
9 Reviews
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Marple: A Pocket Full of Rye (2008)
Season 4, Episode 1
6 December 2015
This version came up on the Sunday TV repeat channel so I looked it up on IMDb and rad the reviews. Good to see Helen Baxendale in the cast, for my money another cutie in the mold of Felicity Kendall. The (new) Miss Marple actress got a good review on this site, so I thought i'd watch it. Oh dear ! I have been spoiled, Joan Hickson nailed this role so well that I am not sure how anyone can compete as she is a country mile better than Julia McKenzie and distorts the viewpoint. If you haven't seen Hickson then I expect this version passes muster. An average film which is meant as an honest compliment, not pejoratively. Trouble is every time the Marple character is on screen the negative comparison with the incomparable Joan is all consuming. Otherwise, a solid, workmanlike production.
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Definitive Marple actress
27 August 2014
I have been watching on TV the 1984 version of Miss Marple.

This one is with Joan Hickson in the eponymous role.

What a delight having been subjected to the unsuited Geraldine McEwan version (2004) series in recent times.

The difference between the two is so marked as to be astonishing.

Maybe you should watch both just to see how good Joan Hickson is.

So if you are an aspiring actress do compare and contrast.

Poor Geraldine McEwan, how could you follow what is a definitive portrayal ?

So if you like Christie and Marple - Joan Hickson is number one and second is some far distant even broad daylight. I'd say Geraldine McEwan was in the rear of the pack myself.
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Marple: The Body in the Library (2004)
Season 1, Episode 1
JH and GM versions compared
27 August 2014
I see IMDb has both recent versions listed, the first with Joan Hickson and the more recent with Geraldine McEwan.

If you like Christie's Marple stories then you may like the recent series with a eel-know cast list. Fair enough.

Because you should then watch Joan Hickson playing the same role.

No comparison.

It always astonishes me when people spend good money on a remake (2004) and it is not a patch on the other one (1984).

Joan Hickson is quite definitively Miss Jane Marple.

Geraldine McEwan ? Not even close !

So, if you only want to watch one version then it is a no-brainer as our former colonial cousins would say.

It may seem anarchic but I'd be inclined to wipe the McEwan series from the record so they only show the better version ... but then again what a marvellous lesson for would be actors to arch them side by side as it were.

Joan Hickson is sublime. What a pleasure to see someone perform so. The gulf is between the two is vast.
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Joan Hickson
5 May 2014
Joan Hickson plays Miss Marple - she is the best to have done so.

If you like Agatha Christie's Marple stories that is all you need to know,

Unfortunately at the time of writing we seem to get on TV repeats the later made series with Geraldine Mcewan in the role.

The difference between the two is chasmic.

This is not my favourite Marple story but enjoyable nevertheless.

Good to see the great Donald Pleasance in the cast.

But oh so good to see Joan HIckson once again.

Let's have more of her on TV please pretty please.
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Blues Stop (2003)
This is evidence of a talented young man.
29 March 2013
I should say from the outset that I know Alex. Indeed it was him that showed me this short film not long after it was finished. I would also say to those reading this that while I enjoy films I am not a cinema buff. I prefer 12 Angry Men to The Terminator. I prefer Goldfinger to Skyfall. Thirdly, I would say that Blues Stop is not particularly my kind of film. So, the following commentary should be seen in the context of the foregoing. My view is ... Given the budget and the early career stage of Alex this is a very good effort indeed ! I know that, for me, the sign of a good film is - would I and could I watch it again ? (i.e. maintaining an interest). I have to say, in this case, the answer is YES ! That may not sound great praise to you but it is meant as a sincere compliment. On this showing he has talent. You should watch it.
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17 March 2013
Wonderful book.

But what a disappointment.

I have tried watching it, twice, but it just doesn't cut the mustard. I wish it were otherwise.

Great cast (Thaw / Morse; Duncan / Shooting the Past).

The setting is delightful.

John Thaw bought a house nearby as a result.

But the production was not a commercial success.

All is not lost though.

If you haven't read the book it was based on then do so, you have something to look forward to.

Other reviewers have commented on the book vis a vis this dramatisation, sometimes rather OTT, yet the difference is immense unfortunately.
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Inspector Lewis: The Ramblin' Boy: Part 1 (2013)
Season 7, Episode 3
time to bring down the curtain
28 January 2013
Lewis never came close to the giddy heights of Morse. Nevertheless there were some reasonable episodes on occasion but the time has come to close down the franchise. Ramblin Man stands no comparison with any other episode as it is sub-standard on most counts only the photography and setting bear resemblance to the better days. The Lewis character cannot carry the episode alone. The plot line and writing are struggling, inevitable when a successful series outstays its welcome. It does lend itself to an annual Christmas Special assuming a good script can be drawn up. It just goes to show how good John Thaw was, in comparison.
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Buster (1988)
good film, under-rated here
26 January 2013
I saw that this movie got an average rating of 5.4 from 1700 users. Good grief. The cast alone (Julie Walters +) warrant this before we start. If people miss out because of such a low ranking then its a mistake. I enjoyed it. And watched it again this evening which is how I come to be here. Good cast, true story, good sound track, character, humour and period setting (1963) what more would you want ? It stands the test of time too, not dated - except in the modern computer graphics / explosions genre. And Phil Collins an inspired piece of casting. OK its not as good as the Long Good Friday but that was a cracking film. But Buster is not that far off the mark. A 5.4 average rating is ridiculously low.
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Cheers: Home Is the Sailor (1987)
Season 6, Episode 1
out with the old in with the new
22 April 2012
Can't top the previous review. And particularly agree with the Diane commentary. Indeed, the actors for Diane and Coach were excellent. The others were good. But, for my money, the Rebecca character was average at best and played by someone nowhere near so accomplished or versatile as Shelley Long - she had a reasonable singing voice too. That said, its hard to see how the original story line could have continued for long with the Diane/Sam relationship. So I think she was right to leave, whatever the reasons - going out at the top is never a bad thing. I could watch Cheers "Part 1" series 1 through 5 (i.e. with the Diane character) time and again.
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