K-911 (Video 1999) Poster

(1999 Video)

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Decent but not great
TheLittleSongbird4 June 2010
I do prefer K-9, but K-911 was pretty decent if not exactly great. The script is weak in places with some somewhat rudimentary comedy, the production values aren't as good this time around, the story falls into predictability a little too often and the direction is merely average. However there are some fun moments, the soundtrack is decent and the movie does move fairly quickly. What made the movie though is Jerry-Lee and James Belushi- Jerry-Lee is still the well-trained and cute dog I loved from K-9 and Belushi is always watchable and is quite charming.

Overall, it is a decent film but it is not a great one. Worth watching for Jerry-Lee and Belushi but don't expect a masterpiece. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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Let's get serious - NOT
ahodge9 March 2002
Arrrrrggghhhhhh, some people take life far too seriously!!! Watch this film for what it is, sit back, relax and have a giggle. The film does not take itself seriously, so neither should we. If you like James Belushi, you will like this film. If he is not your cup of tea - give it a miss.

I like James Belushi, so I liked this film. So simple isn't it?? :-)
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Changed at the edges, but the core is still the same.
Bing-1820 October 2000
Ten years after the first movie, James Belushi, one of the most gifted, and over looked light comedic actors of the last twenty years, returns as Detective Dooley for this movie.

If you are expecting more of the same from the first movie, you will be disappointed, but this is still a good movie. Realizing that all the Dog vs. Man battle of wills scenarios had probably been used up in the first movie, this one turns slightly more psychological in its approach as it concentrates on a criminal with a fixation with Dooley's recently deceased wife after she rejected his book, and blames Dooley for her death.

The script may not be the best, but the movie allows both Belushi and Christine Tucci to show their good acting ability, while still retaining enough of the light humour of the first movie to make it work, and the chemistry between the two stars is there for all to see.

An easy, light going movie, which, while maybe not worth a purchase unless you are a true fan of either the first movie or Belushi, definately worth a watch when it comes on TV.
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Entertainingly funny
The Watchers Apprentice13 August 2001
I don't much remember the first K9 movie, which I've seen once. I rented this movie out of pure curiousity and was not dissapointed. It is incredibly entertaining and funny at the same time. James Belushi is solid as a rock as always, continuing to show us why he is so well suited to light comedic movies. At his side is Mac, as Jerry Lee, his canine partner, who is incredibly talented and well trained and is responsible for some of the more funny moments in the film. Another interesting thing about this movie is that the plot is so different from the first movie. Whereas in the first movie it focused on the relationship between Dooley( Belushi) and Jerry Lee, this one focuses on the fact that Jerry Lee is getting old and is about due for retirement and Dooley's reaction to this. As well as that Dooley and Jerry Lee have to contend with a bad guy that has ties to Dooley and wants revenge. Quite entertaining and worth watching. 8/10
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Has its moments.
callanvass13 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Dooley and Jerry Lee are still running amok on the force! Just a little older and a little less effective. Things get a bit worrisome for Dooley when age is clearly catching up to Jerry Lee. Jerry is forced to partner up with Sgt. Welles(Tucci) and her dog to track down somebody that is gunning for revenge, and putting Dooley's life in danger. The good news is this sequel is nowhere near as bad as part three. The bad news? It's still highly unnecessary. I'll give this movie credit where it's due. It passed the time admirably and painlessly, something I wasn't expecting. It still has the lazy toilet humor and it's quite dated with an 80's feel. I love the 80's, so this type of cheese is right up my alley. I couldn't help but chuckle at the Rocky style gags of getting Jerry Lee & Dooley back in shape. That being said, I couldn't shake off this feeling that this movie was phoning it in! And to be honest, it was! There is much more action in this one than the third. Belushi was out of shape, but not to an embarrassing degree like he was in the third, so he's able to handle himself in mediocre fashion, in the action scenes. At this stage? Mediocre is a compliment. He's still way out of his element, running after baddies. I like Belushi, but it's obvious he's nowhere near his best. He phones it in half the time and kinda mugs his way through. He cracks some jokes, some funny, some aren't. I kinda wish he showed a little more agony about his dead wife. Christine Tucci is rather bland, but fits the bill. She doesn't embarrass herself and kept me watching. Her romance with Belushi wasn't very believable. Wade Williams is OK as the villain. His storyline had a lot of potential, but it resorted to clichés and took the safe route. It wasn't congruent to the tone of the film

I did give this movie plenty of criticism, but I did have some mild fun with it. If you put your brain aside, it is possible to get through this movie with no regrets. The original is still the best!

