Surrounded (2023) Poster


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Worthwhile for Western fans
rhdufe27 June 2023
I'm writing this given the limited number of reviews, obviously skewed by those likely associated with the film writing gross exaggerations (worthy of awards etc.) and 1 viewer whose written essentially the same review with a 1 rating three times.

Cinematography is very good, plot has a few good twists that keep up the suspense. For me there were 3 glaring times that essentially "speeches" were awkwardly worked into the dialogue on race, feminism, etc. That really disrupted the continuity and credibility.

On the credibility front the slight female lead proceeds to kill about a dozen men, claims to have been the best soldier in the Union army during the civil war (a war in which physical strength mattered) and at the end chooses to violate the very values she refused to compromise for the entire movie despite great risk and pressure.

It's a mixed bag from my perspective but an interesting watch for a number of reasons.
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Decent Western to pass your time, score is too low I think you can guess why. Look at the poster
I found this enjoyable, it shows the harsh reality of the West, racism in a post-Civil War world and the moral ambiguity of people trying to survive on the frontier. If top reviewer thinks people didn't have conversation along those lines they're wrong. This is rw brain rot setting in. Cinematography was good, a few beautiful shots of the American wilderness, action scenes decent though I don't place particular stock in that. I would have liked to see a bit more with the Comanche (and with subs). It kept me entertained and it was suspenseful enough to not get distracted with movies w/this score. I'd watch something similar again and it's better than a 5.6. Women fought in the Civil War as men. Fact. Deal with it. Triggered rw snowflakes get upset at the mere sight of woman or black person in movies now and downvote things with their Cheeto-encrusted fingers. Fact...and it's ruined ratings. Your place is slowly slipping and I laugh.
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Wow! Such a beautiful movie! Every scene looks like a photograph
Neptune16521 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't quite understand why people are not talking about this movie? I've been a western fan all my life, so I know a good western as well as i know crap, when I see it. This Is a very effective entertaining way to spend 2 hours. Ms. Wright killed it, she kept me glued to the screen. If westerns are to come back, Surrounded is a very good start. Enjoyed it immensely. This movie is invigorating and inspirational. It is mesmerizing to see a young black woman who is strong and triumphant during a time in which freed Black Americans were brutalized and traumatized. Mo reflects the unseen strength of black folks often forgotten in American History. This movie swells me with pride.
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Almost good
apereztenessa-15 July 2023
Surrounded surprises. In the very beginning, you get the feeling that this is going to be yet another Hollywood movie aimed at teaching the audience a lesson on intersectionality in a historical setting. We get a lot of those from Hollywood these days, and suffice it to say that in their self-satisfaction, pedagogical arrogance and commercial intent, they rarely impress.

But in a few minutes, Surrounded takes a different turn. It uses the condition of Mo Washington (a black woman in the Far West) as a true dramatic lever, creating real tension and interest in the character and the story, and it even links it to cinematic history with abundant references to classic Western films (such as Stagecoach or The Searchers), as if saying that one can both see the injustices in history and also appreciate its beauty. It then adds the possibility of a relationship between this woman and a feared bandit (Tommy Walsh, a white man) who becomes her prisoner, cleverly inverting for a few scenes the traditional balance of power between white men and black women. And it even affords the luxury of adding ambiguity on what's right and what's wrong, who's noble and who's evil, by introducing a bounty hunter character and extracting a sense of humanity and victimhood from Tommy Walsh, and making him a potential savior for Mo, while also her main threat. This type of ambiguity, so rare in Hollywood productions today, adds a ton of dramatic interest to the story.

In that effort, Surrounded loses nothing of its political or society message. On the contrary, the message of historic oppression of black and female populations in the past is only reinforced by the reality of the characters and the intelligence of the scenes. In that first half of the film, Laetitia Wright is amazing as a ruthless woman cowboy, reflecting both the strength and contradictions of her character with depth that almost makes you forget the platitude of the Marvel character that she built her fame on.

