two weeks ago. I think the kindest thing I can say about his directing ability is "journeyman-like".

Let me give you the short version of the silliness that is Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators. Two Cajun swamp-dwelling families are having a feud and one of the families makes some tainted moonshine and dumps it in the swamp. This mutates some alligators. If you get bit or scratched or eat the meat of mutant gators, you turn into one. Every member of the other family eat the mutant meat. Meanwhile, a la Romeo and Juliet, one young member of each family are in love with each other.

Juliet's Cajun dad turns into a gator, but keeps his gold tooth, which is now a big gold gator fang (no explanation of how THAT happened, of course). Romeo and Juliet have sex, then Romeo turns into a gator too. Towards the end, the leaders of both clans have a duel. One has a shotgun, the other has a gold fang and a tail that shoots spikes. Both die. All the mutant gators are lured to a warehouse and blown up. Only one escapes- Romeo. Cut to a year later and Juliet comes out of her shack with her new baby. Romeo gator comes crawling up out of the swamp to join his wife and baby. The end. (One note here about actor Abbie Gayle, as "Bloody Girl". She wears blood extremely well, and runs off camera with grace and charm. Truly an Emmy-worthy performance.)

Too many other crazy things went on to include here. Suffice it to say, it was all pretty ridiculous. Don't know where all the actors came from, but the accents in this thing were all over the map. This WAS a SyFy channel movie, so it got a two star rating from me because at least I could follow the story.

Oh yes, and the mutant gators actually had red necks.
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Swamps, feuding rednecks, Jordan Hinson, bad moonshine, mutated gators and were-gators
Wuchakk12 September 2017
RELEASED TO TV IN 2013 and directed by Griff Furst, "Ragin' Cajun Redneck Gators" (aka "Alligator Alley") takes place in the Louisiana bayous when Avery (Jordan Hinson) returns from college (indoctrinated by liberalism, of course) to her redneck homestead where her kin are still feuding with a neighboring family. While she secretly dates the handsome son of the enemy (John Chriss), literal red-necked gators attack, mutated by bad moonshine that was poured into the swamp. But something even worse starts happening.

The title keys off that this is a campy, silly monster movie and not to be taken seriously, although there's some semi-serious dramatics and horrifics. Anyone wanting solemn horror should go to the Exit now. Jordan Hinson as the protagonist is a major attraction as she's winsome and all-around easy on the eyes. There's a little bit of "The Alligator People" (1959) thrown in to keep things interesting. Bottom Line: It's not great, but it's mildly entertaining as an amusing creature feature. Just remember: If the rednecks don't get ya... the gators will.

THE MOVIE RUNS 88 minutes and was shot in St. Amant & Baton Rouge, Louisiana. WRITERS: Keith Allan, Rafael Jordan & Delondra Williams.