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The Definition Of A Feel-Good Film & Nice Light Fun Entertainment.
lukem-5276012 May 2019
I grew up loving the first K-9 & watched it over & over on video so when i heard that James Belushi said in a radio interview that he was making a straight to video sequel to K-9 back in the late 90's i was extremely excited as i was already obsessed with the first Classic Cop Comedy. K-911 is a DTV gem, a sequel that is nearly as good as the 80's classic.

I don't care what anyone says, this movie is one of the most enjoyable, charming & feelgood films out there!!! Jim Belushi is on top comic form & is having so much fun back as silly Dooley. Although there's obviously a little cheese with being a comedy about a menacing police dog & his silly owner/partner, yes there's those childish moments of silly humour but really it all goes together so nicely. Fart jokes & silliness are all apart of it's cheap 90's video store charm. Good fun all around & a feel good vibe that makes you smile. K-911 is simple light entertainment that is a nice breezy B-movie buddy comedy. K-911 probably will never be some sort of lost gem or a forgotten cult classic but it will always be to me a lighthearted warm Nostalgic little cop film. Well K-911 is a little gem to me & a film i often turn to when i want something real easy & lighthearted to watch on a night. Just seeing Jim Belushi & hearing his iconic voice & quick witted humour is a sense of comfort for me as I've always been a Jim Belushi fan. Back in the late 90's & early 2000's i was constantly tracking down Jim Belushi films & would find his films at a cool little video store called Enterprise Video. In that store they had shelves dedicated to actors & there was a James Belushi shelf with a bunch of his movies on vhs & i collected many. Also i sort out Jim Belushi films in Blockbuster & discovered many gems of his early 2000's DTV output such as Angel's Dance for an example. So whenever i put on a Belushi film it transports me back to simpler & better times when videos ruled & the world made sense.

I love James Belushi i think he's one of the greatest actors of all time!!! Belushi can be hilarious in goofy comedies & then be a tough guy in a deadly serious Thriller & that is what being a brilliant actor is all about.

He's fantastic in serious films such as Gang Related,Retroactive,Traces of Red,One way out & Separate Lives Among others & i grew up watching this great guy & collected any videos starring James Belushi, he's always been one of my favourite actors.

K-911 is a lovely little easy going Cop Comedy Thriller, it still has that old school cop Thriller feel (90's thriller feel) with alot more added fun & comedy. It's a joy to see my old buddies back, Detective Dooley & Jerry Lee. I also really like Belushi's wardrobe for his Dooley character in this movie, it's the best I've seen Belushi look in a movie. I appreciate that Belushi resembles the ordinary everyman even down to his "dadbod". It's refreshing to have a lead hero on screen that isn't a ripped-to-shreds meathead, Belushi is the average joe with a gun & a badge & i love it.

James Belushi is on top comic form again in this sequel but although he goofs around & there's alot of fun silly moments there's still heartfelt drama especially in a lovely sad little scene where Dooley is going to bed & sits on the edge looking at an old photo of himself with his wife who has passed away from an illness & it's a very sad moment with that bit of depth that tells me the new director cares about the characters & it's a touching moment to show how Dooley is still missing Tracey & seems so lost without her but of course he still has his faithful partner & buddy Jerry Lee by his side.

This plays as a fun comedy but also does turn into a Thriller when things get dangerous when a psycho who is obsessed with Dooley's late wife begins targeting Dooley.

So there's a well thought out backstory that opens up & nice connections to the Tracey character (Dooley's wife) so this feels like a proper sequel.

