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Saturday Night Live (1975– )
The talent is just not there.
22 May 2024
I sat and watched SNL for the first time in a long time and after viewing I have to say the talent is just not there. SNL's political leanings are well known but back in the old days when Tina Fey impersonating Sarah Palin she managed to draw everyone in and it definitely made her a name. But now there's no one there who does that. They've run the Trump bit into the ground that the performer just doesn't come across. In fact none of them do. Before you had recurring characters like Wayne Campbell or Land Shark. Now the only thing left is Weekend Update but even that is getting old. Bottom line as I said before the talent is just not there in the writing or the performing. If it was we could be getting movies based on sketches from this era and we're not. There's not even a bad sketch like Stuart Smalley or It's Pat that can be made into a movie. Night At The Roxbury is another example and when your current cast doesn't even have that you know it's bad and not funny.
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This concert made me realize Freddie was really gone.
9 March 2024
Having seen this concert when it first came out it made me realize that Freddie was gone. With all the singers especially some of the ones who were frontmen for bands themselves that they would have went out there and gave it their all for Freddie but none of them did. They were all boring and flat. Not a single one of them brought their own charisma to the performance. I applaud Brian,John and Roger for their efforts. They did the best they could and you know it was difficult for them to play Wembley the sight of one of their greatest triumphs without Freddie. But they did and that's the only part that I liked was them. They were the only reason to watch this.
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
TNG deserved better.
20 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Unlike TOS crew the TNG crew never really got a proper good bye movie with Nemesis being the final one. Jump to now and we have Picard the tv series but instead of giving the fans what we want they give us agenda driven episodes with characters we care nothing about. The characters we do care about have been given dreadful lives with no real joy. This goes on for the first two seasons. Cut to season three and the full crew are back together again in a story that rips off plot elements from Wrath Of Khan and Search For Spock with another Starfleet conspiracy ala Undiscovered Country. Season three really isn't all that great. It wouldn't rank so high if the first two had been good. It just seems so derivative. We also get no explanations as to what happened to the Enterprise-E that has now been replaced by Enterprise-F which is quickly replaced again. With the way the Enterprise is treated and The Voyage Home referred to as that whale incident combined with how Kirk has been portrayed in the other current Treks,I feel like they would love to rewrite that part of Star Trek and downplay it's importance. However without that TNG would have never succeeded. Still compared to current Trek TNG was still better and deserved better including a better send off if you weren't going to leave it at the TNG series finale.
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Heartland (II) (2007– )
First five seasons were good.
2 June 2023
But starting with Season Six and the introduction of the wonderful amazing bratty but perfect Georgie. She comes in and automatically everyone drops everything and fawns over her. Not only that she is one of the most gifted riders without training that Amy has ever seen. Even Mallory loves her even though Georgie pushes her character aside to take center stage. Georgie throws a temper tantrum and everyone rushes to her side to comfort her. She has no real consequences for her actions. Unfortunately for the next few seasons this happens over and over again. Season Seven we're introduced to Jade another annoying bratgirl and so on and so on. There's no real character development especially in Jack,Lou and Tim. They have the same fights and conversations each season. It's like Groundhog Day. Overall. It is a good series but it gets annoying in some places especially in the area of constantly having downbeat drama. Sometimes I wish they had just stuck to the books the series is based on. Those seem to work everything out.
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The Family Stallone (2023– )
Poor Sly
19 May 2023
Sylvester Stallone definitely shows he will do anything for family with this reality show. The power of his stardom is still strong along with the loyalty he commands because only for Sly would Al Pacino and Dolph Lundgren agree to appear in this show. In fact that's the only part of it I watched. I had no interest in the wife or the daughters who complain about how Sly scares off the boys which really says more about them and the guys they pick than him. Obviously they're not worth the trouble despite their name and looks. No doubt though this show was made really for them to get them in the public eye. I doubt it will help if the girls have no real goals or ambitions to aim for. It's a shame that Sage Stallone is no longer alive because I think it would have been good to finally see Sly and his son together outside of their appearances onscreen in Rocky V and Daylight. But maybe we'll see Sly and Frank together and see how their relationship as brothers over the years has stayed strong. It would be more interesting to see that than the wife and daughters who to me have no charisma or charm the way Sly has.
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Good reunion but felt cheated at the end.
4 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't bad as far as reunion movies go although it felt like one long Dukes episode stretched out to two hours. The absence of Sorrell Booke is felt and you can tell it was going to be Denver Pyle's last turn as Uncle Jessie. I was glad they acknowledged Enos' job in LA although i wish they had included Coy and Vance in either this one or the next one. The only thing that I felt cheated on was the ending. Anyone who watched the show knows Enos had it bad for Daisy and it looked like we the fans were finally going to see them get together and get married but unlike the Bionic Reunion movies the fans didn't get what they wanted her. Instead Daisy's ex-husband shows up causing Daisy to faint then change her mind when she wakes up and decides not to marry Enos. I felt like he did being strung along for thirty years then nothing. Like I said it was a good reunion as far as reunions go it just fell flat at the end.
