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17 hours of screaming and crying
3 December 2023
17 hours of people screaming and crying. It's shock drama with no substance whatsoever. The show is so incredibly shallow it's hard to even describe. You are guaranteed every ~30 seconds someone is going to have a mental breakdown, scream hysterically, start crying, commit child abuse, or just generally collapse from too much drama. The plot is absolutely ridiculous and feels more like a random event generator. People will come out of nowhere to reveal some huge drama event and then everyone overreacts, repeat x1000. Watching this feels more like a punishment than something you would actually sit down and enjoy.
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Huge drop in quality from the previous films.
3 December 2023
This might be the worst cop drama I've seen in years. The movie is somehow completely nonsensical and yet 100% predictable at the same time. Honestly, I've seen a more compelling story from the Sniper War series.

Everything looks cheap from the cameras to the editing to the vfx. Pointless flashback scenes pad an already too long movie. The characters are paper thin and generic. There is zero suspense or buildup to anything. The action scenes are boring and shallow, and the poor editing makes them almost incomprehensible.

Definitely skip this one unless you just want mindless gun fights and explosions.
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The Comeback (2023)
Incredibly silly action movie
1 December 2023
Incredibly silly action movie. If you think having small kids beat up adult gangsters is funny then you might love this movie. There is even a Bugs Bunny style dynamite scene. If they were trying to make a serious action movie then they failed completely. It's really hard to take anything in the movie seriously. The whole thing looks low-budget with most of the movie taking place on one street intersection which is an obvious movie set. Not really any suspense here since everything is played for laughs. The plot is generic enough to put you to sleep. I think it was something about bad guys wanting a USB stick...
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Zombieverse (2023– )
What is this trash?
17 August 2023
This might be the worst TV show I've ever seen in my life. Who on earth would want to watch a group of random idiots pretending to scream and cry for 8 hours? People complain all the time how these reality shows are scripted, but we are supposed to believe this zombie crap? This is so stupid I feel like it should be taken off the streaming platform. Watching something this cringe really does make you physically uncomfortable. I don't know how anyone could make it past 10 minutes of this garbage. What's really sad is that a show about scaring people with zombies could have been amazing, so I'm confused why they didn't do that instead.
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Heartbeat (2023– )
Huge dissapointment
1 August 2023
This was a huge disappointment. Probably some of the worst casting I've ever seen. The chemistry in this show is practically nonexistent. They made the lead actress incredible unlikable which drags the entire show down. The entire first half is just her screaming and being angry for no reason. Recasting the lead actress would have helped, but I don't even know if that could have saved the show. The production feels low-budget and amateurish. The script is just copy and pasted generic drama. There isn't a single original idea in the entire show. Definitely one of the worst kdrama of the year so far.
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Laughably bad
1 August 2023
This has to be rock bottom for the franchise. How do you even review something this bad? The worst directing I've ever seen. The script is pathetic. Why even have dialogue when it's this bad? The CGI is so outdated I can't even imagine who they contracted for this. Were they scammed? It's hard to believe any reputable CGI company would produce something this bad.

What is going on with the horrific character designs? Claire looks more like a monster than the actual monsters. Calling her "ugly" would be a compliment. And there was obviously no motion capture because these characters are so stiff they might as well be cardboard cutouts. Get this garbage out of here.
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The directors cut should be with all the humans removed
12 July 2023
To any producers out there who are thinking of making another one of these movies, you have to get rid of the humans. This movie was terrible but not because of the plot or directing or CGI; it was terrible because of the human characters. Every single scene involving a human made me want to smash my television. There is no one on earth that wants a Lifetime Original drama mixed into a pure adrenaline rush scifi action blockbuster. These things are not compatible. The humans add NOTHING to this film except to make you hate it. Seriously, the directors cut of this movie should be with all the humans removed.
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Wow...this movie is bad
20 June 2023
Where to even start with something like this? The whole thing comes across as a bad dramatization of a bad script of a fictional event. Its 2 hours too long. The story is complete nonsense and jumps around like TV show out of order. Every 10 seconds there is a scene of someone crying, looking at a monitor, looking at power point slides, looking at their phone. This over dramatization really hurts the film and ends up having the opposite effect that the director intended. The 3 hour runtime kills any type of suspense or momentum. I would gladly watch your average 4 hour Hindi film than this nonsense. Yes, there are a few cool cgi scenes but lots of movies have those.
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The worst survival show I've ever seen
10 June 2023
The show is incredibly boring and about 9 hours too long. Over half the runtime is just people walking around at night whispering, or walking around in the rain whispering, or sitting around doing nothing while whispering. Where are the challenges? Where are they even getting their food from? The producers kind of forgot the "survival" part of their survival show. Just embarrassing.

The show would have been exponentially better if they just focused on fun challenges every episode and got rid of the ridiculous capture the flag spy nonsense. Is rolling around in the dirt really showing off their survival skills? It's also an issue that none of the contestants seem to need or want anything. Do they have infinite water and food? Do the winners get prize money? It's not clear at all why they are even competing.
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Bama Rush (2023)
Deserves a zero just for the poster
25 May 2023
I have no idea what this movie is about, but I saw the poster while browsing and was so disgusted I had to give it a zero. I don't care what genre it is. I don't care if it had a 200 million dollar budget. If the marketing department took the time to create a poster this disgusting then you know 100% the movie is garbage.

