Broad City (TV Series 2014–2019) Poster


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The Better Version of "Girls"
nblo6 February 2014
Broad City came out of no where for me which might have something to do with why I like it so much. At this point only 4 or 5 episodes have aired but excluding the possibility that the show takes a 180 degree turn South, I can say with some certainty that this show is nothing short of awesome.

I've been a loyal workaholics fan for 4 seasons now, which has the time slot on Comedy Central just before Broad city, but already I prefer the latter. After the season 4 premiere of Workaholics, the channel simply wasn't changed and my roommate and I found ourselves watching Broad City. Normally we would change the channel because generally when we watch TV we don't just watch random shows. The only time we watch new shows is when it's a conscious decision. HOWEVER, Broad City had enough humor and wit packed into the first minute that we were hooked enough to watch the entire episode. Now, 4 episodes later, he and I make sure to tune into Comedy Central every Wednesday at 10:30.

The show rests on the shoulders of its 2 leads, Abbi and Ilana, who bounce off each other perfectly. Abbi is the more awkward, reserved pushover who takes sh*t from all angles (her roommate's super-mooch boyfriend, her boss, etc.). Ilana, on the other hand, does everything in her power at all times to take advantage of people because she's struggling to get by. But so is Abbi, which is why they make such a great team. They complete each other. When they're not together, they're on the phone or video chatting with one another. Ilana provides the more outrageous, in-your-face humor, while Abbi brings the more subtle, charming humor - but again, their collective humor makes for one of the most well-rounded female driven comedies.

Naturally a comparison to Girls comes up precisely because it's a female driven comedy television show - not to mention it's revolves around young women struggling to get by in New York City. Girls has its own brilliance in its wit and deeper nuanced characters, but it also has a very dramatic side, which often borders on ridiculous. Broad City takes a completely different and refreshing approach. Like Workaholics, it shoots for raunchy comedic gags and very rarely stumbles into dramatic territory. Unlike Workaholics, it never becomes TOO stupid or TOO ridiculous. The guys of Workaholics are essentially caricatures, which can be very funny, but it also leaves you disconnected from them. The only reason we like them is because they're funny, but otherwise there is zero depth to any of them. That's where Broad City has the obvious upper hand on Workaholics. After a few episodes you already have a feel for who the girls are, which allows you to laugh even harder at their misfortune.
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Excellent Surprise!
CasualEight2 March 2014
I was skeptical at first but now I'm hooked. I found it completely refreshing to have a female lead series that has a broad sense of humor that isn't gender specific. The show is basically about two women in their twenties living in New York City and the hassle that comes with it. Imagine the HBO series Girls but way funnier and more realistic. The show is carried by the 2 lead characters Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson. Their chemistry and comedic timing throughout the series suits them well.I found their friendship with one another completely authentic and truly charming. Although their roles are minor, support actors like Hannibal Buress, John Gemberling, and Chris Gethard help create funny characters for Ilana and Abbi to interact with. The scenarios are hilarious, the dialog is funny and the acting is great. As much as I personally enjoyed the first episode it wasn't until the second episode "Pu$$y Weed" that I became hooked. If you like workaholics or it's always sunny you'll definitely enjoy this. Comedy Central seriously has potential hit on their hands. I seriously recommend watching a few episodes before making your judgment.
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Perfect followup for Workaholics
threehundo2008 March 2014
I have seen the commercials promoting the show and didn't bother to watch for it--it's not that it looked 'bad,' just that it didn't appear to cater to me. I happened to catch episode seven, though, and it had me laughing several times with its circumstantial comedy. I decided to seek out the rest of the series and have seen up to episode three so far--I've thoroughly enjoyed it. I've noted some people liken it to Workaholics and I can attest that it has that pace and comedic tone. Though frankly, Workaholics has lost its luster to me after season two and I no longer look forward to new episodes. I do, however, look forward to continue watching this show. I could also see it compared somewhat to New Girl. If you like either of those shows, Broad City is worth a try.

