
10 Reviews
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Piggy (2022)
Avoid the dubbed version at all costs.
22 January 2023
Rented this movie on Amazon Prime and I had no choice but to rent the dubbed version of this film because the only other option was to buy the Spanish version. Avoid the dubbed version at all costs. One of the worst English dubbing of a film I've ever seen/heard, so it was difficult to fairly judge this movie. The voiceover actors should never be allowed to ruin someone's film like this again. It was worse than a 1960's Godzilla movie. If I were to walk down the block and grabbed strangers off the street, they would've done a better job. I'll have to watch this film again when I can see it for free and possibly revise my review then.
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Annihilation (I) (2018)
A beautiful and terrifying masterpiece!
27 May 2022
When there is no other film you can compare it to, you know it's something special. The tension exists as much in the beauty as it does the horror.

I don't know how close this film is to the book it's based on but it's definitely piqued my interest in finding out. A movie I'll definitely go back to from time to time.
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Belfast (2021)
Too clean.
12 March 2022
I wanted to love this movie, but unfortunately I could only get half way through before giving up on it. The entire setting felt like it was playing out on a soundstage. It was too clean and nothing felt real. I had no connection to the characters or the place in time. Sorely disappointed.
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Billions: Cannonade (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
Should've seen the shark tank ahead.
25 January 2022
I guess last season was indeed the end for me. They may as well have recast it completely and renamed the show, Dead Money.

When you try to appease a demographic that doesn't even watch your show, just pull the plug.
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Terribly Disappointing
2 October 2021
Plot lines that went nowhere.

Bad casting and acting.

Terrible narrative and nothing that we wanted from these characters.
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Tenet (2020)
Strap on your Jimmy Neutron cap
4 October 2020
I'll just say that if you lose focus to think about who might be texting you, you'll get lost in the timeline or miss a valuable piece of information. That being said, my attention did not wane and I loved this movie. The science in this film might not make sense to non physics majors like me, but the use of the science to create tension and consequential stakes for humanity is done in a way we've never seen before. Time will tell (No pun intended) if this film has classic greatness in it, but I'm hopeful.
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Joker (I) (2019)
Hard not to say "Wow!" out loud in the theater!
5 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Now I get the hype. There are two sides to this movie. Firstly, this feels like more than a film. It's an indictment of our ineffectiveness in addressing the mental illness in our society today. The dark places so many people are falling into with no lifeline to get out. The other side is the incredible achievement of art. Rare is it today that Hollywood has flushed out the why and how of a character that we are placed right in the passenger seat of this speeding out of control vehicle of a film with no way to hit the brakes, and we don't want to. A front row seat to the building of madness and it's beautiful. The locations and production design are only topped by the cinematography. From the shot of a badly beaten Arthur to him emerging from a dark hall into the light of Day is breathtaking all the way to the end. A fantastic achievement that deserves all the accolades I'm sure it will garner.
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NOS4A2 (2019–2020)
Read the book instead
22 June 2019
Do television writers need to prove they're smarter than novelists? Watched the first 2 episodes and once I saw that they weren't going to use the source material, I tried to watch it as someone that hadn't read the book. Absolute trash! Unfair to reinvent these characters when they had already been such a hit in the book. If the writers wanted diversity and empowerment they could have done that AND stayed true to the book. Which now leads me to wonder, WHAT WAS JOE HILL THINKING, in letting them do this to his book. Read the book instead!
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Barry: ronny/lily (2019)
Season 2, Episode 5
What the...?!
14 May 2019
I have friends that hate this episode and I think they must be from another planet. So randomly funny, and yes thematically out of place but so classically funny that years from now it might be the only episode I remember.
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American Gods: The Greatest Story Ever Told (2019)
Season 2, Episode 4
And it started so well.
2 April 2019
This was a great episode until the Gods became racist. I was even looking up the Director to see what else she had done before the bottom dropped out. Hollywood has become so dishonest in their rage.
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