
38 Reviews
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Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora (2023 Video Game)
Ubisoft chore simulator: Avatar re-skin
12 December 2023
There is so much to say about this title.

And nothing is good.

Let's start with the clipping, yes this is so bad you will yearn for a Bethesda game on launch, and the worst, sometimes after you clipped through terrain, you are stuck behind / under it.

The world is in standard ubisoft fashion, oversized and empty feeling. I would have much prefered half the map size with about 100 times more open world interactions, as it is the world feels sad and dead. A procedural generated landscape with nothing to do in it.

The Story , well it is there , but so gear level gated it makes no fun to play through it and it is incredible bland and has pretty much neither memorable moments nor memorable characters, everything feels predictable and somewhat boring.

Why you would gear level lock progression in a single player game - and in typical ubisoft fashion enemies of 1 level higher than you feel like they are five times your strength - so you are forced to grind the gear stuff for hours to level it up and be able to progress in the main story. If only there was a way around that - ah, yes the in game store where you can spend your real money on things that help you level up your gear faster , and would anyone actually be surprised if a few months after game launch they will (once again) sell you time savers directly ? - One might actually think the whole grind system in the ubisoft titles is just, so they can sell the "boosters". And of course one would be right. This is a 14-hour story game that has been stretched to at least 40 by grindy progression locks. That might be ok in a MMO or a Gatcha game , it really feels exceptionally bad in your RPG single player game.

Overall it is a forgettable standard ubisoft game that feels like a mix between Far Cry: Primal, The Division and Far Cry 6.

Unlike The Division and Far Cry 6 however, the story is bland , boring and unremarkable in every way, which makes playing this feel less fun than any of those games.