K-911 has a solid little story & a heartwarming buddy cop drama going for it as well as seeing our favourite cop duo older in life & a new case to follow them on & the film is just so sweet & nice & that a joy to watch in these dark times!!! Nice piece of Escapism

This is a low-budget straight to video movie but it's still well made & very entertaining but of course I'm aware it's not got the same quality as the Classic first film but for me it's just nice having a Sequel to one of my all time favourite films & a Sequel so late, 10 years later!!!

The tone is different than the 80's classic but it's now the late 90's so it's filmed differently & obviously on a small budget & it's gone for more light hearted family fun but it's ok to be different as we don't want the exact same or a remake so it's fine. Actually for a low-budget sequel it's as good as the original, but it often like sequels over the first films. I prefer Ghostbusters 2 & Predator 2 & The Rescuers Down Under & Die Hard 2 & Robocop 2, all better than the first films in my opinion.

Another little change is he's now LAPD rather than San Diego PD but in the big time gap since '89 he's obviously moved departments so thats a nice fresh little touch & Dooley now lives in a lovely big house in the suburbs & other nice little touch is his old boss Captain Byers (James Handy) is back & still swinging for Dooley as a little in joke from the first film.

There's some romance too with a new cop duo with the lovely Sgt.wells (Chrisine Tucci) & her dog Zues who Dooley seems to be falling for & it's all played really nicely & you see what a warm nice guy Detective Dooley really is.

It's still sad that Tracey has died but that's life for real so that adds some dark depth to this fun cop comedy & James Belushi is definitely enjoying himself back as Dooley & there's a nice fun training montage with happy music while watching Dooley & Jerry Lee try to get back in shape it's a lovely scene.

There's lots to like & enjoy & this movie will put a smile on your face.

I often rate little B-movies or Direct-to-dvd films higher than most big budget films because they don't try to be anything other than what they are, great entertainment & fun. We like what we like & that's it.
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Run-of-the-mill sequel in which Dooley and Jerry Lee team up with a younger Doberman
ma-cortes31 August 2022
So-so and inferior sequel in which Dooley's from the police force , ready to a new adventure , while with his dog investigating some criminal cases .In this follow-up to the action comedy K-9, Detective Mike Dooley (James Belushi) and his trusty canine companion Jerry Lee . On his way home him and his partner Jerry dog discover there is a stalker called Devon (Wade Williams) who wants Dooley dead . German Shepherd dog, for nearly ten years , but Jerry Lee isn't as young as he once was, - as Jerry Lee can't keep up with chasing Devon during a shootout- , and Dooley's superiors (James Handy as Captain Byers) suggest that maybe it's time that Jerry Lee was retired from the force . Then they get two new partners - a Doberman Pincher named Zeus and his new trainer (Christine Tucci)- . One's just a little smarter than the other ! . Buddy movie about a special couple , a cop and his dog! .Dooley and his K-9 partner Jerry Le. Meet the two toughest cops in town , one's still a little smarter than the other !.

The picture talks about James Belushi , the peculiar Detective Dooley and his K 9 partner , this time accompanied by tomboy female sergeant Welles and her dog Zeus, a young , strong Doberman Pincher . Dooley is a quirky policeman who develops lonely his missions , only helped by his faithful dog Jerry Lee that in the first entry was played by Rando , a 3-year-old German Shepherd from West Germany and trained for 3 months , along the way they will have to confront deal of dangers and here chasing an avenger stalker . The picture is a particular buddy movie because the starring are one person and one dog , the comedy and giggles regarding both of them are continuous . Over 40 dogs were considered but none of the American German Shepherds were deemed suitable . A year-long search was held to find the right dog for the role . The dog chosen , Rando , learned to understand commands in English . There's a previous picture concerning to similar theme upon policeman-dog relationship : ¨Turner and Hooch¨(1989) by Roger Spottiswoode , both of them are similar , though I think the best results to be the film featured by Tom Hanks . Furthermore, ¨Top Dog¨(1995) by Aaron Norris in which Reno The Dog pairs up with tough cop Jake : Chuck Norris in thwarting a criminally terrorist organization.

