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Passenger (2024– )
6 hours that I'll never get back!
26 April 2024
I was looking forward to a nice day of binging a drama series and, after seeing quite a few excellent dramas over the last few weeks, I had high hopes. I could not believe how bad this was, utter drivel! After sitting through a slow first episode, I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and continued with episode 2. This was just as bad and, I can't believe how I did it but, I managed to sit through six episodes of slow drivel with no real plot, shallow characters, dialogue laden scenes that were spun out to fill the time and no explanation of the laboriously evolving plot. I was hoping that there would be some sort of 'eureka' moment during the last episode but, it finished on a poor, frustrating cliffhanger! Unfortunately, there needs to be a second season, if it ever gets made. Worst drama I've seen in a very long time!
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Where have I seen this before........?
21 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Started to watch this series as I have been on this actual ship and they are visiting some of the ports I visited on my last cruise. The stories are quite simple and don't take too much brain power to work out, but they are entertaining. If you are a fan of dramas such as Midsomer Murders, Bergerac, Lovejoy or any other 'lighthearted' murder mystery from the 1980's-1990's, then you are going to enjoy this series quite a lot. The only thing that is a lot off-putting is, at the end of each episode, Shayne Ward sings a song which, on the whole, isn't really a bad thing, but it does give the impression of being a bit of a vehicle for Shayne's singing career.
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Expedition X: Valley of UFOs (2023)
Season 6, Episode 8
Another hour wasted!
7 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Because I quite like some of the Expedition Unknown episodes and I have an interest in the paranormal, I thought I'd give this show a try. I've seen all episodes so far and haven't seen one that provides any compelling evidence of the paranormal, UFOs or mythical creatures. In fact, tonight's episode was so frustrating, I found myself shouting at the TV! The presenters hear a coyote and it's suddenly paranormal! They see a footprint and it's suddenly a mythical creature! And, when someone is walking along the road wearing baggy trousers and furry boots, they really shouldn't be identified as a skinwalker! There are too many programmes that offer plenty, but deliver little...or nothing!

I really wanted to like this programme, but I'm finding it difficult!
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Fall (I) (2022)
Darwin Award Candidates!
21 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I spent most of the time shouting at the screen as to how stupid these idiots are! For a start, what is wrong with the younger generation and the desperation for YouTube/TikTok 'fame'? Why do they put themselves in such dangerous positions? Are their lives that shallow that they have to act like daredevils to try and prove to the world that they are worthy of some sort of recognition? I have absolutely no sympathy for those that, unnecessarily, put themselves in these situations. That said, I have a couple of things to say about the actions of the two girls. Why did they not tell someone of their intention, and why the hell do they insist on putting a backpack over ONE SHOULDER??!! AND WHERE THE HELL DID THAT TRUCK COME FROM??!!

The only plus I can take from this film is the quality of the special effects. The fact that I felt queasy when they were looking out from the top of the tower proves how effective the special effects were.
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Entertaining, but as believable as Santa.
18 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
As a fan of the Luther series, I was excited to hear about this film and waited patiently for its release. I have just this minute finished watching it and am torn in my feelings for it. On one hand, it was entertaining, a little bit of Hostel, a smidgeon of Mission Impossible and a dash of 24. The story itself was interesting and would have, as a stand-alone independent film with different lead characters, worked pretty well because of the far-fetched escapism. But, this had me shouting at the screen because of its, frustratingly, unbelievable delivery. To start, I served as a prison officer for 3 decades, dealing with real situations as bad and worse than these and the prison scenes were incredibly inaccurate. The way the officers reacted to the incidents were so far beyond believable, that I'd believe in Santa more than believe their actions were accurate. Embarrassing! There were many more way out scenarios all the way through, but I'll focus on the last scenes. Luther walking across a frozen glacier in a shirt and tie with his signature overcoat as though he was walking around Trafalgar Square on a spring day, not feeling the cold at all...then rubbing his 'cold' hands when he is in the basement of the old mansion, which is in the most unbelievably remote location?! Lastly, Odettte and her daughter were covered with kerosene, how the hell did they survive?

To finish, did anyone else expect Luther to hear "your mission, should you choose to accept it" right at the end?

