Ronja the Robber's Daughter (TV Series 2024– ) Poster

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lennartengelbert2 April 2024
This production passes the minimum requirements to be watchable, but the persisting impression is why they made it at all. A bit darker than the original movie, the tone is yet quite mild and the dialouge not far from the book.

After watching 3 episodes, I am still wondering, why am I watching this?

The darker angle, is bathing in poor acting and a sense of rushed production. Sometimes almost cliché driven with rather weak and not very well represented subplots and story arcs.

Production quality is on par with other low to mid budget fantasy shows, and is utilizing passable basic CGI and clever practical effects.

I will watch the rest of the season, but I am not looking forward to it.
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A nice production, charming and grotesque in equal measure
jonathan_crawley2 April 2024
I'm not Swedish, I'd never heard of the stories and have never seen any of its previous adaptations. I simply gave Ronja a try on the strength of the trailer which the Netflix algorithm saw fit to show me.

Looking at some of the other reviews here, I'm glad of the above because coming into this completely fresh, I was able to appreciate the show without bias or preconception. The truth is, in contrast to Netflix's usual catalogue of bilge, this is a charming and entertaining show.

A beautiful coming of age story set amongst a gorgeous, but deadly (and often unsettlingly grotesque) sylvanian landscape, Ronja is well-acted and engaging enough for the viewer to feel suitably immersed. The jeopardy feels real enough, and as is often the case with folk-tales, there are numerous lessons to be learned along the way.

Adaptations of niche stories like this tend to attract criticism from people who view it as some sort of sacred cow, never to be touched unless you're able to achieve perfection. For the rest of us, this is well worth a watch.
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Bad dialogue, feels off with some accents, but some nice shots
simonoloflarsson4 April 2024
They add unnecessary words that easily can be said/shown with your face or body. Some words that don't fit well with the timeline. And when it is two clans that are living in a secluded area it feels a bit off when you sometimes hear a completely different accent. I also feel like the comedic vibe is not on point, feels very staged and stiff. I actually think it works better in English than in Swedish. So if you're not familiar with the excellent original movie, and you are watching this in English. I can understand that you might like it. But some nice shots and beautiful views overall in the whole series.
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A Game of Thrones for kids (first season review)
vitusart10 April 2024
Like most Swedes, I have a special love for Astrid Lindgren's iconic coming of age tale set in a medieval Scandinavia that is both idyllic and cruel. In a place where unlikely friends are made and strange creatures can be found, this series is sure to be loved by many.

Although a modern take in technical aspects, it's not just a green screen production. Much is shot on location, displaying real landscapes with footage of some wild animals adding a nice touch to the world building. And even when cgi is used it looks good. Most creatures though are almost entirely practical, some designs being the best versions I've seen. Moments of humor also makes the cut, and I love how the show doesn't change how scary some scenes should be. For kids, the dark moments could even be the most intriguing aspect. At least it was for me.

However, a comparison to the 1984 film is inevitable. There's a raw passion there which is simply not found in the 2024 show. Ronja and Mattis, are played by great actors here who do the parts justice. But other characters are not given the depth they deserve. Instead, the writing makes room for completely new character's that don't anything to the story other than runtime. And on top of that, the dialogue can be stiff and feel somewhat unnatural.

Overall though, I really enjoyed this show for the most part. It is well worth a watch if you're the slightest interested in the story. And if you have kids, it's almost a must watch. I'm looking forward to seeing what they'll do with the rest of Astrid Lindgren's tale!

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A worthy remake
BlooberBob28 March 2024
I like to say: Don't remake good movies, remake bad movies.

After the amazing 1984 version that is still being watched today, with songs being sung generation after generation, why create a new version?

Adding upon that the anime by Gibli, and the Netflix version felt unnecessary.

But having seen the first part now I change my mind. The Netflix version feels authentic - the environments, the characters, the music. I feel like I am back in the Mattis Woods again with old friends, but this time I get to see more.

