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Lucifer: It Never Ends Well for the Chicken (2020)
Season 5, Episode 4
Quirky in it's own way but shallow
15 April 2024
I watched this when it came out then after a while i decided to watch the series again. This episode was already on my mind as soon as season 4 was close to ending. Such a solid season by Netflix to then downward spiral into an abyss of such fillers. I get the specialty and unique atmosphere that filled the writers room with an idea for such an episode, though it just ended up dragging for the most part. The acting is bad but it's supposed to be i suppose, this is a story told by Lucifer himself. I just found it somewhat cringe and not for my taste. Don't get me wrong, it's cinematography and costume design is great. The story and execution on the other hand isn't. A spinoff/parody that just makes a fool of itself.

It certainly goes down as one of my least favourite episodes in this entire show.
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Gears of War 4 (2016 Video Game)
Fun gameplay but lousy characters
13 April 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I know it can be difficult bringing new characters into an already critically acclaimed franchise but these "young'uns" just don't seem believable. JD, Del and Kait talk as if they don't have a soul half of the time, just riffing off each other and snapping corny jokes. This worked in the original three games because we already knew their personalities and when things got serious, it got serious. Now JD's dad (Marcus) is captured and could possibly die but "Let's play rock paper, scissors for who goes into that cave". I get JD had problems with his dad but the game displays him like a sociopath with no feelings. Then when he does get upset, it just isn't believable. Maybe it's the voice actors, i'm not sure. It could also be the animations and just overall tone, i mean blood and guts but the game looks PG-13 compared to the first trilogy. Where's the horror?

The story is mediocre but fun enough to get by and stay interested, that is if it didn't look like a bunch of glorified spoiled rich kids running around aimlessly with a free pass at all the bells and whistles their parents fought for.

I don't hate the game, it's fun, colourful and cinematic. I just don't feel the tone and the characters just aren't believable enough for me which makes the story average at best. That can be said with a lot of controlled in-game interfaces that basically guide you through nearly every challenge. Which a lot of games do now because of the lack of attention spans.

Gameplay- 9/10 Graphics- 9/10 Story- 7/10 Characters- 5/10.
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People expected too much
23 February 2024
I like this show, no it isn't exact to the animated series but that isn't essentially a bad thing. It follows as close as possible with having a stellar look-a-like casting choice and you can tell the heart is there. Media change is probably the reason for the rushed development, they had to squeeze in the budget and time frame. Whereas on an animation you can draw what and who you like.

I like to see this as more of a "This is what it would look like to turn the animated series into live action" and that's what we got. The world of Avatar: The Last Airbender in stunning CGI and real people. You have to give it to the actors for really trying to resemble their animated versions, even if their dialog is a little wooden. The 'Cabbage Guy' in episode 3 was more of a cameo gag but i understand why it was in there. The writers really tried to map the cartoon but it unfortunately comes with it's problems. Same goes for most of the dialog from certain characters.

My point is, don't let yourself get annoyed at the fact it isn't copied (as someone said in another review) "frame by frame", because it would just be daft to. Media change changes all aspects, it's not easy going from cartoon to live action, different rules apply. Different availabilities. Just sit back and enjoy some cool effects with still a good story. Remember this is an adaption, and it's good. Much better than the movie from 2010.
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Exceptionally Brilliant!
12 December 2023
Me and my partner played Breath of the Wild 100% completion for the second time to warm up for this game. Straight away the differences in landscape like a shadow over the previous world already sparks the elevation of curiosity with almost endless areas and things to discover.

First of all i just want to say the story is breathtaking.

With loads more added bells and whistles to clothing, treasure and enemies and that's just the small stuff. I read a comment with someone stating they enjoy how this game (Tears) has way more hidy holes to explore than its predecessor (Breath) and they aren't wrong. Tears of the Kingdom with it's countless caves and goodies also has three different map levels; Sky, Land and Depths.

