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The Orville: Twice in a Lifetime (2022)
Season 3, Episode 6
Take notes Picard
18 July 2022
The brilliant writers at The Orville have managed to do in about an hour what the hacks over at Picard couldn't do in about 7 episodes, make an interesting time travel back to our present episode. This story was nothing short of amazing, and very emotional too. Orville just keeps on nailing it out of the park every week while all the New Trek shows just flounder about in their own flotsam. Orville just looks better too, Trek has gotten this thing where everything is frigging dark, no money for lighting. We went from TOS and Next Generation with bright well lit scenes to New Trek where it is pitch dark on the bridge. Enter Orville, back to bright, clean, non cluttered bridge or engineering or whatever. Even the exterior shots are amazingly detailed but not too dark or busy. Keep going Orville, hopefully people will forget about New Trek.
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Gorn 2.0
1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Are we all just going to pretend we never saw Kirk fight an adult Gorn in TOS? What in the seven circles of hell are these things supposed to be, prehistoric Gorn. How does a species that is so monstrous actually have the ability to have scientific pursuits to allow space travel. Look you can be a monster or you can be an intelligent science based species, you can't be both. At least TOS Gorn you could believe a reptilian species had evolved to be intelligent, not these rejects from fighting Ridley and company. Besides it is another dose of Super Uhura, able to leap tall buildings, more powerful than a speeding locomotive.... Yadda Yadda Yadda We witnessed 70 some TOS episodes where we saw an Uhura as interesting as lint? Now we get this Super Nova like Uhura....sigh.....problems with prequels.
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The Orville: Gently Falling Rain (2022)
Season 3, Episode 4
Background music
26 June 2022
This is not the latest Star Wars feature film, lighten up on the background score. I was constantly raising and lowering the volume. Bit annoying after and hour. This episode gets a little too American politics preachy for a non American like me.
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24 June 2022
Got as far as the medieval scene on the bridge and tuned out. I have absolutely 0 interest in an episode of this crap. You really have to wonder what the producers are thinking. Hey! I know what people want.........
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Most Trek like yet.....but
11 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This one has finally come close to a TOS episode, but it is because they based it on a unused Roddenberry script. So much for praising the writers, still the hacks they have always been. Gripes, how does such a unsophisticated ship surprise the Enterprise and beam out(?) the weekly aliens? Why oh why is the Kahn female such a biatch, still going for the Drummer from The Expanse vibe? Why is Uhura such a Superwoman, did she get hit on the head by the time TOS takes place, back in Pike's day she knew no bounds, solves everything. Long way from this to hailing frequencies open? The story was super easy to predict, just by using the word "ascension" you knew the boy was going to sacrifice or evolve himself in some ceremony. Why is Number One just a Lt Commander? I think the crew needs a catastrophic event to cull the herd a bit? Maybe give Uhura that severe brain injury she must suffer by Kirk's time.
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Spock Amok (2022)
Season 1, Episode 5
Ok, I guess
3 June 2022
I don't share the overly gushing praise for this episode. It was ok I guess, a little more background on each character. Every series needs a slower episode every half dozen or so. The one thing that is totally mind boggling to me is Nurse Chapel. Absolutely the exact opposite of the TOS character, maybe we could rename her? Please don't compare this to the all time great Trek episodes, it isn't even in the same league.
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Hacks: Trust the Process (2022)
Season 2, Episode 3
30 May 2022
No laughs just a bewildered sense of anger after watching this. I would go postal and kill everyone on that bus then deficate in that dresser. I just don't get this show, why Ava there? Sorry didn't laugh one time, not even a crooked smile. Oh and I fast forward every scene with the gay African American houseboy. Not even a part of the story. You can miss all those scenes and it doesn't matter.
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20 May 2022
Ok show, million times better than Discovery or Picard. Still a little too female centric for me, seems to be a common thread in modern Trek. Well at least I know my tax dollars for building Ontario Place back in the 70s are paying off? Sorry non Toronto residents, opening scenes with the buildings on water and the geodesic dome.