I wouldn't even advise anyone to buy this when it is half price in a few months, let alone for the full launch price, it is just not worth it.
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To call this terrible and nonsensical would be an understatement.
25 August 2023
I was actually looking forward to this show, the description read nice, and that is where i should have left it , reading the nice description, because this is so terrible, that you will have to look really hard to find anything positive about this production at all, and you will probably come up empty-handed. Let's start with the casting which seemed still the least bad thing about this, but its by no means great, the main cast is decent at best, the "family casting is, as per today normal, nonsensical and there is no change in hell people who should be closely related on the show actually could be closely related genetically. Either way, expecting anything better is a lost cause these days on that aspect. On other aspect however this Show demonstrates a complete lack of any realism, be it big swollen face bruises that seem to heal within 9 hours (maybe the writers watched the Johnny Depp trial and believed Elaines miracle "Anika" cream actually existed... who knows) just to name one of the many , many , ohh so many things this show desperately fails at (i remember a time when TV productions had on set "experts" for things to correct stupid mistakes like these, but i guess thats a thing of the past if you look at the amount of illogical crap that turns up in so many new productions. - They could maybe at least have an unpaid intern look over the finished cut and point out the most obvious garbage.. But i guess by that time its cheaper to just send it out to the viewer than to fix the mistakes). And Human decision making.. Yes, to the surprise of probably no one this is once again something not only this show but many (it makes you somewhat wonder where they keep finding these "writers") completely fail at. Be it the Cop who after witnessing a fight where someone is killed and immediately goes to "hey lets bury the body" instead of calling it in as self defense.. Which it clearly was and would have easily hold up as. Be it the nurse who seems completely oblivious to new bruises on his significant other (i mean he is written anyways as if he has half a brain so .. Maybe we could let that one slide) and the main character.. oh yeah.. so many decisions that make you go "why would she ever do this in this situation ? - and the only possible answer is because the writers needed the show to go in that direction and had no idea how to get there in a way that made sense. Overall, the show is not fun to watch, even if you can tune out the nonsensical elements (and this show has so many .. sooo many more than any other show I've seen and its by no means a rare thing in today's productions) and try to enjoy the "story" .. Its just not told very well and there is nothing to enjoy. I can only advise everyone to actually watch at least the first 2 and the last 2 episodes of this, it can serve as an example for awful production and writing. I really expected more and i am somewhat dissapointed by this level of awful. I know, shame on me for expecting anything of modern productions, i should know by now.
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Honkai: Star Rail (2023 Video Game)
Too much powercreep too early makes the game unfun and a chore.
30 July 2023
I will start with the positive, the story is .. fine, the gfx is ok. Combat is RTS which already makes it abit tougher on a gatcha since you cannot just say like in genshin "well i might not have the right character for this fight, but i can stall and win over time", here if you don't have what the game wants you to use (at the highest difficulty in some - echo of war , Simulated Universa and Memory of Chaos fights), you are screwed. Let me just put this in perspective .. you go in with 4 lvl 80 (max) characters with lvl 13 - 15 relics , lvl 80 cone and.around 7 7 7 in talents , it says "team underpowered" when you join in. That is absolutely ridicoulus for a Game that is less than 4 months on the market. Unlike Genshin were there is fun in the open world, this feels like purely running chores because you are so far behind if you don't have the "correct" character for certain fights, the game punishes you badly. I get the premise is to get you to spend money to pull for characters, but unlike in genshin , where you never felt forced to to "need" a specific character, this game does exactly that. And that to me kills every fun part of this game. The Power Creep they use to push people to pay for characters is too drastic , too quick and too steep. My decision was to play this for a little while longer and see if it evens out again , but probably drop it for Reverse 1999 as soon as this will come out.
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The Way Home (2023– )
What in the world has happened to Hallmark, this is terrible.
25 July 2023
I used to like Hallmark shows and movies but if this is their new direction, that is probably a thing of the past. To even be able to remotely watch this "show" you will have to turn off every part of your brain that asks questions that start with "why". Because nothing in this show makes any sense, the story lines are terrible, the interactions between characters feel so forced and manufactured , it is painful to watch. The Cast, well the cast i would say does their best, but with terrible written dialogues, nonsensical interactions and a story thats so stupid i suspect the cw passed on it, there is not a lot to be done. The Casting seemed to have taken a wrong turn also, given that they decided to cast a 23-year old (and she looks it) as the 15-year-old daughter and cast Alex Hook as young Choler Leigh , even tho there is 0 resemblance at all. Even the most die hard feminist who just wants to like and up sell this show because "female empowerment..." probably has to admit to themselves (even tho probably not public) that by episode 4 every reason had left this weird mix of genres. It follows the path Hallmark took with its most recent movies of torching the brand as much as possible. I wanted to like it, but there is just nothing to like about it.
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MasterChef Australia: Premiere (2023)
Season 15, Episode 1
To label this terrible would be an understatement.
18 July 2023
I write this here since it is pretty much the only episode you need to watch to know who won. And i am not joking - if you watched the Premiere and didn't knew who would win after 30 minutes, i question your deductive skills. This was just abysmal scripted garbage this season, it was crystal clear from the the outset who would win the show and if you ever asked yourself "i wonder if show like these are really skill based in judgement or scripted throughout, wonder no more with this season it seems Masterchef AU has abandoned all pretense to be a competition and solely embraced its "we are here to push an agenda, who cares if everything is scripted to the end and cringe as hell". The Contestant reactions were so badly faked at times throughout this season it was painful to watch, what the "judges" (and i use this term loosely since i am mildly sure the whole thing is "judged" by someone in their DEI department) seem to think o as funny, edgy or endearing , you can sum up as cringe fest. There is simply nothing redeeming left in this show. Watch Old seasons, watch iron chef, watch your own stove .. Watch anything but this disaster.
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Beat out LOST as the most "F the audience" finale in TV history.
15 July 2023