Talking about the Depths, it has been an age long comeback for me to have a Zelda game gain it's horror atmosphere back. Ocarina of Time and Majoras Mask were my childhood and i found them eerie and unsettling in certain aspects to areas and types of enemy but this made it more intriguing . Breath of the Wild had this, of course it had this..... but i have to say Tears of the Kingdom up notches it by 10. The game is insane and is everything you want in a Zelda game. 10/10

And that's after me playing for just a week, my journey has only just begun.
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Doctor Who: Wild Blue Yonder (2023)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Mystery is definitely back
3 December 2023
A much better episode compared to The Star Beast. Wild Blue Yonder certainly had the elements of a mysterious Doctor Who episode again along with thrill and a good amount of comedy (although i wouldn't recommend a goofy comedy scene right before a serious one). Apart from that i actually liked this one.

It did however have it's fair share of bad pacing, it was a clash between a suspenseful scene and one that just dragged. Towards the second half it all started to fit together though and thus the tone was back. I think one of the main things i liked about this was how weird it was, that's what Doctor Who is supposed to be...a thrilling mysterious ride. Besides the certain scenes in this that were extremely goofy with lower budget effects, that was a little too weird. Nevertheless, better than last weeks.

I'm also going to just ignore the opening scene with Isaac Newton because compared to the rest of the episode i just couldn't find it's relevance to the story. It was too random and daft.
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Mixed Feelings But Don't Believe The Low Ratings
5 November 2023
First of all i want to thank all the team in production that helped bring this show to life. Animators, sound department, voice actors and writers/directors etc. It's been great.

Over the past few months this series has been slammed yet again and the high rated episodes have been dropping yet again. This is an occuring problem and it's skewing how people can end up judging a show. I have watched Attack on Titan all the way through many times and each time the story just gets better and better, top tier and god like for some of the action to conclusions we have seen. The build up to this very episode has been one of the biggest in television history along side Game of Thrones and probably a few others. My anticipation has waited for this day and i can tell you the episode was NOT a disappointment.

Then said, to judge the episode in terms of ratings going by how the ratings for the rest of the show were more than half a year ago before the show got slammed by trolls, i would put this at a solid 9.6. This is where i get mixed feelings. We all want this final episode to be the best in the series but it unfortunately for me doesn't beat some of the god tier episodes we have had throughout the seasons. Nothing wrong with the action, nothing wrong with certain dialog, but it lagged in areas. It was a huge pile of story fist fed from different angles with the action and the chaos. Which skewed my vision away from the bigger picture, it seemed almost like moments of filler and theatrics just to get to that final moment (no spoiler)......and then it was suddenly over. It's like...."oh......okay, yeah it was great i guess". I feel like they should have just had the Final Chapter Part 1 be an extra 30 minutes long and done one huge episode. This well over 1 hour Part 2 seemed too long, too much dialog and not enough conclusion. That's coming from me who's been and still is a huge fan of the series.

Overall the episode was great but it seems the show reached it's peak at the start of the Rumbling, it's not been able to top since that episode. Although not for a second do i think this episode was bad, it was actually rather good just stretched out.
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Click (2006)
A great lesson overshadowed by silly comedy
27 October 2023
As silly as Adam Sandler movies can be, Click has a more moral tone to it. Given that Sandler can overshadow his movies with tiresome corky-ness it does emotionally level out with some family desperations. Time is linier and it eventually runs out for all, if you drone yourself away from the people that love you it can bite you later in life. Aside from using the power of the "Universal Remote Control" for shallow jokes it becomes a realisation that we do want to skip certain things in life. The problem with that is we eventually have to lose that potential we had for greater choices. I liked the movie, it's one of Sandlers best, but sometimes his jokes can be a little distracting. Definitely worth a watch.
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Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Victory and Death (2020)
Season 7, Episode 12
I cried
28 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
From the low episodes to the high episodes, this whole series has at least never failed to do one thing, and that's show the development of the clones throughout. If you skip to these last 4 episodes they just don't feel the same you have to do your homework first. Seeing the episode "Shattered" and the Order given it crushed my heart to know everything the clones went through to still have them compromised in the end (It was like your family suddenly turning on you after years of wholesome compassion). I felt sorry for Rex, he was brought back from corruption and saw what his brothers had become. To see them die because they "had to", then the ending with Darth Vader. Separated from his Padawan to only be in the shadow of her footsteps as a sith. You could feel his heart in there as he picked up Ahsoka's lightsaber. This episode really pulled on the heartstrings, the development, the loss.
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The Whale (2022)
A good stage play type film
10 July 2023
Set in a small rugged house centralised around Charlie, a self loathing morbidly obese teacher who's self pity drowns him away from his family. Fraser's acting definitely brings heart to the character and thus the movie's tone is set right. This isn't a movie about a fat guy eating all of the time, this is a caring regretful father trapped in a "Whale" so to speak.