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13 May 2022
Well compared to the last 2 Star Wreck series, this is a masterpiece. Not really digging the notion that the Captain is always thinking of his destiny but still pretty good storyline. Pros, they have some lights turned on in the ship, Discovery is almost filmed in the dark onboard ship. I like the retro uniforms, Discovery sucked. Single story episodes, huge plus. Anson Mount is a great Capt Pike. No whispering or crying here. Cons, still too female centric for me, but hey I'm an old curmudgeon. We don't need all the characters to be broken, Starfleet is supposedly very hard to get into, I would think they could weed out the broken toys by the 23rd century. We don't need an exact duplicate of Drummer from The Expanse, she is a red shirt we can lose on an away mission soon. Nurse Chapel is way way too sassy. Lastly, don't start the episode with....previously on....
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Better Call Saul: Black and Blue (2022)
Season 6, Episode 5
Opening song
10 May 2022
-1 stars just for making me listen to that crappy music over the pointless scene of a slide rule trophy being made. Again, I had to mute that caterwauling over ther start. Times running out for nonsense like this. Still a great episode otherwise.
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Star Trek: Picard: Farewell (2022)
Season 2, Episode 10
Swiss cheese
6 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
More plot holes than Swiss cheese. When did Seven start playing for the other team? Why not just tell the Federation about the super space laser? People on the planet can see this space laser at the same time as the fleet? Light travels at 186,000 miles per second. Rios stays behind and doesn't change the future? In TOS the Eugenics War had been fought long before 2024. Why does 2024 Soong look exactly like Data? He doesn't have a male heir? No explanation of the super space laser? Soong shows up 5 minutes before a launch and can see Renee. Real rocket launches are way more than a 5 minute drive from any living persons.....I could go on forever. No way am I watching season 3, Ciao Picard.
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Star Trek: Picard: Hide and Seek (2022)
Season 2, Episode 9
I just don't get it.
29 April 2022
Another head scratcher for me. I'm sorry for my limited intelligence or lack of caring while viewing but I absolutely don't understand what is going on with Old and Young Picard. I don't get the human Data angle, are he and Borg on the same team? I just don't understand anything in this episode, don't get me going on trying to understand Rios or the Combat Hologram. One more episode and I'm out forever. I thought Discovery was bad, but this episode makes Discovery look like City on the Edge of Forever from TOS.
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Better Call Saul: Rock and Hard Place (2022)
Season 6, Episode 3
Better Call......
26 April 2022
Everyone but Saul. As great an hour of television this episode was I can't give it a 10 because Saul is in like 2 scenes. Hopefully next week we get back on the Saul track and bit off the Cartel.
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Billions: Cold Storage (2022)
Season 6, Episode 12
Last at a party
20 April 2022
You know when you host a house party and that one guest hangs around forever. You think they are never going to leave and are bored to tears waiting for them to leave. You try making subtle hints (damning reviews) yet they just mindlessly plod on. Well Billions has turned into that guest. Party should have ended when Axe left, but no we are left with this strange abomination that has taken over. It's like Bizarro universe Billions, Wags got neutered, the background actors are revolting, Wendy writes a book giving away all her secrets, and at the helm Anti-Axe. Yet this will still be renewed for another season with no changes. I know I won't witness it, enjoy.
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Better Call Saul: Wine and Roses (2022)
Season 6, Episode 1
More Saul
19 April 2022
Pretty darn good 2 part opener. I really don't feel the hate for Hamlin for the lengths that Saul and Kim are going to, but it is entertaining. I kind of feel bad for him, he just is what he is, rich kid with a rich job. A little too much with the Cartel side of the story and not enough on Saul and Kim, especially considering we know the end results of the minor feud between Gus and the Salamanca's. Still well worth watching.
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Star Trek: Picard: Monsters (2022)
Season 2, Episode 7
I feel like an idiot
15 April 2022
After watching this episode I am left feeling like my IQ must be in the double digits. Thanks Picard, I used to think I was reasonably intelligent but after watching this episode I was just left with WTF was that. I seriously didn't understand one single thing that went on in Picard's head, and I've watched every Trek episode a zillion times. I would love to have an explanation! I know one thing, just going to watch the last 10 minutes of each episode this season then I'm out. No season 3 for me. At least I know where Detective Wagonbach ended up after they closed The Barn.
