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Ratatouille (2007)
Best Pixar Film.
10 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, Ratatouille is the best Pixar movie ever! The way that it humanizes rats could've easily been misdirected like basically every other animated movie that has animals as main characters, somehow Ratatouille managed to surpass every single other Pixar movie I've seen. I had a long fear of rats, but after watching this movie my fear was suppressed and I realized that these rats are just like us humans - asides from the fact that most of them live in the sewers and don't have easy access to food - the message feels realistic, there is emotional depth, the animation is artistic and it is a visual masterpiece.

The voice acting is literally perfect, not one flaw, its' world feels unique and unlike any other Pixar universe. I was enthralled throughout its' entire runtime, from that epic shooting scene in the beginning to the end when Remy finally has his dream of becoming a chef be true, he works alongside Linguini and Colette after the food Remy made with Linguini was approved by Anton Ego himself.

It's one of my favorite animated movies ever made, it sends a message that applies to a lot of young people (not just rats) and it's well deserving of its' reception and maybe more.
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The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
Helped elevate pop culture
10 January 2022
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The earlier seasons from 1-5 are pretty brilliant (6-12 are good, but not quite as good), the characters are perfectly developed, they're all likable, the comedy is understandable and it doesn't feel like you're being made fun of intellectually. Sheldon, Howard and Penny are three of my favorite sitcom characters of all time, they are the three consistently lovable, emotionally resonant and hilarious characters. Raj, Leonard, Bernadette and Amy are alright, but don't have as interesting plot lines as the other three. The show gets a lot of pop culture references and facts wrong, it seems to make fun of nerds/geeks at times and the storylines seem to de-escalate during the next 7 seasons, the show isn't bad like certain people make it out to be, the comedy is great, the performances are great and it's a fun show to watch casually.

Now, granted it's not a Seinfeld level sitcom, it can be intellectually challenging at times, certain friendships scenes are difficult to watch like Sheldon constantly making fun of Howard, Sheldon being a cold, selfish, sour emotionless robot, I believe his mother should've had him tested at a better place (no offence), despite all that he is still a lovable character, the show is basically building up a "Sheldon redemption arc" kind of thing. He starts off like a machine, gradually starts to turn human when he meets Penny and reaches close to full humanity when he starts a relationship with Amy. This has probably been said enough, but Jim Parsons' portrayal of Sheldon is perfect, literally nobody else could've taken the role, he EMBODIES Sheldon and that's what makes this show so addictive, Sheldon, you never know what's going to happen with him next episode but you know that you will love it.

The finale in this show is heart-warming and I balled my eyes out both times I have watched this show during the final episode. Sheldon and Amy are nominated for a Nobel Prize and win, Amy finally tells Sheldon what the audience has wanted to tell him all this time, after this intensely emotional scene, Sheldon and Amy walk on stage and as he looks out into the audience he sees Howard, Leonard, Penny, Raj and Bernadette sitting and cheering him on even after what he said to them in this episode, as he sees them he realizes that he has been taking them for granted and during his extraordinarily emotional speech, he expresses his true feelings for his friends and it is easily one of the most emotional and best finales in sitcom history! Sheldon finally deems Howard as an astronaut - this is where I started crying - this scene really shows us that Amy made Sheldon more humane and realize how much he was taking all of his friends for granted.

This show starts with a big bang and ends in one, all characters have growth and development, especially Howard, creep turned into an acclaimed astronaut who has a great wife, two kids and a nice personality, Raj has selective mutism (cannot talk around women) and later he is able to talk to Penny without alcohol and this is a big character growth moment. Penny becomes way less self-involved, more intelligent, accepting of the group, isn't afraid of commitment and gets pregnant, once hated the idea of having babies. Amy learns to be less of a pushover and changes from fully functioning cyborg into caring and loving human being. Leonard learns to express himself and his opinion to Sheldon. This show made nerds happier to express themselves and elevated pop culture, even gained pop culture status. It is not deserving of all the 1-4 star ratings, it should get at least 6 for the performances and overall comfortable feeling to show overall.


