How It Ends (2018) Poster


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How it ends
ajmaclean-5858813 July 2018
For a film named how it ends, it unfortunately is missing an ending
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How it Ends review
JoeytheBrit5 May 2020
It seems like almost every Netflix movie is made with a sequel in mind these days, and this semi-apocalyptic drama is no different. Although the sudden breakdown of power and the subsequent abrupt - and frightening - collapse of law and order are fascinating to watch, How it Ends provides no reasons at all for what has taken place.
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digression_jim13 July 2018
C'mon guys, where is the ending... we got 2/3rds of a movie.
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Cinematic equivalent of blue balls
kopower14 July 2018
This movie was great from beginning to well 5 minutes before the ending. It's almost like they said "screw it let's just end it here to piss everyone off". I'm still waiting to find out "How it ends"
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Reasonably compelling, though has some definite flaws
Wizard-814 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Movies that are exclusive to Netflix wildly range in quality... though then again, so do movies from almost any other source. This particular one is one of the better ones I have seen for some time, though I will admit that it does have some major flaws that hold it back from being better than it ultimately is. I could live with the fact that the reasons for the apocalypse in the movie - and its extent - are not fully spelled out. However, the screenplay does seem in a way to be making up things as it goes along, and that it doesn't have much of a plot - the movie is basically one vignette after another. Also I do agree with many of the other IMDb comments that the ending of the movie is quite unsatisfying and abrupt. Still, flaws and all, I was never bored by the movie. Though the movie is just a collection of vignettes, the vignettes for the most part do come across fairly realistically; you will feel that law and order has broken down in a believable manner. The production values are sound, and the performances are fine as well. I am certainly not saying that this is a GREAT movie, but I do think it's somewhat better than most people here are saying. It's best watched during a slow night.
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No end in sight
Dg68-27-55619316 July 2018
Man loses girl. Man looks for girl, then.......actually I can't be bothered. I would finish this review but I'm doing what the movie did. Stop abruptly with no ending.
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How it almost ended
brent-leslie28 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Decent acting from both James and Whitaker. Suspenseful throughout, good effects but pretty standard "end of the world survivalist". Sure it ends in a weird place, it seems most reviewers are expecting it to turn into the walking dead or something. Its and unknown event causing nuclear winter and massive tectonic/volcanic disturbance, told from the view of the survivors. , nothing wrong with that. Likely survivors don't know WTF is happening, so just trying to survive as best they can.

The biggest issue I had was: They find an abandoned crashed military train full to the brim with vehicles, fuel, likely weapons, food and equipment. They are a military veteran and a young man. Instead of grabbing a humvee and loading it for bear, they get back into their broken ass car to continue on their way. Who in their right mind would do such a thing? An armoured 4WD full of fuel and supplies that can go anywhere, or a broken ass car with some extra gas that has to stick to main roads. Hmmm, tough choice.
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Rushed ending
pcteknikerna13 July 2018
Good movie but the ending made it feel like a pilot, they just stopped filming & went for lunch?
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A prelude for a second?
Sleepin_Dragon26 August 2018
I can only think a second is in the pipeline, as that can be the only reason for such a rushed ending. Ambiguity in films is fine, I would praise the film for leaving certain parts to the viewers imagination, sometimes it's got that every strange occurrence in a film isn't black and white, ambiguity fine, lack of ending terrible.

Previously to the bad ending, the film isn't at all bad, it's well acted, with some very well developed characters. You get to see human nature at its best, worst, plus you see what people will do when pushed to desperation.

Some fantastic special effects, it looks and sounds brilliant, I can't fault that side of the film at all. The lazy ending kills the film for me though, did they run out of ideas or money, or is a second on the way.

Decent, but lame ending. 6/10
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"Ends" like a Paris post-office closing at 4:59pm: "We are closed - everyone leave - bonne soirée!"
Instant_Palmer28 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really could have been an "above average" apocalypse film (I was ready to give the film a 7 until the final 5 minutes). Spoiler Alert - the film just ends abruptly and awkwardly, and credits roll. No one in production (who is not on heavy meds) could have thought that this was going to work.

Compounding the ending issue is the film's final scene preceding the credits - oddly, the only truly dumb scene in the movie, wherein the protagonists somehow outrun a massive explosive cloud of deadly gas (moving at the rapid speed that such massive explosive clouds must travel) in a 4-wheel-drive vehicle along a winding mountain road. Uh huh...