I reiterate, very enjoyable but really far-fetched.
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The cure for insomnia!
17 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Looking at the reviews on IMDB, I decided to watch this with an open mind. I struggled to watch it with open eyes! The film is basically a nod to two of the sci-fi greats, War Of The Worlds and (for the last 2 minutes) Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. It actually reminded me of the original radio broadcast version of War Of The Worlds as you could look away from the TV and miss nothing, apart from a lot of needless running around. The film is dialogue based and only becomes visually interesting in the last 2 minutes when we see the actual ship (with a noticeable nod to Close Encounters Of The Third Kind). I felt that the story was stretched out and the production team tried to turn a story that would have been more suited to a Sci-Fi Channel dramatisation (45 minutes without breaks) into a pretty boring 90 minute yawn fest.

I really don't get how some people rated this film quite high, unless they just listened to it like a radio play.

I don't like giving low ratings and criticising films, but this one really left me no choice.
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The Guilty (2021)
Tense and well made.
26 February 2023
A very well made film that hits the spot. The production team did an excellent job through a tough Covid period resulting in a film that keeps you on the edge of your seat after the first 10 minutes until the end. Jake Gyllenhaal plays the hell out of his role and shows why he is held in high regard as an actor, amazing. The characters on the phone were played with such a convincing reality they that drag you in to their story and help you visualise their situation vividly.

The story is tense and the twist (that I worked out about 5 minutes before it hit) turns the story on its head. Highly recommend film that will have you engrossed, I guarantee it!
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Pagan Peak (2018–2023)
27 January 2023
This series is absolutely amazing! I have a tendency to look for dramas that feature a cop who has a dishevelled appearance and questionable background who carries a load of baggage with them. This series fits that bill perfectly! DCI Winter is a perfect character, well acted, and absolutely engrossing. Ellie, the other cop, carries her own sort of emotional baggage that complements her partner's issues perfectly. The story was spot on, keeping me on the edge of my seat right to the end, the second series did not fail to deliver either. I don't know what it is with German and Polish TV dramas at the moment, but they deliver in bucketloads. More, more, more!!!
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The Hater (2020)
The downside of the internet.
12 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This film showed that the internet has a dark side. Social media, for many people, can be a dark place and this film shows how dangerous and manipulative it can be. The fact that people can be swayed and have their thoughts and ideals manipulated by other people, who are hidden away behind a digital wall, should scare the living daylights out of us. Here we have a fictional story that is full of factual skullduggery, a veritable guide to the dirty ticks and digital assassinations we see in the modern world on an ever increasing scale. The main character is creepy, cold and calculated and is really not the type of person that you would like to add to your friends list on Facebook! The actor plays the part very well, maintaining a steady evolution from an awkward student into an eventual figure of hate. It's odd that, throughout the film, you're not sure whether you support his character or detest it as he plays a sort of double agent.

The only downside is that the English dubbing was not the best, passable, but lacked conviction at times. A creepy, thought provoking film that I would recommend to anyone who is looking for something a little different.
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Hellhole (2022)
Worth watching!
27 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I started to watch this film with an open mind. At the start, I thought it was going to be another Omen/Exorcist type film, but it slowly moved away from those plots and started to take a path that I really didn't see coming. The storyline concerning the food caused me to have one of those "Aaah, now I know where this going" moments that didn't fail to deliver. The plot led to a scene that made me think "is this turning into a dark comedy"? But that feeling was short lived as we were treated to a very creepy endgame that, on one hand, ended the film nicely, but on the other hand left me wanting a more definitive and dramatic ending. I really was confused about how I felt about the ending but, overall, I enjoyed the film very much.