Character ranking (just a random thing I decided to do): 6. Bernadette 5. Amy 4. Leonard & Raj (tie) 3. Penny 2. Howard 1. Sheldon.
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A second viewing does the trick
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A Clockwork Orange is directed by Stanley Kubrick, my favorite director of all time and this is my second favorite movie of all time including one of my favorite villain performances of all time! A Clockwork Orange is every genre, it's Sci-Fi mixed with crime, drama, psychological thriller, satire, horror elements and most importantly romance (nah, I'm kidding).

At the time of release it was considered purposefully disturbing, boring and overall just not a great movie, however years later, when critics gave it a second viewing, they retracted their reviews and it is now considered one of the best movies of all time! Same kind of thing with two other Kubrick movies- 2001: A Space Odyssey and The Shining- when these movies were released critics hated on them, same complaints with all three of these films, yet a second viewing (once again) proved that it was misunderstood and genius.

A Clockwork Orange has one of the greatest opening scenes in cinematic history, we have Alex looking directly at the camera, while his droogs are passed out and looking elsewhere. His intense stare and narration create a weird and already disturbing atmosphere. On this first viewing, I strongly disliked the movie, and I couldn't make it through that first r**e scene, I was completely and utterly disturbed. A year later I decided to rewatch it, after watching other mature movies I think I was ready for A Clockwork Orange, and I was right, this movie is beautifully filmed, perfectly scripted and the fact that Kubrick did most camera work, wrote the film, directed it and produced it is beyond me. He is a perfectionist and you can tell that with each shot - even the minimal ones - he put in the most amount of effort that he could and it truly made me appreciate cinema more.

Some scenes are deeply disturbing, when I went back and watched it for a third and fourth time, I always shut my eyes during the "Singin' in the Rain" scene. Alex DeLarge is a monstrous human being, yet he is our protagonist, he commits these heinous crimes and he gets jail time he deserves. He runs into all of these people who he has beaten earlier in the film, even runs into his two droogs, they all punish him and we feel slight sympathy for his character, he is locked in a room by Mr Alexander (the husband of the woman who died from injuries sustained during the Singin' in the Rain scene) and forced to listened to Beethoven - this music reminds him of the crimes he commited and it tortures him to the point of near-suicide. He jumps out of the window and Mr Alexander goes to jail.

The Ludovico techique is seen as wrong and is being pushed to be stopped, Alex is now seen as a hero in the newspapers and the ending is left to interpretation, I think that Alex definitely wasn't cured, he is going to continue this endless cycle of r**e and violence, unlike the book's ending which has Alex become a normal human being. Overall, this is the most unique and intriguing movie I have ever seen.
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Scream (1996)
"I'll be right back!"
8 January 2022
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Scream is the film that resurrected teen horror movies, most bad, some good, but this movie is god tier level, the opening scene is one of the best in film history, the perfect tension buildup to Drew Barrymore's characters' eventual death. Watching this film for the first time was great, I thought I would dislike it because I am not into teen slashers, but wow!!! The plot twist of two murderers on a second watch can be quite obvious, there are subtle hints that Craven throws at us and they can be missed easily. Sidney is the "Scream Queen" of the horror genre alongside Laurie Strode from the Halloween franchise, you might think at first she is your typical, annoying female teenager without an ounce of intelligence, but she is strong, she gets out of these situations unlike others.

Stu Macher and Billy Loomis are two of the most beloved characters from the franchise, Stu provides great comedic relief during the "big" reveal of two killers at the end of the movie. There was a lot of suspense, but somehow Stu manages to make it hilarious and let's not forget his most epic quotes, "I'll be right back!", "Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive", "My mom and dad are going to be so mad at me!" Especially when Billy accidentally hits Stu with the telephone and Stu gets really p***ed! It doesn't ruin the tension, in a way it builds it up more. Billy is more of a serious character, he is a horror movie fanboy who has taken one step too far and decided to become a psychopath, Stu is badly influenced by this, like he said, "peer pressure". Billy Loomis is easily the most suspected, but once he "dies" people believed it was Stu, who would have thought corn syrup???