It does bring a underlining of development but as a movie it suddenly became limited. 95% of the film is set in Charlie's house, in his front room no less partial to the kitchen when he needs to eat or makes food. Even though it does set a sense of realism and connection to the character, it does become somewhat bland in certain areas. Characters would come and go like a stage play using the front door as the exit/entrance. All we were missing was the live audience. If this is how the movie was supposed to be set then fair enough, it worked and us viewing the movie from Charlie's point of view worked well enough to feel his alienation and isolation away from the world. That i can understand, it just as a 2 hour movie seemed bland in areas. This would have been better as a 90 minute movie or less. The ending was a little phased out like a finished play and thus the curtains are drawn and the audience claps type of thing. I got the message but it seemed a little quick for a movie.

I wasn't keen on Ellie for most of the movie, a stroppy mentally affected teenager built on trauma made her somewhat evil in certain aspects. The underlining development was that she does have a heart and her father is proud but i couldn't stand her half of the time. It wasn't her anger towards her father that annoyed me as much, that was necessary for the most part. It's just the way she talked sometimes and what she talked about, sometimes she just needed to shut up. Especially with how she talked to Thomas in their first few meetings. Maybe that was just me.

Other actors were also great and the movie gets a solid 8 from me.
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Succession: With Open Eyes (2023)
Season 4, Episode 10
Mixed feelings
29 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where do i start with the finale of one of the most well written and well acted shows i've ever seen? The first half of this long episode was a little slow but the pieces were coming together, secrets unfolded, tension rising. It built up to a promising ending and then took a shocking twist before the close. Who knew Kendall's guilt would eventually catch up with him after all this time, it was the shade that stayed his feet as he grasped the crown. Dropping the news about him killing someone back in season one just before he takes the throne was like a gunshot to him, it ruined him. Since the death of Logan, Ken has always been about sitting in his chair and being better than his father but like his father said "You have to be a killer, and you're not", in a metaphorical sense it makes Kendall no where near as strong as logan was.

Side Note: The kitchen scene at their mothers was one of the most cringy pieces of television to come out of such a well equiped show as such as this. I actually had my head in my hands at one point looking through my fingers. Cringy as it may be though, it brought together Shiv, Ken and Roman as a trio again which lit the fire for the second half.

It makes you feel sorry for the rich though, to have all that money and fame and still lose. Tom had been walked on by the Roy family for years to only then land on top in the end. The Roy kids never had what Logan had, they were born rich and it's all they depended on. Logan had the strategy for power, he built everything up.

I'm a little concerned at Shiv's pullout, but she obviously did it so Tom could win, seeing them possibly getting back together? She didn't want Kendall in charge but i don't think it was because he killed someone. I think it was power in her own sense, alienated by her family so she sides with the enemy.

And now it's all over, was a great show but i feel the ending could have been made better.
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Succession: Church and State (2023)
Season 4, Episode 9
Kieran Culkin Emmy?
22 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I read a few weeks ago about Kieran Culkin's possible first named nomination to this years Emmy awards after the wrap of Successions final season. Now i can see why, he truly displayed a broken son under too much pressure at the funeral and of all his Roman "full of himself" comedies underneath is just a sweet boy who misses his dad. It brings out the under skin of what makes us human, and what makes us real.