If you hate the idea of hipsters (as so many other reviews have pointed out and because of which have given scalding ratings), don't be put off--it's very easy to overlook once you get into it. Rather than the whole condescending, superiority-complex-laden attitude of the prototypical hipster, the two main characters set a vibe that they're just being the way they are.
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They get me
user-923-50829913 February 2014
All I kept thinking while I was watching this show and their webisodes was, "They get me." Abbi and Ilana are freaking hilarious and play off each other perfectly. It is a great balance of comedy that doesn't take itself too seriously or become too stupid. It is not as depressing as "Girls", and not as cliché as "2 Broke Girls". Loved it! Not only did I fall in love with Abbi and Ilana's characters right away, but Hannibal Buress plays his role perfectly. Laughed out loud the whole time. If you get a chance, check out their short youtube clips of their webisodes. It's nice to see a show made with female comedians that are unknown. All of my friends that watch this keep saying, "This is gonna be huge." I agree completely.
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The funniest show I have ever seen
pikulsfour6 March 2014
I honestly don't get why anyone would give this show a negative rating. I guess different people find different things funny. I am a fan of Workaholics and Always Sunny... but where those shows use impossible situations and unrealistic scenarios, Broad City is very different. Maybe you have to be a chick living in the city, but no, my husband sitting next to me watching is laughing his butt off too. Awkward and stupid is funny, and I so get these broads. The first show I watched had me laughing to tears, and I thought maybe it might have been a fluke, but every episode I have watched since has been just as funny. I also want to point out that while many shows are funny, you have to admit the characters are so horrible as human beings that you really wish the worst fate on them. Not these girls... Their friendship is actually kind of sweet, and you are always really cheering for them. They also have some of the best friends ever, and I would give anything for the chance to party with this bunch.
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Brilliant and witty comedy!!
josborn513620 February 2014
Edgy, funny and so original. The writing is brilliant and the actresses are so naturally funny. I await each episode. So many new shows are a disappointment, but not this one. I can actually envision these girls as existing in real life. I love that it is edgy and a bit a good way. I hope the best for this show and hope it is on for a long time. I think the people who don't like it, just don't get it, and it is unfortunate they write what they do. I also like how they don't pretend to be so ladylike, they are just funny and real. Congrats to.the writer and kudos to the two leading ladies.

Anyway, good job ladies, and keep up the good work!!
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Way better than I expected
dreandj31 January 2014
Warning: Spoilers
OK, so let me start off by saying that I had absolutely no intentions of watching this show. I am a huge Comedy Central fan and majority of the shows that I watch are from that channel. I had watched many commercials for the show and thought to myself "ehhh, it doesn't look to interesting." But I was highly anticipating the season premiere of workaholics, so after watching the new episode of workaholics finished, Broad City came on. When I was just about to change the channel, I started watching and watching. The show had me interested from the first 5 minutes of watching. Since the pilot episode literally started off with a girl on web cam chat while engaging in intercourse, I thought it was just hilarious and it made me think to myself "if this show just starts off hilarious, I wonder what other crazy and hilarious antics this show can go to." So I continued watching the show and the dialogue had me chuckling throughout the whole episode. When the episode hit the end, the part with the man who was pretending to be a baby had me in tears because it was soooo funny. By the time the episode was over, I had laughed so much that I literally couldn't believe that I wasn't even going to give the show a chance. The following week I watched the second episode and was not disappointed. The show is really funny. I basically see the show as like a really awesome, entertaining, and hilarious version of two broke girls. I love this show, I will continue to watch it and I hope it is renewed for a second season!!!!! I hope this review helps, and I encourage people to sit through a whole episode before feeling the need to judge!!!!
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Really, really Funny show!
jasemad4 March 2014
Before the show actually started airing, I saw commercials and did not expect much from this show. When I watched the first episode, I was almost shocked how funny it was. Every episode makes me love the show more and more. The characters are great. Hannibal Buress is perfect, and he is barely in it (so far at least) and he is still just the 3rd best on the show. The two main characters are crazy, neurotic (well maybe only Abbi is neurotic), and hilarious. These are two woman that are not afraid to just be funny. The show reminds me of a mixture of workaholics and flight of the conchords. If you like to laugh, then give this show a chance, watch it open minded and not expecting too much).
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Brilliant, bizarre and genuinely funny
rumour-mill7 March 2016
I'm so glad I stumbled upon this show.

