
18 Reviews
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Just another bad star wars movie
25 December 2019
This is, in summary, a bad, fast paced, plothole filled, ACTION ACTION ACTION movie. It moves so fast from scene to scene without letting anything breathe or the viewer absorb what is going on, probably to it's benefit, as all plot points and characters outside of the Rey/Ren conflict are bland. There is only one reason to watch this movie, and that's because you've already seen the others and are in a committed, abusive relationship with Disney
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
So bad it was funny
12 November 2019
Yep. This movie turned into complete schlock for me. The acting was...meh, and the story was nearly off the rails. There was no character development past the 20 minute mark, no interesting ideas explored, and overall was little more than a fan service sequel with scene after scene going 'Hey, do you remember this part from The Shining?'
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (2019 Video Game)
Bad attempt at a plot
31 October 2019
For no reason other than my own insanity, I'm grading the campaign only in my review. I have several issues with how it's set up, but my biggest problem is the way it attempts to guilt the player and tackle difficult issues about war around the world. Naturally it plays well enough, CoD has always had some of the best first person shooty bang bang controls of the genre, yet it breaks up the fast paced action every chance it gets for seemingly no reason. Multiplayer is bla bla bla words.
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The Outer Worlds (2019 Video Game)
Not a bad game
29 October 2019
As in it's not a great game, and it's not a bad game. It's made by the devs who did Fallout: New Vegas, and you can really see the similarities. That said, I have many issues with the design of the game, it's comedy outlook, and antagonist of choice. All in all? Yea. I guess I'd recommend it. Just not very highly
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Joker (I) (2019)
Decent, not great
9 October 2019
A decent flick, that's a character study on the man before the Joker rather than the theatrics of a Zack Snyder mess of a film. I find that the movie, although interesting enough, only justified the 'what' of the Joker, and not enough of the How and Why of the Joker
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Just not a good movie
9 September 2019
This movie strikes you as a bad sci-fi channel horror movie. Despite the great cast, it is all squandered through poor overall direction, either by the fact that the book was not that great to begin with or the movie studio called for more jumpscares than anything actually scary or interesting, or both. But this 3 hour experience (yes three heckin hours) has too many many out of place scenes and one liners, no remarkable or interesting performances, and bad scares. Do avoid, honestly
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For a very specific audience
30 July 2019
This is a tough to review movie, as the younger generation (me) found this movie horrendously boring for the most part because it is a break the standard movie formula hangout movie(act 1, act 2, act 3, climax, resolution), where not much happens. The acting? Incredible. Scenes? Occasionally breathtaking. Overall? Much too long, and I can't say it deserves a watch unless you fall into the specific niche of super movie buff or old head that was around in the 60's and 70's and can relive the world that Tarantino grew up in and is mirroring this movie on.
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Just a generic movie
4 July 2019
After the great Avengers ending, and even a well done Spiderman homecoming, this one is quite a step down from the others. Not to say it is a bad movie, as Marvel is largely incapable of making anything less than pretty good. But it is a very uninspired effort, with bland characters and a seemingly plothole ridden pointless story. Don't expect Jake Gyllenhaal to save the movie, as his character wasn't interesting either. Suffice to say this movie was one of the lesser quality flicks in the marvel cinematic universe and should be either a pass or a movie that will be forgotten in weeks, if not days.
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Highly Forgettable
17 June 2019
This summer blockbuster is going to be just another one of those forgotten movies that a few months from now people will say 'Hey do you remember watching the new men in black movie?" and the whole world will whisper back "No." It was entertaining enough that the film didn't drag on and ruin an evening, but offers little more than simplistic pleasures and forgettable moments.
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Great Monster Fights Though
4 June 2019
This movie is baaaaaaaaaad. It's like a straight to DVD movie bad, and unlike the previous movie in 2014, there isn't a Bryan Cranston here to say 'at least he was good.' The fight scenes are fun to watch, however. I'll say watch the awesome Godzilla vs other monsters fight scenes, and skip the forgettable plot, characters, and everything else about the movie. At least until the next one.
