
37 Reviews
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Stopmotion (2023)
A great concept that wasn't given proper time
7 May 2024
The concept of stop motion puppets as meta monsters is so satisfying I'm surprised it hasn't been more often.

However, for it to work the story has to be even more compelling than the visuals. Gross meaty puppets alone can't carry a whole movie.

Stop Motion is a daring movie with some genuinely disturbing moments .

However, the pacing, the acting, the sound design... it's average at best. The characters are all unlikeable, the themes are cliché.

It's not a terrible movie and some people might really enjoy it. But for those who have watched the fair share of horror, I'd recommend going straight to the animator's other work.
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Came for Depp, stayed for Maïwenn
12 June 2023
This isn't a very historically accurate movie, nor did I expect it to be. Nowadays I understand biopics are historical fanfictions.

Nonetheless, this movie captures the ambience of late monarchy France in a way that is compelling and immersive.

What I liked most was the humor! I laughed several times from the absurdity the characters were forced to display. Maïwenn managed to be both endearing and slightly detestable, which I also enjoy.

My least favorite part was the glamourification/cutesification of certain very bad practices of the time (cough cough, slavery).

Depp wasn't very good, mostly because his bad french limited his dialogues, even if he did have a convincing air of pompous severity.

Overall, a fun movie with great costumes and a very over the top decor, decent acting, and some good historical anecdotes.
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John Mulaney: Baby J (2023 TV Special)
It's good to be unlikeable
30 April 2023
This might be John Mulaney's most honest appearance to date. He comes off as arrogant, bitter and deranged... And it's great!

I can honestly say it's the hardest I've laughed in a while. I've always liked Mulaney, and this turn into a darker comedy is unexpected but very pleasant. In allowing himself to be unlikeable he also allows himself to be relatable, more profoundly moving. I feel I am laughing with him, at him and at myself at the same time.

It's also impressive how he manages to talk about rehab and drugs, and generally very heavy topics, while remaining elegant. He doesn't ressort to being crass, he's just a drier version of his former self.

This special has made me excited for what the future holds for Baby J. He looks healthier, and I thank the 12 people who saved his life for the many years of chaotic laughter yet to come.
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Do not forget me, do not forget us.
30 January 2023
Tirailleurs visits an often forgotten part of WWI : the fate of the African men who were kidnapped and forced to fight for the west. The premise promises to be heart-breaking, certainly, but the film adds poetry and humanity to this dark chapter in history.

Omar Sy and Alassane Diong act brilliantly as a father and son duo, making conflicting choices in a tragic situation. The film explores the many (sometimes contradicting) ways in which one can be brave; it's a story about the meaning of moral integrity and the will to survive, wether physically or in memory.

As per usual in french cinema, the movie is slow, and the themes are subtle. One has to contemplate, more than just watch. However, I do think it remains accessible to the general public, as long as you expect a drama rather than an action-packed experience. Maybe not a fun movie, but an important one.
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The Offering (2022)
A generic premise, an average scare
15 January 2023
I knew when I sat down to watch this, that I wasn't in for a masterpiece.

That being said, I was still left a bit disappointed with how reliant on (predictable) jump scares and the classic "eery soundtrack" this movie was.

At times it felt like a knock off of The Conjuring movies, with judaic lore sprinkled in to give it a semblance of originality.

If the characters had been more developed and they had been less indulgence on generic tropes, it might have been a movie worth rewatching.

All that being said, it wasn't a bad movie either. The special effects are well done, and the set design is above average. I also enjoyed the attention to detail in some scenes.

If you like possession films I think you'll enjoy this one!

As it stands it's an okay movie to watch at home in the couch with a large bowl of popcorn, and maybe some hot sauce to bring the spice this piece is lacking.
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Devil in Ohio (2022)
An okay series that tries to force the creepy factor
28 December 2022
II like the plot- escaped cultist tries to integrate a normal family and struggles with life outside the cult.

The main actresses are decent enough.

But I did not appreciate how they try to make out Mae, the victim who escapes a cult, to be creepier than she really is. The sound design turns her very normal actions into jump-scares. And the other characters seem to have zero empathy towards her, as their reactions are over the top. The intensity seems too artificial...

Good to watch while cleaning or working out, but not much else. However, if they did a second season I'd be interested in seeing how they correct some of these mistakes.
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Black Adam (2022)
Tell them the imdb reviewer sent you
18 November 2022
+10 for Dwayne Johnson's broody face.

-1 for the underdeveloped characters.

-1 for the cheesy coming together moments.

-1 for not giving the villain more screen-time -1 for predictability

Black Adam is a fun action movie, on the better end of DC movies. The plot is entertaining from beginning to end, and the action sequences are exciting.

The CGI is surprisingly good, with no awkward moments of quality drop. The costumes are badass.

My main problem with the movie is how there isn't really a predominant main character, there is no guiding point of view so we are left feeling exterior to it all. Some forshadowing is also heavy-handed, but there are some genuinely good surprises.

I liked the characters enough to leave me wanting for more (maybe giving the comics a read).

Worth a watch for superhero movie fans.
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Bros (I) (2022)
Bro, is it gay to fall in love?
23 October 2022
An okay movie, but some big contradictions in how it was written.

The movie is all about how gay love is not the same as straight love. But the story follows the same formula as straight romcoms Pacing, middle conflict, sassy friends who we don't know anything about but seem to know the character better than themselves...