Scream is my third favorite horror movie (after The Shining and Psycho) so it easily gets a 10. "I'll be right back!!!"
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Greatest animated movie of all time!
7 January 2022
Spider Man: Into the Spider Verse is one of the greatest and most original movies I have ever watched! It has a completely fresh and different style compared to any other comic book movie I've watched, now I don't just think this is the best animated movie ever, I think it's the best Spider Man movie ever, the best superhero movie ever and one of the best movies ever, which is a massive accomplishment. Considering the Sony movie that came before it was The Emoji Movie, most people were skeptical, but leaving that theatre, I have no doubt in my mind people were blown away! The idea of a multiverse is sick, but it's even sicker when it is executed like it was in Into the Spider Verse, it is often considered the best Spider Man movie of all time, even by Raimi trilogy fans (such as myself) and it definitely deserves that title. It balances seriousness and comedy without falling down, and that "What's up Danger?" scene is magnificent and one of the best scenes in cinema history!

All the people from different Spider-verses are likeable and hilarious, every scene could be made into a poster because of how aesthetically pleasing the entire movie is. The background stories for each time we are introduced to a new spider-person are excellently done and the villains are also done really well. This is a rare example of superhero movie perfection.
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Spider-Man (2002)
I missed the part where that's my problem
7 January 2022
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This is the OG Spider-Man movie, it has one of the greatest comic book villain performances of all time by Willem Dafoe and Tobey Maguire gives an extremely likeable portrayal of Peter Parker and Spider-Man, the face off between Green Goblin and Spidey towards the end of the film is intense and incredibly filmed, it's also the only Sam Raimi Spider-Man movie where Mary Jane isn't exceedingly whiny, annoying and just plain dislikeable. Uncle Ben's death is extremely moving and emotional, you're guaranteed to cry, his death encourages and inspires Peter Parker to become Spider Man.

These three films have become memes, but the first Spider-Man movie was the start of it all, it's a classic in the superhero genre. The Green Goblin's outfit is a bit cheesy and power-ranger-y looking, some action scenes look a little unrealistic and the scene where Peter Parker is flying without his suit looks awful, but these are minor problems. And that flying scene at the end of the movie... goosebumps, amazing! It was the start of an amazing trilogy and if you disagree... "I missed the part where that's problem."
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Pennywise the Unscary Clown
26 December 2021
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It Chapter Two was a highly anticipated movie, I was definitely excited going in, but walking out, I wasn't. What made the It miniseries and the first It movie so scary? How Pennywise casually shows up only when the movies feel like they need him to, in this movie, he is everywhere to the point where all of the jumpscares were just plain predictable and unscary. The CGI to make the characters look younger looked kinda horrendous, and don't even get me started on the final battle - who's idea was it to insult Pennywise with swear words in order for him to die?!? If it was for comedy, you failed, because it was cheesy and stupid as hell! Not what "It" is supposed to be! In the book, Pennywise is defeated in an epic way, this was extremely anti-climactic.

The CGI monster was overkill and anybody who gave this film above 7 was either poisoned by their popcorn, the frozen drink went straight to your head you had permanent brain freeze or you have NEVER read the book. The movie is long and dragged out, the book is infinity times better and this movie is so bad that it deserves 1 (if there was a 0 option I would choose it).
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Spider-Man 3 (2007)
The meme culture
21 December 2021
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This movie is hilarious. On release, most things were cringe and nowadays people would probably consider this a genius work of art. The whole "Emo Peter" thing has made some real comedic gold and "give me rent" "You'll get your rent when you fix this da** door!!" As an actual movie, not so great, Venom wasn't done well and some acting was pretty poor... it does have one really emotional scene when Harry Osborne dies (oopS minor spoilerS) Kirsten Dunst's MJ is really whiny, the whole damsel in distress thing really got on my nerve sometimes, like get it together woman! I guess you could look at Spider Man 3 as a dark comedy kind of like Evil Dead 2 (another Sam Raimi movie). It is by far the most fun Spider Man movie, I was fully entertained throughout its entire run time even if it wasn't flawless or the best spiderman movie. If you hate this movie remember what a wise emo Peter once said "Want forgiveness? Get religion."
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Nice outfit
17 December 2021
This movie was levels above what I expected, the comedy is actually funny, Tom Holland gives a near perfect portrayal of the web-slinging quipper, supporting performances are amazing and the villain is actually interesting and performed brilliantly by Michael Keaton. I was surprised by Spider-Man's reveal and his overall character in Captain America: Civil War, and my excitement was justified because wow... Tom Holland easily gives the best portrayal of Peter Parker and Spider Man since Tobey Maguire in the Sam Raimi trilogy and that is a MASSIVE achievement. The best solo Spider Man film since Spider Man 2 and one of the best superhero films of the decade. His outfit is so fresh as well, rather than the kind of homemade look in the original movies and the lesser design in the two Marc Webb movies.