There is always an autoimmune reflex when they mess with something that defines ones childhood - Who is that character? What is happening now? Voffo gör di på dette viset? But that passes and soon it is a delight to dwell into this expanded universe.

I had a great time watching this first part. Hopefully the next part comes soon.
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Good production, terrible adaptation
hannibalmani9 May 2024
This show has ups & downs. The production looks amazing, the costumes were pretty good, it was well played, had some solid music, the intro is a vibe and some good cinematography too. But its just a terrible adaptation. The show doesn't focus on Ronja at all. Instead it focuses on Mattis' story and Kappa's. Kappa is an original character with probably most of the screen time. She is not likeable she doesn't do anything, her character is nothing at all but still this her show. Why? None of these characters are likeable. Bot even Ronja. She just feels like a normal 13 year old. Ronja isn't even a supporting character in her own show. The plot is boring, stupid and full of people who don't do anything. We don't see Ronja learning on the forest. We don't see Ronja trying not to fall into the river. Instead we got Mattis who is.... there and Kappa who is..... Also there? Plus who designed the Harpies!? They're just big birds with nipples! There's nothing scary or menacing about them at all.
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Lacks the humour, the charm, and the music.
jonathanmarklund1 April 2024
This feels like I'm watching a theatre play based on the movie. And I'm pretty sure I've seen local amateur theatre with better acting.

There is so much of the dialogue that feels clunky and stiff. And it's delivered by some of the worst actors I've seen in a long time.

But it's so much more; gone is the charm, gone is the humour, gone is the magic. And the most glaring thing missing: The music.

It's just not Ronja without the music. It's so flat and boring with the new soundtrack. It sounds like they've gone to YouTube's open archive and just pasted in some license free music. It sound like most of it is just some dude with a synth and a "medieval fantasy" sound-library. It has no soul.

And that is how I feel about the entire show. It's just soulless, empty and flat.
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Loved it!
forsn29 March 2024
Im a big Ronja fan. Watched the original movie over and over again, as a kid.

I still know all the lines and songtexts, my wife laughs at me, when I quote the whole movie, While watching it with our kids.

I was affraid Id be disapointed at the new series, but wow! They really caught that feeling from the original movie and added a new layer.

I love the darkness added in the series, they don't sugarcoat it. But they kept it at a good level, so I can still watch it with my kids.

Most characters feel autentic, Im a bit disapointed on Skalle-Per, he feels like a parodi.

And as alway good children actors are hard to find.

Loved Ronja, but Birk did not really come up to the standard I expected.

If the second part can deliver, I will probably up my score to 10/10.
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Below mediocre, Astrid Lindgren turning in her grave.
changewakeup2 April 2024
Astrid Lindgren is turning in her grave. This is truly terrible.

Poor acting: Mattis sounds like he's reading a script. No emotion, no soul, and it's a laughable performance. Same goes for the rest of the so called actors. EVERYTHING FEELS UNNATURAL.

It feels like a school project.

Ronja looks like Birk, What is that all about?

Also, I'm a black man but what's up with the black dude in a wig(looks more like a hat)? I don't get it. The whole show is out of touch. Isn't this medieval Sweden. Why do they have to force this diverse/inclusion bullcrap?! IT DOESN'T LOOK NOR DOES IT FEEL REAL.

Whoever produced/directed this boring tale is either a beginner or not ment for the job.

The show's got so many flaws and problems that just doesn't make any sense. In one scene the Harpies/Vildvittrorna are looking for Ronja lika mad. She jumps in the water, and as soon as she goes under the surface they take off... Like NPCs. Wtf? In a normal fairytale/world they would probably hang around to see if she emerges out of the water?

That's just one out of many mistakes.

Oh yeah, Ronja hasn't been outside the Castle ever, but for some reason she's a brilliant swimmer. Ludicrous.

Shame on everyone in charge, A disgrace to Astrid.
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Almost there
tinaekwall31 March 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I cried during the first episode, of nostalgia and expectations. As a kid I was a huge fan of the book and film adaption from the 80's.