The flick K-911 (1999) blends humor , action-packed , pursuits , tongue-in-cheek , it has fun but there are moments that's a little boring but when the dogs appear is amusing enough . Being well starred by James Belushi , Christine Tucci as aggressive female detective , James Handy , J. J. Johnston and Wade Williams as disgruntled stalker , a revenger crime novelist Devon Lane who became obsessed with Dooley's wife and he blames Dooley for her death. The trilogy is made up by the following ones : ¨K9¨ ,concerning the police chief : James Handy assigns him as couple , a hound dog with the aim to track down an important drug peddler : Kevin Thige , while his his fiancée : Mel Harris is abducted .The film obtained success at the box office ; however , about ten years later , the same starring James Belushi and the dog (or different dog because had deceased) made this second part what failed and was direct-to-video . In this sequel title K 911 (1999) by Charles T. Kanganis to the action comedy K-9, Detective Mike Dooley and his trusty canine companion Jerry Lee get two new partners - a Doberman Pincher named Zeus and his new beautiful master Christine Tucci .Subsequently had a third part this K-9: P. I. (2002) that was another failure . The yarn K-911 (1999) was regularly directed by Charles T Kanganis who has directed some commercial films in uneven success , getting hits and flops , such as : Chance , Sinners , Rome & Jewel, Daniel the menace strikes again, Race the Sun , Intent to Kill, No escape no return , Deadly Breed , being his greates hit : 3 Ninjas kick back . The flick will appeal to action comedy buffs and dog lovers . Rating : Average 5/10.
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DarylJGittings2 February 2024
Detective Dooley (James Belushi) and Jerry Lee are back. This time the police captain feels that Dooley and Jerry Lee may be getting a little too old to cut it. Welles (Christine Tucci) and her dog, Zeus are teamed up with Dooley and Jerry Lee.

Someone has been trying to gun down Detective Dooley. He and Jerry Lee must figure out who would want to kill Dooley. With Welles and Zeus in the hand the team tries to figure out who may have a vendetta against Dooley. Finally, they figure that a disgruntled author has a beef with Dooley. Can Dooley and Jerry Lee still cut it and take down the bad guys with the help of their new partners?

K-911 is a good mixture of action and comedy, that will appeal to Belushi fans as well as dog lovers.
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lacks charm
Calicodreamin20 April 2021
K-911 lacks the same charm as its predecessor. The new recruits lacked chemistry and the storyline was a stretch.
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A big change from "K-9" the original
Blkbird-34 February 2000
I am very disappointed with "K-911." The original "good" quality of "K-9" doesn't exist any more. This is more like a sitcom! Some of casts from original movie returned and got some of my memory back. The captain of Dooley now loves to hit him like a scene from old comedy show. That was crazy. What's the deal with the change of Police? It seems like they are now LAPD! Not San Diego PD. It is a completely different movie from "
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Lots of laughs, loads of fun, good action. Fun for the whole family.
Dog-218 July 1999
The dog is great. The action strong. Storyline works well. This film is fun. Grab some popcorn, soda, and candy, then sit back.
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So many things that bug me
davd_mt25 July 2009
The Biggest one that bugs the hell out of me is that they say Zues takes DUTCH commands. But she is speaking German to him. The 2 languishes are completely different, its like saying "well he takes French commands" and start talking Spanish.

James Belushi gives more the feeling of being a comedy actor not a detective in the slightest. The role just doesn't fit him, even if its mend to be a comedy.

To many stereotype/predicable stuff. Typical comment or comebacks.

If you don't look at those things i think it could be a nice movie to watch if its ever on TV. But i wouldn't suggesting renting it.
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Dumb, cheap, careless, lazy but slightly enjoyable if you're in a really, really, really, REALLY undemanding mood
bob the moo7 October 2002
Dooley and Jerry Lee are still on the force when they have a rough two weeks of almost being killed – ending in a huge gunfight where they fail to catch the suspect because they are out of shape. They are given new partners in Welles and her über-hound Zeus. Despite the misunderstandings and Jerry Lee's crisis of confidence they start to hunt down the man who burns with anger against Dooley.