Kendall's grab at the podium crumbling more hearing about Roman's invite to Mencken and among other things like with Rava, Ken's serious talk with Hugo trying to negotiate a chance at the crown again. His Ego seems to be the only thing that will help him belong, at least that's how i see it. He's losing everything else, even Mencken's lifting his eyes to Lukas now with help from Shiv.

Roman losing his mind at the end just sparks how much he cared about his dad despite his dad's sour personality. Kieran really is deserving this years Emmy.
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Succession: America Decides (2023)
Season 4, Episode 8
America "tries to" Decide
15 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Another great episode. From start to finish it's been one chaotic defusal with different coloured wires and each pull creates tension for a certain party.

Tom and the touch screen problem exploding fear throughout ATM creating agany for Kendall. Roman having his own game with Mencken, leaving the podium open, Ken wanting to be the one leader is no longer a straight arrow. Shiv having her own problems but she's been digging a deeper hole ever since she decided to team up with Lukas. Lukas doesn't care for her, only himself and using Shiv as a way into the Roy party like a spy is evidently killing her out of the family. Shiv threatening Gregg as a power play backfired straight away, it's more than just being part of a rich family. Shiv just doesn't know how to play people.

Two episodes left, Roman has a chance to go higher than Kendall, Shiv is most likely completely against her family now and Kendall is like a worried puppy. Directions are turning fast.
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Succession: Tailgate Party (2023)
Season 4, Episode 7
More than just a party
8 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Some more tension in this weeks episode mixed in with mingling and tasteless wine. The party gathered by a load of important leaders set off to a good start with Kendall giving a toast type of speech to the room until Lukas walked in. Lukas looking like a polished turd with his sparkly jacket on hiding his faults that were later revealed. A flaw in his success, it's a hole that could destroy him like a grenade. Nate being invited was also awkward, but truth be done Kendall being told he wasn't his father twitched his ego again. Towards the end with Ken talking to Frank about the flaw in Lukas' numbers after Nate telling him to his face that he's not his father, it's become clear that Ken wants more than that now. He doesn't want to be his father, but better. "One head One Crown", he's willing to cast Roman and Shiv aside. Although will his ego be his downfall? Maybe not but i guess we'll find out.

Tom and Shiv's relationship had it's own grenade, the start of the episode looking promising with them back together then there was the Scorpion gift that to Shiv's face told her what Tom really thinks about her. Although she didn't get the verbal wrath of it until later on. I do think Tom has a point, a little forced but truth hurts. Tom throughout this series has been nothing but a private to the leader of the army being the Roy legacy. I've been on and off with how Shiv has treated people throughout the series, it's a sudden complication. It's like she's only there because of her last name, it's always been that way. Women can make good business leaders but i never saw that in Shiv, to me she's always been just a rich girl living off daddy. She's intelligent but she lacks people skills.

Gerri threatening Roman with a lawsuit reminded me of Karl with Kendall in the previous episode. The snakes have their own podium, it's only Frank but i believe Ken is winning him over. Am i wrong?

A tensional episode with some small truths and hard truths, this series is revealing more into the final fight. It's going to be chaos.
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Succession: Living+ (2023)
Season 4, Episode 6
Living+ with a lasso around it's neck
1 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The awkwardness still flowing through the Roy family as they try to unfold the new launch of Living+. It was almost like Ken and Roman were certain stages of Logan's personality, Roman being Anger with his short fuse on Joy and Gerri saying they're fired for having a hairs width of an opinion. Kendall being the negotiator trying to set up the perfect launch to set off Living+ despite the last minute snags. Ken being the light and Roman being the dark but maybe that wasn't the intention however it's how i saw it.

