The Flash (2023) Poster

(I) (2023)

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Keaton Steals The Show
slightlymad2214 June 2023
I just got out of The Flash

OK. So it does not live up to the positive buzz from the early screenings. It's nowhere near being one of the best comic book movies of all time. It's not even in the conversation for being one of the best DC movies. But I did have a lot of fun with it.

A lot may depend on your feelings of Ezra Miller. Younger Barry Allen was really annoying, but I think that's the point. I had no issues with them in the role.

The stand out for me, was Michael Keaton. When Batman is doing his things and Danny Elfman's iconic score is booming, it's a joy. But make no mistake this is not Batman 3, it's a Flash movie that features Keaton's Batman.

Supergirl was good, I enjoyed her, and if she gets a stand alone, I'd watch it. There were some surprises, that I'm amazed have not leaked.

It feels it's run time at times and some of the CGI is very dodgy, especially during a certain moment. Considering what they were going for, I can't believe they released it like that. The CGI at that moment is my biggest complaint.

They get away with a lot with its rating including nudity and a fair amount of bad language, including the F bomb.

I'm not sure if I'll watch it again, but I had a good time, watching this one time.
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Good film, let down by poor CGI
ctilly6916 June 2023
As a fan of the Flashpoint:Paradox film, i was looking forward to this. The story is similar, but does change some major parts. The Flash is, for the most part, an enjoyable film with some really good performances, especially Sasha Calle and Michael Keaton. Not a huge fan of Ezra Miller as the flash, but the biggest issue with the film is undoubtedly the CGI. At times the graphics are poor, other times they are horrendous and unnecessary. The film would have been better had they taken a bit more time with the look of the film. Overall, a decent film with some suprising cameos, some really entertaining moments, but looked cheap.
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Come on Barbie. Let's go party?
chand-suhas15 June 2023
Finally after the early screening on 6th June which showed the unfinished print, I get to watch the final cut on IMAX today. One major drawback is that a movie this big has both really good and really bad VFX. Apart from that, this complete fan service aims at not taking the story forward into the DCEU's newly planned future, instead takes Barry Allen on his usual time travel to save his mom and him learning the repercussions of his action, the hard way.

This harmless PG-13 movie sticks to the basics and plays safe to the core. Adds a bunch of cameos from DC universe to get us fans riled up. The narrative ranges from meh to "oh that's fun" and the director Andy Muschietti hardly fails in hitting the mark. He clearly knows what he intends to do with this script and plays to it's strengths. Ezra Miller indeed is good as The Flash is an added advantage and rest Michael Keaton's return as Batman takes care off.

Special mention to all the cameos as they simply were that good. Needless to say, the film is worth watching for them. Sasha Calle's Supergirl has very little to do and she tries to make most of what is offered to her. The visuals during the time travel and the reveal of multiverse was well done. The humor ensures to lighten the tone while keeping the mother-son sentiment intact. Not sure what DCEU's future holds for us fans, The Flash succeeds in entertaining for most of those 2.5hrs.
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Terrible CGI was distracting
timcain8116 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I really didn't know what to make of this.. I was surprised by the tone, it is much less darker than the other DCEU movies and is tonally similar to Wonder Woman 1984.

The opening scene for me rang alarm bells.. the CGI is absolutely laughable with utterly ridiculous scenes bordering of complete silliness. Superman 3 comes to mind. It literally features the worst CGI I have seen in a long time, it felt like I was watching an animated cartoon.

The tone then shifts to darker territory briefly when the plot moves along, before suddenly jolting you back to the lighter silliness.

Ezra Miller does an ok job in the titular role. He seems to be having fun with the character as does Michael Keaton, who steals the scenes when he finally appears on screen.

There are many clever cameos throughout, however brief some may be and it feels like a nice homage to the DC movies of yesteryear.

Overall, yeah the CGI was terrible and it tries hard and fails to deliver what Spiderman NWH did much better, but it's a fun ride nevertheless and I did enjoy it.
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Overhyped, but a good film with horrible CGI.
drawlife16 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So after being in development for years, multiple re-writes and director changes, the drama behind the film's star and with the current DC shakeup THE FLASH somehow still manages to be an okay comic-book film.

You would think with all the change ups between the writers and the directors there would be some inconsistency within the film, but for the most part there wasn't. Now the hype train dubbed this as one of the greatest superhero/comic-book films ever made, and it really does not reach those heights, but it is a good entertaining film with some depth and layers.