Did everyone just quit and walk off this production? Did the film exceed time and budget limits? Was production stopped by investors ("you have a half day left to complete the film's ending, and then we pull the plug people - Chop chop!!")?!

One is left hanging, and it is super awkward - It is not cool, nor witty, nor a neat play on words with the title. Something is not right here as almost ANY other ending besides an abrupt cut-off would have saved this film.

Even if one WERE to end it open-ended, there must be a half dozen more effective ways to do it for the big Twilight Zone moment.

Nope! This movie just abruptly closes-up shop like a Paris post-office with patrons left in line... "It is 4:59PM - we are now closed - everyone leave - bonne soirée!"

Surely there is another final scene version somewhere in their digital files. If so, re-edit and re-release. If not, well the majority of reviewers got it right - 👎👎.
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Suspenseful disaster road trip movie that dares to take an unusual exit
ArjenKruithof-imdb20 November 2020
An interesting take on the disaster road trip genre that is full of suspense all the way through, and interspersed with beautiful scenery shots. It was nice to see some age-old movie tropes being cast aside, even subtly mocked (I'm referring to the campfire conversation). The ending makes total sense if viewed from the perspective of the characters and from the title (if you give it just a little thought). Very refreshing.

Meta: I see a lot of rage-voting took place. That's from viewers who apparently enjoyed the movie enough to watch it until the end credits, yet let their disappointment in a perfectly fine ending overshadow the rest of their experience.
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That's jow it ends
jalba_vlad14 July 2018
It ends perfectly...not knowing what happened. That's how most people die in an event in the real guys saw too many movies and you expect the movie to end with a tragic or happy ending...too bad because that's how it ends :))
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'How it Ends'.... ironic title for a movie with no ending.
rwlefaivre-2623313 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This sci-fi thriller starring Forest Whitaker, who plays Tom, and Theo James, who plays Will, is based around a catastrophic event that is devastating the United States. It's unknown what the event is and if it's effecting the outside world.

The movie starts off with Will seeking permission to marry his fiancee, Toms daughter Samantha. Tom doesn't like Will because Will crashed his prized boat. Their meeting in Chicago goes south and ends with Will being asked to leave. The following day the catastrophic event happens leaving Tom and Will wanting to head to Settle, where Samantha and Will live.

The rest of the movie is a road trip with Tom and Will driving to Settle. They encounter other survivors along the and hit some "speed bumps" along the way. The ending of this movie leaves the watcher with the impression that there is going to be a second movie, that isn't deserved.

If you're looking for a movie to kill some time and like apocalypse and sci-fi movies, this is the movie for you.
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Abrupt ending to an otherwise pretty looking film
zodxxc13 July 2018
This film had potential and if you're looking to kill time, it's quite alright - a good amount of suspense throughout the film. But like basically every other review here, the film it cuts to the credits without really explaining anything. If you're looking into sci-fi apocalyptic movies and don't care for the plot, this is the right one. If you're looking for movies that have poor character development and a rather cliché ''world is ending run into the danger to save the loved one'' plot, then this is for you.
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This Is How It Ends? Seriously?
sddavis6323 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously - this is how it ends? Seriously? This Netflix movie has the dumbest, most unfulfilling, most meaningless and even most infuriating ending I think I've ever come across in a movie. It's literally impossible to explain with any degree of satisfaction how it ends, because - well - it really doesn't end. It stops, but it doesn't end. Was the title supposed to be some sort of cute play on how it was actually going to end? Was there thought put into this? Was the non-existent end supposed to - in some way - be intelligent and thought-provoking? Or did absolutely everyone involved in putting this thing together just get collectively bored and say - "OK. What the hell. We're done. Time for a snack." It felt like the latter.

What a letdown. I had actually been enjoying this movie. It was very effectively mysterious. You knew from the start that it was going to be. The opening caption was "Chicago: 5:33 am." Not 5:30 or 6:00, but specifically 5:33. I'm being a bit silly with that, but 5:33 tells you right off - something's happening. And something did happen. After a brief introduction relating a tense visit by Will to his in-laws in Chicago, we get right into it. Will is talking to his wife Sam in Seattle on the phone. And something happens there. There's a sound. She's obviously terrified. The line suddenly goes dead. It's quickly revealed that all contact with the west coast has been lost. Then power goes out - apparently everywhere. There's no communication, no satellites, no GPS. Nothing. The military appears. Panic builds, chaos ensues. And Will and his father in law Tom decide that they're going to have to drive to Seattle to find Sam. And in an increasingly panic-stricken and lawless nation that journey is going to be a challenge.

