
37 Reviews
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Resident Alien (2021– )
Not funny, not interesting, not serious, not original... not good.
23 February 2021
What else is there to say? Am I watching a completely different show to everyone else? "Dark humor"? In what way is it dark or humorous?

They market the show as an outrageous hilarious comedy, but it's not. But it's also not serious. It's obvious they're trying to make it funny, but it just isn't.

Not funny, not interesting, not serious, not original... not good.
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Perfectly alright.
6 October 2020
Not great, not hilarious, but neither were the first two. The absence of homophobic slurs was a big step forward for the franchise. Otherwise everything and everyone was pretty stiff in this (dialogue, acting, setups, etc). The ending however was just atrocious and ill-conceived. All-in-all it was alright, with a few decent chuckles. Not worthy of hating, but neither was it a lovable movie. It was, however, a perfectly fine way of spending about two hours of your life.

Keanu looked about 30 years older in this than in John Wick, was that on purpose or was the lighting in John Wick so dark that I just didn't notice before?
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Paul (2011)
A trainwreck of homophobia
6 October 2020
I absolutely loved Spaced, Shawn of The Dead, and (to a much lesser extent) Hot Fuzz. Pegg and Frost should equate to hilariousness in anything they do, but Paul starts off terrible, and just gets worse and worse. Didn't bother watching past the second use of "f*gg*t". This movie came out in 2011 and I couldn't have cared less then, finally watched it in 2020 and, even for 2011, that's just unacceptable. That word was unacceptable in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure in 1989, and it's extra-unacceptable today.

The movie centers around two best friends who, in nearly every other scene, adamantly argue that they're not gay, could never be gay, and are just extra-super-not-gay because "icky! gay people!". The entire movie seems to focus around just how totally not-gay they are. It's tactless, boring, and unfunny. Seth Rogan is a disgusting human and pathetic comedian, and was just as unfunny in this as he has been in every single thing he has done. One half-hearted chuckle in the 50 minutes I wasted on this movie.

Pegg and Frost should be ashamed of themselves for this piece of s**t.
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Top Gear (2002–2022)
Paddy and Flint HAVE TO GO.
5 October 2020
Look, Clarkson, May, and Hammond had their issues (incredibly racist), but if you skip their hate-filled, disgusting, pathetic, racist tirades, they had chemistry and could be funny (again, it's extremely hard to look past the horrible things they've said, and their absolutely disgusting outlooks on non-whites completely ruined any positive opinion I had of them, specifically Clarkson and Hammond). But if you can do the mental gymnastics, or are quick enough with a remote to fast forward, they put out an enjoyable show that not only reviewed cars with a hint of comedy, but did interesting challenges and journeys (usually just feet away from a highway, despite being filmed to look like the middle of a desert or jungle).

Then Clarkson was fired for being just an awful human, and rightfully so. The others walked out in support (supposedly). They need to grow as people before they should be allowed back into society, and their other show proves that they are tired, redundant, and should be retired. The Grand Tour is just about awful, but... even their new show is a masterpiece in comparison to the horrid, trite, and unwatchable new hosts. Specifically Chris Evans (who was quickly let go), Paddy McGuinness (which I thought was just a racial slur because he's Irish), and Flint Whateverwhocares (seriously, who cares?) are just painful to watch. They are not remotely interesting, knowledgeable, or worth watching.

Honestly, Matt LeBlanc, Rory Reid, and Chris Harris did it for me! They weren't quite as close as CMH, but they were good enough! Rory gave a great, young perspective, LeBlanc was refined and funny, and Harris was a true professional with an in-depth knowledge. They were all witty and worked well together. LeBlanc left because it took too much time and he valued family time over show business, and no one can fault him for that. In fact, I respect him even more based on that. But they needed to replace only him, and could have done so seemingly easily with the vast amount of talent in the world.