Putting aside all the Ezra Miller wrongdoings, they are very good in the film. Miller's performance in the theatrical cut of JUSTICE LEAGUE to me came off as a buffoon who made lame jokes about brunch. ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE however, that performance was more akin to what I wanted as a comic-book fan who's read Flash comics. Miller plays two versions of Barry, one older who shows more maturity and experience and one as a young teen, who is a more immature version of himself. There is a nice balance between both performances, but I will admit young Barry's antics and jokes kinda did get annoying after a while.

Maribel Verdu's Nora Allen serves as Barry's motive to go back in time to save his mother. She has some good tender moments at the end when Barry does realize he needs to let her death play out. Ron Livingston replaces Billy Crudup and does a good job with the scenes he had.

I've been on record saying Ben Affleck is my favorite Batman because I loved his brutality, his rage, and his merciless attitude. To me a Jim Lee drawing come to life. He's only in it in the beginning of the film where an incredibly fun action set piece takes place. If this is the last time I'll see him (which it probably will be) as the character then I'm happy I got to see him just once more.

Michael Keaton definitely brought back the nostalgia. In his old age he hasn't lost a step and has a solid role within the film. Anything with him is basically fan-service on overdrive, especially the Elfman Batman score and his memorable lines from the 89 BATMAN film. Since it is the mutliverse keep an eye out for some cameos near the climax. Sasha Calle steps into the role of Supergirl and I didn't mind her presence or performance but she was just kinda there. She plays an important part, but it never marinated enough for it to feel any true weight, but to mainly be there to serve the action at the end. She does have a nice fight with Michael Shannon's Zod.

Piggybacking off that, I really did like how director Andy Muschietti honored what came before with what Zack Snyder did. He didn't blatantly ignore it which I appreciated. So even if seeing Affleck, Shannon, and some other familiar Snyder-Verse cast members for just a quick bit, it was nice that there was an acknowledgment of what came before.

Now the VFX are very questionable. I know Muschietti said that the VFX was meant to look weird on purpose and I get his reasoning behind it, but it just looked way too wonky. Distractingly wonky that it took me out of the film from time to time.

As for the future of DC, that's all up in the air, it feels. Original set photos showed Supergirl and Keaton's Batman showing up at the end, but that has changed. Anything can happen now, and we'll see whether that's a good thing in time.

To sum it up, THE FLASH is an overhyped film that just happens to be a good/entertaining spectacle with a narrative that isn't exactly new, but the nuances give it that extra flare that prevents it from being a total nostalgia bait/fan service.

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Come for the fan-service, stay for the surprisingly entertaining film
jtindahouse14 June 2023
I always start any review of a superhero movie by making it clear that these are not my types of movies and my opinion, for any superfans out there, should always be taken with a grain of salt. Now with that in mind, I have to say 'The Flash' is about as much as I can enjoy one of these types of movies. This was a very fun ride I'm happy to admit.

The movie is basically fan-service on overdrive. Anything a mega-fan has always wanted to see is likely going to show up at some stage in this movie. If that's your kind of thing then you are going to be in heaven.

I found the pacing good. The movie is just short of 2 and a half hours but that time goes by pretty quickly. As usual in these types of superhero movies I found the final battle scene the weakest the film had to offer. It got messy and convoluted and it was really the one part of the movie where I lost interest.

Of all the superhero movies I've seen this is probably the one least focused on the villain. He really does feel like an after-thought more than anything. The movie is far more about Barry Allen and his mission. Which makes it surprising to me just how much I enjoyed the film, because the one thing I do often get out of these films is enjoyment from the villain.

I think people are going to have a good time with this one. It doesn't feel like the usual copy and paste template that the MCU has been throwing out for 15 years now and it is certainly a step up from everything non-Batman that DC has been doing recently. I really enjoyed this. 8/10.
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I actually enjoyed this
sad_otter21 June 2023
Much better than I thought and reviews led me to believe. Superwoman really worked for me. Michael Keaton was good. Ezra Miller wasn't hyper annoying. I could've done without the updated flash effects and the suit but not too bad. It's funny, fairly interesting and the plot isn't super convoluted or especially ridiculous (for a superhero movie).

Saw reviews complaining about inconsistent CGI quality. For most of the movie I couldn't figure out why; clearly an artistic choice. But then Chris Reeve pops up and yeah, that was pretty bad. I think it's the result of applying the stylistic effects they'd been using on the still-alive actors to an already not awesome deepfake but whatever the reason it was jarring and not necessary. There were a lot of nods and Easter eggs they would've been fine skipping.

