
8 Reviews
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Much better than The Repair Shop
9 January 2022
At the time of this writing, there was only one other positive review of this program. Most of the negative comments lamented that this show is not The Repair Shop, as though that were some kind of punishable offense. But, really, the fact that Saved and Remade is not a direct copy of the staid, soporific Repair Shop is a large part of its appeal. I don't mind that the experience levels of the cast of artisans varies widely. That, too, contributes to its appeal. There's a demonstrable sincerity with which some of the less experienced artisans approach tasks that I find charming and thoroughly watchable. If you're expecting The Repair Shop, maybe just watch The Repair Shop. If you're not looking for a televisual sleep aid, however, Saved and Remade is a pretty entertaining and sometimes informative show.
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Jonestown: Paradise Lost (2007 TV Movie)
Amazing... if you're Canadian
15 April 2021
By Canadian standards, this is a gem. By virtually any other standards, this is the televisual epitome of BASIC. The dramatic reenactments are laughable, more reminiscent of a cheesy movie of the week than the tragic story it attempts to portray. The guy playing Jim Jones is terrible; apparently his direction was, "Okay, I want you to do this role as though you're doing a play at a nursing home for a group of visually impaired and hearing impaired senior citizens. Oh, and it's an hour past their bedtime so you've got to be able to keep them awake. Trust me. It'll be great."
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Not funny. Not smart. Not satirical. Just insipid drivel.
3 April 2021
I had to attend two funerals recently. Both were incredibly sad events, full an almost palpable sense of mourning. Both were far funnier than this garbage.
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Meandering & tasteless
11 December 2020
There's really nothing of value here. Just some loathsome neophyte documentarian who manipulates family members for the sake of building drama.
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Away (2020)
Typical thoughtless Netflix melodrama
28 September 2020
Predictable and pointlesss. More of the usual BASIC nonsense from Netflix: tacky broadly drawn characters, terrible dialogue, & contrived drama.
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Get Duked! (2019)
28 August 2020
Unoriginal & unfunny. Alice Lowe was great as usual; her brief presence was virtually the only enjoyable moment in the entire movie.
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Bless the Harts (2019–2021)
Nearly unwatchable
2 October 2019
Despite my adoration for Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph, I have to agree with the majority of the other reviewers in hoping for the swift cancellation of this abomination. What is supposed to pass for humor seems to be based solely on tired stereotypes and unidimensional caricatures of southerners. Possibly more egregious than the terrible writing is the insufferable voice acting. Why does everyone in this town, even everyone within the same family, speak with a strikingly different accent from everyone else? The whole show is simply a frustrating waste of time with nothing interesting or original to say.
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Donovan Reid (2019)
10 July 2019
This film is a total ripoff of the 2012 documentary about the French scammer Frédéric Bourdin. The script lacks any originality, resulting not only in a played-out plot but also tedious unnuanced dialogue recycled from every made-for-tv movie from the 1990s. The acting was atrocious to the point of being nearly unwatchable. Also, the way the writers wrote all the female characters seemed incredibly misogynistic. Skip this terrible movie and watch the 2012 documentary instead.
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