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Watch I'm Almost Not Crazy: John Cassavetes, the Man and His Work instead
19 March 2023
If you want an honest look at John Cassavetes then watch I'm Almost Not Crazy: John Cassavetes, the Man and His Work instead of this Gena approved fairy dust. On that documentary you get honest opinions and answers from those involved including Gena herself and some honest answers to the question itself:Do you like working with Johhn Cassavetes. Here on this one everyone is so overfawning about how great it was and the phrase crazy genius is overused. Worse is Sean Penn and Jon Voight's appearance in this video. Both of them when John was alive had the chance to work with him and both backed out. Sean's project was later revived by John's son but it wasn't that great. The only good thing about this is the footage. Otherwise save yourself the time and watch I'm Almost Not Crazy: John Cassavetes, the Man and His Work.
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Watch this instead of the other one.
18 March 2023
If you want honest insight into John Cassavetes and how he works watch this instead of A Constant Forgery. This one doesn't sugar coat it and even Gena Rowlands is honest in this one about her thoughts on John. The other one is filled with a bunch of fairy dust designed to present John as some crazy genius everyone loved to work for. In this one the people are asked what it's like working for John Cassavetes and their answers are true and honest. SO if you get a chance and want to know John as real as you can then watch this film and avoid the other one and afterwards watch Love Streams the movie they're filming about.
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Taxi: Alex the Gofer (1982)
Season 5, Episode 7
Felt like an unused Bobby storyline.
1 August 2022
I watched this episode again last night and for me it always felt like an unused story for Bobby. In the episode Alex has two theatre producers as his fare and ends up working for them as a gofer. The odd thing is that Alex talks about in his younger days he would have done anything to get a foothold in the theatre. This is very strange considering that Bobby was the struggling actor looking for a way in. That's why I always thought this episode was something written for Jeff Conaway and his character of Bobby Wheeler. Up until now Alex never showed any interest in theatre or being part of that scene in any way but Bobby was all about acting be it theatre or tv or film. It would have been interesting to see this episode if it had been Jeff Conaway instead of Judd Hirsch who does a good job as always but it just seems a bit out of character for Alex to be involved with the theatre crowd when it should have been Bobby.
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The Grimleys (1999–2001)
Series 1&2 were great..Series 3 was kind of daft..
25 April 2022
Once again the British do it right. A great series with the lead character Gordon Grimley in love with his neighbor and school teacher Geraldine Titley who herself is dating gym teacher Doug Digby. Rock legend Noddy Holder essentially plays himself as music teacher Neville Holder. Most of the first two series involved Gordon trying to win Geraldine from Doug. Then came Series Three which involved a two year time jump. Without giving anything away Gordon doesn't have to worry about rival Doug Digby anymore but a new rival in the from of wood shop teacher Dave Trebilcock takes his place. The first two series were funny and well written. You felt Gordon's pain as he pined for Geraldine who was with Doug for reasons Gordon couldn't fathom. But then came series three and the time jump which to me didn't help and kind of ruined it a bit. None of the characters were as fun as they were before. But all in all a great series.
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Could have been an exciting story.
24 April 2022
This could have been an exciting story given that in the original Star Wars there was some mystery and build up behind the stealing of the plans and that's what this should have been. It should have been a journey and a race against time between the Rebellion and the Empire. Maybe even make it Star Wars' version of The Dirty Dozen. But sadly it wasn't. It takes too long to get to the main point of the story which is to steal the plans. Speaking of that the whole Galen Erso plot totally negates to me what happened in Star Wars. The idea was to analyze the plans to see if there is a weakness and if there was a way to destroy the Death Star. However Galen done that for them so there was no point to trying to see if they could destroy the Death Star because they knew they could with the right shot. By doing that you took away the suspense of whether or not the Rebellion could triumph. All in all what could have been a great suspenseful story was just average.
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You know you're in trouble
14 April 2022
When your movie starts off with Bogomil cancelling a fishing trip with your lead character Axel..One of the problems with a movie like this is coming up with a plausible reason to get Axel back to Beverly Hills and this wasn't it. What should have happened is that Victor Maitland's son or brother or some relative should have returned and maybe either kidnapped or killed Jenny Summers as revenge prompting Axel to return to Beverly Hills. As it stand the Bogomil story wasn't strong enough to warrant a return trip. Also taking out the conflict between the two different police forces take away what made the first one good. As a result you have an even more hostile police chief which doesn't work. Also Axel's relationship with Todd should have been the one to improve instead of the one in Beverly Hills. I mean if you're going to make Axel friends with the cops in the BHPD then why bring him back to Detroit to a police captain who does nothing but yell at Axel. Leave him in BH which is what they should have done. People think BHC3 killed the franchise but I believe this one is the one that really killed it and BHC3 was the death gasp.
