
12 Reviews
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Fun movie which seems to be receiving a lot of hate
1 June 2018
I had the opportunity to watch this, but was not too sure after seeing that it had an IMDb ranking of only 3.8.

According to reviews, it was ok acting, an awful script and even worse SFX.

I'm glad I took the opportunity, as this was a fun film, with great acting and, whole some of the effects could have been better with a higher budget, there was nothing that caused me to stop believing in the story being shown to me. Some of the effects, particularly many of the dinosaurs, were really good.

The acting was definitely above par for a low budget film and the script worked well.

Let's face it, a low budget film needs a different rating system than a Hollywood movie which has millions of dollars thrown at it and the backing of a studio - something which many armchair experts tend to ignore.

Another plus, for me though maybe not for some, was the lack of sex scenes, which are generally added to film & TV shows now to make up for a lack of content and plot.

I have given this 8 stars, because it passed the cigarette test. I didn't have to stop watching to go outside to smoke while it was on, which is a good sign to me on how good a film really is.

If you're looking for a film that you can just watch and enjoy, then this is definitely one you should check out.
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Some people really need to calm down
18 February 2018
Calm down people. You do know this isn't real life right?

So many comments complaining about the length and asking how anything successful can be so short. Ever heard of the countless web series out there?

This is an interesting start to a possible reboot. Yes it does change some of the history as we know it, but things may not be as they seem. Maybe an alternate reality. Yes, you'll now say that isn't possible, so a quick example - 'The Road Not Taken' (season 9 episode 13).
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My Friend Max (2017)
A nice story that warms the cockles
25 February 2017
As a horror fan, this is not the film I would normally watch, but I did find myself watching it and found it very different than I would have expected.

While it may have taken a little longer than expected to get started, I found that this was done on purpose as it had an arc that brought the audience along at a specific pace, and that pace worked. You had to understand these characters and you did.

Why did this film work? It's very simple.

I believe there are two things that you need in any film, whatever the budget, and if you have this then you have a film that the viewers will enjoy:

1. A Good Script 2. Good acting

This film had both of these and not just good, but great. The script worked well and both principal actors did a fantastic job.

It's a great film if you like a feel-good story, but don't want all the mush.
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Tinglewood (2009)
An excellent short film
23 November 2010
As the founder/director of Horror UK, we showed this at our film festival last year and have shown it at our other film festivals.

It is one of the best short films we have had nominated to us and has everything you would hope for. Great acting, great suspense and great production values. At one point (let me just say the fire), it did actually make me scream out like a little girl! This is a film that you should definitely check out.

I gave this a 9 and not a 10 because I never give a 10, no film is perfect.

I don't understand the low rating this has (at the time of writing 3.8), particularly as 70% of those voting gave it a 9 or 10.
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The Slaughter (2006)
So much negativity on here for a great indie horror
7 September 2009
Reading some of the comments on here, it looks as though people are confusing indie horror with serious films.

Yes, horror can be serious, but it isn't all about that, it's about an enjoyable film that can take you away from the mundane, and The Slaughter does just that.

OK, the people who have said that it didn't make sense obviously didn't get the comedy of it all, and let's face it, these are the same people watching a zombie film - not exactly a creature that makes sense.

We showed this film at Horror Fest UK in 2006 and we loved it, which is why we are bringing it back to the Horror UK '28 Hours Later' horror marathon film festival.

Get with it. It is about having a laugh, showing the serious horror fans that they are way too serious and just sitting down for 94 minutes of unadulterated silliness.
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Bloody Good Film
3 July 2009
I just reviewed this film for the Horror UK Film & Literary Festival and loved it.

This is totally British and had me laughing throughout, the horror bits were good too.

If you get chance to watch this, then you should do.

To be honest, the thought of a film combining zombies & Bollywood got me worried, but it actually worked.

This is likely to win awards just because it doesn't take itself seriously and has the true heart of horror - to entertain in a different way.

Go watch it!
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An enjoyable film
6 May 2009
There are certain films that we automatically select upon review for screening at Horror UK's 28 Hours Later Film Festival, they have to be of a very high quality.

The Assessment is one of these films. We loved it because, put simply, it's a film that you can sit down and watch - and enjoy.

It's not the type of horror that you hire so that you can laugh at how bad it is, it has a solid script, great acting and the cinematography works really well.

The Assessment is a winner of our 'bloody good film award', which means that it was a good all-rounder.

Joe Jenkins (Director, Horror UK)
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Not the worse film I've seen
20 December 2008
Warning: Spoilers
I am watching this on the horror channel at this very moment. This film is based on actual events and if you believe in that sort of thing then it isn't a bad film. I have seen plenty of horror films, OK not the best but certainly not the worse film that has been put on telly especially the Horror Channel. As far as the acting is concerned, not too great but the Kristin Erickson who takes the part of the possessed girl was convincing alone, maybe not to the standards of Linda Blair but she acted as a possessed person would act. If you want to watch a "fun" horror film then check it out and then judge it for yourself. I commend anyone who makes a film on a low budget, they are very brave.
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A great indie film
7 March 2008
As short, low budget films go, this is an example of how you can make something of a high quality.