Unfortunately, Anthony Madler (the filmmaker) seems to throw the towel in the second half of the film, creating a predictable and somewhat silly second half of the film that is more reminiscent of Rambo than of great Westerns in film history. The depth of the story, the mystery of Mo fall down like a soufflé, and all you're left with is just another B-series Western for a lazy Sunday afternoon. It's too bad. It could have been so much more.
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Simple but effective western lifted from mediocrity by fine direction & super-strong lead performance
danieljfarthing27 June 2023
In simple but effective 1870-set western "Surrounded" ex slave / buffalo soldier Letitia Wright's headed to Colorado when her stage (with the under-rated Jeffrey Donovan & others) is hit by notorious outlaw Jamie Bell (also under-rated) with whom Wright ends up alone in the wilds, engaging in cat n mouse, joined periodically by dubious folk like Michael Kenneth Williams. Although its writing (from Andrew Pagana & Justin Thomas) is unexceptional, it's lifted from mediocrity by excellent (often beautiful) work from 2nd-time director Anthony Mandler & a super-strong performance from Wright. It's not the greatest western ever, but is certainly watchable.
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The Ending STILL Frustrates Me
indigosummersveerle11 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Watching this as a strong woman who grew up a tomboy and absolutely adores stories of women who have to disguise themselves as men to prove their ferocity:

The film is excellent up until the end. The character's morality becomes an annoyance and a very flawed motivation in act 3.

Man, I really got upset Mo and Tommy didn't team up. The characters bonded so well and had the makings of a perfect outlaw couple for all the right reasons. That would have been WAY more interesting and closer to 3:10 to Yuma or other westerns this references. Tommy even says it himself! "We could've been more than all this!"

And he was right.

Mo's morality made zero sense. I wanted more character depth. More character story. More warmth from Mo's character. More understanding and humanity. The metaphor of the two characters overcoming differences to realize they were the same person underneath could have been SO powerful. But no - she had to hold onto her victimhood and retaliate out of pride?! For what?! Because random white men told her to?!

This movie could have been GREAT!

Where is the writer of the ending?! I have some strong words to say!
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Interesting start that becomes a boring, implausible borefest
stevelivesey-371833 December 2023
The best thing about this movie is the cinematography, it is fantastic. The acting is generally good as well. That, I'm afraid, is where the plaudits end.

The plot is dull. The endless monologues are grating. The ridiculous decisions made by some characters are annoying. The plot conveniences and contrivances such as outlaws twice the size of Laeticia Wright deciding to throw her around instead of just killing her is woeful.

Unfortunately, because of Wright's character, this is nothing but a politically correct borefest. Did the character have to be black? Did the the character have to pretend to be a man?

The ending turns the whole thing into childish fairytale. Avoid.
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Don't give up Mo!
afiorentino-9992424 June 2023
What's wrong with you people ? Why all the bad reviews?? I found it instead very entertaining, well acted and with a very effective direction. Finally a wonderful and stylish modern western, a tale of suspicion and survival in post civil war New Mexico. Letitia Wright is super cool, Jamie Bell delivers a great performance and it's Michael K. Williams last movie, so what are you waiting for ? The three main characters Mo "Washington", Tommy Walsh and Will Clay have layers of complexity addressing racial and gender inequality, anger, suspicion, trustworthiness and faith that will get out during the memorable stand-off with the notorious outlaw. Despite a low budget and a lot of dialogues that in the central part makes the movie looks like almost as a play, there is a lot of action and firepower that won't disappoint any western fan. The cinematography is superb and the locations are great. It definitely worths to be watched, don't miss it.
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"Lord, just get me from here to there."
classicsoncall25 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I think I know what the filmmakers in general, and Letitia Wright in particular was trying to achieve here, but it just didn't work for me. You don't score points in a Western with excessive display of a down-angled face under a wide brimmed cowboy hat trying to exude menace when the character is a woman. How the attempted ruse fooled so many people I don't understand. The character of Mo Washington (Wright) only looked like a man as long as you didn't look too hard, and the voice was a dead giveaway. If the story didn't try so hard it probably would have been a lot better because the premise was a good one but the execution was just too unbelievable. The first time Mo got waylaid by one of the outlaws outweighing her by twice as much she should have been a goner. The ones she managed to take out however showed cunning, but they were achieved from a distance, like shooting Dakota with an arrow from the top of a tree. Placing the corpses of all the dead bad boys around the tree might have looked good, but how did she manage to drag all those bodies where she needed them to convince the posse that they took each other out? It's just too much of a stretch, which to the credit of old Sheriff Wheeler (Jeffrey Donovan), was willing to look the other way. The best part of the picture for me was the rugged, almost unnatural scenery; the stark white winter landscape of the New Mexico outlands looked positively surreal. Maybe an A for effort here if one wants to go that far, but in general, the execution here was similar to that of B Westerns of the Forties and Fifties, but with a better budget.
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kosmasp2 November 2023
No pun intended - and obviously our main character is not alone in the classical sense. There always is at least another person in close proximity. Not that she is happy for anyone being near her ... but that is a different story. Actually it is the same story - and something that plays out quite nicely towards the end.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves. I am a bit of a sucker when it comes to western movies or the genre in general. I really like them - and I also have been accused of rating too good. So I reckon you have to take this into account. But I really liked the female lead here (you may know her from Black Panther or some other stuff she has done over the years), but also the other actors. This may be the last movie Michael K. Williams appeared in - he will be missed.

