14 Reviews
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Loki: Glorious Purpose (2023)
Season 2, Episode 6
A wonderful conclusion to the best Marvel show since Daredevil.
27 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
An absolutely wonderful ending to a fantastic show. I'm glad the send-off they gave Loki was much more impactful and happy then his death at the hands of Thanos so long ago. The scene of Loki holding the threads of time, turning it into the Yggdrasil tree straight out of Norse mythology is sooooo good I cried man. The makers of this show really care for this character and have given a send-off akin to Iron Man or Captain America in terms of how emotional, yet satisfying it is. This is the best Disney+ Marvel show yet, heck it was even before this season, but the second season really solidifies it as just that. And the MUSIC, ah man, what can I say? This reminds me of the golden age of the MCU and I hope this is indicitive of what's to come next, although I doubt it. A special show for one of the best characters in the MCU, and a special send-off for Tom Hiddleston. This is a must watch for any fans of the MCU.
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Incredible start
30 January 2023
I'm writing this review after watching the first 3 episodes, and I gotta say, this show has been an absolute gem for me personally. It starts with this episode being a near perfect adaptation of the iconic game opening, with some changes here and there to flesh the story out, which I've been appreciatingore and more each episode. The world is dripping with atmosphere, and the characters are so well done. Like I said in my review of the second episode, I'm extremely excited to see what they do with the rest of this story and especially season 2, which was announced would happen just recently. This could potentially be an all time great.
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The Last of Us: Infected (2023)
Season 1, Episode 2
Great episode, cool to see how things are different.
30 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
With the first episode sticking pretty closely to the story of the game, I was a bit surprised to see how different things went in this episode. It was a good change and I'm appreciating much of the backstory they're adding to flesh out things that weren't totally explained in the games. As someone who has played both games several times, it's exciting to see them change things up because it's actually a genuine surprise for me. This adaptation is turning out better than I expected. I can't wait to see what they do with the rest of the story and I'm even more excited to see how season 2 is handled.
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A truly special, once in a lifetime film
30 July 2022
This movie was truly something else. I had heard much praise from so many people, and I've been wanting to watch it, but I kept putting it off and putting it off. But tonight I sat down and said, "okay, I'm watching this dang movie", and an I so glad I did. From the beginning I had a feeling the movie was going to be good, even as it starts a bit slow. But it's just.....wow. There's so much I can say, but just do yourself a favor and watch this incredible movie. I don't understand how it only has an 8.2 on here, but do yourself a favor and ignore the score and just watch the movie.
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Banshee: Requiem (2016)
Season 4, Episode 8
A great ending to an underrated gem of a show
24 July 2022
A really well done ending to a show that I have fallen in love with in the past few weeks. Only 38 episodes, yet it didn't really feel too short. Honestly the fact that they decided to end the show on their terms is pretty rare nowadays, but I'm glad they did because it would've definitely been bloated after a while. It's gunna be weird watching the Boys now after seeing Starr in this role, I'll always see him as "Lucas Hood" lol. I don't really wanna go on and on about the show, just that the characters were just great, especially Job, it's gunna feel kinda strange not hearing Job's attitude or Sugar's words of wisdom anymore, but like I said I think they ended it perfectly. Kudos to these guys, and I'm so very glad I decided to watch it on a whim. So long Banshee, it was a great ride.
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One of the best episodes easily.
22 March 2022
I totally disagree with the rating for this one so far. Yea it was a bit odd in comparison to the rest of the episodes, but it was still really great.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
An all time great for me personally.
13 November 2021
Really a special show and I am so glad I finally gave it a full watch. I've been struggling with depression, anxiety, and PTSD for a few years now, and I think I've been at a pretty low point lately, so I can say that I really needed something like this show. I honestly don't want it to be over, but it was so great that I'm only partially sad lol. A genuine, human, dark, funny, and just plain fantastic series set in such a fantastic world. I'm really going to miss some of the characters and their shenanigans, but I appreciate shows that end when they should. I just wanna thank everyone who made this show, it really was somehow special to me. Oh well......it was fun while it lasted.
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BoJack Horseman: Nice While It Lasted (2020)
Season 6, Episode 16
A very special show.
13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I loved this show and this episode so much. It may not have ended with everything being fixed and wrapped up in a neat bow, but that was never the point of the show. Battling mental health, trauma, very real human emotions is not something that just magically fixes itself. I love that this left things unanswered, and I love this show. As I said in my review of the previous episode, I am so, so glad I finally got around to watching this show. Truly a gem of a show that I will always recommend to whomever I can. Well......I mean......it wasn't Ibsen......
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BoJack Horseman: The View from Halfway Down (2020)
Season 6, Episode 15
I just.....I am so glad I finally watched this show.
13 November 2021
After a few years of having this show on my list, and recently hearing some of the audio from this episode on TikTok (yeah corny I know) I finally watched it. And this right here is it. This is one of the greatest episodes of any show, ever, and I just can't express how much I love this show. I'm just so glad I finally watched it.
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BoJack Horseman: The Face of Depression (2019)
Season 6, Episode 7
Another wonderful episode.
13 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this episode feels like the end of the show to an extent. Everyone is happy, or working towards happiness. With the amount of episodes left, I truly hope things end similar to this one, because it warmed my heart. I almost cried when Bojack was speaking to Diane about her depression. Going through it for a while myself, this really, really spoke to me.
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BoJack Horseman: Free Churro (2018)
Season 5, Episode 6
Another incredible episode once again.
12 November 2021
I really believe this show just continues to get better and better with each season, and so far this is the best with every other episode being a near masterpiece it seems. I love that they take risks with episodes like this and just do what they want to do, and it really pays off here, another 10/10 for this show.
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BoJack Horseman: Time's Arrow (2017)
Season 4, Episode 11
One of the best episodes of any TV show, ever.
12 November 2021
This episode was absolutely incredible from beginning to end. It genuinely brought me to tears unlike any of the other episodes. One of the best I've ever seen and I would highly recommend this show to just about anyone for the deeply depressing, moving, and personal episodes like this. Such a truly special show.
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The Office: Goodbye, Michael (2011)
Season 7, Episode 21
Excellent episode. I couldn't stop crying.
1 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Really a great episode. I absolutely lost it when Jim and Michael spoke to each other for the last time, and of course I cried even more after Pam caught him at the airport. I really wish Michael didn't have to leave the show, because I can't really fathom the show without him. He really was the heart and soul of everything and I almost want to stop watching it now.
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Can't believe this is a fan film!
31 December 2018
Honestly, this looks like a full budget Disney produced short film for Star Wars. I hope Disney throws these guys a bone and gives them some money to fund the rest of this project, because this is very exciting. Not only are these guys huge Star Wars fans, so they know what they're doing, they're also very talented. The SFX were great and the acting was pretty great. I can't imagine what they could accomplish if they had more money for the film. I for one will definitely be cheering them on and spreading the word about this. Awesome!
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