From the outset it seems like a very traditional sitcom set-up; two women living in a big city, in their 20s, stuck in limbo struggling to 'do what adults do' (see '2 Broke Girls').

But this is so much more charming and funny than the usual sitcoms churned out by the dozen in America... perhaps because the web-series it was inspired by was an indie project from the outset, and relied on the chemistry of everybody involved.

There's plenty of awkwardness, but the cringe-worthy situations are offset by the friendship-cum-platonic-marriage Ilana and Abbi have. Every episode is hilarious, and set to some pretty cool music, too.

And they've had the series renewed for another couple of seasons! I only hope they can maintain the high standard set in the first couple. Definitely watch this if you like your comedy small-scale, indie and with a healthy dose of weird.
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Can't trust 1s, 2s, 9s or 10s
midnightcub1 November 2019
It's not terrible so giving it a one or two seems mostly spiteful. And if you read those reviews you'll see they are. But the absolute gushing of 9s & 10s are equally disingenuous. Especially the ones that think it deserves glowing reviews just because it's women. . I really like these two actresses. They have a lot of charisma and are pretty cute too. Alli, thankfully has already moved on to bigger better things. She's delightful as Teabeanie in Disenchantment and I hope that continues for years. . This show though paints these characters as largely unlikable. Putting themselves in unlikable situations and not really handling the situations maturely. I'm not a fan of Seth Rogen moron pot smoking comedy where everyone is dumber than a bag of rocks but are nice so we should give them a pass for all the lousy things they do. So you could argue this show isn't for me anyway. Whatever. . Ultimately it's a rather average show you probably won't love or hate. And I very much miss the woman who introduced me to this show. Which might be why I kept watching it despite not caring for it much. But it's also why I wanted to like it more than I did. I just don't. It's not good.
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Scintillating - Love this show
UniqueParticle27 June 2019
I'll miss this lit show, so much energy, enthusiasm, and entertaining episodes! Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson are gold and there's so much creativity involved! Also Hannibal Buress is great I'm glad I got to see him live at a comedy show a few years ago. Pure awesomeness and very relaxing.
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Uneven, but the great moments make it worth it
asc8513 March 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This show is wild and over-the-top, which I think is what they are trying to do. It pretty much is shot as if it were appearing on HBO or Showtime, except that they bleep out the harsh language, and put that fuzzy screen thing on the nudity.

I find the show uneven, and many of the episodes aren't funny to me at all. But the ones that are funny are unbelievably good, and among the funniest episodes I've seen anywhere on television over the last few years. My favorite episode of Season #2 thus far is when Ilana's Mom goes to Chinatown to buy knock-off handbags. The episodes where Abbi is getting her wisdom teeth removed (which includes an interesting impression of Drew Barrymore), and the Kelly Ripa episode are also very good.

I hear Abbi and Ilana are friends in real-life, and the genuine affection they display for each other on-screen is very sweet.

Final verdict: They're not all great episodes, but if you hang in there, you will be amply rewarded.
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I just don't get it.
tj-cook21 August 2014
Maybe this show is so intelligent that it goes over my head. Or, maybe the comedy (if you could use such a description) is just so unoriginal and flavorless that i look down my nose at it. I myself prefer the latter.