I love the actor of Ronja, and Bald Per to. Not a fan of Johan Ulveson but got pleasantly suprised! He makes a good adaption and not as whimsical as I was afraid he would be with the part. He gives Bald Per some deep and really makes the best out of the role.

Spoilers: At first I really liked the idea of the two mercenaries ladies coming to town. "OK, they want to add more females to the plot, sure, good idea for the younger audience". But after have seen whole part one of Ronja I just feel... why are they even there? Their absence feels boring and I really don't care when they or Tjegge is in the picture.

Why is the whole Tjegge-part necessary? It feels forced and I really don't like him there!

A lot of things aren't I'm the book but I love the extending of the world of Ronja. But I wish they didn't do changes that affect the outcome. Like the whole character of Tjegge.

I love Borka and the depth they have given the hole Borka-clan. The complexity to his son, Birk, their life as underdogs, always bullied by Mattis.

The only problem is that Borka is such a strong and alive character and is more well portrait then Mattis. Mattis feels blend, not at all like the biggest robbery chief in all the forests. I understand they didn't want to make him as crazy as in the old serie, but his hole borderline disorder and impulsive anger goes missing here. He screams a little at his robbers but I don't feel it. Don't know if it's the actor or directors fault.
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Lack of passion
jonasengelbrektsson5 April 2024
Im swedish and grew up in the 80s so as any other kid I saw the Ronja movie, which means alot to me. I also grew up near a forest, not too different from the one in the movie. Ronja has so many things I love in a movie, a good story, interesting characters, medieval folk music and songs. In a northern forest with mythical creatures.

This new series was touching this in a few moments, a few seconds of passion here and there. It starts out pretty alright, but eventually I lost interest.

The visuals are great, music is good, many actors does a good job even with the occasional bad dialog from the writer.

Adding the bounty hunters, village chief or the food thief, didnt bring anything to the story at all. I dont mind them adding new characters like this, but it just felt like they were forced into the story and not properly cared for. The main bounty hunter seemed to have an interesting backstory, but since we hardly know anything about her I cant care less. Instead of adding more characters, why not add more depth to the ones that matter?

I would have absolutely loved this, if it was done with heart.
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This remake filled in the gaps
mxmhtdh2 April 2024
I enjoy this remake. Ronja's story is true to the book but more layers has been added. People in the village. The good, the bad, the greedy, as well as people of color.

It always bothered me, even as a child, that there were only two women in the original story.

I think that the people writing reviews here, disliking the actors or their accens, absolutely missed the point. Their differences absolutely adds to the fact that they are outcasts living in the woods. Acceptance is survival.

In my opinion the child-actors are great. Ronja is faboulous and Birk, well, he's 100 times better than the original.

My kids absolutely loves this series, and they think this is the better version. Watch and enjoy!
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Not what I expected
Loevovv30 March 2024
At first glance the remake had me hopeful, the more the show went on had me wondering if any of the actors are on the same page and what's even the point with this show.

I miss the songs, the characteristics from that age, the raw conversations and much more.. why mix so many dialects, deep and bright voices and how loud they speak in almost every switch of actor. It feels way off and very childish at some points.

They could've done so much more to capture the raw and chilly vibe, now it almost feels like a theater where they put different actors with totally different skill set, did one take and where satisfied with that.

I pictured what could've been a great show, but this one falls short for me.
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Really good remake.
sugandekrokodil1 April 2024
This is a really good remake. I grew up with the original from the mid 80's which is also very good and muchappreciated with a big group of people.

I like that it is much darker and dirtyer, so this is for a bit older children than the original.

The special effects are of course much better today than the original, which is really good for the new generation that gets to enjoy this story once more.

The Swedish landscape with the forest and the river looks very genuine and becomes very beautiful with today's high quality television set's we have today.

I think this will be a new Swedish classic.
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Varför förstöra Ronja på detta viset?!(Aka Why destroy Ronja this way)
majaren31 March 2024
I cannot understand those who give this a good review. It is a symptom of everything wrong with our culture of binge watching bad shows just because they look kind of nice.