Zendaya as MJ is perfectly cast, easily the best and most original performance of MJ by far.
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Spider-Man (2002)
The start of a great trilogy
17 December 2021
Spider-Man is the OG spiderman movie, Willem Dafoe is the perfect actor for playing Green Goblin, although his outfit does look a little bit cheesy (kinda like Power Rangers) , it is made up for with the spectacularly filmed action sequences. Sam Raimi is a great director and the fact that he can shift from films like The Evil Dead 1 and 2 to an epic superhero film like this just proves his talent.

Tobey Maguire is the perfect Spider-Man, he nails this role so well that it is basically unbeatable in my opinion. The cast is almost perfect and it's also just a really fun movie which is refreshing to watch because most superhero movies nowadays rely on a "dark and gritty" tone in order to make their stories feel engaging, Spider-Man's quips are hilarious and overall this is just a fantastic spiderman movie.
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Marvel at its finest
16 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Captain America: Civil War is an amazing superhero movie, it features one of the best action sequences in cinematic history (Iron Man's group vs Captain America's group) and Spiderman's reveal made me jump up and down like a mad fanboy (seriously the outfit is so fresh). The music really fits the superhero theme, easily one of the best superhero movies of all time and Chadwick Boseman's performance is great and moving (rest in peace). The character development is perfect (except Black Widow) and it's as good as a superhero movie can get nowadays.

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Arcane (2021– )
The Greatest Animated Series- Arcane: League of Legends
28 November 2021
I haven't ever played League of Legends in my life, but Arcane really intrigued me. I saw the positive reviews and thought that the show couldn't possibly be that good, boy was I wrong! The show is beautiful from beginning to end, all characters are developed extremely well, especially Powder (Jinx), she starts off really innocent not really knowing how to fight, all of a sudden she turns into this real kick-a** person! Her character development is written to perfection and what made me the happiest is it's not just some kids' show, there is some real agressive and bloody violence which is exactly what I love!!! Arcane is an extremely unique and beautiful TV series, I encourage anybody with a Netflix subscription to watch this.

TV series perfection.
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Let Me In (I) (2010)
Matt Reeves is the new thing, guys!
26 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I'm telling you guys, Matt Reeves is the new director. I'm so pumped for his The Batman movie coming out next year, because this guy's got talent. When it comes to new talents, Zack Snyder and Matt Reeves are the newest ones. Let Me In is the best vampire movie I have seen in my entire life, and it has some romance. Now, if you ask me, "What genre feels forced into horror movies?" my answer would be romance, but it works so well in this movie, that I didn't even care.

Every-time I watch Let Me In, I turn the lights off and every single time, it never fails to scare the absolute living crap out of me. Now, there are a lot of great movies that came out in 2010, Christopher Nolan's mind-bending science-fiction thriller Inception being one and Martin Scorsese's absolute masterpiece Shutter Island, but Let Me In might just be my favourite of that year. I have not seen the original one or read the book, but after watching this movie after 5 times, I feel like I have to.

Stephen King is my all-time favourite author and I absolutely agree with what he said about this movie, "Let Me In is a genre-busting triumph. Not just a horror film, but the best American horror film in the last 20 years." He also named it the best movie of 2010, which is why King is the man, he's so cool, but we're not talking about me being an absolute Stephen King fanboy, we are talking about the movie, okay.