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Star Trek: Picard: Two of One (2022)
Season 2, Episode 6
Downhill slide
10 April 2022
I started this season stoked as the first episode was fantastic in my humble opinion, second slid just a tad but was entertaining with the alternate Earth. Now we are stuck on past Earth doing absolutely nothing for weeks. I am beginning to really hate serial episodic Trek. Discovery spewed chunks the last 2 seasons with season long arcs that were just a movie drawn out to 7 or 8 hours. If this keeps up, I'm shelving Picard just like I did Discovery. Pretty bad when I have my Trek hopes on a animated series and a kid's series, both a zillion times better than Picard or Discovery.
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Star Trek: Picard: Fly Me to the Moon (2022)
Season 2, Episode 5
One big nitpick
1 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Now if that astronaut is Picard's ancestor then her name shouldn't be Picard. Unless it is common for mothers to give their surname to their children in France? Unless she gets knocked up and wants nothing to do with the father, but I digress. The Picard name is already established with the vineyard, so not understanding her relationship with Jean Luc. To keep the same surname as an ancestor in the 21st century Picard would need an uninterrupted line of male ancestors. Don't get me going on how in 2 years I'm going to have an amazing flying force field over my pool. Goodbye sunburns. Or that in 2 years my whole life info will be on a passport. Stupid idea making this just 2 years from now.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
31 March 2022
Like we need another reason to hate Russians at this present time, but this movie does just fine showing what POS they really are. Totally great performance by Odenkirk. Christopher Lloyd is great to see again. Total 180 from any of his comedic roles. If you like John Wick type of movie, or Death Wish if you are as old as I am, then you will love this movie.
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NCIS: Starting Over (2022)
Season 19, Episode 17
TPS reports!
29 March 2022
This episode gets a 10 plus just for Gary Cole talking about filing TPS reports. Almost spit out my drink when he said it. Agent Lumbergh NCIS. I'm sure half the audience didn't get that little inside joke.
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NCIS: Hawai'i: Breach (2022)
Season 1, Episode 17
Total farce
22 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Just a simple Google search will show Oahu gets over 65% of electric power from fossil fuels, coal and gas. Then all them huge windmills you see along the North coast. Also all drinking water is from aquifers not surface water. This show is just ridiculous. Not to mention Vanessa Lachey should stick to the Hallmark channel.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Coming Home (2022)
Season 4, Episode 13
I'm out
18 March 2022
I am so glad that is over because I will definitely not be watching any future Discovery. A lot more have said it a lot better than I can, but this was a total train wreck the last 2 seasons. To think at one point I actually defended this show. I'm so embarrassed. Words cannot describe how much I detest this show now. Good luck with this Discovery crew, you will need it.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Species Ten-C (2022)
Season 4, Episode 12
Don't watch this right after S2E2 Picard
11 March 2022
After watching one of the greatest Trek episodes in recent history, S2E2 of Star Trek Picard, here in Canada they play Discovery right after it. No comparison, like comparing a diamond to a lump of crap. Time to unplug the stupidest sentient computer ever Discovery writers, just creating plot holes. Still going to hate watch this to this season's end then I'm off the Crazy Train.
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Billions: Napoleon's Hat (2022)
Season 6, Episode 7
9 March 2022
I tried hate watching it. Sorry it is too painful to even do that. I am going to depart and just try and think the show ended with Axe leaving. This season's hot mess is just too much. I mean even the premise, getting NYC the 28 Olympics is stupid. LA has them already, and waiting until only 6 years before is a bit unreasonable, these things are usually decided further out. Hey that is just a minor point, the main is the way they F'ed with beloved characters. Ciao Billions,thanks for 5 great seasons.
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Star Trek: Discovery: Rosetta (2022)
Season 4, Episode 11
Feelings, nothing more than feelings...
4 March 2022
Well I need 150 characters so..... Feelings Nothing more than feelings Trying to forget my feelings of love Teardrops Rolling down on my face Trying to forget my feelings of love Feelings For all my life I'll feel it I wish I've never met you, girl You'll never come again Feelings Wo-o-o feelings Wo-o-o feelings Again in my arms Feelings, Feelings like I've never lost you And feelings like I've never have you Again in my heart Feelings For all my life I'll feel it I wish I've never met you, girl You'll never come again Feelings Feelings like I've never lost you And feelings like I've never have you Again in my life Feelings Wo-o-o feelings Wo-o-o, feelings Again in my arms Feelings Wo-o-o feelings Wo-o-o, feelings Wo-o-o, yeah.
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