Good suspense, good shootouts - what more can you want and need? Story is well told too of course.
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CinemaSerf8 November 2023
When a stagecoach is ambushed by a violent gang of outlaws, it is left to the quiet and unassuming war veteran "Mo" (Letitia Wright) to keep an eye on the captured "Tommy" (Jamie Bell) whilst her colleagues go off in search of a bag of loot that their would-be robbers had already stolen. The wily and ruthless "Tommy" tries all sort of tactics to try and get her to trust him - and to untie him from a tree, but she is no shrinking violet and it is only when his own gang turn up and she faces some perilous choices that he ends up at liberty and she finds herself facing the ultimate fight for survival. It's not really a Western, I think, this film - it could easily work the same in an urban environment. It's a more of an attempt at a more sophisticated story that looks at sex and race in what was essentially a white man's rather harsh world, and Wright fulfils the role effectively for the most part. Bell is also a good actor when his temper is allowed to run wild and has a rawness that's usually quite fun to watch too. Add to that duo the rather menacing presence of "Clay" (Michael Kenneth Williams) and we should have been set for a cracking story. Sadly, though - we don't get it. The build up scenes and character establishment tee us up well, but when it comes to the execution of the gist of the story, the thing just falls away and becomes rather procedural and familiar. The photography works well as does Robin Hannibal's score, but the dialogue all-too-quickly becomes rather mono-syllabically banal and the film simply runs out of steam after forty minutes or so. There is something suitably vindicating about the denouement, but by then I'm not sure I really cared that much any more. It's certainly worth a watch but I found it disappointing.
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OK movie with great acting and questionable art decisions
redgenerall16 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
(This part is strictly for hitting that stupid characters cap. The story fallows Mo Washington (played by Letitia Wright) who's got ambushed by bandits and now have to get it through the night night in the company of their leader - Tommy Walsh (played by Jamie Bell))

So yeah..they made Letitia Wright fight Michael K. Williams during night time with (apparently) one light source that out of frame for the most part of the fight. Filmed it with a shaky camera too.

But aside from that and the ending that I didn't like, it's a pretty decent western with superb performance from Letitia Wright and Jamie Bell.
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More Thought then Many Modern Westerns
paradiseimp-3924525 February 2024
I was pleasantly surprised with 'Surrounded' since I expected the same hackneyed cliches which, yes, were there, but modified into a watchable movie. The director did an amazing job of balancing those very cliches into well portrayed performances by one and all. There were interesting character studies which included both the protagonist and 'the bad guy'. Is anyone all good or all bad? Depending on the circumstances, are we all capable of sliding between those two moral opposites? The cinematography was well done and landscape scenes downright beautiful. If you are willing to watch a western that not only has the gunfights but asks you to explore the motivations behind the action, give 'Surrounded' a try.
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Good Idea, decent execution
Tropic_Thunders23 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
The idea of the story was well and the beginning hooks you on. Though, if you don't want to watch a fast paced middle with a short resolution, this isn't for you.

The middle half of the movie was both quick, yet painfully slow. Mo kicking around the wanted man was boring and uninteresting, needlessly egging on the fact that she's black in a way that tells the viewer and not the man in-front of her. I was surely hoping she shot him out of rage, and was pleasantly hooked on the twist of what she would do next, only to find out she had only shot the tree.

After that I could only hope that a romance between her and the guy who was being racist to her would not bloom. Finally after the random exposition they finally move, which I must say is accompanied by beautiful cinematography.

Of course they both are able to speak to the natives, whilst I guess she tried to hold on to whatever dignity she has as she doesn't shoot him though it's a clear shot? Her grant, the thing I thought was going to be a big part of the movie, was destroyed. What happens now you ask? Nothing.

They go back to camp and Wanted man pity dumps onto Mo, saying they're the same and all like he didn't insult her with bad tones. She does the same, explaining her backstory, which she needed more of.

Bounty hunter comes, of course she trust him, I don't see why she didn't hand him over? Money that the guy had just lied to her about? How could she trust he'd give her any when he couldn't even tell her how much it was? Calling the bounty hunter a killer like she hadn't killed two natives just a few hours ago. I suppose you can't uplift one race without bringing down another.

Bounty killer dies, she FINALLY makes a good decision and leaves, only to be chased by goons. Kills them and underwhelmingly kills the guy she was stuck with who for whatever reason gives her some kind of hint about the money.