Let Me In has a great story, towards the end there is one fantastic pool scene where Oskar is forced to have his head underwater for 3 minutes. Eli (the vampire girl) kills all of them and Oskar gets back up to safe ground. This scene builds brilliant tension, we never see them get killed, we only see the blood in the water and a straight cut to Eli's bloody feet. This is one of my all-time favourite horror movies, top 5 at least, the cover for the blu-ray still gives me the creeps to this day.

Grade: A+ (One of my all time favourite movies)
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Groot is cute!
24 July 2020
One of the greatest Marvel movies, if not the greatest! Guardians of the Galaxy cleverly mixes comedy and superhero action and makes something extremely awesome, the relationships/friendships between all of these characters feels real, and Groot, oh my god! I drew so much fan art for Groot, he is the greatest character in the entire movie and I absolutely love him. Chris Pratt also delivers an excellent performance as Star Lord and his mask is pretty cool as well. Overall, I have barely any issues with this movie that are severe, all of the characters have great depth and amazing performances. I cannot wait to see what James Gunn does with 'The Suicide Squad' in 2021, because it looks like he really knows what he is doing with the superhero genre.

Guardians of the Galaxy is one of the greatest films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and possibly one of the greatest of the decade. This movie looks extremely good on the big screen and blu-ray, if you come across the blu-ray for this film, I highly recommend that you buy it because the effects are very impressive and some of the best I have seen in any other movie that has come out this decade. I will put out my greatest superhero films of the decade list out on IMDB very soon, expect Deadpool to be number one, because... SPOILERS: it is.

Grade: A+
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True Lies (1994)
A mixture of action and comedy at its best!
4 July 2020
Joining Terminator 2: Judgement Day as one of the best action movies of all time! Terminator 2 is my favourite action movie of all time followed by Aliens, but this has to be extremely close! This is not only one of the best Cameron movies, but also one of the most fun movies I have seen in my entire life. The action is absolutely breathtaking! The script is absolutely hilarious! It's got all of your favourite Arnold Schwarzenegger dialogue that James Cameron seems to be extremely good at. The one-liners are perfect, the performance by Jamie Lee Curtis is great and she makes it even better.

This is one of the most re-watchable movies I have seen in my entire life. One thing that James Cameron is extremely good at is character-driven movies, you get the character's background story, their personal life and another thing he is good at is extremely kick-ass female leads! He did it with the Terminator films, Aliens, Titanic, Avatar and he does it once again with this. It's one of the greatest female performances of all time along with Sigourney Weaver in Aliens, Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2, Jodie Foster in Taxi Driver & Silence of the Lambs, Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club and many more!

I won't get into the story & plot because I feel that this is one of Cameron's movies less people have viewed because they are focusing on the bigger Cameron movies and I believe that's a mistake because this is one of the greatest films of the 90's!

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R.I.P Joel Schumacher
28 June 2020
Batman & Robin is one of my all time favourite movies! George Clooney and Arnold Schwarzenegger deliver the performances of a lifetime! Okay, jokes aside, this movie is pretty laughable, Joel Schumacher directed a far more brighter and colourful Batman movie compared to the darker Tim Burton approach. When I was around 7, this used to be my favourite Batman movie! Not even gonna lie, then I got around to becoming a film-lover and realised how bad this movie really is! The only reason it gets an 8 is because Schwarzenegger actually makes the movie funny, George Clooney's suit is kind of nostalgic for me in all honesty and some of the camera angles are pretty dope, ngl. This is also the movie that brought us the Nolan Batman trilogy which is 2000 times better than this piece of... *masterpiece* (of) cleverness and absolute genius! A serious R.I.P to the man, the myth, the legend, Joel Schumacher, who should not be remembered for this.. ahem, *masterpiece*, but for his other brilliant work like Batman Forever (yeah, to be honest I kinda love that movie), A Time To Kill, Falling Down, 8mm, Phone Booth, Phantom of the Opera and many more. The guy didn't only direct this, don't take the 8-rating seriously, it's just because it's nostalgic and brought us three other movies that were a f*** ton better than this one!
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The Crow (1994)
One of the greatest comic book movies ever put on the big screen!
20 June 2020
This might be a very controversial thing to say, but I think that The Crow is one of the best films of 1994, it's after Pulp Fiction and Shawshank Redemption. One of the most tragic things about The Crow is that actor Brandon Lee died on set, he got shot in a scene that originally wasn't in the script, but was added last second. It was something that could've been easily prevented and the actor could have survived if the fire arm had been examined by the weapons examiner, except he was absent that day. It ended up having real bullets in the barrel and Lee ended up getting legitimately shot and dying during hospitilization. (Rest in peace.)