10 Seasons.. and they seem to have forgotten to give us ANY answers in the finale. I don't mind so much what was done in the finale, as what was not. We are left with so many questions , many of those were even raised only in the last season and yet , no answers. They wasted about 60 minutes over the finale (I count ep 21 and 22 together as "the finale") with completely irrelevant filler dialogue that gave us no information at all and could have been replaced by literally anything, but answers, no , not at all. It was a giant disappointment for a show that in my opinion had managed to stay excellent for the majority of its 10 year run. They brought in Siya Malik in the last season. They raised questions about her / answers she seeks.. We were even left hanging on those. It seemed like whoever wrote this finale was like "there was a show before what i do ? Nah! I don't care, not gonna watch it .. Not gonna care what questions might be open still.. i will just do my crap and be done with it"I would argue that this was a worst ending than Lost, and that is saying something. And to what was actually in the finale.. a lot of things seemed a bit far fetched and unreasonable, but whatever, it barely matters since they left everything we would care about out of it anyways.
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Superman & Lois: Closer (2023)
Season 3, Episode 1
Just no, so many things are wrong with this.. its just a no!
2 April 2023
Let's start with the absolute Obvious, How does Warner not realize that you do not change actors for the same character mid show. I understand the old Actor had to leave, but you work around it, you let the character die, send them on a trip, make them disappear in another dimension or just come up with anything that explains the absence, but you don't just stick another actor in. But who am i saying this about: DC, who has at any given time a multitude of actors playing the same character within their universe, which is one of the biggest reasons in my opinion that DC cannot get out of the viewer slump they are in. Dc simply has no Character Brand control. Which brings us to the next problem, the Story.. and i won't spoil i will just say it finally after 2 decent seasons , reached the CW standard level of mindless, inconsistent, unrealistic and painful to watch. And thats just the story, the dialogues could as well come from a fledgling infant AI , except they would sound more believable. I don't know what happened between Season 2 ending and Season 3 starting, but the show went from "pretty good" to "utter trash".
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Willow (2022–2023)
While i liked it good enough - do not watch it - cancelled with no closure !
16 March 2023
To my own surprise , i actually liked this show a lot more than i expected. While it has some problems with the writing (one of the most noticeable is the romance choice of the main character - which is crystal clear in episode one , yet they drag courting out for 5 episodes for no reason - or they should have just cut the scene in episode 1 that gave it clearly away) and the cast struggles at times to be believable, overall it is good entertainment and fairly enjoyable. It clearly tries to emulate the style of shadow and bone in some aspects and fails at that, yet the show finds its own style eventually. It is something that i see pretty rarely these days, and that is just enjoyable entertainment. Disney however found a way to completely mess this up and that is something that should just not be a thing in 2023 anymore and that is ending a season on massive cliffhangers and then cancel the show.
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The Winchesters (2022–2023)
Pretty much what was to be expected from a prequel show on the CW..
7 March 2023
To the surprise of probably no one, this falls flat in a lot of aspects. Why this had to be the prequel story to Supernatural is beyond me , the writers clearly do not care to uphold anything we know from supernatural. There are so many things that make no sense, from the wrong "how we met story" to the "men of letters" things are at odds with what we know from supernatural. And it is not just story elements apparently no one at the show could even care to cast people who remotely resemble Mary and John from Supernatural at all, with the height difference between john and marry in the original supernatural (6.1 and 5.8) and this show (6.3 and 5.3) being just one of the many obvious "wait a second , this makes no sense" moments, i mean seriously: From a difference of 3 inches (ca. 8 cm) to a 1 feet (ca. 30 cm) difference? C'mon thats the only thing i can think about when they are onscreen together Mary looks like a dwarf in this show. Which brings us to the writing, i would be surprised if any of the writers or producers had any experience with the 70s other than hearing anecdotes, because there are a lot of things they seem to think should be in a show set in the 70s that bring us back to our "wait a second , this makes no sense" thought. The writing itself is the usual CW level of teen drama with bad dialogues and unreasonable decision making that we have come to expect from the network and in itself does not really surprise.(The standard inclusion policy "the cw" follows feels even a bit comedic set in a 70s Kansas , since its is so stupid no one would actually believe it) The per episode stories are at best ok and the overarching story-arc is terrible. Apparently the writers (it was kinda a clue when they didn't get the characters right) missed the memo that this show had a long-running established "predecessor" that established a lot of the lore and kinda limits what can and cannot happen, so what the writers might have thought of as a "ohh lets do this and the audience will be unsure and excited" idea , often just is boring and obvious. The acting seems decent enough (if we ignore the fact that john seems terribly miscast in my opinion and there is pretty much no chemistry of any kind between anyone we see on screen - but to be honest that is more of a bad production issue than an acting one since the actors did not hire themselves)Making matters even worse are the completely unnecessary and quite frankly insulting (since they remind us there was a show this show was supposed to follow but just didn't) voice-overs from Jensen Ackles. And now to the saddest thing of them all, after saying all of this and finding little good in this show, i will say it is not the worst CW show (not even the worst this season) and it is less painful to suffer through an episode of this than for example "walker independence" so it probably deserves a 3. Still i would not advise anyone - and especially not a fan of supernatural - to actually watch this.
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Has nothing in common with the movies and no redeeming features.
26 February 2023
This show is so stupid (or thinks its viewers are), i don't even know where to start. Its so stereotypical - Every "Villain" couldn't spread butter on bread because of a lack of brain cells, and the "super smart" (can convert days to years months and weeks - wow, mensa here we come...) main character can do no wrong and apparently having learned latin at some point is a sign of beeing smart in someone eyes. As per usual these days when Disney allows writers to ruin their IPs that they would not have let anywhere near their scripts 20 years ago, the show does not know what it wants to be, adventure?, teen drama maybe? Comedy? .. Gotta cram everything in there and make it as cringe as humanly possible. While i think the underlying idea had some potential, the execution did not. The Show clearly struggles to even know who it is targeted at (age and interest wise)(with a 14+ Rating, it can't target the age group (12 and under) that it seems to target). The Story has more holes in it than a mile of Swiss cheese and unless you pay absolutely no attention to what's going on , you will be left shaking your head and rolling your eyes more times than i would consider healthy. The Cast is fine, but obviously can't overcome the bad writing. When your character is written with no depths and so agenda driven that the character development feels like someone with no understanding of Peoples behaviour / any kind of human interaction was in charge of that, blaming the cast for anything just feels wrong. It has None of the charm of the Movies, (my suspicion is Bruckheimer had only in name anything to do with this show and actually had 0 input) the few throwbacks to the movies feel forced and completely arbitrary. The Fx in the show would be outdated and perceived as bad in a 90s show. There was a lot of potential with the "National Treasure" IP ,but this show does not realize any of that potential, it could be just a generic teen treasure hunter show on the cw for that matter. The only reason this gets 2 stars instead of 1 is the cast.