Denying knowing what happened to all the men, for some reasons she dragged them all back and sat there instead of...leaving? I suppose it was a call back for being black and being at the wrong place at the wrong time. Of course obligatory white guy tells other white guys to leave her alone like some kind of savior, so her own efforts don't even matter.

Of course the money what right there the entire time, absolutely no effort to getting it. And absolutely no call back to her actually getting to the place. She'll have to go back to where she bought the grant and the do the journey all over again..having learned what? What kind of person did this leave her as?

Short story that should have been drawn out. Good cinematography. 6/10.
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Another "Movie" That's really a Video Game
caf-1912 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
When video games took over a generation of young people's brains, then developed better graphics, and became ever more realistic, immersive, and addictive - I wondered (feared) what kinds of negative fallout might come to our 21st century.

Here is but one: Gen X and Z cannot seem to tell a cogent story. They can't visualize, write, or direct, a cogent story or narrative to save their lives. Surrounded, 2023, is a classic example of this

They can prop up an uber-violent, open-ended, mostly nonsensical adventure. They can have the hero (or heroine in this case) do a bunch of fighting in the pitch dark, they can have maniacal Comanche's just cut-and-run much the same way absurd surprises and widgets drop in and out of their video games. They can make every cacausian character in the film - except the murderous bank robber - a one-dimensional, ignoramus, bigot who can't tell a petite, slender, black woman with an eleven inch neck from a black man.

But they cannot tell a simple story. Nor, do they have any eye for cinematography. Nor do they have a clue about casting the correct actors in a role.

Not even with a sure hitter like Jamie Bell acting his heart out, as the verbose outlaw, Tommy Walsh, could they make this a cogent story where you gave two-***ts what happened to any of them.

Furthermore, with numerous opportunities for literally magical cinematography in the stunningly beautiful Southwest high desert, they could not manage to produce one Divine sunset, sunrise or landscape to somewhat counter balance the constant human ugliness, and to help validate the heroine's strong faith in God. It's actually really sad, just what a fail 'Surrounded' is.

This dud of a movie played out like a dumb video game in western-wear. It insults our intelligence, not to mention actual history, as the macho-woman handily fells her opponents one after another, then rides off on a magical horse (seriously! It just showed up out of nowhere) with the prize.

This movie was violent and BORING; just as most video games are. That's a pretty serious consequence, folks, of video game cretinism. American movie-making (and us unwitting viewers) are paying for the dumbing-down and video game addiction of Western civilization.
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Best of western tradition and something new
puck412-135-90062826 June 2023
Beautiful scenery, fantastic acting by the leads, exciting action and characters you've never seen before. That stagecoach scene was just a ow. Not sure where between the action and frequent changes of dynamics anyone had the opportunity to feel this was slow or dragged. I did find some of the dialogue and conflict a bit confusing when multiple parties were talking at the same time and will rewatch with subtitles for some missing lines. Overall a good adventure that has you on the edge of your seat (literally) rooting for Letitia to make it. Even my husband liked it and we rarely agree on movies these days.
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Terrible movie with no real purpose
dan_fango22 June 2023
I gave up after 35 minutes.

The one-dimensional story gives the actors little to work with, the characters themselves are given no complexity by the filmmakers, and there's no amount of iconic western cinematography can salvage things at that point. Given the enormous amount of money that was spent to make this, it should be telling that it's being released pay-to-rent on a single streaming platform. Save yourselves some time and avoid!. Shame really as it had potential but when we got to the tree scene you just know it was gonna get boring really quick. I cannot recommend it to anyone and to be honest there are not many movies I gave up on.
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Just Wow
stuckeysherry25 June 2023
This is a real review from a very picky film buff... I really don't understand the other reviews. This began as an excellent movie, and ended as one. It was well-acted, beautifully shot, had a great story, and the director knew how to blend it together. The cinematography was especially wonderful. For people who didn't "get" this film, they probably have lived a very sheltered life without struggle. I hope to see a follow on to the story.

This is a real review from a very picky film buff... I really don't understand the other reviews. This began as an excellent movie, and ended as one. It was well-acted, beautifully shot, had a great story, and the director knew how to blend it together. The cinematography was especially wonderful. For people who didn't "get" this film, they probably have lived a very sheltered life without struggle. I hope to see a follow on to the story.
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dance6526 June 2023
Where all the 10/10 are coming from??