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TOP 5 first movies I've watched in my lifetime.
undeaddt22 April 2018
Bottomline, miserable. I don't know what was worse, the story, the way all the scenes were filmed, the alligator that looked like it was cut from a video game, the acting that was dreadful, or the quoting... 1-2/10
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Babbling-Idiot8 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
A movie this bad can't be a mistake...I'm going to assume that Syfy is doing this on purpose. If you thought "Ghost Shark" was scraping the bottom of the barrel, you obviously haven't seen this one. Other reviewers have covered the story line, so I won't repeat it all here. Just be warned that if you're a Louisiana Cajun, you'll be disgusted by the bad accents and EVERYONE will be disgusted by the "redneck" stereotypes including an inbred banjo player who thankfully gets eaten early in the movie. Believe it or not, there are one or two bright spots. The Candy Doucette character was great and I died laughing when her little dog got tossed into a gater's mouth as a diversion! The gater CGI was pretty good (by Syfy standards). There are lessons to be learned from this movie...stay away from bad moonshine!
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Lacking, but for SyFy some elements made it tolerable
TheLittleSongbird12 December 2013
Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators was lacking in a lot of areas but it did look as though there was more effort than usual. The scenery and the way Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators is shot and edited in a way that looks good and doesn't look that amateurish, Michael Baird is charismatic and likable(and this viewer agrees that he had the best accent, most of which out-of-kilter, in the cast), Amy Brasette is a blast as Candy, the story does have a good idea and actually has a story to tell in a somewhat coherent way and the gators do have moments where they're fun and menacing. The gators do look terrible though, their movements are awkward and their design has a rushed look, and while their personalities do come through they could have fared much better if the attacks had so much more tension and inventiveness and the gore less artificial. With the story while you can tell that there is one and that you can follow it, there is a sense that the movie didn't know what to do with it, good ideas but not explored very well, like when the movie takes a darker and more violent tone in the second half, it does feel like a different movie to the almost too-silly tone the first did. While the ideas are there there is a going-through-the-motions quality(the forbidden love stuff is a good angle but doesn't really register, often getting lost within the silliness), much of it is not that exciting or atmospheric, and the material is of the kind that runs out of steam far too early(with an ending that is every bit as silly as the first half but to bigger heights, to the point that it's difficult to take). The dialogue ranges from mostly forced attempts at deadpan humour(Candy's was genuinely funny though) and banal soap-opera quality, the pacing's inconsistent- feeling rushed in the first half and lacklustre in the second-, the science is wacky to the point of the nonsensical and the stereotypical characters are mostly cardboard-bland with some being annoying too, especially that of the banjo player(his purpose and premise comes across as truly ridiculous and with the subtlety of a sledgehammer). The direction is of the kind that does its job but without much character, journey-man-like is a good word, while the acting on the whole is a mix of hammy-to-the-point-of-annoyance(Thomas Francis Murphy) to forgettable. Jordan Hinson is not terrible at all, she is at least appealing but she does pale in comparison to Baird and Brasette so she doesn't come across as memorable. All in all, not bad for SyFy but very lacking on the whole, effort was clearly made but Ragin Cajun Redneck Gators is a good example of a movie failing at trying too hard. 4/10 Bethany Cox
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girljustanother29 December 2019
This movie IS AMAZINGLY BAD.Wow. so i watched this on a boring saturday night, for fun ,beacuse it seemed dumb and it was.The cgi,is just..beautiful. The plot? I don't think it exists, and the ending is just..just no. It is a good bad movie. Like, its so bad that its good.Watch it with a friend and make fun of the cgi. Then never watch it Ever again.
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It's not good in any way but it's funny.
DrunkenDeGroot14 November 2019
It's bad in every aspect. It looks awful and fake and the acting isn't good at all, the music is the only thing that's actually unique in some way. Nothing makes sense and it is dumb as hell but it's sooo funny because of it.

It's good as a "too bad it's good movie", but it's not good in any way.
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Weirdly Captivating
chalcedonydream25 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I found this pretty average sy-fy/horror weirdly captivating and unlike some quite comical in parts.

The alligators mostly didn't look particularly realistic to me though. The original premise of chucking toxic blue moonshine into the river and that creating mutant alligators was promising, also had a synchronising with the blue meth in Breaking Bad for me. Then, when that went on to alligator bites turning humans into alligators it foreshadowed Christopher Berry going on to make an iconic appearance in The Walking Dead.

Highlight for me was the much underrated Christopher Berry (The Walking Dead & Free State of Jones) looking particularly cute, until he turned gator. I know I shouldn't have, but I howled with laughter when he threw the dog into the gator's mouth.

I have watched this film 3 times now and it just gets better and better, hence I have revised my rating and my review accordingly. I honestly believe this will eventually become a cult classic.
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worth it for the laughs
heilmanlynn2 May 2015
If you want a serious movie don't watch this one. If you want fun and entertainment without having to do too much thinking this one is for you. One of the better SyFy B-flicks I've seen in a while and I love me some SyFy B-flicks. Yes its campy and the effects could of been better but there is worse out there. If you're a Lake Placid fan (the SyFy ones not part 1) then this is definitely worth watching. Bonus is that Jordan Hinson from Eureka (Zoe) is in it which makes it worth watching. The acting isn't too terrible and the story could use a little more omph. But the premise for the movie is original and comedic. Not a lot of gore which is good if you're not into buckets and buckets of blood and guts. One of the better monster/animal horror movies that SyFy has put out. Better than Piranahconda and Sharktopus.
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Moonshine and Gators
Uriah4330 November 2016
After 4 years away from home while attending college, a young woman named "Avery Doucette" (Jordan Hinson) returns to her family in the Louisiana bayou one day prior to alligator hunting season. What nobody knows is that a local family headed by "Wade Robichaud" (Thomas Francis Murphy) has been making moonshine using a strange new chemical which ends up contaminating several batches which are subsequently dumped into the swamp. This causes the local gator population to mutate into extremely large and savage creatures of a type never seen before--and their feeding season on humans has just begun. Throw in a deadly family feud between the Doucettes and the Robichauds and things are about to get deadly in the bayou. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that it's the comedy-more than the action, horror or suspense-that makes this film even remotely interesting as the other qualities just mentioned are almost non-existent. Likewise, the extremely ridiculous ending certainly didn't help much either. In any case, if not for the aforementioned humor, I would have scored this film a bit lower but as things are I rate it as just slightly below average.
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It has a good original idea and tries to go with it but falls a little flat because I think it tries to do much.
alexcomputerkid20 September 2013
Even though they reach a limited audience, 2013 has been the year for Syfy films. With it's original name, Sci-fi, it's was a channel in the beginning that brought us reruns of old films and some original films that didn't really have an audience. As time went on, the channel delivered some popular TV shows including Ghost Hunter and also cult shows like Mystery Science Theater 3000 and Firefly. In 2010, it made a drastic change when it broadcasted WWE Smackdown drawing in the wrestling audience. Through the power of social media including twitter in 2013, it's original film Sharknado was a major hit that brought much more attention to the channel. Because of the Sharknado hit, their films are finding more of a audience. These films are very strange and all over the spectrum including Aladdin and the Death Lamp, Ghost Shark and Flying Monkeys. Ragin' Cajun Redneck Gators is another film to add to this strange collection.