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Rage 2 (2019 Video Game)
Fun, not good
18 May 2019
Rage 1 was an abomination. Not in the 'Oh my god it's so bad' way, but in the 'so boring and bad nobody paid attention to it' aspect. Rage 2 said hey, you can't ignore me if I'm just meaningless destructive fun can you? Think of Rage 2 as an open world version of the new Doom game of 2016. You run around, blowing up as much stuff as possible and causing havoc and destruction anywhere you can. And, surprisingly, it is a decent amount of fun. The rest of the game can be taken with a grain of salt, with bland characters, story, and everything else. But the murdering is fun.
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Not a great movie
13 May 2019
Don't get me wrong. I recognize that this is for children/superfans, so judging it as a movie isn't the main idea here. Most moviegoers are here for the nostalgia, the cuteness, the live action pika pika. But as a movie, it's rather boring and predictable. The first half is good purely because of Ryan Reynolds. He and the main character(forgettable) play a sort of buddy cop movie, vibes similar to the Seth McFarlane Ted movie. The second half is downhill, lacking the funny moments and one liners, so you're stuck with forgettable main character A, forgettable love interest B, forgettable villain C, generic big bad evil corporation D, and overall bland dialogue. I'll give it a 5/10 for nostalgia and the first half of the movie, but that is remarkably generous.
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Fine Movie
26 April 2019
All in all it's a fine movie. Naturally if you haven't seen the previous few Avengers there's no reason for you to watch this, but as far as critiquing movies this movie has few flaws. It's a good movie with no controversial topics that all members of the family would enjoy. The main point against this movie is the ridiculous run-time of 3 hours.
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12 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is bad. For a Marvel movie, that's a shocker as they generally make good to great movies, and even when the movie isn't great the characters are fun and interesting. The biggest issue is that this movie feels like a rushed response to DC making a good Wonder Woman movie. Captain Marvel was a last second afterthought before the final Avengers movie, where this character can 'turn the tide' of the fight. She becomes the reason why Fury started the Avengers team, she will return to fight Thanos, she's why they find the blue tesseract(?) and yet everything about her falls flat. Call it bad acting, bad directing, whatever you will, but her character is weak. When your main character is weak, your villain is weak, and your supporting cast is weak, then you have a weak movie. 1/10, just avoid.
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Glass (2019)
Ignore this; rewatch Unbreakable
21 January 2019
This movie had potential. Under another director, there's definitely a good movie in here. Unfortunately this film is what we got, a long, unsuspensful, boring flick with two great actors that constantly remind you of what could be. There are a few great scenes at the beginning and the end with old Brucie Willis that can be enjoyed, but the rest of the flick is a gross blob that should be ignored. If you want to see a good movie playing with the idea of real world superheroes, just rewatch Unbreakable.
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Bird Box (2018)
Just an overall poor film
10 January 2019
This movie isn't bad just because it went viral and therefore it has haters. It has a poorly set up threat (the dont-look-at-it monster), poor character arc, and poor transitions between past and present day that destroys any suspense or intrigue in the movie. Despite some interesting set pieces, the film makers failed tremendously and it sucks that another straight to Netflix film has to disappoint.
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Halloween (I) (2018)
Highly Overrated
22 October 2018
With all the positive reviews, you'd be hard pressed to thoroughly enjoy this film after the hype. That being said, it's not a terrible film. If you ignore all the unnecessary characters and subplots, and enjoy the ridiculous scenes in a 'so bad it's funny' kind of way along with the casual enjoyment of watching Michael Meyers go on a murder spree, you can somewhat enjoy the movie. Essentially, its a forgettable time killer.
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Exactly what you'd expect
29 July 2018
If you go into this film expecting a big dumb Mission Impossible action movie, you won't be disappointed. Although a bit long (2 1/2 hours), it hits most of the checkboxes to be expected of a Tom Cruise led save the world action movie. Don't expect incredible, and you will enjoy the film exactly as intended. It can be easy to get caught up on the details or some plot holes, so turn off that part of your brain. All in all, not bad.
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