I don't think Shiv realises that Lukas is just using her, i did think she started to know but towards the end when she realised he went too far with the tweet is when i'm concerned to what side she's actually on here. Karl playing dominance over Kendal as a bargaining chip, the snakes are closing in. Ken and Roman under the fragile ice with the snakes underneath ready, the question is can Ken and Roman keep it together. I feel a fuse has been lit. Gerri, Frank and Karl are at their own game now. When the king treats you like dirt and then dies, the burning eyes of hate turn his children. The Roy legacy is a huge room of chaos and Ken and Roman are stood right in the middle.

Something's building up.
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Succession: Kill List (2023)
Season 4, Episode 5
The True Definition of Kingless Soldiers
24 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow what can i say, the whole Norway trip was so awkward you could smell the tension between both parties. Something tells me Lukas will be the main villain for the rest of this series, now Logan being gone the podium remains empty and thus the children have no real battle tactics. Lukas' line "You're just a tribute band" sounded so patronising to the Roy family legacy which now hangs by a thread over a lava pit.

So much weight on Kendall, Roman and Shiv's shoulders that trying to cut a deal with Lukas was more than negotiations. A test of Ego was the real power play, Logan had tons of it thus why he always won. Lukas hit Roman's nerve towards the end and sabotaged the whole deal but for a good cause? The Roy family stands on it's own two feet again, Lukas got told to his face. Now it's only nerving on what he might do, Lukas asked Shiv which he feels he has the most humble connection to, to blindly manipulate her into taking a picture of Ken and Roman's faces. Quite literally, Shiv has no idea what she's just done.
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Succession: Honeymoon States (2023)
Season 4, Episode 4
The Underlining Tension
17 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The underlining tension between; Frank, Karl, Karolina, Gerri, Tom against Roman, Shiv and Kendall is intoxicating. Logan was the net of safety, now the vultures are circling and the firm is the elephant in the room.

Logan's 'Will' with Kendall's name on it clearly woke him up with sudden ego to possibly become above and beyond again as CEO. The last line towards Hugo "Or do you want me to get the strap-on?" encapsulates the inner father in Kendall. Those sounded like Logan's words and thus the power play is back in motion. Bringing Roman on board but leaving out Shiv further elaborates the situation. Shiv has never been able to catch a break because she's a woman, (women don't make good business partners? Is that what they are saying?) it reminds me of the mafia in a way, where men are the ones who rule the family. It's like alienation and i actually feel sorry for her.

A change in motion but the power is always there, Logan might be gone but his ego flows through his family like a curse. It never really went away. Kendall has a chance to change, but something tells me he's just going to end up like his father.

An episode on character.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 22: Guns for Hire (2023)
Season 3, Episode 6
Disney are a Parasite.
5 April 2023
-Cheap attempts at humour.

-Unnecessary side jobs.

-Bad acting in areas.

-No plot.

-Power Ranger confrontations.

-In your face cameos.

-Scooby Doo villains.

Disney has made decent productions in the past but they seem to be falling into this pit of lazy writing. They won't stop as long as it rakes in the money, this goes for a lot of their recent shows and movies hiding weak plots under the skin of "entertainment" ruining good development and losing intelligent structure. Then there's the woke culture, but let's not get into that. It comes to my attention that all they care about is overdone morals and merchandise. I read a review where someone said it was like Disney are hiring 13 year old fans to write these episodes now, it certainly seems like it. Bo Katan Kryze and Din Djarin were wasted potential, they deserved much more.

I watched a video a while back on an essay viewing producers are taking over writers especially from Disney. So visions on how stories are structured are now becoming based on how a producer wants it to look, because Disney are right behind them. Fans want more Grogu cuteness so they throw it into the story even if it makes no sense or is just pathetic.

The Mandalorian was a good show to watch in it's prime, it showed the latest Star Wars trilogy how to bring the magic and thrill back into the Saga but keep that core narrative. Now it's just joining the rest down in the bin of forgetful plots. The opening sequence to this episode didn't feel like Star Wars at all, more of a low rated episode of Doctor Who. It drowns out core story for big budgeted production and eye candy visuals. Disney can afford it so why should they stop? I've seen shows with next to no budget master better at story than this.