I was really enjoying the story. And then something happened. I'm not sure what it was but I pin it pretty much to the point when Tom dies. Tom was played by Forest Whitaker. I've always liked Whitaker, although never really thought of him as someone who could carry a movie. But it all fell apart when his character died. I honestly didn't feel that any of the rest of the cast had truly stood out, but this had been mysterious and interesting and even at times exciting, but with the death of Tom it descended to just plain silly. And it kept getting worse. Right up to that ending that wasn't an ending. That ending that explained absolutely nothing. That ending that wasn't intelligent or thought-provoking but that honestly just seemed truly lazy on the part of everyone involved with this.

Seriously - this is how it ends? I'm going to give this a 5/10, only because I had been enjoying this. But the last half hour or so gets about a minus 40.
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Captivating and Well Acted
jjccpa7 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone complains about the non-ending. There was an ending, it's just doesn't wrap things up definitively. In fact the "ending" as I saw it was 15 minutes long. Much is left to the imagination which sadly is eroding from our society. If you are under 25 and spend 50% of your life taking pictures of yourself with bunny ears, you probably won't like this movie because it forces you to think and there is zero instant gratification. You won't be told exactly what the disaster is and there aren't battles with aliens or anything like that. You are left just as confused and freaked out as the characters had to be.

Where the film succeeds is in human interactions that are realistic and not over the top or ridiculous. In life or death situations there are people who will help you, and there are those that will look out only for themselves. Those scenes are where the edge of your seat moments are.

Another complaint I've read from many reviewers is that the protagonists make stupid mistakes. Like, not looking for better weapons or supplies and not asking other people who are walking away from the disaster "what happened?" whilst they drive towards it. Again, if you can't think, then you can't realize that you need to suspend disbelief just a tad. Or, there's no movie. Everyone would immediately save themselves, there'd be no build up, no chance for characterization, and well, again, no movie to watch.

I gave it a fair review. Not a 10 because I liked it and wanted my opinion to have the weight of a 10. If Shawshank is a 10, this is a 6 or 7. Entertaining, suspenseful, and well acted. And it's not low-brow. You need to be somewhat patient and let your imagination fill in the blanks. It was a good movie.
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And where is the rest of the film?
dylanbuob13 July 2018
This film has so much going for it then....nothing! Save yourself the time and don't bother-the film producers didn't
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mbnn13 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Really loved the story, effects, characters and then suddenly...... end. WTH happened here? Did they run out of money or was someone tired of it and just stopped writing? Or is a Part 2 coming? An explanation would help very much, thx Netflix ;)
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Starts Off Great - Ends Terribly
neener370713 July 2018
At the beginning it was your average disaster/apocalypse film, something goes horribly wrong, government either can't handle it or won't, characters take problems into their own hands. All is well for a while, special effects are fine, acting is fine, but just like in the story, something goes terribly wrong. Much like that other Netflix film that was atrocious, the "horror" film about home invasion, it appears that the creators of the film either couldn't decide on an ending, or just threw their hands up and said "screw it, I don't know how to end it, lets just pretend to be ambiguous". And its not to say films with an ambiguous end aren't always bad, but this one didn't even bother to create an ending.

As a Californian, we hold the stories dear, stories of earthquakes or other disasters ending civilized society. And for a while I was enjoying it, but somewhere around 2/3rds or half way through it, I just completely lost interest and was also disappointed in its execution. Without giving too much away, many decision made about how to execute certain parts of the film left me bamboozled, not the way I would have. All in all its good for a little while but ends up leaving you unfulfilled, so a warning, maybe just watch the first half, and don't worry, if you want to know what happens at the end, let me tell you, nothing.
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How It Ends: Haha very funny guys where's the rest of it?
Platypuschow10 December 2018
I was hesitant going into How It Ends because I can't stand Theo James, there is something deeply obnoxious about him that immediatly puts me off a film.