Saying that, Brandon Lee's iconic performance as The Crow/Eric Draven will live on for eternity. Some scenes had to be done without Brandon Lee because he had died on set, so they cleverly used light and shadow and/or special effects to cover up the fact that it's not Brandon Lee.

The makeup for Brandon Lee's Eric Draven is iconic and the ending is extremely moving. It also features one of the best sword-fight like battles of all time!

The script is fantastic, the cinematography for certain scenes is masterful. It's one of those films like The Dark Knight or Inception that lived up to my expectations and exceeded them. Literally everything about this movie is amazing, the gothic set design is beautiful, go check it out if you haven't, it's one of my all time favorites.
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Deadpool (2016)
"Let's count 'em down!"
20 June 2020
This movie is absolutely brilliant! It's one of my all time favourite comic book movies and deserves its' positive reviews because this is a future action movie classic! I'd say this would be after Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises as one of my all time favourite action/comic book movies. It's possibly the most quotable film of the century, the best comedy of the century, literally everything about this movie is awesometacular.
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1917 (2019)
One of the greatest war films
17 June 2020
I am pretty late to reviewing 1917, I saw it as soon as it came out in theatres and by God is this a cinematic experience! If you didn't see this movie in the cinema, what were you doing? I mean seriously! What were you wasting your time on, because this movie is amazing! I've seen many great films this decade, don't get me wrong, but 1917 has to be one of the best! The atmosphere and the cinematography of this movie makes you feel like you're part of the war, Roger Deakins is easily the greatest cinematographer working today and that is just a straight fact. At times, it can get a bit overwhelming, I must admit. There were many times during the film where I would burst into tears!

The hype is real, watch this movie if you haven't! One thing that made me really sad is that this film did not win "Best Picture" Oscar, sure, you can say Parasite all you want, but at the end of the day 1917 is a practically flawless film. Like I've said the feel to this film is mastered so well by Roger Deakins, VERY well deserved of his Oscar win for "Best Cinematography" category. One thing I haven't mentioned yet is that Sam Mendes directs the sh** out of this movie! His script was amazing, the dialogue is fantastic, that little scene with Benedict Cumberbatch was awesome, everything about this movie hit the right note.

I don't want to make this review too long, but I strongly reccommend that you watch this movie, the main performances are excellent, cinematography is next level and it is war movie perfection.
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Venom (2018)
It's not terrible like critics make it out to be, but it's not great like audiences make it out to be
12 June 2020
This movie is kind of a mixed bag. There are certain elements of it that I think are creative, but by far it is definitely one of the lesser Marvel films. The only thing I disagree with Martin Scorsese about is that "Marvel movies are like theme park rides" because there are ones like Endgame, Thor Ragnarok (my personal favourite Marvel movie), Civil War, The Avengers, Infinity War and many others that have a far deeper meaning and much more than just entertainment. Overall, Venom is one of those okay movies that doesn't deserve hate, the scenes where the Venom inside Tom Hardy's character is talking to him are pretty hilarious.

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A Comedy for the Ages!
8 June 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Shaun of the Dead is directed by Edgar Wright and stars Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Kate Ashfield as its lead characters. The movie starts off with a conversation between Shaun and his wife, she's telling him that they should spend more time together. Shaun lives with his... ahem "best friend" and Liz says that Shaun living with Ed is a bit too far and maybe he ought to spend more quality time with her. There are some hilarious moments at the drinking table when they look over at the people sitting over at the table talking about them and say e.g, "Ed, it's not that I don't like you."