I did like that it felt like it was written for queer people and wasn't about adapting to straight audiences, but also, at times it felt like it was a sermon for any straights who do wander into the theatre.

It got a few genuine laughs out of me, also made me cringe with some of the jokes that danced between self-aware and awkwardly first-degree.

Not a waste of time. Enjoyable enough for a date or a lazy sunday.
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Smile (V) (2022)
Metaphores metaphores
11 October 2022
This movie's meanings seem a little on the nose. There is not much left to interpretation.

That being said, it is a fun watch. A couple of the jump-scares got me, and the special effects were interesting. The acting, although a bit over the top, doesn't take you out of the story.

As some other reviews have stated, the concept doesn't feel that original, and you will find the same themes done with more nuance in films like hereditary or the Babadook.

However, the protagonist is believable, and you'll get invested in the story enough for the horror to feel real.

Overall, an above average horror movie to watch with friends and nervously laugh at your own fear.
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The Sea Beast (2022)
You can be a hero and still be wrong
2 August 2022
While being a family movie, The Sea Beast explores important themes. The concept of rightful war, how history is written by the winners and redemption. A good lesson for all publics.

The animation is fluid. I'd like more texture, but it's aesthetically pleasing. The monster designs felt kind of derivative of movies like How to train your dragon. Not the most original premise, but a movie with a lot of heart and a solid vision.
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Choose or Die (2022)
Mixed genres
19 April 2022
I think I can attribute the poor reviews to how many genres seem to be mixed here. Sci-fi, drama, torture game and body horror, fantasy, revenge flic... So it seems both too much and too little of each.

I think it speaks more to how we as a public have become wired to expect neatly packaged stories with set rules.

I found this movie fun, with good special effects and decent actors. On the better half of what Netflix produces.

It suffers a bit a the end, as it introduces a mythology it doesn't have time to explore. But it remains interesting and overall original.

Good to watch during a lazy weekend.
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Brilliantly stupid
27 February 2022
These guys are good at what they do, and you are sure to produce some actually out-loud laughter. I'd argue tho, that the best part is not the structure of the improv bits, but the continuous dynamic of their friendship.

These are two men who trust each other and will naturally follow their mate into the most absurd yet well timed pieces of improv I've seen in a while.

Worth a watch for all comedy fans.
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Better as a play
20 February 2022
Although the characters are compelling, and the casting well done.. the screenwriters failed to adapt (perhaps as a willful defiance) the dialogue to a movie version, instead keeping it theatrical. It is, outside of the particular setting of a theatre, an obstacle to true belief in the story.

The characters talk like a character talks, inhumanly, without pause, with the emotional response of psychotic drama nerds.

Happy to see queer actors cast and portray the narrative of our culture, but unsatisfied nonetheless.
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Cool monster designs, not much else
31 January 2022
It is a fun watch for horror and scy-fi fans, but the story lacks something. It advances very slowly and explanations are a bit lacking. You end up just accepting what happens without understanding why.

The characters are believable for the most part, but I just couldn't get attached to them.

The monster designs are cool tho.
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It's fun!
28 January 2022
I get the negative reviews, but if you just want to have fun, it's an easy watch. I like the characters, and the monster design. Good amount of slaughter- A few genuine laughs.

Plus, the cast is great! Just get some popcorns and a soda, and chill.
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The House (III) (2022)
Melancholic pleasures
25 January 2022
This series of short films has left me feeling both sad and hopeful. Despite the simple puppet crafting, the stories come to life inside the shifting house. It's a true pleasure to watch, and I hope Netflix keeps funding such unique and painstaking projects!!
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Jimmy Carr: His Dark Material (2021 TV Special)
Not offended, just bored
6 January 2022
When the comedian laughs more than you, there's a problem. I felt the jokes were surface level, too easy, it read like a high school's edgy teen's talent show stand up. I came with an open mind but I was so bored, I didn't even get to feel scandalised.
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Elves (2021)
Good production, bad writing
6 December 2021
The setting and monsters are good, I liked that they used practical effects and costumes, the CGI isn't bad either. But the characters are very unlikeable.

It's not the actors fault either, the writers made them all annoying.
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Q-Force (2021)
20 September 2021
It was better than I would've expected. The characters are likeable, the animation good, and the storyline entertaining.

If you like uncomplicated fun, give it a watch!
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Annette (2021)
Strange, beautiful and confusing
7 July 2021
This movie has an experimental structure, and though some of its punches may not land, it is interesting enough to keep you captivated. The acting is good, the visuals pretty and the acting competent.
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What one can expect from teen slasher horror
6 July 2021
A very camp, yet predictable saga. A few fun kills and average acting. Good for a night eating junkfood in bed.
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The Swarm (2020)
Slow build to a true thrill
22 June 2021
I had fun.

As advertised, this movie takes the mundane and turns into horrifying. I wish we had seen more destruction, but the relationship between the characters take the forefront. This is not a horror movie, but rather the story of a family, of sacrifice and of greed (with some well placed gore).

I recommend this movie to those who are used to french cinema and those who watch with an open mind.
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Very well made, maybe too well made-
5 March 2021
Should we keep making criminals sympathetic? This documentary, like the crimes it relays, plays with what is true.
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Always up for a bit of fun
2 March 2021
The animation is weird and hairy, but it is a fun film- A good watch for an evening eating chips in bed.
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La Mante (2017)
Interesting, but derivative
16 February 2021
It feels like a re-interpretation on the silence of the lambs, transphobia and all. Otherwise a goof watch.
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