So not perfect but nothing ruined it for me. Batman in the beginning really didn't sound like Affleck to me. They gave their Batman a healthy dose of Christopher Nolan Batman that I could've done without (what possible reason is there for having vents on your breastplate. Do his pectorals generate too much wind resistance when he flexes?)

Anyway worth seeing. Stands up well with the other DC movies, such as they are. I really don't see what the problem is if you liked all they other stuff. This is easily better than Aquaman and Justice League and Snyder-bloat Justice League. Yeah Ezra Miller is going through an annoying as all hell/total trainwreck phase lately. But hey, who hasn't sorta kidnapped an Indian and hoarded guns and acted like a total b!#h@$$ after they got arrested for something stupid and avoidable.. yet again, then whined about it/their/thouest pronouns to someone that made the mistake of addressing them with respect? That old chestnut. Just a steaming hot mess of human being but considering all that he's gotta be pretty talented since I was still able to enjoy his character in the movie.

I wouldn't be expecting a sequel though. Oh yeah, Michael Shannon was predictably good also, though not utilized all that much.
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Fun and Emotional
kjproulx19 June 2023
When Justice League hit theatres in 2017, I'll admit that Ezra Miller's rendition of The Flash wasn't my favourite, but his version grew on me over the years. The DC films in the last ten years have been hit or miss though. You could never tell if a film was going to be good or not. Well, hearing everything that could happen in DC's latest release, The Flash, I had to see it for myself. I'm happy to report that after seeing it and sitting on my thoughts for a couple of days, I can confidently say that this is one of DC's better films in the last 5-10 years and the emotional core packs a great punch.

Having lost his mom in the past, Barry Allen (Ezra Miller) decides to use his super speed to run back in time to prevent her death and prevent his father from being wrongfully accused of her murder. In doing so, he ends up in another reality where he meets another version of himself, another version of Batman, and another version of an alien from Krypton. Also returning is the villain Zod, from the film Man of Steel. This was a fun ride to take and the action is great, but the storyline involving his mom is what worked the most for me and brought me to tears by the end. If for nothing else, the writers cared very much about the mother-son relationship.

Everyone seems to be talking about how awful the CGI is as well, but I personally found certain sequences were meant to feel like an animation instead of looking realistic. Maybe that's just me, but I was able to forgive most of the effects because I felt that way. Still, I do agree some more polishing may have been needed. Still, the CGI did not take me out of the movie as some critics have been stating. In fact, without giving anything away, certain elements needed CGI that could only be done so well in the first place, so I gave them a bit of a pass. The furthest thing to think about when talking about this film is the visual effects though, so let's move on.

I must say, yes it was cool to see Michael Keaton with the cape and cowl once again, but with all the cameos sprinkled throughout this film, I am starting to think I'll miss this world a bit as they get moving in another direction with DC. Although funny, this film felt most like Man of Steel in terms of care and effort being put into the story and tone. This film set out to be an emotional story before being a fan service fest, which I appreciated. All the cameos throughout the film just felt like the icing on the cake.

The Flash is a film that I pretty much had no expectations for so I am surprised how much I enjoyed it. Ezra Miller carries this film with a very solid performance, Andy Muschietti delivered as director, and Christina Hodson and Joby Harold truly wrote a compelling story arc for Barry Allen. Does the film get a little much by the end and overstay its welcome in terms of bombastic visuals? Maybe, but if I'm going to nitpick that, then I have a lot of things to nitpick as well, but none of them really bothered me. I was here for a good time and I got a little more than just that, which put a big old smile on my face. If you're thinking you're interested at all based on what you've seen so far, I think you'll like this one. I recommend it.
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Not perfect, but it is very entertaining
Jeremy_Urquhart14 June 2023
The Flash is a junk food movie, but sometimes junk food hits the spot. I think in this case, it kind of did, and I had fun. There are problems here for sure, and maybe it'll all fall apart in my mind the more I think about it. But I had a pretty good time with this, and while it might not have been as filling or satisfying as a proper piece of cínèmá, I feel like as far as unapologetic crowd-pleasers go, this is one of the better ones.

It has fun with a time travel plot, and also dives right into all that multiverse stuff that's all the rage at this point. We may be at a breaking point soon with movies that spiral off into different universes/timelines, in the process bringing back actors to roles they haven't occupied for years or even decades, but I know I still get some enjoyment out of this kind of thing. In a couple of years, who knows - there's a good chance fatigue will set in around this latest trend, but unlike a lot of cinematic trends/sub-genres, this one has at least inspired universally loved movies and even Oscar winners (like Into the Spider-Verse and of course Everything Everywhere All At Once).