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A missed opportunity
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I know Tom and John leaving and being replaced was a big deal as was them returning but this could have been a chance to see all four Duke boys working together against a threat to Hazard and maybe even split the duos up and have Coy and Bo work together while Luke and Vance does something then later have Coy and Luke team up while Bo and Vance work together. It would have given the viewers a chance to see the family dynamic between the cousins but instead we get a brief scene and then Coy and Vance are shipped off never to be seen or mentioned again which is a shame because Christopher and Byron had a tough job to do and they deserved a little more better for doing it than what they got. A real missed opportunity.
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All roads still LEAD TO JAKE SKYWALKER!!!!
5 February 2022
It does not matter how powerful they show Luke to be and show him training Goku or PIkachu or whatever the stupid name they picked for baby Yoda it still leads back to Jake Skywalker looking pathetic drinking cow milk while getting beat up by Mary Sue Rey Poopatine. The damage to Luke's character is done. All episodes like this do is show the potential that they threw away when they decided not to give the fans what they wanted in the sequel trilogy. There is nothing they can do to fix it. The damage is done.
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Stargirl: Summer School: Chapter Twelve (2021)
Season 2, Episode 12
The formula is showing through.
27 October 2021
Sadly the formual that ruined the Flash is once again rearing it's ugly head in Stargirl. She mopes around about how she's unsure and how she can't do it alone then gets a pep talk from either her mom or Pat. Also again why call this Stargirl if you're not going to let your title hero be the main hope for defeating the evil and instead have another side character in this case the over powered Mary Sue daughter of Alan Scott aka Green lantern. It's seems to be setting up her as the one who defeats the big bad meanine or Eclipso as he called in the show. The should have just called this The JSA. I hate that they stuck her with a team. It should have just been her and Pat and no one else. But sadly the TPTB couldn't allow a strong individualistic character who stands for something.
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Shazam! (2019)
This is all they could come up with?
24 October 2021
We FINALLY get a proper movie about the REAL ONE TRUE Captain Marvel and this is what they come up with? And on top of that they cast the guy from Chuck as CM? I have always loved Captain Marvel and the way he was treated in the comic industry was a real shame starting with a lawsuit that eventually caused the character to lose his name to what would eventually become a stupid bitter cosmic Barbie Doll. This movie could have been another Superman 1978 but instead we get juvenile jokes. Billy Batson was an upbeat character who now has the powers of an adult and while naturally you have to explore that bit eventually Billy using the wisdom of Solomon which is missing from the movie realizes what the powers are for. Unfortunately all we got was a bunch of nonsense with CM telling all his friends about what has happened and then splitting the powers. It's a real shame this is what they came up with because the ONE TRUE REAL Captain MArvel deserved better.
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Chucky (I) (2021– )
It's Brad Dourif's show.
20 October 2021
Without a doubt Brad Dourif and his performance as Chucky is the main draw of the show even though sadly the character has degenerated a bit into Freddy territory with all the humor. It would be nice to have some actual horror and fear instead of the usual Hollywood political agenda. The same story could have been done without all that but Hollywood just can't help themselves. Another thing is that there is no one to root for to battle against Chucky. In fact because all the characters are so unlikeable you actually end up rooting FOR Chucky..That's not good. I hope the show hurries and gives us Andy and get the show going..Also since they're not doing it with Chucky maybe bring in someone who can challenge Chucky and bring some much needed terror back into the franchise.
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Saved by the Bell: Beauty and the Screech (1989)
Season 1, Episode 10
Shows that an opportunity was missed..
3 October 2021
This episode shows that the writers could have done something different with Screech..yes he's a bit of an oddball but in a good way and Kelly sees that when she spends time alone with him...I wish the writers and producers had kept Screech on this path and had done an episode like this with Lisa where she sees a different side to Screech and realizes that he's actually an okay guy but just marches to the beat of his own drum. Sadly the producers and writers decided to take Screech into an absurd direction and ruin the character which is a shame..I think if they had kept going in this direction he might would have ended up with Lisa.
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I only watched this because it was a tribute to George Segal
23 September 2021
George Segal and Pops was the only good thing about this show. He should have gotten a better tribute than this. I know they wanted to do something fun but for this one time couldn't they have had the characters act with a little sense. But no we get some wacky adventure which then all of a sudden swerves into some lesson. I wish they had just done a clip show showing George's best moment as Pops.
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Kick-Ass (2010)
It's Hit-Girl's movie.