I do have to add that the special effects were very good!
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Slow and missing something...
6 October 2022
This film came up on my Netflix homepage and, being a Stephen King fan, I was quite intrigued by it. Started off quite slow , unfortunately, it stayed at that speed. There was a distinct lack of action and pace. It was more like a mild stroll than the brisk walk that I was expecting. I really wouldn't describe this film as a horror, more of a psychological drama as it lacked that essence that made your heart beat faster when you expect a jump scare but, alas, no jump scares. It could have been a lot more. Saying that, I did enjoy the premise of the story but felt a little let down by the delivery.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
22 August 2022
This is the type of film gets the blood pumping. Full on action and a great soundtrack! Absolutely fantastic!! I waited too long to watch it and I'm extremely glad that I did!
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Lost potential.
20 June 2022
The idea of the film is sound, a bit like a low budget Silent Hill, but the delivery was, in my opinion, severely lacking. It started pretty well, a good build up until they found the town, but that's when it all started to go pear shaped. The story kept promising so much more, but the script/acting and general filming couldn't deliver. One last thing I have to say is "who the hell carries hand grenades on an expedition"??
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The best sequel ever!
30 May 2022
Congratulations to Tom Cruise and his team on setting the bar for all sequels yet to come. This is the film that every sequel wants to be! It far exceeded my expectations and, 4 hours later, I'm still buzzing. I'm not going to go into specifics as this will spoil it for those yet to see it, but the nods to the original film were amazing, very poignant and sometimes emotional. I can't praise this film enough!
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26 March 2022
I had to turn the film off after 45 minutes. I don't think I've ever been as bored watching a film as I was here. Long drawn out storyline that delivers less than an ex-postman!
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Pretty good film!
3 November 2021
With a highly esteemed cast list, I had high expectations for this film and, luckily, my expectations were met. The acting was, as to be expected from three major acting talents, very good especially Jared Leto who put in an amazing performance as the suspect! The story kept me interested from the start and was a bit of an emotional rollercoaster with an ending that surprised me. This is one that I will watch again!
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Buffalo '66 (1998)
Surprisingly good!
8 October 2021
I decided to watch this film many years ago after seeing a still photo of the two main characters, I've only just seen it again and decided to write this. Initially, I didn't recognise Christina Ricci (because the photo I saw didn't actually do her justice) and I recognised the male character from something else that I'd seen. Anyway, the film is dark, weird, sad, thought provoking and surprisingly believable. A bitter sweet 'love story' of sorts that has an independent, film noir feel that delivers, even though you may initially think "what was that"? Watch it again and it makes more sense. To finish, I have to add that when I first watched it, I thought that Christina Ricci was absolutely gorgeous, in a shy, demure, girl next door way! I was in my 20's when I first saw it and, believe me, she would have made my ideal dream girl!
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Not bad, but not great.
3 October 2021
After really enjoying Conjuring 1&2, I was looking forward to this. I have to say that I found the film fairly weak in parts and was left thinking that it didn't live up to the first two films. I wanted to like it more, but I found it difficult, maybe if I watch it again I'll find that missing element that made its prequels great. Not a bad film, but not great.
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The Keep (1983)
1 October 2021
I've always enjoyed this film but I can never understand why a futuristic synth style soundtrack was used for a 1940's story, it just doesn't fit.
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Might surprise you.
26 August 2021
Without going into too much detail, I found the first half full of old horror cliches and started to yawn a little. But, the second half hit me with an original twist that I found quite exciting. Pity the end was little odd.
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S.W.A.T.: 3 Seventeen Year Olds (2020)
Season 4, Episode 1
31 July 2021
I remember when PC meant either a Police Constable or a computer.

SWAT has jumped on the current woke bandwagon at full speed! Every episode in this season is not just spreading, but overdoing, the one sided message that is being pumped by every TV drama since May 2020. What was a fantastic series has turned into a propaganda machine that is, surprisingly anti police in parts! We know what has been happening in real life, but we watch these shows for a bit of entertaining escapism, not to be preached to!
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The Shed (I) (2019)
Been done before.
8 July 2021
Think Salem's Lot meets Fright Night with a tiny bit of The Gate and you have this film in a nutshell. Mildly entertaining but full of cliches. If you're a fan of the 80's horror genre then this could be an evening's fun for you.
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Station 19 (2018–2024)
28 April 2021
How the hell this rubbish made it on to our screens is beyond me. Unreal, uninteresting stories and second rate acting. Chicago Fire is safe!
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Not as good as the book.
12 March 2021
It was a decent attempt at dramatising the book but it just didn't quite gel, working better in the imagination as you're reading the book as opposed to seeing a Hollywood interpretation of the story. I'm not going to go into specifics as that might spoil it for those about to watch it, but I will say one thing...where would a Doctor get the terminology "drop him" from? I would recommend the film if only for Andy Serkis and his very good interpretation of a member of the Regiment.
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The Haunting of Bly Manor: The Jolly Corner (2020)
Season 1, Episode 6
Scriptwriters need to step their game up.
11 October 2020
This series is supposed to be based in England and the characters are supposed to be English, apart from the lead of course. The script writers need to understand the English way of speaking if they want some sort of reality. Dominic talks about "doing the math" in this episode, well, English people don't say that, they say "doing the maths" or "doing the sums". There have been a couple of these little mistakes and, I really don't want to sound pedantic, but they bug me a little because it loses reality.
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