The Flash is a movie that's desperate for you to like it, and I can see that turning some people off. But others are probably going to like it a lot, and I imagine it'll do well at the box office. As for the future of DC, that's all up in the air, it feels. Anything can happen now, and we'll see whether that's a good thing in time. I'm also interested to see how fans of previous DC movies react to this, given how divided the fanbase is (and how fractured all the different DC universes are, what with the extra worlds of Robert Pattinson's Batman and Joaquin Phoenix's Joker).

But The Flash? It's fun. It's entertaining. It panders sometimes. It looks a bit like a video game at points (also plays out like one at times). Its humour generally lands, but not always. I'll probably never watch it again, but I had a good time watching it just this once.
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Best DC film by a mile
mpowelluk-9193329 July 2023
Best DC film by a mile.. Funny, endearing, finally a DC film with pretty good special effects too and although a bit silly in places it ultimately has got almost everything right.

Ezra Miller is quite convincing and it's great to see Michael Keaton back as Batman but almost in a "Hugh Jackman as Logan" kind of role.

There's quite a lot of this multiverse stuff these days and whilst this will never be as good as the Spiderverse take it's still good and serves very well to underpin the tragic human story element of the film.

As good as most of the Marvel stuff and way better than the recent Marvel stuff..

Recommended, go see it!
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Poorly used story and horrible CGI.
Finally, The Flash. After all the silenced controversy of its protagonist, one of the most promising films of the last stage of DC comes to light. The film was quite promising, and on balance... it falls short. Join me to find out why without stripping a single spoiler.

Let's start from the essential: the script. The story is basic to be a contemporary superhero movie. It contains humor, which feels excessive in the middle of the film. It has a lot of action, from the very beginning of the footage, which is appreciated. But eventually we get to the topic of fashion. On a personal and subjective note, I'm already sick of the multiverse. At least be original and rename the concept! The next movie that dares to close down and make fun of this concept will have my wholehearted support. Anyway, this applies to using time travel of course, and showing a couple of rather impressive cameos.

The direction is quite interesting. It has very daring use of angles and lenses that work very well with the story. The photography is effective and the edition is quite precise. The soundtrack is one of the great elements of the film that knows how to deal with nostalgia, but at times it feels too patchy. The acting is decent, as is the costume design.

The controversial element of this film is undoubtedly the visual effects. Surely the effects are present in almost the whole movie and almost half of them are pretty bad. The human figure has no real references neither in movements nor in logical details. I have seen video games from outdated consoles with a better visuals than The Flash.

Anyway. The Flash is a basic, action-packed movie that tries to be fun and emotional but fails too much in VFX, an element that its target audience is unforgiving in the year 2023.

I end by saying that if Muschietti had come even a little closer to The Flashpoint Paradox, this movie would have been a masterpiece.
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hot garbage tbh
trixthewitch5 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The first couple episodes of the cw tv show "the flash" was somehow infinitely better than whatever this monstrosity was. The humor was dry and seemed like a poor imitation of the marvel franchise. Batman was not very batman like and lacked luster. Wonder Woman was practically baited in the poster for the film, she had probably three minutes of screen time which was still better than any screen time of the Flash. The other version of barry allen was weirdly childish and did not convey the humor i assume was being attempted. I would not bother wasting time or money when you can just watch the tv show.
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The Flash is a great superhero film, with great performances and a good Flash story, most importantly a fitting ending to the DCEU
Holt34414 June 2023
The Flash has finally arrived, a film I've been looking forward to since it came to fruition back in 2019 after many years in development of different directors/writers. Flashpoint would be the inspiration behind the film and that got me excited as I love the graphic novel, this isn't a direct adaption, its inspired and has Barry Allen traveling back in time to save his mother as the plot point but after that, everything is different and honestly it works quite well in how you'll be in for a ride that you'll be unprepared for like The Flash in the film. Ezra Miller has been a topic of controversy for two years and I understand why someone would choose not to watch it for him but his performance is great in this and he's better than ever as The Flash. Then came the marketing, making Michael Keaton the main Batman with him reappearing as his character from Tim Burton's two Batman films, Sasha Calle as Supergirl and the first trailer brought back Michael Shannon as General Zod and Antje Traue as Faora-Ul which was the villains for "Man of Steel" which was the start of the DCEU, it feels fitting that they're back for the ending (Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom will be the true conclusion). It also stars Ron Livingston, Maribel Verdú and Kiersey Clemons. With Ben Affleck along with other actors from the DCEU making cameos.

