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Below Deck: Grenadian Nightmare (2024)
Season 11, Episode 10
Toxic little man
9 April 2024
Frazier is such a perfect example of what is wrong with the world this generation. He is such a port hungry little teenage girl - it's past the point of paid bullying.

He is clearly and egomaniac who can create an excuse for any thing he does. If he talks down to people, attacks people or hurts people - he has an excuse for it all.

He is clearly a small little man who has been bullied too much as a child that now he has a little tiny position of power - it has gone to his head.

He thinks he is about the deck crew, the chef and probably in his head the captain.

He deserves to be fired and not brough back another season - what a toxic little man.
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Terrible human beings
17 October 2023
Captain Sandy is a coward.

This is terrible leadership.

Clearly Natalya is a terrible power hungry human being. She has done 0 but attack her boss and try to turn everybody against her, and as soon as Sandy steps up to do her job. She takes Natalya side, WTF.

Absolutely embarrassing examples to have on tv and viewed by the public.

Tumi actualy tries to do her job right. And if most were treat the way she has been up to now in her season they would have walked off the job site. The only problem is coward sandy would probably make that terrible human being Natalya chief again. If that happens hope the world nine breaks and they have to cancel the season.

Showing bullying on tv is terrible!!!!
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Load of Rubbish!
2 March 2023
This is so rubbish - painting a false narrative. The world watch the trial and there is unlimited amounts of evidence she is a toxic, narcissist, and basically pure evil. And literally 0 evidence or ANY sort he did anything wrong. In fact it proved he was a victim.

Yes - men can be victims - and yes Johnny did the world a service by bringing that to the public eye.

So the fact this is such a 1 sided narrative - ignoring the whole situation and trying to rewrite history - is a disgrace.

They try to paint her as a broke victim - she literally victimized him and then blackmailed him out of money, houses and cars, using the fact he is a man as the reason he would lose.

Amber deserves to nothing else but to grow old alone and broke. Simple.
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Asking Questions Isn't Wrong!
12 February 2023
Great visual examples of his question.

This show has overlay simplified him and his colleagues work and research and evidence - to make this question digestible for main stream - screen fixed - don't read book. This is both great and a mistake - as almost every single negative review of this show, either says he doesn't have evidence - as somebody following him for years - he actually does highlight clear evidence that people didn't wake up on Monday morning and by Monday afternoon start building megalithic monuments. OR worse are focused purely on attacking the man, instead of disagreeing with the topic.

Unfortunately this only proves his point, that there are too many sheep who just believe they know everything about anything that ever happened, we are smarter today than ever before and whatever they are told by an official is 100% fact.

Keep it simple - this man is NOT saying he has the answer - he is simply saying - IT IS OK TO ASK A QUESTION, DO WE KNOW EVERYTHING - which anybody and everybody who isn't arrogant who agree is NO, it is impossible for us to know everything due to time.

So stop attacking the man, and listen to his words.

It is 100% ok to disagree, BUT it is even more ok to ask the question.
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Below Deck: Diary of a Deckie (2023)
Season 10, Episode 9
It's all on video
24 January 2023
This show is surprisingly addictive - a bunch of school drop outs with little talent really distracts from real world problems.

Alissa is ridiculous, she is trying to convince herself and the audience that we didn't witness her attack Camille since day 1, and be the catalyst that lead to her losing her job. And even when Camille is gone, she still continues to try to attack Camille and convince her colleagues that Camille damaged her image and everything the crew is talking about is her and only her. She doesn't understand that the HUGE feeling of guilt she feels for helping to destroy somebodies job, is called a conscience and she lead to this situation. What a toxic individual!
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Below Deck: The Captain and Camille (2023)
Season 10, Episode 8
When did Bully become ok???
18 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Alissa is nothing more than a bully. She is the definition of a self righteous narcissist. First she attacks somebody for no reason and puts herself into a conversation between other which he nothing to do with her. Then she rewrites what happened when she retells the story, then she tries to counter the captain by saying she knows better about work pace. Bloody hell - she really has a personal problem with her colleague and from day one is trying to destroy that person.

In todays world these types of people are becoming more and more common, but to be hired on a TV show, and supported by her manager for attacking other people is rediculois and a terrible example to show the viewers.
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Below Deck: The Muff-Truff Experience (2022)
Season 10, Episode 3
Bad person
3 January 2023
Alyssa is a terrible person - she is nothing but a bully - yet twists it 180, so she can blaime the person she personally doesn't like. If she simply was not on the boat - it would run 100% smoother between personalities. She is just toxic and unfortunately it is contagious on this boat.

She is clearly power hungry - it's quite sad, that she needs such a power high.