But enough of that, onto the show itself. "Broad City" is basically a show about two very unattractive hipster women, doing and saying inappropriate things in New York. Why? Maybe they just act that way to be ironic..maybe the writers use flavorless humor ironically, or maybe it is just NOT FUNNY. I can liken the style of comedy to someone tattooing a mustache on their pointy finger and walking around with it under their nose thinking they are doing something hilarious. They aren't, and it isn't funny.

It does not take talent to do this kind of "Comedy" it just takes a demographic of people that like to laugh at "nothing in particular". So unless you are one of those folks that gets off "Wearing a shirt of yourself wearing a shirt of yourself" your time is best spent on something else.
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Probably the best Friendship Adventure TV Show Of All Time
Trupiaar6 May 2019
After watching this for a while, I figured these two must have been friends before this show started. I assumed either they came from a webcast together, or were buddies and someone in hollywood was like 'hilarious, you two should be on tv.'

Sure enough, they were a webcast series first. During all the ridiculous shenanigans, there is a strong ring of sincerity to the entire production. Their friendship is real, their fun 'normal people thoughts' and reactions ring true, and that's what makes the whole thing so likeable and funny.

Just watched the finale, it was fitting, touching, and still pretty funny. These two have been fresh, funny, and sincere every season and it's been a fun ride.
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Funny Show if you like Workaholics
abehrends3 February 2014
I'd like to start out by saying the show is pretty funny, and follows the hi-jinx style of storytelling that Workaholics uses. It's very dialog based, and if you don't laugh at "silly" banter that's obviously pop culture driven then you will surely call the show "dumb city" like a few high brow user reviewers. Firstly this show is by no means a hipster show, and is literally the same thing as Workaholics just with women. The two main characters say funny things, do funny things, and you laugh. Hannibal Buress seems to have a reoccurring role, and he's hilarious. I think it's refreshing to have two funny women doing the whole Workaholics thing…I literally just got annoyed enough at the 1 STAR ratings to write a review of what the show really is catering to. Like what were these people expecting? Some huge Girls style plot line, based in New York with "classy" wit and snarky remarks….cus that's hipster. It's a funny show, and has more than a few laugh out loud moments. I giggle at the image of the negative reviewers staring at the screen trying super hard to not laugh, and deeming everything dumb and unfunny. I can't stress enough that if you don't find Workaholics funny…then don't watch this.
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Heart and Comedy at last!
willz18710 March 2015
For more than a decade I've been complaining about the state of comedy in TV and movies. Saturday Night Live isn't funny any more and the Apatow/Seth Rogan empire is as unfunny as the Adam Sandler world.

TV land is garbage too. Why can't network comedy just be comedy? Why do they all have to have horrible melodrama attached ala How I Met Your Mother, Friends, even Big Bang Theory. Even the Simpsons. I don't watch a comedy to see characters cry and whine and work out traumatic childhoods.

Then came Broad City. Like, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Workaholics, Portlandia, it sticks to COMEDY. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Abbi and Ilana! Real buddy comedy has arrived. I am vindicated. We don't have to accept the baloney Hollywood is feeding us . This is not lowest common denominator like Two and a Half Men and 2 Broke Girls. Broad City is smart and outrageous. I thought I'd just gotten old and lost my sense of humour watching the mainstream junk. Thought I'd have to start watch old people shows like House and Bones. Thanks to Sunny, Workaholics, Portlandia, and Broad City for saving my funny bone
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Kind of like Workaholics, but better... and in New York
goerge1234414 February 2014
I'm a fan of Workaholics--though that show has been going downhill--so I saw this show because it happened to come on right afterward. It was a very pleasant surprise.

It's like a female version of Workaholics, but smarter. Ilana's idiosyncrasies are very funny, and Abbi is a nice not-too-serious foil for her. Lincoln is Ilana's lover and dentist, and is also funny and a regular on the show.