Barry Allen uses his super speed to change the past, but his attempt to save his family creates a world without super heroes, forcing him to race for his life in order to save the future.

The Flash is directed by Andy Muschietti from a screenplay by Christina Hodson, she wrote Birds of Prey prior to this so she has knowledge of the universe. Henry Braham served as a cinematographer for the film and shot The Suicide Squad prior to this aswell for the last two volumes of Guardians of the Galaxy. Benjamin Wallfisch did the musical score for the film and it's a good soundtrack, music fitting each scene both light hearted and darker, also the more suspenseful scenes. I think it was nicely edited. Andy Muschietti's direction was great, I really liked his vision for the project and how he wanted to make the project his own and fitting to the DCEU. I don't have any criticism towards him, great visual storytelling and it felt like he gave great direction to the actors.

The Flash met my expectations, it was a great superhero film which brought plenty of satisfying and joyful moments. I love the characters and DCEU, I think they did a good job at putting an ending to it. With the speed force and time traveling, we got the multiverse in film format (after seeing it in Arrowverse and Titans before), and I don't want to spoil anything but you'll surely find it worth sitting through. The Flash offers a lot of things to like, the visual effects could and should have been better though, the final battle sequence against General Zod deserved ten times better effects and a more detailed location. I also understand why Michael Shannon didn't quite like it in this film just because of how one-dimensional Zod is and how there are almost no deep themes, I wouldn't say there are no themes though as there's one strong theme that's executed perfectly on screen and in writing, the theme of loss. There was emotional depth in the film through the loss of Nora, Barry's mother, it was executed perfectly and performed perfectly by Ezra Miller. The writing offered some great comedy, plenty of laughs from me and the others in the audience on the premiere, Ezra Miller had that comedic timing. Overall, I think the writing was great, much better than her work on Birds of Prey. The dialogue was great and so was the characterization. I really enjoyed the first and second act, they were golden. The third was fine but could have been better. The action sequences were great, all of them! Again, here the visual effects could have been better, but the action sequences were well thought out. It was also nice to see Michael Keaton back as Batman, he was great! I also liked Sasha Calle as Supergirl, good performance. This is a film I'll rewatch, without a doubt. Great superhero film!
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Michael Keaton saves this fan service mess
kuner-5902917 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
So here it is, the end to the high concept, but ultimately failed DCEU cinematic universe, resetting the timeline for a new cinematic universe, which will undoubtedly be much worse.

The Flash starts horribly. We get a random and very silly opening action scene with Ben Afflecks Batman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman appearing for one final phoned in appearance and a lot of extremely bad CGI hijinks. Admittedly, I did chuckle at the baby in the microwave, but the tone is just all over the place.

Once Flash moves back in time and meets his younger self, the film goes completely off the rails, with the younger Flash being unbearably annoying. While there is a purpose and a character arc to this, it still grates ones nerves. Ezra Miller overactings, trying his best to do the wide eyed clumsy-fasttalking-annoyingly-likeable thing that Tom Holland does. In some scenes he succeeds, in others he misses the beat. However, he does show some range, with the older Flash generally being a pretty good audience avatar and the one voice of reason.

The film miraculously gets back on track once Keaton's Batman shows up. He steals the show in his scenes, but the inclusion of Danny Elfman's musical themes doesn't fit the mood of the film at all and just serves as a reminder of what a beautiful gothic opera the 1989 original was, whereas the Flash is a tonal mess from start to finish.

As if the two styles of score weren't bad enough, they place some rock / pop song over a major action scene in a cheap attempt to imitate James Gunn's overuse of pop music in Guardians of the Galaxy.

The story of the Flash actually turns pretty good as it moves towards the finale. The character arcs are brilliant, the teambuilding with Supergirl is good, and in her brief screentime she is excellent.

During the finale, there are moments of real tragedy, and especially when Barry meets his mother again, the film is legitimately moving and quite sad. If it had taken itself more seriously, this would have been an incredibly powerful finale.

One more note on Michael Keaton: Seeing his performance made me realize what a damn tragedy it was that Warner messed up the Batman IP this badly over the years. We could have had decades of Keaton as Batman, taking on a rogue gallery of interesting villains in Burton's wonderful gothic nightmare city. While Nolan's Dark Knight films were fantastic, Keaton just embodied Batman like no one else.