Grogu does literally nothing now but "LoOk CuTe", what development was there one time is now him just flipping through the air like an inanimate object and using his force for games. "But it sells the toys", they would say for the same reason the latest trilogy was made. Disney can produce great quality stories, but when they get greedy, it's best to just walk away.

I really am hoping these next 2 episodes will be excellent but i feel like the show will be axed after this season. Maybe it's for the best.

Worst Episode of the series. Infact this entire Season has been 10% story and 90% comic filler. Where's the depth we had before?! Well, i think Dave Filoni left to write the upcoming Ashoka series so what writers were left had all the pressure before the deadlines, that's why this season seems empty. Disney wanted a season 3 despite it having limited writers, it's self explanatory really.

Please make the next 2 episodes justify this Season's downfall.

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The Mandalorian: Chapter 21: The Pirate (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
First Kickass Episode of the Season. People need to cheer up seriously.
29 March 2023
Honestly you have people basically calling it another filler and others calling it a copy of Pirates of the Caribbean. I mean What?! It wasn't a bad episode in the slightest, not a 10/10 but not how people are making it out. Don't believe the critics. This episode had progression on the Mandalorians and story, not a filler.

When i started watching this episode i could tell it was going to be great already due to the build up of music and the flowing cinematography. Wasn't too sure on certain subplot characters returning but the rest of the episode justified it well. Going against my review from the previous episode, the Mandalorians actually seemed badass again. Even Din Djarin himself had flawless screen time. It's just a pity it's taken this long to get an episode like this because this is why i started watching The Mandalorian.

The last scene has so many questions it makes me actually intrigued for the series again.

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The Mandalorian: Chapter 20: The Foundling (2023)
Season 3, Episode 4
Grogu's Flashback Saved this Episode
22 March 2023
To be fair, Carl Weathers did a decent enough job directing this episode. Although i feel the writing to be somewhat vague in areas. The beginning was a bit of a downslope for me, it felt like the series had finally reached it's limit and was just spitballing ideas onto screen.

The Mandalorians just don't seem as badass as they used to, now it's looking more like a Power Ranger club with "This is the way" losing it's unique touch, now more of a "Nothing else to say so i'll say the famous words" but maybe that's just me.

The main story of this episode was miniscule to say the least, some would say a filler but inbetween we suddenly got a flashback segment from Grogu (Possibly PTSD based from the execution of Order 66) and i have to tell you i never wanted the flashback to end. I felt intrigued again, i actually smiled. Maybe this could be part of a story we will see more of, who knows.
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The Mandalorian: Chapter 19: The Convert (2023)
Season 3, Episode 3
This didn't feel Mandalorian.
17 March 2023
I get it, Coruscant is a beautiful place and is part of the Star Wars heart. Although most of this episode was aimed away from Mando and focused more on some side characters with another subplot. These short shows don't have time for subplots, unless it's a short 20 minutes at the most but not an entire episode.

We had Mando at the beginning with the soundtrack department overusing Mando's two tone chime everytime he came on screen. Yes it was overused and i know it's his signature theme but do they have to use it every time we see him? The dog fight at the beginning looked weak, entertaining but it looked like something just to keep us watching.

I don't know if the rest of the episode meant something, maybe it plays a bigger part but i'm sick of sticking up for this series if it just continues to be silly like this. Please make sense, build up to something, give us the meaning. At the minute i'm confused, to the point i actually didn't care for the final scene and i know i should.
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The Last of Us: Long, Long Time (2023)
Season 1, Episode 3
I just couldn't dislike the episode i'm sorry
10 March 2023
I tried to understand and level with a lot of other people who disliked or even hated this episode because it didn't feel like story straight out of the game. Although i feel when you make a TV series whether it's from a game or a book, creating back story is a key element otherwise certain characters may seem a little flat especially major characters. Bill was only in the game for a short while and we only met Frank's body after he'd already ended his life, so when you convert this to a TV series it seems a little shallow for development if said characters are an appear and dismiss without knowing about them first.