Overall it is dissapointing and sad that it is so bad, yet not completely unexpected.
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Barely watchable but surely not enjoyable...
25 December 2022
So we have the long awaited 6 part series - oh wait it was so bad Netflix already had to cut 2 episodes worth from it, so let's try that again, - the long awaited 4 part The Witcher "spin off / Prequel". Let's start by saying if they cut bad writing / acting / storytelling away to the tune of 2 episodes, and we are left with these 4 barely watchable episodes that in my opinion should have been cut down to 1 single !short! Movie (i am not sure i found 90 minutes worth of good enough scenes in the whole 4 episodes, so a cut down to somewhere around 65 mins would have been probably somewhat reasonable), So lets take a look at what we have besides bad acting, writing that would be cringe worthy in a high school production, and obviously in todays adaption is only "inspired" by the source material. The Casting choices were questionable in many cases and the miscasting might be what lead me to state that the acting was bad before , but to be honest i think it is a mix of both. If you loved the Witcher lore in the games and / or in the books, you will undoubtedly be disheartened by this sad attempt and if this is a sign of what's to come, it does not bode well for the main show once Cavill is gone.
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They found a way to make the failure film from 2014 look good...
13 December 2022
I don't even know where to start with this one, it just fails on every level. Considering this is supposed to be an adaption of a book series, it has borderline nothing but the broadest of strokes in common with the books. The Casting is terrible and does not fit the Book Characters at all (which is exceptionally sad in the case of J. August Richards who i have liked in nearly everything since "angel" - while he is pretty much the only one in here who does a good acting job in this, he does not fit the role at all - even Gabriel Byrne in the 2014 adaptation fit better). The Main cast is so bad, they make the already not great cast of the 2014 movie look like award-winning performances.