Instead, they wasted time and money on the awful Schumacher films with Kilmer and Clooney (who's cameo here is actually fun), Snyder's failed take on Batman and the watchable but sterile and unnecessary recent series with Robert Pattinson. Warner were sitting on pure cinematic, iconographic gold and didn't realize it.

The Flash flopped horribly at the box office. Was it deserved? Yes and no. The film is a tonal mess graverobbing past DC movies while unceremoniously killing off Zack Snyder's high concept cinematic universe. On the other hand, it has a good plot, strong performances and is still leagues above any of the junk Marvel belches out every few months.

What does the future hold now? As the superhero genre goes the way of the Western (meaning it's dead in the water), DC will reboot and give us misanthropic garbage from James Gunn, which will undoubtedly be far worse than the past DC films, as it undermines every remotely emotional moment with a joke, be filled with popsongs, random family guy style humor, and probably fail within 5 years. Good job Warner.

After the Flash bombed so badly, and with superhero movies on the way out, I doubt DC will ever get back on its feet in the near term. Batman will still be a success if they don't ruin the brand.

Who knows, maybe they could do one more Keaton / Burton Batman or bring Nolan and Bale back. Anything other than Batman, and they will lose a lot of money.
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A perfect execution of The Flash's most important story
quiqueperezsoler14 June 2023
I am not exaggerating when I say this is one of the best DC movies so far. It perfectly adapts the source material to the current characters of the Snyderverse and bridges the gap between the old and the new DC universe that began with a more colorful and characteer-driven Aquaman and Wonder Woman movies (in spite of the flaws these may have).

The screenplay in this movie, that is the story and character arcs, is absolutely gold. It is witty, funny and splendidly well-rounded. All the jokes land perfectly and it is all thanks to the great performance of Ezra Miller, which would be more acclaimed if it weren't for the bad reputation that preceeds him.

And perhaps a bit surprisingly, every other character introduced and "returning" do a fantastic performance, elevated by their characterization. Audiences should be really satisfied with the directions they took every main character in this film.

I don't want to get into spoilers so I will just mention that the costume and set design is incredibly imaginative. The story is inspired by a famous Flash comicbook but it is modified enough to be more relevant to the current iteration of the Flash while maintaining the core messages and themes. And in some aspects, actually improve the story itself. All amounting to a climax where the emotional payoff is earned.

It is obvious the care and effort that was put into this movie in almost all aspects except one. One that seems to be the weaker link in all DC movies: the subpar CGI. I don't doubt the talents of the CGI artists at Warner Bros, but there's something happening behind close doors. Either time constraints (which seems unlikely given DC doesn't pump out as much content as Marvel), lack of workforce or simply budget constraints? (again, highly unlikely given the budgets these movies have). It's unfortunate because it is subpar enough to break the illusion (is very noticeable when you see shots of Flash's costume switching from CGI to physical costume on a close-up). But is imaginative enough to be overlooked.

And again, the heavy lifting is done by the story and characterisation, which is stellar. Add there the performances and visually stunning action set pieces and you have great entertainment. The relationships between the characters is well defined and come full circle in the end, I applaud the use of every character and their comic book iteration and I thank the good and restraint use of the easter eggs and references which the nature and trailer of this movie clearly disclosed there would be (so that wasn't really a spoiler)

All in all, this is a great direction to take DC on and in some ways, this movie feels kind of James Gunn-y: the characters are compelling, some wacky and hilarious, others more subdued but also witty; the relantionships between them are earned and emotionally satisfying and the story is character driven; and things like the editing and music-heavy montage scenes (not saying they are uniquely Gunn, but they reminisce of GUnn). And most importantly: the movie has something compelling to say. Which may sound obvious, but a lot of superhero movies lately have lost track of it. Surely they are visually stunning and action driven, but we can't forget the characters and their flaws and strengths, and exploring both is always a great idea! So more, please, more of this quality of DC.
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Should have been a third Keaton Batman movie
RussHog17 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Flash has a bad script. The jokes are self-indulgent. The plot makes no sense. If The Flash can go back in time to save his mom from being killed by a mysterious killer, wouldn't he want to find out who the killer was and capture them? Instead, he just wants to swap out a can of tomato soup so her father would never leave home and she would be alone. Whatever. I'd want to know who the real killer was and capture them and a superhero would too.

Suddenly, there are two Barry Allen's and most of the film is cringe annoying dialogue between the two of them that mostly isn't funny.

Thankfully, the film picks up when they have to stop General Zod from the Man of Steel, and to do that they have go find more superheroes and the only who who exists in this new reality is Michael Keaton's Batman.'s awesome to see Keaton back as Batman.