Absolutely trash in every way. The director should stick to making home videos, because western film is clearly something he has no talent for. Amazing that they could take such a wonderful actor like Jamie Bell and waste him with such garbage like this. The story has no meaning and is empty, the characters themselves are given no complexity by the director, and there's no amount of iconic western cinematography can salvage things at that point. Given the huge amount of money that was spent to make this, it should be telling that it's being released pay-to-rent on a single streaming platform. Save your time, keep away!
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Where's the money
nogodnomasters30 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The film takes place in 1870 New Mexico. Mo Washington (Letitia Wright) is a recently freed Appalachian slave. She watched to Union soldiers and learned their moves. She cut her hair and became a Buffalo Soldier. She has a claim in Colorado and is traveling out west by stagecoach. Outlaw Tommy Walsh (Jamie Bell) and his gang robs the group. When the horses take off, Walsh gets captured and a man is injured. A Marshall assigns various tasks. Mo Washington is asked to guard the cuffed Tommy Walsh until they can come back from helping the injured man. Mo tries to keep a low profile being both female and black pretending to be a man. Tommy tries to get inside her head. There is $120,000 in bank money that is buried. People show up out of nowhere to get the money from Walsh while Mo has to defend him.

The film was boring. Mo was able to vent against Tommy for all the indignities her race has endured.

Guide: F-word. No sex or nudity.
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Don't listen to the negative reviews!
djrmc2412 November 2023
Surrounded is a refreshing new Western story that steamrolls the viewer from beginning to end. Letitia Wright is the Lead here and she showcases to the world why she is Lead actress in the business. Letitia has a lot of range and is not just good in Marvel Superhero films. She has been great before Marvel films and has been great after. Surrounded is very gritty and realistic with it's violence/action. There were a couple of times I had to look away because of how real things looked when the bodies started stacking up. The late great Michael K. Williams also pops up in a brief but strong cameo. If you enjoy well acted Westerns then you will enjoy this one. My only con is I wish the villains could have been casted differently. Other then that everything was top notch. Surrounded gets a strong 8 stars out of 10 from me.
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I think it is BEAUTIFUL & BADASS!
Don't just listen to jealous trolls. Watch and decide for your own self, it's supposed to be a free country, right? Gorgeous natural light, gripping performances in both big and small moments, great lines of dialogue that I wish I wrote, the kind of story that deserves to be told (shouldn't this get awards?), entertaining, not a digital mess like so many movies today, deserves a big screen! Yes I am a bit biased lol but I wouldn't say any of this if I didn't think it was true. Ps. I especially love Michael K Williams' onscreen magic and the liquor peddler with his jovial air of pretense - would've loved even more of both characters but I'll take what I can get! Oh and where can I buy the soundtrack?!
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A rather brilliant western if I may say so myself!
hbuffer22 June 2023
This movie certainly delivered with the soundtrack and the cinematography I was hooked from the get go to be honest, then when the story started to unfold I was even more impressed a rather nice end to a lovely day. Jamie Bell and Letitia Wright were amazing in this and they both have such a dynamic performance and really bled into the storyline I merely put this on the tv as a going to close my eyes and go sleep movie but here I am writing a review and still awake at midnight. Very complimentary to Gold with Zac Efron with its speed pace soundtrack and feel I will be looking for another westerns as soon as I submit this.
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Something Fresh and New
lukedepalatis25 June 2023
This is a throwback Western, and a really solid one. In a world filled with explosive and dramatic films where the stakes are so large that even the universe collapsing seems small, Surrounded manages to remind the audience that character is far more important than grandeur. An excellent script, great set pieces, two powerhouse performances, and a clever conceit, this story is driven, focussed, attentive, and beautifully made.

It's a shame, and very reflective of the state of movie theaters, that MGM decided to release this film straight to VOD. This is the exact type of movie that can and should pull and audience, if it was marketed enough and correctly. Westerns might not be everyone's cup of tea, but it's hard to ignore a classic, well made film. This is the type of movie to pull people back to the theaters.
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I love a good western...
spankywzl-4102622 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I love Westerns in general but a good Western goes beyond the swinging saloon doors, transcends through the wide open spaces of our history and into the heart of America. Well, that and they always have horses. Some give us elaborate action set pieces, and others rely on good storytelling. Most include sprawling copter/drone shots of the magnificent landscapes of the American frontier. Most of the best Westerns (no hotel jokes please) have a message, perhaps a lesson on greed, revenge or redemption. Surrounded ticks all those boxes and more. Because of the expert writing of Andrew Pagana and Justin Thomas there are some very tense scenes, not the least of which plays out upon the appearance of Michael K. Williams. The cast handles themselves admirably, and bring the story and writing to life, making this an incredibly smart and entertaining watch. Surrounded - 8 out of 10 stars.
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