Ragin' Cajun Redneck Gators is set in the swaps of Louisiana where a Cajun redneck community finds themselves getting attacked by strange killer gators. These gators are far from typical, quite dangerous and more than what they seem.

Like Sharknado and Ghost Shark, there is a definite lack of budget but an extra effort by the filmmakers to make this work is evident. There are Cajun rednecks that are funny and kind of realistic, mutant gators, and a Romeo and Juliet love story involving feuding families. It's all a unique and interesting combination.

Unlike the Ghost Shark and Shakando, we don't care much about these characters. Attractive lead character, Jordan Hinson plays Avery from one of the feuding families but nothing memorable really comes from her performance. Her love interest, Tristan (Victor Webster) is a character who is frankly limited and who we don't really root for even though he is in danger from the gators throughout. The only positive person who steals the show is Michael Baird who plays Avery's father Dale. He has an excellent Cajun accent and is a charismatic "life of the party" kind of character who kind of steals the show.

For what it is trying to be, Ragin' Cajun Redneck Gators should have been better. It has a good original idea and tries to go with it but falls a little flat because I think it tries to do much. Because of that, I think it is probably the weakest Syfy films of 2013.
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Cajuns fight gators mutated by bad moonshine in another unlikely SyFy original.
suite9214 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Cajun accents? They come, they go, they are never very good.

Avery comes back to the swamp, to her family, after four years in college. She's a vegan now, which gives an extra layer of problems dealing with a hunting, carnivorous culture.

Pluses: the gators have red necks and spiked tails.

Minuses: bad banjo playing, bad accents, Avery's sudden, complete switch to 'kill them all' after she sees a giant gator kill someone she's known for years; more bad banjo playing; badly motivated clan feud, Doucette versus Robichaud; more blue tongues than were strictly needed.

So, bad moonshine dumped in the swamp water seems to be changing the gators. People who eat the gator meat or get deep wound from live gators change into gators.

After an early success against the gators, the two clans degenerate in to drunken stupidity again. The human-to-gator changes start.

Avery's father had a gold tooth; his gator form has a gold fang. Avery catches that, just before he pulls her out of the quicksand. The non-biological gold tooth changing shape makes about as much sense as the humans turning into gators, or the moonshine doing the first conversion.

One minute Avery is dead set against killing gators since they are probably her family. The next minute, she's killing three of them by blowing up a gas tank.

In the end, about all the remaining Doucettes are gators, while the Robichauds are out to kill them. Avery tries to protect her father-turned-gator, but that is not to be.

Cinematography: 10/10 Sharp.

Sound: 10/10 Fine.

Acting: 2/10 Mostly bad. Lines delivered badly, accents out of kilter. Candy was a hoot.