Instead of having two dumb heroes, the film now has at least one hero who uses their intelligence, strength, deduction, and stealth to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Truly a cool thing to see, and easily the highlight of the film and if this is what it took to get Keaton least someone got the job done.

Supergirl also shows up and it's actually pretty cool to see two Flashes, Supergirl, and Keaton Batman team up to battle Zod.

The final act of The Flash is ambitious and there is enough cool attempts to do something unique that it's hard to dock the film entirely. The real problem with The Flash is The Flash himself, and the writing. This isn't a well written film it has tons of bizarre logic and potholes and stupid unlikable characters...but somehow it all sort of makes something that passed the time and - if for just a moment - made me smile.

But, they should have just made a third Keaton Batman movie.
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Flashes of brilliance
Phil_M_A_Kerr14 June 2023
It's a fun movie with great performances.

Conceptually it's a knockout film. Dealing with love and loss ... and time travel (you know, the important stuff). But the script and execution seemed a bit, dare I say it rushed.

If I were to wax lyrical, which I will, might I say that there's one key lesson to be learned from the theme of this movie that perhaps wasn't followed by its makers?

It's no spoiler to note that the idea of going back in time to adjust the past and thereby repair the present is a sweet temptation. But when we remove that limitation of linear time, binding us to our past mistakes, trouble seems to stem out in all directions. OK, so my analogy is that by relying heavily on CGI to theoretically create anything that one's imagination can conceive, the temptation is to consciously turn everything up to 10 (or 11 if you're in Spinal Tap) and conjure up endlessly amazing experiences. But we're linear beings, for the most part. We need common reference points to know where and who we are. Otherwise, we go off the rails.

That's what I felt was absent from the The Flash movie. Too much of what could be but not enough of what is. We're left disoriented and, ultimately, a bit disengaged.

If I were to go back in time and change something I would have spent more time focusing on the drama of having two Barrys in existence - excellent FX work and acting here. But that'd mean less time for Batman (good stuff) ... and Supergirl (more good acting) and less of the smaller character parts (funny performances, all). OK. Let me readjust. If I was to change something it'd be just to ...
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One Note - No Structure
sia_hamwala16 June 2023
A little of bit of a disappointment, but at this point this is what we are used to.

The whole film felt very one note, from the very first 5 minutes into the film we are thrust straight into the journey and there's no point at which we can take a breath, just gives the film a very uneven feeling.

On top of that, it attempts (badly) at the balance of humour/emotion, I.e it try's too hard, half the time it feels like either a kids film or a video game!

Please DC just take a beat and revert back to the principles of 'DC Comics' maybe make a few origin stories that are grounded - instead of trying to copy whatever marvel is doing!
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yeshuahd-4587329 August 2023
This flash feels like a jigsaw puzzle with mismatched pieces. While the script itself shows some promise, the movie stumbles, primarily due to its abysmal CGI. The effects are so poor they break immersion, leaving you disengaged from the narrative. The film's attempts at humor are painfully forced, so much so that I found myself questioning my commitment to the DC universe halfway through. Casting is another sore point. Ezra Miller's portrayal as the lead character is not just lackluster but actively detrimental, reminding me of an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" more than an epic superhero tale. Thankfully, there's Michael Keaton, whose return as Batman is a nostalgic delight, bringing a sliver of gravitas to a film that desperately needs it. All in all, this movie is a largely disappointing affair, with only Keaton's performance offering a glimmer of redemption.
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Against all odds and plenty of obstacles due to unforeseen events, The Flash has managed to take us back in time while simultaneously flashing a bright future for the DCEU.
tresm8714 June 2023
I gotta be honest and say that I thought this movie was dead in the water during the worst antics of Ezra Miller last year. I'm convinced WB conjured up a crucial plan to recover this film and the overall stigma behind it with one main aspect. MORE Batman. Not just Batman but Michael Keaton's adorned classic version. While he was already going to be a part of the film before in some amount, I truly believe that the re-shoots and rewrites amped his involvement in the overall stakes and story much more. Well it clearly worked and the hype surrounding the film has been completely due to Keaton's Bat. That's not to say the story and other aspects even including Miller aren't solid as well.

I was lucky to see the advance screening a few weeks back and it was an experience to remember. This is easily the highlight entry in the DCEU. It soars in visuals, emotional depth, and nostalgia tenfold. This may be a Flash film but Michael Keaton steals the show returning to his classic iteration of the Bat. It's like he never took a 30 year hiatus. The guy is just so iconic it's unbelievable . The way he is incorporated is perfect for the plotting and the stakes. Miller himself is also very captivating in the film as well as Affleck. Michael Shannon once again gives a great dark horse role as well. The casting of supergirl though I cannot say was a great decision. She is without a doubt the weakest link imo.