Not only would I not watch something like this, but I feel morally obligated to report the movie in hopes that they take it off the platform. I actually feel sorry for the streaming platform that has to add this trash to their catalog because I guarantee you will lose subscribers.
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The Best Man (2023)
It's real bad, and not the fun kind
12 May 2023
Right out of the gate this movie is horrendous and gets progressively worse. It really deserves a zero rating because the "value" here is literally zero. No fun, no laughs, no enjoyment, no suspense of any kind. The action here is a complete joke, basically High school film trash that would be embarrassing even on youtube. You can't even laugh at how bad it is because the movie is so boring. In terms of generic action movie this is as bad as it gets.

If you actually want a fun bad action movie then watch any of the recent Steven Seagal films. Those movies are hilariously bad and have basically the same plot, but the difference is you can actually laugh at those movies.

There is no situation on earth where I would recommended this movie expect maybe as a torture device.
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Plane (2023)
This was actually in theaters?
11 May 2023
Classic made for tv movie. Not offensively bad, but it's a mystery how something this low-budget got into theaters. Take any TV show airing today and it will probably look better and have a higher budget than this movie. Seems like theaters are desperate.

Definitely need to discuss the shaky-cam. I understand it's used to cover up bad action scenes but this is just too much. It really seemed like the camera man was shaking his arms trying to imitate a plane crash. It's really pathetic.

The story was actually ok. I appreciate it didn't try and pad the runtime with women and children screaming for 30 minutes. In fact, the pilot is the only actors with more than a few lines of dialogue which I appreciate.
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65 (2023)
Hallmark Channel Original?
11 May 2023
Wow this movie is bad. The worst of Jurassic Park combined with a Hallmark Christmas special. This is next level straight to video trash.

Based off the trailer I thought it was going to be a generic run from dinosaurs type movie, and I was right, but also they squeezed in 60 minutes of crying over family photos. Every family drama troupe is here. Annoying kid is looking for a family. Annoying father misses his daughter. Man and child don't understand each other. Girl throws tantrum for no reason.

How do you even make a dinosaur movie with no suspense? This is hilarious to me. It's like someone quickly scrubbed through Jurassic Park and copied the worst parts. Thankfully this is a very short movie which also makes me believe that the producers realized they had a stinker and gave up.
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Duty After School (2023– )
Worst show I've seen in years
28 April 2023
Absolutely painful to watch.

Imagine the most boring High school drama ever made and combine that with 10+ hours of running around with guns and crying in slow motion. It comes across as incredibly shallow and a complete waste of time.

Characters are either an obnoxious bully or a zero personality background character. There is no protagonist here. All we get are hundreds of flashbacks involving students talking about random things at lunch time.

The nonexistent story makes any random zombie show look deep in comparison. No goals. No build up. Literally just people walking around waiting for their time to cry in front of the camera.
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Shockingly Bad
23 February 2023
Trash beyond anything I could ever imagine. They should give refunds to everyone who went to see this garbage.

The most unlikable characters the MCU has ever produced. The movie only has two types of characters: annoying girl-boss and annoying pathetic loser. These characters aren't relatable because these are the type of people you run away from on the street.

Let's dump 300million into the CGI vomit machine and hope no one realizes how terrible the movie is. This is the grand strategy behind the geniuses at Marvel. It's sad and pathetic.

I'm giving this a 1/10 because it has no value, and I left the theater in a worse state than I went in.
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Island (2022– )
Annoying characters and zero chemistry
24 January 2023
I'm afraid this one is a stinker.

This show has some of the flattest performances I've seen in a while. Apparently when characters are thousands of years old they forget how to act. There's nothing more exiting than a mindless zombie fighting a plank of wood.

Zero chemistry between the actors. They might as well have filmed everyone on separate days because that's how believable these relationships are.

Zombie horde #15423 ready to put you to sleep. Are people really asking for more zombie shows? Give us a real villain, please. Give us smart characters and prove to us the show isn't made for children.

Definitely don't waste your time on this show.
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Was there really supposed to be a sequel?
23 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Where exactly is the story?? I'm watching this expecting some great reveal about the labs and evil science plot, but nope. All we get are generic movie tropes and choppy editing.

One of the main plot points is to "save the farm." Yes, you read that correctly. Most of this movie actually takes place on a farm where gangsters are trying to force them off the land. This has to be the most overused scene in all of cinema, and it makes zero sense in context of the movie. Are we in the wild west USA? What am I even watching here?

Super girl doesn't understand how things work and is always hungry. Do we really need 30 minute of her learning how grocery stores work and eating food? This is the problem with trying to inject family comedy into an adult horror movie.

Choppy editing. For a movie that wants to be all action, they sure messed up the editing. Terrible CGI I'm used to, but I will never get used to 10 jump cuts a second.
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Boring and unlikable characters
22 January 2023
This is a very tough movie to recommend. Gangster crime thriller + car drifting should be the perfect genre, but sadly it missed the mark completely.