The Production is cheapish feeling and the writing (was there a script ?) feels like a "well we figure it out as we go" approach - big surprise, it didn't work at all. After finally suffering through all the episodes (i had watched the first 4 when they released and just couldn't bring myself, for a long time, to waste the time watching the rest) i question who this is made for , anyone over 16 will cringe at the immaturity and bad storytelling, for anyone under it might be too much content that is inappropriate for the age.

It is a saddening that Richelle Mead was involved making this , the books deserved better.

No matter who it was made for in the end, my suggestion would be done not watch this, watch the 2014 movie instead and you will only be half as disappointed as you would be if you watch this.
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The Old Man (2022– )
I really wanted to rate this higher initially, but it was let down by later episodes.
24 July 2022
First off, The Old Man is a good show overall, after watching the first 2 episodes i was at around an 8 rating for it, but later episodes dropped that down. The Actors in this show do an amazing job , be it the older versions or the younger versions , the casting was spot on and there was nothing on any performance i would criticize. The writing started out very good , dropped to good and later dropped to somewhat lazy. To me the whole Zoe Story line did add nothing to the show overall and i think they should have cut down on the overall about 2 hours of dialogue between Zoe and Dan. The biggest miss in the story in my opinion tho is the big reveal and the "ending" , the "big reveal" was something that was clear to me in episode 2 and didn't do much for me as a "big reveal". The ending - well it is not that the ending is bad , its just not really an "ending" i would suspect in a modern show that was not renewed before filming , it left too many thing open that the viewer would feel cheated out of if the show was canceled (it was renewed for a second season after the first season finished airing). Blatant Cliffhangers after in season finales i had hoped were a rarity in 2022.
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MasterChef Australia: Premiere (2022)
Season 14, Episode 1
a bad concept with an even worse execution.
6 June 2022
They realized after last season, the new judges don't have any viewer draw, so they again went with what seemingly worked somewhat well in season 12 , and that is brought back people who scored well with the audience. The "new" Judges (not sure how new they are now ,considering it is their 3rd season doing this) still feel inauthentic , stiff and their whole behaviour feels way too forced. It's a far cry from the Masterchef AU everyone loved. "Fans vs Favorites" is just not really a great concept and it is not something that fits into masterchef, Maybe it would have been a better fit into a "Hell's Kitchen AU".
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Horizon Forbidden West (2022 Video Game)
A good game that i just didn't really enjoy as much as zero dawn.
23 February 2022
Let's be very clear here, H:FW is a very beautiful game, the landscape is amazing, the character animations are great, and i could not point to something in the game that was at odds with itself (everything was coherent and made sense in the Horizon World).

So why did i not enjoy the game as much ? Well for starters the new "mechanics" The Stamina Bar that apparently lets you run and glide forever but is immediately empty when you draw your bow to the end. Then we have the "valor" system, which in my opinion is just useless, yes you can switch valors but to be honest i don't see that every happening, you will choose one, and maybe switch to one other later, but otherwise not touch it. The new gliding and swimming mechanics are OK, but did not really add much to me as they seem more of a gimmick than something you would use outside the quests that require you to.