Screenplay: 4/10 There's a story to tell, and it moves from beginning to middle to end. The gaffes mentioned above are hard to forget, however.
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A Dumb, fun movie.
mhorg20185 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
OK. When I first heard about this, I was going to skip it because anything done by The Asylum is trash. However, this wasn't done by the Asylum. It's a dumb as most of their movies, but the practical effects are better as is the CGI (not up to the standards of say, Star Wars or the Lord of the Rings, but still better). The Cajun accents are weak and those characters, a bunch of hillbillies are quite stereotyped, but that's neither here nor there. Most of them are present just to push the 'we have a feud for a hunnerd years' part of the story and, of course get killed by the Alligators that one family, by dumping their chemically tainted 'bad' moonshine in the bayou, have caused. Let's face it, there is no better Alligator movie than 1980's Alligator. But this is fun, especially when the gigantic mutant alligators show up. These are like alligator-stegasauruses. They have spikes in their tails WHICH THEY CAN FIRE. As one young female cop discovers just before a tail takes her head off (a decent enough effect). Almost everyone ends up killed and one, the main characters daddy becomes - I am NOT kidding here, a were-gator. I'm still trying to figure out how his little gold covered canine became a gigantic pointed gold covered alligator tooth, but that's how darling daughter, who he saves from another gator, recognizes him. This has all the usual stuff; characters doing stupid things, characters getting killed gruesomely and a gator slaughter at the end where the black sheriff, who escaped several close calls (he does a lot of running to his car and fleeing), finally gets swallowed. At least the grenade he drops kills his killer. Yes, this movie is really dumb. The only thing it was missing was some nudity. Perhaps they're saving that for the sequel. Worth at least one view for fans of dumb movies.
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Just plain fun
bl-6397416 May 2021
If you expect this to be a serious sci-fi movie, look elsewhere. The actors know it's ridiculous and they just have fun with it. Gory special effects and a very funny twist at the end.
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Add mean gators to a century old family feud.
michaelRokeefe5 September 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Sounds obviously bad, but give this chomping thriller a chance. Griff Furst directs this Syfy Channel Original; slack-jawed story with tragic acting and off and on dangerous looking graphics. Very watchable and fun. More believable than SHARKNADO.

Quite a bit city and still full of Cajun, Avery Douchette (Jordan Hinson) returns home from the big city to still find her family feuding with the Robichauds; like they have for over a hundred years. There is a possibility a romance will be rekindled with Dathan Robichaud (John Chriss), but bad blood boils hotter with poached gators becoming an issue. Big trouble really thickens when a bad batch of blue dye colored moonshine is dumped in the bayou, causing some fierce "red neck' gators to go on the attack.

Filmed near Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Other players include; Ritchie Montgomery, Jimmy Lee Jr., Shanna Forrestall, Thomas Francis Murphy, Isaiah LaBorde, Amy Brassette and Nicoye Banks.
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Exceptionally fun and enjoyable Sci-Fi Channel effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder6 September 2013
Following a series of strange alligator attacks on their property, a bayou family puts a land-standing territory feud into hear-gear when their rival family turns into mutated gators from botched moonshine and must stop them from taking over the swamp.

This here turned out to be one of the more enjoyable and entertaining efforts put out by the Sci-Fi Channel recently and has a lot going for it. One of the better efforts is the fact that there's a strong sense of cheese throughout that's not played for laughs and is kept totally straight, the comedy coming from the incredulous-ness of it all being depicted in the real world. From the concept of how the gators are turned to a realization of the title on their physical bodies that gives them a distinct advantage in the area as well as the physical qualities of their original personas are played up to maximum effect here, which all makes for some cheesy fun when they're placed into action here. Using the swamp-land location is a great move to give the film a pretty decent location to set it all, and there's plenty of action with several nice chases through the water and surrounding wet-lands to give off a pretty tense vibe from time-to-time. The multitude of bodies piled up allows for some pretty decent gore-shots, which do get ruined by the fact that they're all CGI which happens to be the only real fault here. The gators look a lot better than expected and anatomically don't look that far off but the glint off their bodies that is the tell-tale sign of CGI ruins the illusion somewhat. Still, the story's pretty fast-paced and the homages to the other story shoehorned into this make for a pretty enjoyable time, so overall it's just the CGI that really lowers this one.

Rated Unrated/R: Graphic Violence, Language and Brief Nudity.
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samjolley4 November 2022
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Fun, Fun, and Fun
Dark_Lord_Mark30 April 2019
A woman comes home from college to her redneck family.

She encounters gators, not just any, but redneck ones

I know, it's low budget and not Citizen Kane, but fun........fun.......fun

Very Much recommended.

9 out of 10.
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If this does not scary then nothing will
jacobjohntaylor124 August 2017
This is one of the scariest movies I have seen. It has a great story line. It also great acting. It also has great special effects. It is not a 3.6. It is a 9. This is one of the scariest movies I have seen. I f you like good horror stories you will like this movie. It is a great movie. It is a scarier then The silence of the lambs could ever be. This scarier then A Nightmare on elm street and that is not easy to do. This scarier then Friday the 13th V a new beginning and that is not easy to do. This scarier then Halloween resurrection could ever be. This one very scary monster movie. And it is no of the best monster movies I have seen.
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