I don't look at this as a filler, more of an expansion on character.

An emotional love story in a world so torn apart. I loved every minute of it and i nearly cried.

Yes it was different from the game, maybe they could have stuck to the roots a bit more. Although i can't see it as a terrible episode.
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The Last of Us: Left Behind (2023)
Season 1, Episode 7
I take it a lot of low raters didn't play the flashback chapter?
9 March 2023
This isn't some made up filler for the show, if you've finished the main story in the game it only makes sense to play the flashback chapter 'Left Behind'. This explores Elle and Riley's friendship throughout the apocalyptic world, a treasure of wholesome connections that don't come into light anymore. A very important part of the game's overall development, happiness in it's heart from a world turned upsidedown.

I'm not saying this is the best episode, far from it. Although i will say it has major relevance to Ellie's journey. It may confuse a lot of people, mainly those who haven't even played the game. It does seem out of place but it's a flashback to how Ellie got infected. It is important, but could it have also worked as a short 20 minute segment? Maybe, although it still doesn't make it unnecessary.
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A Tonal Change Compared to the First Episode
8 March 2023
This one felt more like a Mandalorian episode again. With a deeper tone and wider cinematography, ambient music and an overall thrilling vibe. The story didn't branch off into unwanted subplots, we focused on Mando's task at hand.

Apart from a few moments of disposable enemy slaughtering the monsters in this episode actually had the art of terror. A subject not looked into enough when it comes to exoplanet exploration in film making. I mean i'm not expecting it to be like the movie Alien, but the vibe was still there.

A more enjoyable episode, although it would have been also enjoyable to have Mando do more, he seemed like dead weight in this one. Given said, the development still progressed and the story wasn't lost.

Not a kick ass episode, but better than the first one. Progression was there.
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An Example of Quantity over Quality, but Entertaining
8 March 2023
Okay, i have mixed views on this. I have Amazon Prime and surfing for a movie yesterday i saw that this was included with subscription. So me and my partner watched it for the first time.

It started out slow but i'm patient so that didn't bother me, then when the quirky editing and hyper characters started it did start to get interesting. Although only for a short while, it unfortunately for me started to get daft to the point i'm like "Where is this going? Hotdogs for hands, Bagel black holes? Characters wanting to shove items up there bottoms?" I mean.....yeah?

Somewhat throughout the movie i felt exhausted, it was like the movie was written in bullet points. "What weird edit can we do next, with what weird costume?"

The acting was great, all the main cast were great but the movie had elements of complete random madness that make you sit there scratching your head with a nervous giggle as to ask it's relevance.

Acting: 9/10 Editing: 8/10 Story: 6/10

I enjoyed the movie but i feel at the same time that they over did it.

Just seen that it won 7 Oscars, i think it should have taken 1 or 2 maybe but not 7 and especially not Best Picture. It just shows it won on hype alone other than substance. I would have agreed to it taking 7 Oscars if the friggin story made more sense. At one point you had a guy in the background humping a lamp shade, yep that won Best Picture.
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Clarkson's Farm: Council-ing (2023)
Season 2, Episode 5
Councillors stuck in the past, what an embarrassing meeting.
6 March 2023
A segment of the council meeting was them talking about the weather. I mean WHAT?! Local farms are losing profit and struggling to feed the land but don't worry dark skies are fun to look at. One thing this show has taught me about farming is that it's a hell of a job with no promise for profit. The past few episodes have shown Jeremy wanting to bring people together, a potential restaurant that can thrive a community and help farmers around the area. Isn't that what this country should be about? Not old idiots moaning about change, change is happening. It's time to adapt from time to time, it sickens me. I can't even side with them this time.
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