The casting is a joke and the acting is terrible, if you pick a couple of random people of the street they will perform better that this cast.

The once witty fast sentences from the original is now slaughtered by bad timing. They act as they are in an amateur theater and they overact to compensate lack of real emotion. If you compare this acting to original Lena and Börje you can see clear differences in skill and emotion. Ronjas parents, who we once loved, her father with all his norm-breaking neurotic and loving glory. And the mother as strong and calm official chief of all robbers. All this is now lost.

And the original interesting aspects of two really strong girls in a home with very loving and miserable men, is totally lost in this production.

Skalle Pär seems like a joke and the original story of intense love between him and Mattis is now gone.

The feeling of the show is flat. And the important messages from Astrid Lindgren and Tage Danielsson lak understanding and care.

Varför förstöra Ronja på detta viset?
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bellepropelle3 April 2024
This adaptation is truly perfect. The original adaptation and the book are both very dear to me, and this hit for me. I got emotional and teary eyed from happiness and goosebumps several times each episode. Praise whoever did the casting! The cinematography is amazing, the costuming, sfx, character designs and the CAMERA WORK!!!! There's a few drone shots in one of the episodes that are absolutely insane! The aesthetic captures the essence and atmosphere of the book exactly, i felt placed in the universe! The score is also so so beautiful, and i LOVE that they kept alot of the original music! The writing and screenplay is really good and honest, it understands their characters and it fully respects and stays true to the source material. The reimagined and new b-plot storylines were unexpected and sometimes hard to follow, yet, it did need them to work as a multiple episode show and to grasp a new audience, and i hope the rest of the viewers can see and understand that as well. Although it does worry me if it could make Ronja and Birk's protest less powerful. I liked the fact we get to see a reason for Borka's moving and how he knows his way inside the fortress, and an origin lore for the hostility.

All in all, i really did love it and it fills my heart with pure happiness and childlike wonder!
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The casting of Ronja was a significant misstep
rqkqzsxv31 March 2024
Initially, I was hopeful, but as the show progressed, I started questioning if the actors were on the same page and what the purpose of the show even was. I miss the songs, the characteristics of that era, and the authentic conversations. The mixing of dialects, varied vocal tones, and loudness of the actors and immaturity at times. It also lacks the raw and chilling vibe I anticipated, instead feeling like a mishmash of actors with different skills hastily put together. Overall, I envisioned a great show, but this one disappoints me. The casting of Ronja was a significant misstep, she talks and looks way too nice, almost upper-class rather than the defiant and self-independent rough rövardotter-girl she should have been. Skalle Per's role also felt underprepared, diminishing the depth & joy of the character. While I enjoyed the visual effects and the portrayals & acting of Lovis and Mattis, they weren't enough to compensate for the disappointment in the show's overall execution.
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Excellent serial - very different from the 1984 movie
matsstaf2 April 2024
Having read some quite bad reviews from mainly Swedes, who are still strongly emotionally attached to the "Old Ronja" (the cinema classic from 1984) my expectations were quite low.

But to my surprise I found this new serial excellent (six episodes released, six more expected). Great actors (particularly the girl playing Ronja) exciting and sometimes frightening story. The story is very different from the 1984 movie (which was and is a good family movie). This new serial is not in my mind suitable for small children. Some scenes can be a bit frightening. I give the serial so far 10 out of 10 points.
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It's not what I hoped for unfortunately..
melindagustavsson29 March 2024
The starting scene had me excited for what to come but unfortunately it didn't follow up the way I'd hope!

It feels like the series is put together with strange acting, weird scenes and general misunderstanding. Is the series for adults or children? I don't know.

Always loved Ronja as a child and was super ready since I saw that Netflix was going to make it into a series. But feels like a bit of a flop for me.

The actors are on completely different levels, seems like they don't act on the same page, the scenes are a bit slow, the costumes feel stressed and mostly look like something that was found in a hurry.

Maybe they didn't have the highest budget for this, but then I would rather skip making a remake if this would be the outcome.