I went into this movie expecting an "okay" zombie invasion movie and that is NOT what I got, I got way more! The use of music for more comedic moments is absolutely hilarious and works so well! His friend, Ed is lazy and just sits around playing video games all day. Simon Pegg's performance as Shaun is absolutely bloody brilliant, he is so oblivious to the world around him, he doesn't watch where he's going and he's just... HILARIOUS! He works as a Television businessman, helping customers with prices and all that fun stuff.

Shaun begins to see weird things, people acting all strange and he can't help but stop staring. There are some cuts in this film that feel like they're done properly and not like stupid cuts that are done these days. One of the most hilarious scenes in the entire movie is when Shaun gives the flowers to his wife, Liz, only to find out they were actually for his mother because it has a card that says, "To a beautiful mother." There are many scenes in the movie like that and the comedy is top-notch.
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Only the best chase film EVER!
6 June 2020
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More people need to talk about this film because it is worthy of its 8.1/10 stars on IMDB and with your help of watching this movie you can increase it. This is how movies are supposed to be made, one of Spielberg's best of the 2000's and it has great performances by Leonardo DiCaprio, Tom Hanks, Amy Adams, Jennifer Garner and many more brilliant actors. Leonardo DiCaprio's performance as real life con-artist Frank Abagnale Jr. feels like the real thing, it feels like they casted the real Abagnale at the correct age and this is your performance.

When you're watching a movie, you walk out of the theatre saying to yourself, 'What a great performance', but that is not what actors want, they want you to believe this could be a real person and DiCaprio accomplishes that beyond the shadow of a doubt. This movie is proof that DiCaprio can push out a brilliant performance and isn't just that pretty-boy from Titanic or Romeo & Juliet. It's actually one of the only times I agree with the Rotten Tomatoes common Sense Media, so I wouldn't necessarily consider this film to be underrated, just compared to his other films, this one is put far down on the list which I absolutely disagree with.

Spielberg crafted my favourite war movie, my favourite action adventure movies, four of my favourite science fiction movies, my favourite motion capture movie, my favourite comedy of the 2000's so I went into this film with the highest expectations possible and I loved this film, it was excellent in every way possible. It tells the story of Frank William Abagnale Jr. and how he became rich and got away with everything he did.

His dad (who also goes by the same name except Jr. played by Christopher Walken) and mum have a break-up one day and Frank has to choose whether he wants to live with his mother or father. It is a very frustrating and traumatic task so he decides to run away from home. He becomes a co-pilot by faking identity and paying checks instead of cash, he gets involved with a prostitute and finally meets his future wife played by Amy Adams. They meet at a hospital counter where they both flirt and finally she asks him if he wants to meet her parents, he accepts and they go there. Frank tells them he has multiple jobs and they eventually get married. Detective Carl Hanratty (Tom Hanks) and his fellow detectives go around to where Abagnale is having the wedding.

Abagnale admits to Brenda Strong (Amy Adams) that he is a con-artist and all that money he has gotten by pretending he has a job. He tells her to keep the money and he jumps out of the window and runs away as fast as he can. He eventually gets caught by detectives and is brought to a filthy jail in France. Carl Hanratty comes over there one day to send him to America and says he will meet his father. On the plane, Carl admits to telling him a lie, his father fell down the steps on the way to the train station. Frank goes to the toilet claiming he was going to be sick, only to find a way out of the plane and goes and runs to where his mother lives and sees she has children and a new husband.

At the end of the film, he ends up working for Hanratty and that's the end.