The only 1 star review that I can take somewhat seriously is the one where you can tell they watched the show. But the show must be too fast paced for them. Neither of the girls is bulimic, and the show never hints at this at all. Ilana was throwing up because they'd been drinking heavily, and she was actually going to eat pizza afterward, and not before as a bulimic would... If these obvious details go over your head, you definitely won't catch the subtleties that make this show great.

I'd be shocked if they didn't get renewed for another season. If you like slacker comedy, don't live in a cave, and can keep up with everything that's going on, you should be able to appreciate and enjoy this show.

Oh, and if the locksmith in episode 3 looked familiar, it's probably because you played GTA V. It's literally Trevor!
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I am not New Yorker and not even from USA and I get it
biba_yu26 August 2018
This is one funny show! I LOVE Ilana and Abby both they are both hilarious. The situations they get into, though I have never been to USA (or NY) and never been anything like these girls are just crazy funny, and you can't not to love those girls. Every freaking sentence in series is funny and everything that happens is a riot. I just can't get enough of it.
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My New Favorite Show
madsenamandam11 February 2015
Produced by Amy Phoeler, the comedy Broad City follows two best friends, Abbi Abrams and Ilana Wexler, as they struggle through life in their twenties. The show began as a hilarious four-minute web series created by and staring the two best friends. As the webisodes gained a fan base and increasing popularity it caught the attention of fellow comedian Amy Poehler. Thanks to Poehler's influence Comedy Central picked up the series. The show is set in New York City, and gives a comedic perspective on what life is really like for two girls just trying to get by.

Abbi Jacobson and Ilana Glazer, Broad City's main characters and writers of the show, met during college where they both attended Upright Citizens Brigade Comedy School (UCB). The two wanted to be apart of something that would last, rather than the normal comedy and improv shows. They wanted to have something that would help their parents understand why they were attending comedy school. The two began a web series about themselves, and continued shooting webisodes for a year and a half. As the web series gained popularity, so did the two girls. They soon had their own manager, Samantha Saifer. She advised the girls to leave the web series behind so they could focus their time on pitching scripts for a television show. For the final episode of the web series, Abbi and Ilana reached out to Amy Poehler to be a guest star. Phoeler, who is also a UCB alumnus, had seen the web series and liked it. She agreed to guest star on the final webisode, and the three hit it off. The girls asked Poehler to be the shows executive producer, and when she agreed, the girls were ecstatic. With Phoelers help the show was signed to Comedy Central, and the pilot episode aired January 22, 2014.

Season one was a success, fans and critics loved it. Abbi and Ilana surprised viewers with hilarious moments and raw humor. Now in its second season, Broad City is still gaining popularity. What sets the show apart is the strong female leads and witty script. It shows the honest portrayal of a friendship between the two women. Abbi and Ilana, who are best friends on and off screen, know how to nail their characters and certain situations. The girls find themselves in the middle of insane adventures, which are not only hilarious, but also totally relatable. Abbi and Ilana make their characters likable and believable. They are easy to relate to and understand. Ilana is the more free-spirited of the two, often convincing Abbi to go along with her crazy antics. Abbi, who is a bit older, seems to try to find a balance between being an adult and being spontaneous and free-spirited like Ilana. The two are regular, down to earth girls just trying to get by. It's the comedic twist on the relevant phases of life that makes the show so enjoyable to watch.

Broad City is not the first comedy to star strong female leads living in New York City. It is often compared to television programs like Sex and the City, and HBO's Girls. All three of which are set in New York, and give a comedic view on women stumbling their way through their twenties, and the big city. While there are similarities, Broad City has a much different feel than both Sex and the City, and Girls. Sex and the City is centered around the glamorous side of New York; the designer clothes, glossy fashion, and expensive shoes. Some viewers may easily relate to this kind of lifestyle, but not many. While Girls portrays regular women, just trying to get by, it puts emphasis on the desires and needs of the characters to make something of themselves. Girls often sacrifices humor for the self- examination of the four lead women. A major similarity in which Sex and the City, and Girls share is that the women are constantly defined by their relationships with men. These men play a large role in the story line and some of these men are even major characters. Broad City operates much differently, setting an entirely different tone. There is no glamour, and the characters have nothing they feel they need to live up to. Abbi and Ilana are just regular people. The girls spend their time hanging out and making each other laugh. The show does not focus on the girls' relationships with men, but rather with their friendship with each other. Executive producer, Amy Phoeler, has stated that Broad City is really about the love story between Abbi and Ilana. It is refreshing to see a show with female leads that does not revolve around relationships with men, but rather shows an honest, hilarious and real portrayal of a female friendship.