I wanted to hate this, I must admit. I thought this was going to be rubbish and that I wouldn't get though 5 minutes. I was right, in that it has plenty of flaws, but it was still diverting enough to be slightly enjoyable. The plot is Stupid (note the capital S!), some nonsense about a killer after Dooley because of a bad book review. The way they track him down is dumb and if you want to follow the movie I suggest you give logic and reason the night off. The action scenes are rubbish, be it a rocket launcher attack or a massive shootout where no-one (NO-ONE) gets hit at all. I know it's a kids movie but this is too much.

The comedy is basic but at least it isn't just a retread of all the dog versus man jokes. It's still a love/hate buddy cop thing thought and it gets pretty tiresome after a while. Belushi tries hard but he's no Bill Murray. He simply can't carry the movie and his clowning is a bit much. Tucci is too straight laced and her "Dutch" is a joke. The dogs are OK but really lack character and I could only ever see them as well trained animals and not in terms of personalities or characters.

The film sets out it's production values from the first 5 minutes onwards. At the start we see Dooley get out of the shower. He is naked from the waist up but in the mirror behind him it is clear that he is wearing underwear! How did they miss this mistake!!!! It is repeated all the way though with tonnes of continuity mistakes – I never notice goofs in movies but here they are everywhere and really obvious. It's not a big problem but it does show how cheap this film is and how little care was put into it.

Overall this made me laugh a few times but mostly AT the film and not WITH it. Belushi tries hard but the material is poor and the production values are so low that it's obvious that no-one wanted to make a good film – but just make a cheap film that would make a small profit on video and TV. Like I said, if you're in a silly mood, drunk, high or just a really undemanding (or dumb) person then you'll love this. If you're normal then you may just be able to stand it for 90 minutes but will struggle to use the word `enjoyed' when you tell your friends about it.
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Definitelty for fans of "According to Jim"
crankyerma5 December 2006
If you are one of the people who finds "According to Jim" great television comedy, this is going to rock your world. And might I add, kudos for proving that good talent, good writing and a charismatic star are all you really need on any network other than ABC, which prefers to air crap like Jim Belushi's show year after year.

"K-911" is a big, steaming, brown, German shepherd-sized "thank you" for all of the geniuses who loved the first movie. It's exactly what fans of that film and the lesser Belushi deserve. Jim's comedic chops and choice in projects are never far behind his ability to butcher a blues standard. Look for him to try to showcase all of his diverse lacks of talent into every project he hurls at the public like a surly zoo chimpanzee.

If you enjoy Jim's work, this movie is your reward.
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Don't waste your time!
mikewill4515 December 2001
The original was a good movie. I bought it on tape and have watched it several times. And though I know that sequels are not usually as good as the original I certainly wasn't expecting such a bomb. The romance was flat, the sight gags old, the spoken humor just wasn't. This may not have been the worst movie I've ever seen but it comes close.
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Every cop movie cliché rolled in one
freddyneuwendyke13 September 2009
This movie was just plain bad. Just about every cop movie cliché is present and accounted for. Bad guy gets away? check. Partner? check. Wacky personality clash with partner? check. Rookie with something to prove? check. Rookie shows up grizzled veteran. check. About the only ones it didn't touch on were idiot shoot themselves in the foot and retirony but I guess they're saving those old chestnuts for Dooley's next outing. Add in the battle of the sexes with Girl Power along with tired old sight gags and banal overdone material like Dooley's prize car getting trashed all the time and you have the recipe for one really bad movie. Avoid this one at all costs.
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You know it's a bad sign when the dogs take over the movie and it wasn't intended that way
Smells_Like_Cheese5 August 2006
I was expecting a little something from "K-911", I mean it did look like a cute movie that I could get into. I always did love the dog comedy movies. But it looked like it was supposed to be Jame's movie, not Jerry Lee's. The plot was pretty lame and the two love interests really didn't have chemistry to begin with. Not to mention that James seemed to have a total sexist view in the movie despite the fact the writer wasn't going in that direction. James just really ticked me off for more than half the film. The dogs were the true stars and that's pretty sad that they out shined the actors.

