Might not be as good at the 1st but I was intrigued and entertained.
15 March 2021
I enjoyed seeing a continuation of John's story and seeing how he lived outside the cabin. It's definitely not the same as the 1st movie but I don't think it's trying to be. It'd be awfully boring if they went back to the same cabin and had another discussion the entire movie. I particularly like the scene at the end when john was kidnapped and met with hostility. Beyond the annoying college kids, unresolved ending and odd post credit scene, I liked the messages behind the movie. John just wanted to live his life and not be bothered, but being immortal and having such a wealth of knowledge he becomes the centre of attention. People are curious and they cannot help but become fascinated by him. Some going to great lengths that are out of character just to figure him out. And some trying to hurt him because his truth, "the truth", conflicted with what someone believes in their heart. People claim to want to know the objective truth when they only want confirmation that "their" truth that they've committed to is true. And they will kill you for it.
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