I really like the idea of a remake but I couldn't watch more than 3 episodes.. Although big ups to Mattis, Lovis, Birk and Ronja that for me, were on the same page and acted the way I'd hope. Honorable mention also to the big birds, they had me shivering!
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Greetings from childhood
enitar30 March 2024
Ronja, robber's daughter was one of my favourite childhood books and Lindgren's books too, and I was very curious about Netflix series.

Beautiful, beautiful landscapes, scenic waterfalls, forests, mysterious lakes, a land of magic, like I imagined as a child. Little bit confusing to hear nightingale singing in the autumn scene but that's a detail.

Good cast for main characters, a wise, caring Lovis, a big bear Mattis who loves his daughter profoundly, lovely Ronja and Birk. Very good black birds and forest dwarfs, not overly designed.

Still cannot understand do I like the additional story line about village, soldiers etc. I understand how it fits dramatically into the story but it somehow destroyes it too.
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The old version is 1000 times better than this atrocious production
johan-6715731 March 2024
The acting is very uneven and the script is so poor that it becomes ridiculous at times. The old version is 1000 times better than this atrocious production.

Child actors who clearly have never jumped or run before attempting to do so in the film...and have had difficulty learning the manus.

Looks like it has been an expensive production, and it's disappointing that they didn't make more effort with the budget. VIASAT can be glad they managed to sell this turkey to NETFLIX.

The old version is 1000 times better than this atrocious production and who is the target audience really? Overly nostalgic adults since it's rated for ages 13 and up.
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Good adaptation based on the book
annastrom-842672 April 2024
This adaptation is based on the book by Astrid Lindgren and not the old TV-series. So those that expect it to have the same jovial tone as the old series will probably be disapointed. But if you love the book, this is close to the book (which I love and have read several times) but it also fleshes out the story some more with new characters and an additional storyline. So that köpt me intrigued as well.

I can safely say, after watching this, that I still love Ronja, Birka, Lovis, Mattis and all of the relationships in the story.

In short, ut is a solid, good, version that kept both me and my kids entertained.
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Dated & falls short of the original film
riheg-450475 April 2024
I'm a big fan of Astrid Lindgren, her book & the original film. Timeless classics, this is not, however. They clearly aimed to update it for the mythical modern audience, which intern removed all the charm and realism and made a believable setting difficult to achieve in this medieval inspired fantasy. The casting is fine, except for a few strange choices & the acting is generally OK, I presume the younger audience will be entertained just fine. I was glad to see that the budget was sufficient for some great CGI. I will not recommend this if you are a fan of The book or the film because of the potential for disappointment. For casual viewing & younger viewers it's OK at best.
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tommysweden5 April 2024
It feels like many of the people who gives bad reviews hasn't even seen the new Ronja and those who have seen it and give a bad review hasn't seen the old version for 40 years and has some nostalgic feeling about it. Every time it's mentioned to do new versions of Astrid Lundgren's books it negative feelings about it even before it has started like the old versions will automatically be forbidden to watch. The old versions will still be there, feel free to watch old Ronja anytime for nostalgic memories.

I really like the new Ronja, it's very well done and I get goosebumps whenever there is music involved.

Beautiful landscape.

Finally vildvittror looks like real creatures and not humans in costumes. Kerstin seems to have a great acting future and masters the role very well. The new series give another deep to the story and I'm looking forward to the remaining episodes.
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Had to stop watching
So, I thought this would be fun, a way to re live some of my childhoods memories of Ronja Rövardotter. But I am instantly thrown off when I realize that Johan Ulveson has a part. For anyone not swedish, this might not bother you, but he is a "joke" actor, always and only does super silly and ridiculous roles in super silly and ridiculous movies or series. His portrait of Skalle-Per reminds me a lot of when he played a pedophile, "Farbror Bosse", and I just can't stand it. Then I also realize that the casting is done in an "including" way, which I just don't understand. This show isn't about modern day life. The characters were not like this in the original story. This does not do Astrid Lindgrens old tale any justice at all. Don't waste your time on this.
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