As a relatively new fan of Broad City, I was amazed how quickly the show became my favorite program on television. I began watching the show between the first and second season. Immediately after watching the pilot episode, I went online and watched the other nine episodes of season one. Broad City instantly became my favorite show and I could not wait for season two. Abbi and Ilana bring something to the table that other shows lack. The two have great energy, and compliment each other on screen. Their chemistry makes the show authentic, setting it apart from similar programs.

Broad City airs Wednesday nights at 10:30 PM on Comedy Central. Currently in the beginning of its second season, the show is funnier than ever. The combination of authentic characters and a sidesplitting script is what makes Broad City a brilliant show. With guest appearances from executive producer Amy Phoeler, The Interview's Seth Rogan, and Portlandia's Fred Armisen, the second season is bound to be even better than the first. The show will become a fast favorite and so will the dynamic duo that is Abbi and Ilana.
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Its like missing family members
This is my favourite sitcom ever created. It feels like watching family, it makes me feel happier than any tv show.

All I've ever wanted in life in my own Ilana, I'm definintley an Abbi.

If you're a mid-twenties girl or guy just struggling to work out what to do, then this is the show for you.
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Has its moments
Nick_casillo14 March 2014
The first episode was pretty good. The second episode was gold, and I was fully sucked in. But after that it kind of plateaued and settled into just another funny show that I'm not freaking out over if I fall asleep before it comes on. I think the girls are a great duo and they feed off each other really well. A lot of the show is clever and it's fun not knowing what's going to come out of their mouths, but sometimes it feels like the shows writers were grasping at straws to pull off something great and it just comes off as overdone and artificial. It's a good transition from workaholics though, you go from completely over the top scenarios to a more subdued raw type of humor. You may not enjoy every episode but as a whole it's a good show
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defining a fragment of a moment
SnoopyStyle1 April 2019
It's the misadventures of best friends Abbi Abrams (Abbi Jacobson) and Ilana Wexler (Ilana Glazer) trying to live in New York City. This is a defining Galmance show for this era. These girls are far from perfect. They have their friends and they have their city. While Girls try to rework Sex and The City for the new times, this show grew out of webisodes like a flower between the cracks in the sidewalk. Their plans are never that big or that thought out. They are self-empowered and the best of friends. The show delivers some worthy popular moments. For a fragmented TV world, this rules a specific fragment.
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Broad City is Everything!
swordsnare15 February 2020
Clearly, grossly exaggerating the quality of a just-OK TV Show. It took me the whole of the first season to finally something from it. There are some amusing moments, but you's just-OK.
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I'd score an eight if it wasn't for......
cassie-fett22 March 2019
.....the girl's narrow minded point of views. Ladies, (maybe I can no longer call you ladies at risk of offending you both) but what went wrong?

The first three series were brilliant.....funny, outlandish, witty, dry..... to the point of being outrageously raw.....then you let the US political situation affect the longevity of your rhetoric.

You both 'conformed' to being PC and lost your edge....lets just say Broad City as of Series 4 became "predictable and boring".

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Just the best and I miss it
abnsmith11 July 2022
Ilana Glazer is truly the funniest person (and also an amazing human if you follow her socials). This show is so clever and funny and I miss having it in in my life. These two are comedic geniuses. Hope we get something else from the two of them.
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