So, I'm glad it's not just me on IMDb who agrees that this was a pretty stupid movie. But hopefully, James will realize it was his brother Jim who was the talented one, no offense, but not everyone can be their star sibling. Don't you wish Ashlee Simpson would take that same advice? :D

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I loved the movie!!!!
Buckie18981 September 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I thought it was a very funny movie. I love dog movies and comedy movies so combined they were twice as good. K-9, k-911, and k-9 PI are my favorite movies. Jim Belushi is hysterical and Jerry Lee is hilarious and adorable they make a great team. The only downside is that i really didn't understand how Dooley's wife died. She died before this movie but how? If they said it i must have missed it. Other than that I give it two thumbs/tails up! Those dogs (Jerry Lee and Zeus) must have had A lot of training. They were so funny and all the noises Jerry Lee would make when Dooley was talking to him was so funny. my favorite was when Jerry Lee sang and when he would bite peoples privates to get information very very funny lol
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Only recommended for the braindead.
imseeg18 July 2022
Are you braindead? Congratulations, this is the perfect movie for you.

Do you still have a functioning brain? I am sorry, this movie is not suited for you.

The bad: movies with animals is a recipe for cheesy stories, that (at best) can only be liked by kids

Not any good? NO NO NO. And there is a sequel. Wow...
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A very very good film!!
jim_scarlett29 November 2001
This film to me is a very good film!!

I have a German Shepherd myself and I wish to god he was like Jerry Lee!! I hope too that there is another K-9 in the running!! With Jerry Lee and Dooley in them!! I don't care what any one say these two films were excellent!!
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squall780200324 August 2005
Warning: Spoilers
Well, this is probably one of the best movies I've seen and I love it so much that I've memorized most of the script (especially the scene in the storage unit when Jerry Lee breaks wind) and even with the script in my head I still like to watch it for Jerry Lee, that German Shepherd is hysterical and really is put to the test to see who's smarter. The tag line holds true as well. Not to mention the acting is great, though Christine Tucci sounds different in a whisper (Check filmography under CSI if you don't know what I mean). It's too bad that this movie only contained the single issue Dooley and Jerry Lee had to work with, it would have been pretty cool to see the tricks that Zeus and Welles had up their sleeve.
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James Belushi at his best! [major spoilers included]
jellyneckr30 August 2001
Warning: Spoilers
In this sequel to the 1989 action-comedy classic K-9, detective Dooley [James Belushi] and his dog Jerry Lee return to fight crime, but this time they are teamed up with another detective [Christine Tucci] and her partner, a mean Doberman named Zues who does not get along with Jerry Lee very well. Dooley does not get along with his new partner much either. That all changes as the movie goes along. The movie is intense as their is a guy that really wants to kill Dooley for the way he treated him in the past. There is some dramatic scenes dealing with the death of Dooley's wife that don't really seem to be with the tone of the movie because the rest of the movie is action sequences, dog poop jokes, fart jokes, and jokes about dogs biting bad guys in a certain area. I know that that seems like very low humor, but some of it is actually very funny. I didn't see this movie for the jokes, I saw it for two reasons. The first reason is because I am a big James Belushi fan and the second is for the action sequences. James Belushi is funnier than he was in K-9 and the action sequences at are better too. It would have been nice to see more characters from K-9 to return, but it's still a fun movie. If you are a James Belushi fan, you'll love this movie.
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You'll Bark With Laughter!
johnny-w3 February 2010
When my 14-year-old daughter and her friends get together for movie night, there's one movie they insist on watching over and over again: You guessed it, K-911, the third installment in the highly successful K-9 franchise starring everybody's favorite TV dad, Jim Belushi.

Folks, I knew it was possible to wear out a VHS tape, but a DVD?! This has been played so often that it's starting to skip; no joke! But of course you'll have that when you own a film so charming, so brilliant.