8 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Without question this movie and pretty much the comic book belongs to Hit Girl. She is such a force of nature that the other characters are just there especially Dave who is a sad sack. Of course the villains help make the movie as well. The fact that Frank wwas willing to fight and beat down a twelve year old girl shows how nuts the villains were which is needed when you have a character like Hit Girl who is just as nuts. I give a lot of credit to Chloe Moretz. Whatever her career has become lately without question this role of Hit-Girl helped to bring her to the forefront and will no doubt be her signature role through out her career. I'll go ahead and say that for Kick-Ass 2 she was the center piece for me and definitely her story was more intriguing..So if you do find your self watching this just ignore the Dave parts and watch it for Hit-Girl and the villains. Sidenote. While I'm not a big Nic Cage fan he does the job as Big Daddy and he and Chloe do have a nice rapport.
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Pitch Black (2000)
Something to watch if nothing else is on..
5 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is not bad movie just not great either..I always enjoy watching it if nothing else is on..It's definitely a good take on the creature in the dark story and all the characters having to work together to get off the planet is always good for a watch..The twist in the story isn't a shock..You can kind of see it if you pay close attention...I will say that I think the filmmakers and Vin Diesel over estimated the popularity of Riddick...The reason he works is because he is part of a group and not the lead so he has people to play off of..In the sequels he's the lead and therefore really doesn't have anyone to play off of and it didn't help that they redid his backstory...Also I never really felt like Riddick was in any danger the way I felt it with the other characters...You just had the sense that he would be one of the ones to make it out...All in all as I said not a bad film..It's something to watch if nothing else is on..
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Stargirl: Summer School: Chapter Three (2021)
Season 2, Episode 3
Needs to get the action going.
27 August 2021
I don't know why they're still world building..That was what the first season was for. Now it's time to get on with the story and move the action along. Action that doesn't involve boring teen stories. Also again since it's the same people ruining..I mean running this show that ruined/runs the Flash they need to remember the show is called Stargirl not JSA cosplay..There was no need to add all these characters. They should have followed the comics and just focused on Pat and Courtney as the heroic duo...Not add all these characters and overload the show. Also they as I said before killed off their main villains too soon. This slow build up to Eclipso just isn't doing it. They need to start getting the action going and maybe since their adding unneeded characters add someone who has an actual power that isn't dependent on some trinket...All these characters could be over taken and defeated just by taking away their devices..Get someone in there with real powers like a speedster or another hero whose powers are physical based not device or tool based.
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Star Wars: The Bad Batch (2021–2024)
19 August 2021
Let's be honest..If the sequel trilogy hadn't done some major damage to the Star Wars brand shows like this and the Mandalorian wouldn't be rated so high and positive...But because of the the sequel trilogy this and the Mandalorian are greeted with cheers even though they wouldn't get it if Star Wars was on good solid ground...As far as the show goes I was never really interested in The Clone Wars part that dealt with the Clones..Those stories to me were boring and so it goes with this as well..I just never got into it..I wanted to see the Jedi like samurai doing what they do best...That fact that they threw in another annoying character in the form of Omega doesn't help either..It just drags the story down..Also who is Omega a clone of? Not Jango Fett because Jango Fett was A MAN..MALE!!!Omega they say in the show is female so she can't be a clone of Jango because clones are exact duplicates...Long story short I tried watching but just couldn't get into it just like parts of the Clone Wars...
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Happy Days: King Richard's Big Knight (1979)
Season 7, Episode 10
Odd out of character episode.
20 July 2021
Given that Richie was as straight laced and goody goody as they come I found it very odd and very out of character that his friends especially Fonzie would react to Richie the way they did after his night of wildness. Also when Richie fainted in the living room no one offers to get any kind of medical help to find out if something's wrong. They all just over react. The Fonz especially should have realized something was off with Richie given that Richie is never this impulsive and outrageous in his behavior. If it had been any other character maybe the reaction would have been warranted but not with Richie who is so clean cut. Whoever wrote this no doubt forgot that the characters especially Richie and Fonzie were already established a certain way and therefore should have realized this. I mean Richie himself wold have never acted like this straight and clean so that should have been a sign that something was off. All in all I found this a very out of character episode for the rest of the cast and they way they reacted to Richie's antics.
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Gossip Girl (2021–2023)
It needs the Heathers treatment.
12 July 2021
While the original Gossip Girl was no work of art it at least managed to hold people's attention and last five years. This one seems to worried about making sure everyone is represented onscreen. Also it seems to some degree almost take itself too seriously. Gossip Girls' identity is revealed right off so that mystery is gone. What the show really needs is characters like Veronica Sawyer and a Jason Dean to come in and really rattle the cages of the Heathers who think they run the school and have all this power. A storyline like that would draw people in but as it stands the current boring stories just don't draw you in and keep you engaged. This show definitely needs the Heathers treatment if they want to keep people interested.
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