First problem is the lead actress. They made her the reluctant hero, but also in the process made her completely unlikable. Why exactly does she hate children? It's never explained. She looks like a High school student but has the personality of a thug obsessed with money. How is the audience supposed to relate to this?

The script is dull and boring. It's basically a mishmash of every movie in this genre but done worse. Are these professional drivers for the mafia, or Is it a part time job for students? If these are professionals then why are they completely helpless when the first conflict arises?
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Velma (2023– )
"Comedy" tag needs to be removed
13 January 2023
They need to remove the comedy tag. Seriously, in no way shape or form could this be considered a comedy.

Imagine taking a kids show and turning it into a disgusting college frat house drama where everyone is a bully and vomiting for laughs. This might be the most hate filled re-interpretation of a cartoon I've ever seen.

The people who created this show obviously have an agenda here. Are they really going for 100% rage views? Is destroying an established franchise going to get them into some secret Hollywood club? Do the creators have some kind of personal vendetta against Scooby-Doo from their childhood? I really don't get it.
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Worst of the year
25 December 2022
This is without question the worst show of the year, and I'm putting it into my top 5 worst shows of all time.

Terrible writing. Terrible acting. Overall terrible production. It also has nothing to do with The Witcher...

A lot of people will laugh it off as being "low budget" but this goes so much deeper than that. In reality, Netflix is being exploited here. There is a very bad group of people working behind the scenes to destroy this show and get a fat paycheck in the process. In some ways I feel sorry for Netflix that they are being taken advantage of like this.

Please Netflix, you need to clean house.
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Andor (2022– )
Slow depressing war drama that no one asked for
24 November 2022
Let's take all the worst elements of Rogue One and stretch it out for 12 hours, I'm sure that will be a huge hit with audiences! Nope, not even close.

Where to even start with this show. First of all, the type of audience they made this for doesn't exist, which explains why this had the lowest viewership of any Disney production to date. The show is just concentrated doom and gloom war torture. I'm honestly surprised it wasn't just 12 hours of people starving to death. Please Disney, no one wants this.

It's slow. It's boring. It's very heavy on drama. There are entire episodes of people just talking to their mother... They make it very clear that there is no good ending here. Everyone will just keep fighting until the show gets canceled? This might be the biggest time waste of a show Disney has ever produced.
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Yikes...not good
11 November 2022
Wow this movie is a complete disaster. I don't even know where to start. TLDR do not give these people your money.

The movie runtime is 2 hours too long. You will be bored start to finish. It has no substance at all. In the previous movie you actually wanted to know what was going to happen, but this movie is the exact opposite. It starts nowhere and ends nowhere. So much unnecessary dialogue that slows the show to a crawl.

Every character is annoying and unlikable. I hate to say this but this franchise is done. NONE of these characters can carry another movie. You won't care what happens because these aren't people you're supposed to care about.

CGI is below average. Action scenes are pathetic. Way too much depressing drama. I can't imagine anyone leaving the theater thinking this was a good movie.
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Fan Ji (2021)
Hilarious Rambo style parody
7 October 2022
Absolutely hilarious Rambo style action parody. From the poster it might be easy to dismiss this as just another throw away action flick, but it's actually incredibly self-aware, and the overall production values are great. It's the the perfect counter to the dreadful "sniper war" movies that have been flooding the market for a decade.

The terrible CGI fits perfect with the style of movie. Characters are flying in on jet packs for no reason. Explosions are straight from the 90's VFX packs. The acting is very low-key which adds to the comedic effect. So many "comedies" today seem to think insane over-acting is how you make people laugh. Obviously this movie isn't at the level of "Hot Shots!" but it's still good for laugh.

I have no idea the backstory behind this movie production, but I would definitely watch more of this.
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Alienoid (2022)
Absolute nonsense
28 September 2022
Don't be fooled by the "Independence day" movie trailers. This movie is mostly just slap stick comedy set in old Korea. It's a horrible bait-and-switch that is going to piss off a lot of people. If I saw this in the theater I would probably walk out and ask for a refund, that's how bad this is.

How do you even review something that is just random nonsense? As an overview, a magically Jeep travels through time hunting aliens while local villagers do comedy routines. No reason for anything. Every character is annoying and unlikeable. No drama. No suspense. I would say the movie is for little kids but it's so long and boring that most kids would lose interest.
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Incredibly dissapointed
2 September 2022
A billion dollars and the best they could do is Charlies Angles? They couldn't afford drama or suspense in that budget? Overall it looks and feels like a cringe kids show. CGI is below average. Acting is below average. Everything is below average. It's even more pathetic when you compare it directly to House of the Dragon which is superior in every way.

Galadriel is probably the worst casting I've ever seen in a TV show. She comes across as unlikeable and annoying. No charm or charisma at all. It really makes you appreciate the Peter Jackson films.

Someone really dropped the ball on this one, and I don't even know if I want to finish watching. Note: I haven't read books so that isn't influencing this review at all.
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