Of course, we have to thank the one and only Tom Hanks for introducing us to the beloved Cop-Dog genre with Turner and Hooch; however, even that film doesn't measure up to the sheer excellence presented in all three K-9 movies.

Some nay-sayers say Belushi ran out of steam with this third movie in the series. Poppycock, I say. While you might suspect that a third installment - direct-to-video, at that - may not seem like something worth watching, you'd prove yourself wrong after watching this quality movie.

I won't give away the plot, but I will say that Belushi and his panting partner give their best performance yet - one that will have you HOWLING with laughter! It's a shame John Belushi isn't alive to see what great strides his brother has made in the acting world.

I highly recommend your teenage daughter introduces this film to her BFFs at her next slumber party. Don't forget the puppy chow!
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Understanding reviews
signlady28 March 2022
If you like to read reviews be certain you take everything into context.

Going back; the first K-9 movie with Belushi came out in 1989. Imdb wasn't even created til 1990. That's why you find the number of people who wrote reviews (58) low, and the score was 6.0 out of 10 stars. The first user review ever written was not until 1999, 10 years after this movie came out.

Most of them were written 2003 and well after. So 1 to 2 decades later, expectations are so different. Had this movie received a larger number of reviewers around the time it came out, I believe the score would've been amped up to 7.5 or better. I didn't review it there, but I give it a 9 as well)

Now, here we are for K-9II, and additional dynamics affect reviews.

First of all, the industry waited 10 years for this sequel which is really too long.

Really affected reviews. Meanwhile, many more exciting movies were competing, for example Star Wars Phantom Menace came out in '99. Everyone & their cousin was all amped up that year & through to 2005 for these 3 episodes.

Also, when a sequel comes out, reviewers go read reviews on the first K-9 movie and it affects their rating - or even if they bother to comment because now we only have 23 reviews . . .

By this time, Imdb has been online for 9 years. This film gets a 5.6 which considering the low number of reviewers & raters, is a fairly good number when taking all these considerations into context.

I have a friend who only looks at the rated number. If it's not 7 or higher, he automatically refuses to watch that movie, or he goes into it very biased. Terrible way to choose movies. He misses a lot of gems, old & new.

But understanding reviews and movie ratings in full context is important - not only if a movie is fantastic but also if it really sucks. Our reviews can be helpful to other movie lovers, but moreover to the industry. Except, I think - for the most part - the industry does understand all the dynamics that affect reviews & ratings, while many users do not.

Again, with this 1999 movie, only 2 reviews were written in that same year, about 3 more here are from 2000 -2003. The rest of these few written reviews are from 2005 to 2009, a random one from 2021. So, just looking at numbers, I can infer that an overall lack of interest affected the ratings & reviews, and by even looking at the movie culture from '99.

And bear in mind, news events can even affect reviews, so one might go back and consider what major things were happening not only culturally, but also nationally or world wide that always affect how viewers digest movies in the first few years they come out.

I found this movie to be fun. I rewatch it every couple of years (all 3 in order) My dog likes 'staring' at these movies too, including Turner & Hooch.

These days, there are so few good, clean movies to enjoy. I bet if this movie had an F word in every sentence & even just one background scene with a stripper, some people would absolutely love it. These days, the F word & a stripper bar scene is inserted in movies ad-nauseum & egregiously.

Therein lies my own biase. Even if a movie rates a 10, and has glowing reviews, I read the parents guide. I don't even have kids. I just want to know why there's an R rating. If it's full of F-bombs or over-done or vulgar sex scenes, I won't watch it. Do you think I miss any 'gems'? I doubt it. I just happily avoid the ridiculous use of F-bombs, etc.

Meanwhile, know the K-9 movies are great for most of the family!
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A very funny sequel
pmtelefon30 May 2021
It's refreshing to see a straight-to-video sequel where no one mails it in. The writing, direction and cast are sharp all in "K-911", especially Jim Belushi. Belushi, once again, gives a terrific performance. He does a great job with some very good dialogue. Belushi is very funny and very likeable in "K-911". He so comfortable in front of the camera he's a joy to watch. I like the original movie but this one might be even funnier.
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