Without giving anything away, once you have watched this film, you should watch it again, and you will then see so much more of what is going on.

The acting is good, the soundtrack not over the top and the directing is worthy of a high budget production.

Put simply, I would say watch this short film and see what can be done. Especially if you are a film maker, r fan of indie films.

Joe Jenkins Director, Horror Fest UK
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Wishbaby (2007)
A raw British horror movie
16 November 2007
One thing that UK film makers have always been good at is horror that hits the mark at the right time, and this is just what Stephen W. Parsons has done with Wishbaby.

Starring Tiana Benjamin (Eastenders/Harry Potter), Fenella Fielding (Carry on Screamng) and featuring Doc Brown, this has a plot and flow that could survive without these 'names'.

Watching at first, you wonder if it is going to be good, but very soon, you sense the raw storytelling, and that builds up to create a film that will have you thinking about various things long after the final credits (and on that subject, watch the final part of the film after the credits).

All I can say, is that this is a well thought out film, without the gloss that HAS to be placed into Hollywood productions, and that makes it worthy to be on the shelf of all horror fans.

I saw a version that was 95% complete, and I await with anticipation for the final cut.

Joe Jenkins Moonworks Media
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The Omen (2006)
Stick to the original
6 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
They say that things come along in threes. In the film world, I think that is true. Let's take, for example, three films that created the modern era of the horror genre.

Rosemary's Baby The Exorcist The Omen

These films can be viewed today and so much can be said about them, so much that is good, but also, so much that is bad. Let's not forget though just how old these films are.

Rosemary's Baby - 37 years old The Exorcist - 33 years old The Omen - 30 years old

The Omen holds a special place in my heart. It was the first horror film that I watched, I was seven at the time, and it moulded me into the horror watcher and maker that I am today. Of course, it didn't help that I started reading Edgar Allen Poe as a child and my story writing in primary school caused me to pay weekly visit to an educational psychologist.

Watching The Omen scared the hell out of me, but it was 1978/79 and there wasn't anything like that on TV, unlike today.

I wanted to watch the remake on this special day, the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year and I was looking forward to it. I didn't read any of the critics writeups about it, mainly because i rarely agree with what they have to say.

I decided that I would write this review with the original film in mind, so this evening, before watching the remake, I sat down and watched the original again, something that I haven't done for well over ten years.

There are three things that I look at when making my first decisions about a film:

How long before I start thinking about having a fag How long before I notice the aching arse How many people walk out and whether they return

Well, what can i say about the new version? Not much really. It didn't grip me in the same way that the original did this evening. I started thinking about smoking after about twenty minutes, the arse ache took about an hour, even in the luxury seats and people were walking out throughout the entire film, though they did return.

It wasn't exactly scary, which is quite important with a horror film, and the main 'jump moments' were dream sequences that weren't in the original and seemed to only be there to be 'jump momemts'. There were moments that gripped you, for a short time, but generally it was just a run-of-the-mill horror.

The best actor in the film was Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick, who played Damien aged five, but the rest of the cast were pretty ordinary, no Oscar nominations I'm afraid.

To be fair, if this was seen without the original in mind, then it would be quite a good film, but still run-of-the-mill. Also in its favour is having one of the best death scenes that i've seen, nothing fancy, just a great look and feel, though the deaths did seem to have the feel of Final Destination.
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Camp Blood (2000 Video)
A film makers view
29 May 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Well, what can I say? Interesting would be a good place to start.

We watched Camp Blood because it came as part of a box set of 20 'interesting' horror movies.

I've now watched it a couple of times and to the casual observer, it comes across as a terrible film, but I now look at it as a film maker, having just completed my first zero budget feature (will be interesting what people have to say about my one!).

The acting wasn't great, but it was on a low budget. I think the real unforgivable sin was using the same actors to play completely different characters at the end. This could have worked well if they had used some strange psychological story line in the sequel (yes, there is a sequel), but it was never mentioned. I also loved the way the nurse held her arm and those shoes? The colouring was bad, but I'm not sure if that's because I have seen it on IMDb as 3D, but there was no mention of that on the DVD.

Some of my favourite bits in the film has to be the orange blood, the swishing of the water off-screen when the blood wasn't moving fast enough, the chewing of the blood capsule and, my mostest favouritist bit, the mad guy and his mad laugh.

I give Camp Blood a 5. It was very low budget which excuses a lot, but there were some things in it that could really have been worked on.
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