The Game has a lot , and i mean a lot! Of "conversations" , for me i would say probably already too much. The Voice actors do an amazing job in the game and i mean in no way to say they didn't , its just a bit much. Especially the level of "backseat-gaming" you Companions do when they are around while you fight is bordering on absurdity, i myself found myself wishing i could just strike them down to make them shut up.

Another thing i personally did not like was the amount of help you get on where to go , or how to solve certain riddles. It made me wonder if this game is targeted at 10 year old that need everything brightly lit up (the climbing walls) or solved for them.

Sadly the biggest letdown for me was the Story, i am not saying it was a bad story, it just did not resonate with me.

Overall i would say the game is definitely worth playing.
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A well done show that reminds me of Treadstone.
29 January 2022
The show starts of a little scattered and seemingly with some storylines that seem "unlikely" or don't truly make sense at the time, but to my suprise, the managed to make it pretty much all fit and explained most of the things that seemed "off". It reminded me a lot of Treadstone, a show i really liked as well and sadly only had 1 season. It avoids the "woke agenda trap most new shows these days fall in, and manages to be very entertaining. If you watch this show, don't judge it by the first 2 episodes, they fall a little flat compared to the rest.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
The only reason this gets more than 1 Star is the cast.
9 January 2022
Dexter was a show that more or less ended in a conclusive way, and yes, the scene in the last ep where he was chopping wood was not welcome by all, but it did make somewhat sense. So for me a "revival" - "continuation" was something i did not really want or had high hopes for when it was announced. Still, i decided to give it a shot. And sadly like most things that get "revived" these days, it fell massively short of the original in terms of writing. Harrison was too much in the focus from early on for me and the character lacked depths and was poorly fleshed out. It was still a somewhat watchable show even tho the bad writing in nearly every aspect of the show made it seem generic and shallow. The ending is probably the best example of "things they put in the show that go against what we know from the previous 8 seasons of Dexter just to get to their goal". It seemed like "we want to get to point X" and it didn't matter that the way they decided to get to that point was completely nonsensical within the shows / characters previously established psychology. The great acting by the returning as well as the new cast is the only saving grace for this show. We really don't need a second season of this.(i would argue we didn't even need the first)
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Dexter: New Blood: Sins of the Father (2022)
Season 1, Episode 10
an ending that made no sense and was simply lazy writing.
9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was not the biggest fan of the "revival" but i thought, ok i am gonna hold of judgement until it ended. In my opinion it was too focused on Harrison , a character i found lacking and unintresting throughout. But even with that, the show itself had good elements and Michael C. Hall did any amazing job as Dexter once again. The Ending however made absolutely no sense at all, it would have been way better to let Angela struggle with what Kurt had done once she found the bodies and come around to protecting Dexter to some extend. Dexter killing Logan to escape made no sense in light of what we know about Dexter from the previous 8 Seasons and seemed like "archiving the goal by the way ofd most lazy writing possible". The Scene between Dexter and Harrison in the end was about as pointless as was the following one between Angela and Harrison. Should this by some miracle get a second season , i don't think i am intrested in watching it at all, even tho i think this "conclusion" to Dexter is pretty bad and there are some things i believe could have been explored in a season 2. I will say that the acting by the whole cast throughout the Show was very good, and was let down by bad writing (and not just bad writing in this episode, but throughout the whole 10 Episodes).
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The CW managed the near impossible... to make this worse than season 5.
18 December 2021
I really don't know where they get the "writers" that write this , i am mildy sure if you pick random 1st year Literature Students and had them write for this show, they couldn't come up with a worse storyline.

It is just so bad, that i really find it astonishing that they managed to "top" the already borderline unwatchable season 5.
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NCIS: Hawai'i (2021–2024)
NCIS in name only and so bad it is sad.
21 September 2021
I really wished this would be a nice new NCIS show, since i wasn't the biggest fan of NCIS - New Orleans and expected something that was at least better than that.