100% - One of my all time favourites
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Silence (I) (2016)
Superior Filmmaking
2 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is definitely not a movie you would pop into the DVD player on a normal night, it is quite distressing and hard to watch at times, which is literally the point of this film. But this isn't like your typical Scorsese distressing and disturbing film, it feels more like it was filmed like a documentary more than an actual movie, which is extremely difficult to achieve. Scorsese said he wanted to make this around 27 years ago, but it kept getting held back by all of his other work. This film actually comes to a point where this literally does not feel like acting, it feels like more of what would actually happen if you went on this mission. So, let's get to the story, it's about a man played by Liam Neeson called Father Ferreira, he has apparently denounced his religion in public and Fr. Rodrigues and Fr. Garrpe played by Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver, are sent to check if this is true, then, all of a sudden, it becomes a big quest and instead of this being an easy mission, it turns into a gigantic rush. Adam Driver's character ends up sacrificing himself to save the people they are drowning and ends up dying, which mean Rodrigues is all by himself. He ends up finding Father Ferreira and tells Sebastian the story of why he had to leave his beliefs or else he would've died. Eventually, the same thing ends up happening to Garfield's character and he lives the rest of his life not sure about his beliefs, but dies with a cross on his chest. At the end, you are left with an extremely well-made film, which you should expect from Scorsese anyways.
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Best Film of the Decade...
9 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
68% on Rotten Tomatoes, really?

This movie has multiple meanings but at times it is hard to explain the meaning because you can't find the words to describe it. So I'm going to try and keep it easy to understand.

At the beginning we see our main character, Teddy Daniels a.k.a. Andrew Laeddis (as we find out towards the end) throwing up on a ferry saying it's because he is seasick, but now I get it. He is throwing up because he so horrified by his past, his wife killing his three children by drowning them and him shooting her in the stomach that he gets sick every now and then. Ben Kingsley's character says that Dr Sheehan is overseas, which we find out is actually Andrew's psychiatrist for Shutter Island. His disguise name is Chuck Aule and he tries to play the part as Daniel's buddy in this new situation.

Close to the introduction of the film, we see the cops handling rifles when Daniels gets out from the ferry, this is because he is a dangerous patient and we have no idea when he is just going to get mad and kill somebody. He has had a short temper ever since the death of his wife and his three children. When you first watch the movie, you don't realise why the cops could be handling the rifles when Teddy is around, that is the genius of Scorsese. Second time around, you notice something odd about the way people act around Andrew, they're scared of him, they try to act civil around him but the freak out!

The one scene where Teddy and Chuck are interviewing patients and he comes across that one female that seems fine, he asks her, "Have you ever seen a patient called Andrew Laeddis?" she answers back, frightened, "Nope, never heard of him" and runs out crying, that is because she is legitimately afraid of him.

And if you pay real close attention the name that Teddy gives his wife, Rachael Solando and the detective name he gives himself Teddy Daniels spells out the real names of the two. R A C H A E L S O L A N D O D O L O R E S C H A N E L T E D D Y D A N I E L S A N D R E W L A E D D I S

Definitely check this movie out, my favourite film of the 2010's and by far one of my favourite psychological thrillers. Grade: A+
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After Hours (I) (1985)
Disturbing Night at NYC...
7 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Definitely not Scorsese's best, but I find myself thinking about it all the time. I heard about this movie a few months ago when I read Roger Ebert's review and he absolutely loved it, so I gave it a go and what did I get? One of the best films set in New York City ever! This is directed by Scorsese so as soon as I heard about it I knew it was going to be great, but it was even better than I expected, Griffin Dunne's performance is mesmerising and New York is also another lead character of this story.

To sum it up for you, the movie is basically about a guy who has bad luck one night in NYC, meets a lot of crazy chicks, gets involved in the death of one of the females he met and people believe he is the suspect and go after him. He goes into a night club, gets pushed out, meets Catherine O Hara's character, who he later finds out she is in the gang that is going after him, he tries to escape, goes back to his workplace and survives, good one Paul!

The frantic camerawork is genius and what Scorsese ended up doing in Goodfellas and Casino. That's another thing I have to mention about this film, the editing is superb, Scorsese's direction of this movie is amazing and the "Good morning, Paul!" on the desktop at the end is iconic. If you love cinema and Scorsese this is definitely worth your time, it's a classic and definitely get s better and better wit each watch. Grade: A+
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