The visual spectacle is without a doubt the reason to watch this and no matter how heavily cgi laden it can be, it manages to usually look crisp and colorful. To see Keaton in his signature batwing moving around in an updated time is something to behold. It's crazy to see something that couldn't have been dreamed of in 89/92.

Overall it's awesome to finally get this film and to see so many exciting aspects come together to create the long awaited standalone flash film. Even though you have to wonder without Keaton back how intrigued people would be...
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A convoluted infantile mess.
Top_Dawg_Critic20 June 2023
It's bad enough I had to put up with one Ezra Miller, but two of them was just two characters and double the cringefest, as the banter between the two characters was more annoying than fun. This film seems like it was targeting a teenybopper demographic that enjoys this type of nonsense.

It was all middle-school humor, tacky special effects, silly plot twists that spent all its time racing from one poorly-thought out story element to another, from one only modestly satisfying nostalgia shout-out to another, yet ends up as rewinds of movies you've already seen, but with appalling VFX and a messy story that even the amazing Michael Keaton couldn't save. It was repetitive and underwhelming, and full of narrative inconsistencies and unjustifiable leaps of characters' logic.

The multiverse's bottomless stockpile of do-overs and variant replacement characters was already getting on my nerves in the Marvel films, and this DC film suffers from the same bad case of multiverse overkill, instead of telling an original or thrilling story. The stormy seas of production hell are clearly evident as this blur of nonsense runs out of steam as it drags to the nearly two-and-a-half hour mark, that the end result barely feels like a final draft. It's easily the weakest of the recent movies about multiple universes. It's a generous 6/10 all for Michael Keaton and Sasha Calle's screen time and outstanding performances.
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It's Amazing how much better Sonic is than this movie
josephb-5916119 July 2023
Keaton was the only redeeming quality of this movie if you can call it a movie since 2 hours of it looks like a ps3 cut scene. Some of the scenes filmed on camera where actually turned into CGI for the going back in time sequences. If they already have the footage of the actors why bothers creating CGI composites of a scene I just watched?

The only thing they needed to CGI was Ezra Miller, he's not a very likable character and seems weird for all these super hero movies to have no problem changing the actor every few years but I guess using Ezra was a hill they were willing to die on. I would suggesting casting an actor that doesn't have ties to sex crimes in order to play a virgin.

Save your time and just watch Sonic if you want to see more realistic super speed running sequence.
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It was ok...
It was ok, the only reason I liked it was all the cameos late in the film, and them bringing back 2 of the main Batmans' the 3rd one they brought back was highly unwanted and unnecessary. The downfall of the film is the main actor who has spent around 8 years destroying his image and career publicly. It is hard to watch the film knowing he is a woman abuser, and child groomer and thinking that Warner Brothers wants to continue using him as a face of their company. Ezra Miller also in the role continues to have the most unrealistic and completely stupid running form for a man who is supposed to be running at the speed of sound and the speed of light. From his bounding step running to his what looks like him trying to hug air. None of it looks right for the role he is playing.
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Very surprised, not in a good way.
jmcwilliams-5755316 June 2023
Ezra Miller's performance of the flash was subpar. He is my least favorite hero in this movie. However, when Michael Keaton entered the scene, all hell broke loose and the crowd went wild. He was amazing and i would have much rather watched the movie starting from his story entrance and the movie being solely about him. He was phenomenal and made this movie. The supergirl Kara was freaking awesome too. The take on having a woman okay superman's role was genius and refreshing. I loved her character. Overall, it wasn't horrible and the kids didn't know any better acting for the flash so they loved it. I loved Michael Keaton as Batman.
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Must See DC Movie!
andy_sutanto14 June 2023
It's refreshing, funny, and full of surprises.

I don't wanna give any spoilers, but it's a MUST SEE movie, especially in IMAX.

The casting is not perfect, though.

Some characters should be played by different actors.

For me, it's 9/10.

Bring your family to watch this enjoyable movie.

Stay tune until the end cause you will get to see the end credit.

I hope this is not the one and only Flash movie.

I think lately DC is doing so much better than Marvel, in producing entertaining movies.

I surely hope to see another Justice League movie/sequel/remake/whatever, someday, cause it's worth a shot.
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