It's strange to watch an adult behave like a inature child having a tantrum - saying bad thing with a smile, does not remove the fact it is still bullying.

Although as usual most people in this tv show are not exactly the smartest bunch.
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Black Adam (2022)
A film made with scenes from other films
19 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The start of this movie was quite good - when you first meet black Adam. It feels like a super hero movie mixed with flavours and graphic violence of Indiana jones. Watching a man be reduced to ash in front of your eyes - felt like the scene from Raiders.

Also Dwayne's movements, lack of effort to tear vehicles in half, etc. Was perfect to watch. As an individual of this strength would do these things with little effort like when we trample grass.

However the rest of the movie feels like repeats of previous movies combined. Either early comic book movies = X-men - Ceribro like interiors, x-men - manor building.

To recent AntMan retreads, trying to copy but falling short to add anything new.

To Jason and the argonauts = with strange chi skeletons with swords.

Also it feels like extremely long actions sequences, lead directly into another extremely long (and repetitive) action sequences. Which are unnecessary, and feel like where included just because 1 person in the creative team likes it so kept it in (hover bikes + bike chase).

Unfortunately it is due to the repeated dejavu that brings you out of the movie.

Lastly the writing could have been better and again pulls you out of the movie.

Why does Black Adam know modern catchphrases? Why is humor forced in? To copy Marvel? Why are popular 80s songs sprinkled in randomly?

Overall: good potential - however tries to do to much, and also relieve too heavily on what has came before and been successful in other superhero and pop cultural movies.
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After Michael, Kobe is the best.
9 October 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This is no 'The Last Dance' by a long stretch. However it's great that they finally did a documentary showing just how great Kobe was.

To be honest most of the team, are forgettable, so it's a shame that so much of this short documentary was wasted on team members who did little to get the win. What happened between the previous generation and this generation, is unbelievable how far they have fallen. So much arrogance, and ego, where once there was courage and dreams. The basic flaws were clear as day. The team would rather party than practice. The coach used a military approach rather than skill and learning the sport. Lebron ego, based off popularity rather than skill. The repeated failures write themselves.

Yet when you have to bring in 1 guy to fix all of that and whip the team into some sort of shape - that says a lot about Kobe Bryant.
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Strong first episode, but...
9 September 2022
I am an absolute Marvel Cinematic Universe addict. Watching everything and everything related to the movies and shows.

However this show is such a disappointment.

The first episode was very strong, having the right amount of comedy, 4th wall breaks and cameos. Not the MCU at its best, but I understand they were trying something different, so buckled in to continue the ride. However the second episode onwards has gotten worse and worse to the point - the bad writing takes me 100% out of the show and makes it difficult to watch.

She Hulk twerking - WTF.

She Hulk using dating apps - Why?

This could of been a strong lawyer show, but is more of a straight to DVD chick flick.

I thought ms Marvel was rock bottom, and although this show doesn't have the irritating Disney kids show vibe with attitude, crap, that had. This is almost as bad.

Hopefully she will do good when only used in cameos OR handled by talented writers like Mcfeely and Markus.

Feels like a show written by women for women, just so a marketing team can say so... Missing Heart and Substance.
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I Am Groot: Groot's First Steps (2022)
Season 1, Episode 1
Best Vin Diesel Work
10 August 2022
This is absolutely the best voice work Vin Diesel has ever done - easily!!!

((In the MCU))

Also, The animation quality is extremely good. Not an amazing story, but funny for extremely young kids :)
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Resident Evil (2022)
Bad story, bad writing, no heart, only has its name.
24 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was such a disappointment.

It's a mix of bad writing, a bad story, super annoying characters, and a feminist agenda. With a popular name slapped on.

The main character is super irritating - and at no point do you want her to succeed. It is basically a long list of way NOT to do during a apocalypse. Also it is extremely basic, everybody in every situation does except the weak female lead character. Ffs.

She even proves to be a terrible parent - how can anyone support a crap character.

However the child version is more interesting with greater acting range than the adult version.

The head of umbrella plays every scene the same - has 0 range.

The ONLY good actor in the show - is the main dad, and unfortunately this is not his best work.

How can you create a zombie tv series in an era after so many good video games, tv shows and movies have covered the genre and mess it up.

Unfortunately the original movie is still the best this franchise has to offer. Still missing a good sequel.
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Too many jokes
12 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This was extremely rare entertaining. However many times throughout the movie, a serious moment, was rushed over to include another joke. And unfortunately there were several jokes too many.

Bale, gave the movie heart. But was struggling to go head to head with the 90 other jokes in the short run time.

Portman, tried to give the movie heart, but felt more forced, and like they wanted to end her character correctly rather than as a passing comment in ragnarok.

