1 Review
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Sweet Nothing (1995)
one of my few all time favourite films i could watch constantly forever
2 March 2006
i saw this in a TV book looking for something to watch on the telly and found this but wasn't sure if id fall asleep or not so taped it from the beginning and am glad i did. i did not fall asleep, i couldn't it is captivating, enthralling, amazing! i never liked the sopranos but Michael imperioli is fantastic as angel falling further and further into the situation and his crack addiction. everyone in the film plays there part to the point of perfection. amazing. if you've seen it email me at amphetaminelogic@aol.com if you haven't try and get hold of a copy asap!!! be warned i think it is hard to get hold of, don't know anyone else who has seen it and have never seen a copy of it... sadly... cos i only have a part copy on VHS now.. hint hint :)
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