However truth be told he wasn't the problem here, in fact his performance was far better than I expected it to be. Standing side by side with veteran Forest Whitaker this thriller wasn't what I expected at all.

It tells the story of a man who races across the country with his other halfs father during a seemingly apocalyptic event to save her life.

It's a visual treat, stunning to look at which you certainly don't expect with a movie of this type. It truly is beautiful despite the grim setting so they've accomplished something truly remarkable here.

Though a bit repetitious and laggy as the story progresses it's the finale that really hobbles the film. Namely, it doesn't really have one and that's such an incredible shame as the movie was going so well up until that point. Some may disgaree with me on that, I personally didn't appreciate it.

Regardless it's a good effort and very easy on the eyes.

The Good:

A visual treat

The Bad:

Finale, or lack thereof

They seem to run out of ideas

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Everyone is bad when the poop hits the fan

Theo James isn't entirely useless
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DId the director have to go to the bathroom?
aggelosandreou-1783913 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I mean really, the ending was so HILARIOUS. It was like they were in the middle of filming, then the director said "cut" and forgot to go back to work.

I don't mind they're not telling us how and why this apocalypse happened, I really don't, sometimes it's good not to know all the details and just guess. But, man, they could have wrapped up the story somehow.

Also, the storyline is quite repetitive, nothing extremely exciting happens, and in the last 20 minutes are a bit off.

I'd say, avoid.
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If you're looking for an action hero movie, this isn't it
SoundsOKtoMe15 July 2018
I watched this BECAUSE of all the bad reviews, not despite them. I've often found that my tastes aren't in lockstep with the "blockbuster" crowd. And I was not disappointedwith my instincts on this film after reading several IMDB reviews. Everyone has a different idea of what a movie should be. This one is NOT a typical "end of times" movie. It doesn't lay out exactly what is happening as it happens, bringing with it what I saw as a more realistic perspective of how things might be in such times.... no communications, no power, sudden chaos. We don't know any more than the characters do... just as it would be. If you're looking for a beginning with "once upon a time" and an ending of "and they lived happily ever after", then move on.
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Seems really uneventful to me, and kind of pointless.
Hellmant27 July 2018
'HOW IT ENDS': Three Stars (Out of Five)

An action-thriller about a man trying to reach his pregnant fiance, with her father, after an apocalyptic disaster hits. It was directed by David M. Rosenthal, and it was written by Brooks McLaren. The film stars Theo James, Forrest Whitaker, Grace Dove and Kat Graham. It's received mostly negative reviews from critics, and it was released by Netflix through it's streaming site. I enjoyed parts of it, like the casting.

Will Younger (James) has had a very difficult relationship with his soon-to-be father-in-law, Tom (Whitaker). Tom appears to hate Will, and he's not happy that his daughter, Samantha (Graham), is going to marry him, and have a child with him. So when an unexplained apocalyptic disaster hits, Will is not happy that Tom wants to take a road trip with him, to make sure Samantha is OK. Still, the two set out on a very uncomfortable end of the world adventure together.

The movie surprisingly seems really uneventful to me, and kind of pointless. James is good in the lead though, and I wish he'd do more movies. Whitaker is also of course fantastic in it, like always. I do like the father-in-law and son relationship developed between the two characters, in the movie, but that's about all it has going for it. Besides a few cool disaster flick action scenes that is.
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Worst ending ever
procha-7082528 March 2020
Just created an account to say this is THE WORST ENDING EVER !!!
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Could've been an 8/10
jeffkuzzen14 July 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Huge potential, but failed.

Whitaker was great, as always, although he didn't get much to work with. The actor playing 'Ricki' was close to horrible.

It was so frustrating to get no answers, or explanations, to what was going on. The characters also didn't seem to care about discussing it, or trying to find out what was going on.

There were also several plotholes; Why would the bad guy in the cop car go through so much trouble to chase down one random car? Where did the mom go? Why was "Will" so pissed about the neighbor guys theory, when they sat at the fire? He looked at him with pure rage in his eyes, just because of his theory about what was going on. That whole scene seemed so random and off. And MANY more.

The ending completely ruined the movie. It's like they either ran out of money, or they focused too hard on a sequel, which came to show in a very bad way.

I'm really hoping for a sequel that has a LOT of explaining in it.
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