Valkyrie - is literally a male character with lots of male lines, and written like a 80s supporting male lead. In a skirt.

Wish some of the deaths were more permanent.

Valkyrie, stabbed by the death blade - walked it off.

Korg, exploded, rebuilt, like griot but without any heard.

Portman, died, but not really because of Valhalla.

Only character they did truly kill, was the best character in the movie and could of lead to great sequels.
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The Condemned (2007)
Unnecessarily violent
27 June 2022
For a skinny footballer - why does Hollywood think Vinnie Jones is a 'hard man' - he is basically a football hooligan who could actually kick a ball straight.

This movie concept had potential, and Steve Austin is always entertaining, but the overall terrible acting and vinnie jones in general turns this into a violent comedy.

Bad writing Bad acting Bad casting.
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Ms. Marvel (2022)
24 June 2022
I have been addicted to everything MCU since the beginning and watched all AOS, Inhumans, etc to make sure I never missed anything.

This is the first time I have not finished a marvel show - couldn't even finish the first episode. This is not for me.

It feels super woke, and like what Pixar have unfortunate been doing lately (Encanto, Red). The little I saw feels like it only exists due to skin colour and gender, rather than starting with a good story that just so happens to include a mixed race character.

How could the same studio that made Black Panther - make this???
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Standard Remake in this era style.
22 June 2022
Take a beloved movie - force fit, gender swaps, nationality and sexuality to appear inclusive. And at the end of the day - for the political cash grab using nostalgia to gain money.

Literally the Covid - short reunion clip - of the original cast as if their characters had continued was much more entertaining that this.

Add this to the list: Ocean 8 Ghostbusters 2018 Home Sweat Home Alone Etc.

Miss the days movies were made with original ideas, heart and soul.
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The girl in this cant act
13 June 2022
The D list actor girl in this extremely average TV movie (nobody knows who she is) simply can't act, it's not even overacting - it's simply a lack of skill. Its better to just watch school nativity plays where the kids really own their roles. I feel sorry for Kevin for having to put up with such a terrible terrible actor. Remember when he worked with Whitney - and other women who could actually act.

Guess who needs skill, when they can just wear revealing clothing - pathetic. Guess we know why she got a job.

Feels like a Michael bay type of casting, but not as appealing to look at.
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Aquaman (2018)
Terrible female actor
20 May 2022
Jason isn't the best actor - but I guess they picked him in looks? But Amber is unwatchable - why didn't they just pick a tv commercial actor = better result.

It's common knowledge that 'movie magic CGI' and editing was needed to make it feel like there was some chemistry between Jason and Heard - and still it doesn't work - so money wasted.
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Great Family Film
12 May 2022
I felt like this kind of family movie wasn't made anymore - as these days it's all about agendas and inclusivity and politics rather than focusing on the story and characters.

This feels like a 90s classic with modern graphics.

Jim Carey returns again at his best we have seen him in years, since his The Mask, Ace Ventura, Dumb and Dummer and The Riddler, days.

Wish Pixar would follow this approach to regain their classic quality.
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A movie made to attack the 'men' in black brand.
12 April 2022
Does the same for Men in Black that Ghostbusters reboot did.

Tried to take a popular brand and make it about women power - literally they ask "why is it called Men in Black"

Why does this move exist?
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Gemini Man (2019)
Ego Trip
11 April 2022
Will Smith "What if I play all of the roles?!"

Studio "Sure whatever you want."

Consumer "where is the story, character development or depth?"

Will Smith "That doesn't matter, they pay to see me."

Result 5/10.
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Cash Grab
11 April 2022
This recent attempt by Will Smith to restart his career has become embarrassing.

Wish he would evolve with the times. Maybe try not playing the lead for once.
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Turning Red (2022)
Why does this exist?
13 March 2022
Most Pixar movies (not sequels) are metaphors for bigger things. Or at least ask larger questions within a child's imagination.

But during this movie, I kept asking why does this exist?

The animation is good quality - but that's standard for Pixar and most animation studios in this era. But this movie feels like a extended episode of a Saturday morning cartoon for an acquired taste.

This is all visual with no substance.

Shame - Pixar used to set the benchmark.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Completely predictable
19 February 2022
Identified the killers as soon as they appear on screen.

But was still entertaining and good to see the original stars return - even Courtney - even if her face doesn't move these days.

David Arquetta can across as a bad ass - he should 100% be considered for more movies - can see him fitting into John Wick world quite well.
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Best in the franchise
18 February 2022
Actual character development, depth and story.

Easily the best in the franchise.

This was an era when the classic were being remade - and this is a great reboot.
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