But Boy , oh Boy .. was i wrong... I don't even really know where to start, there is simply nothing positive to say about this show, the cast is a diverse mix of horrible stereotypes and cliches , the acting horrible, the story so far a mix between drama and comedy and authenticity is completely absent. I don't expect a show to get everything right when it comes to military information , uniforms, ribbons , medals, agency interactions... but to get absolutely nothing right is beyond lazy and sad.

My advice would be watch episode 1 .. Judge for yourself and then do the same as i will , watch something else and never give this a second thought.

The NCIS name and the JAG franchise deserved better than this !
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Titans: Barbara Gordon (2021)
Season 3, Episode 1
They fell into the usual trap these days in Season 3.
13 August 2021
I am not gonna rate the episide because it is 2 fold for me. On the one Han d, its a good show, the cast is good, the story is ok, and overall very enjoyable. On the other , it does not stay true to established Lore in the DC Universe at all, so as a DC Show for me it fails horrible. If this was a show with new Characters and not Characters that have decade long established Traits, it wouldn't be a Problem, but the constant changing of established Lore and Characters is just not something i enjoy watching.
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The Worst Movie in the Franchise by far.
9 August 2021
I don't even really know what to say, this Movie is just so bad.

The Story is not good, the Dialogues are horrible, and the cast at times feels like they are "phoning" it in.

It lacks in every department and there is a line about how ridiculous a Story can be and still be entertaining. Unlike Movies like "The Expendables" (1-2) this movie did not only cross that line, but left it behind sa far , you can't even see it anymore.

Cast wise , you can only have so many "stone faced" actors in a movie without others to offset the complete lack of facial expressions, a lesson this movie demonstrates but did not learn.

There is hope that 10 will be better, but also a high chance that after 9 you won't be interested in seeing another Movie in this Franchise.
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Horizon Zero Dawn (2017 Video Game)
When a 9 star rating is under the average , it says it all.
9 July 2021
So when you rate a game 9 and it has around 10000 people rating it and you are under the average with that 9 rating, it pretty much says all you need to know about this game.

Its one of the best new IPs i have seen in the last few years, the gameplay is great ( i played it on pc tho), the story is great, the character development is great, to be honest within the game i don't truly know if there is anything i would say isn't good.

It is one of the best single player games i have played in the last years and i can only advise anyone who likes ARPG games and hasn't played this yet, play it !

Looking forward to future entries in this Franchise.
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Black Widow (2021)
Another marvel movie with nothing to remember afterwards.
9 July 2021
So to start of, i wouldn't say the movie is particular bad or good, it is "ok". The Question now becomes , is "ok" enough for a 200 million dollar disney production that plays out like it was made for a 4 part series on Disney+ not a movie.

My Answer would be: "not really".

The Movie started abit slow and the story was not all that interesting. The VfX as usual in the MCU movies was good, but you know it will be and expect that. In a time where you have shows / movies with similiar production value on netflix and disney+ with no extra cost ( This movie costs 30 USD in addition to the subscription on disney+) this just falls short for me.

To the People that rated this movie 8 or higher i ask, would you have rated it as high if you strip out the marvel name and rename the characters - with no change to story or writing or anything but the names. I truly don't think so.

If they had made this into a 4 - 8 Part show on Disney plus i wouldn probably say: "Ok, its not worse than "The Falcon and the Winter Soldier", but also not better." But as a Movie it just falls short for me as it is.
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Story ok, animations yikes.
9 July 2021
The story itself is ok , abit rushed as it seems so far, the character development is lacking and they seem to have no depths. The animations .. thats a "yikes" from me. 20 years ago "final fantasy - the spirits within" had better animations and a better overall look and feel to it from a quality standpoint. While watchable , i don't truly think anyone but die hard Resident Evil fans will enjoy this.
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