Unfortunately, they replaced Rory Reid as well for a reason I can't fathom... Both of these two new, good hosts were replaced with absolutely who-cares-who-cares-who-cares-who-cares people. Their only personality traits are being utterly unintelligible and irritating. Go away! Please! Please go away! I couldn't even get through any episodes with them. I tried, every single new episode I honestly *tried* to watch. But can't. They are irritating, boring, try-hards. Fast forward to the Chris Harris' test drives because that's all that matters anymore. Otherwise, it's unwatchable, utter garbage.
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Sherlock (2010–2017)
Am I insane? This is horrible.
3 September 2020
Having just started this series in 2020, I cannot believe how absolutely awful this is in every single aspect. Painful acting, absolutely horrendous writing, gigantic and insurmountable plot holes, and an absolutely unbearable Cucumberpatch. I am shocked by just how awful everything about this show is. What is wrong with the world? Dirk Gently (with Steven Mangan) surpasses this show in every single way, from music to acting. Better plots, better crimes, far better acting, and less racism. This show was unbelievably bad. Would I have considered this good in 2010? Or has it just not aged well at all? I can't decide, but in 2020 this is horrendous.
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Surprisingly funny!
1 September 2020
Heard absolutely nothing about this show before watching. Expected a crime drama, Murder She Wrote style show, but got a star-studded cast and witty writing. Witty, engaging, and over-the-top. Get ready for "meurdueurrr"!
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
18 February 2020
Worse than I ever could have imagined or anticipated. Worse than Discovery! Stiff acting from everyone, but it's hard to blame them with the unintelligible plot and horrific lines. Patrick Stewart tries his best, but nothing, not even him can overcome how bad the writing and directing is.
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Russian Doll (2019–2022)
No signs of life or intelligence
24 February 2019
This was a poorly done ripoff amalgam of Groundhog Day with a bit of The Good Place thrown in. Doesn't it seem like EVERYONE is doing a The Good Place ripoff now? Not that I am complaining about that necessarily, it's about time we put some intelligence in our TV! However, they all seem to be doing it with a complete disregard of what makes The Good Place special and good -- actual philosophy and insight into the human condition we call sentience. This show is instead a hollow high school interpretation of Groundhog Day and The Good Place.

However, the similarities to The Good Place are about the only Good Things about this show. The acting is, for the most part, atrocious. The first two episodes subject you to a non-stop tirade of Woody Allen/Larry David style rants about nothing of substance or intelligence. I can't stand either of those actors, and giving them breasts doesn't change anything. She just spouts a bunch of pseudo-intellectual, but wholly and incredibly wrong analogies and explanations about how life is. I was completely ready to stop watching by the middle of the second episode, then realized the entire season was only 8 episodes, so decided to just stick with it just in-case anything interesting happened.

Well, it didn't. Episodes 3-7 are a bit better as they pull away from the college-freshman with patchouli scented dreads vibes -- a style of person that everyone is annoyed with, "Left" or "Right" -- but ultimately offers absolutely NOTHING of substance. There is NOTHING going on underneath other than the writers' hard determination to rip-off Groundhog Day and The Good Place for what seems like nothing other than the sake of ripping them off. Dialogue was a mixed bag of "that was alright" to "that was unbearable, where is the fast-forward button?"

They got SO MUCH WRONG. From the "philosophy" (if you could even call it that), to the biochemistry, to the passage of time. "No signs of life or intelligence, Captain."

What really stunk was the acting from EVERYONE. Not a SINGLE good performance in the bunch. I found myself constantly rewriting and re-directing the entire show while watching it. It's a real shame how poorly EVERYTHING was done.

But, the biggest insult to the injury is that there really is NOTHING underneath the show whatsoever. It comes to an end without purpose, design, reason, or even arching connectivity with the rest of what was going on. Apparently everything our characters experienced and went through existed for the sole purpose of ripping off other TV shows and movies, and the writers had no purpose other than that.

Did I watch the whole show? Yep. Would I recommend this to someone as a "good show"? Never in a million years.
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The Umbrella Academy (2019–2024)
Teenage Angst (TM)
22 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Maybe I'm just too old, but I found this show irritating, immature, and poorly done in most every respect.

I found the set design very well done, as well as much of the cinematography. The one point, in my personal opinion, where the show really shines is the soundtrack. Lots of great songs that I grew up listening to, coupled with some decent scenes that, from a technical standpoint, fit the accompaniment well.

However, the acting was... not good, to say the least. But compounding that with the outright jejune writing and thematics made the show very irritating. They reminded me of being 12-15 all over again, with angst and rage against the system dripping from every overly dramatic scene.

"Gosh I hate my parents and the system and boo hoo hoo I can't take responsibility for my own actions boo hoo hoo"

The characters started out a bit interesting, but quickly devolved into childish and mundane cliches of every other "superhero" out there.

Ellen Page is a boring actress who blahs her way through every scene using her one acting facade of "shy but demeaning". The only thing I've liked her in was, oddly enough, Trailer Park Boys, where she played a "shy but demeaning" teenager. The apex of her angst comes in the final few episodes where she walks through her house, pictures a memory where she was excluded from some activity, and then literally BLOWS UP the entire area that emotionally hurt her. I can imagine many 12 year old children want to do this just because they're excluded from some activity. No justification for her insane overreaction. People hurt you, MOVE ON. Murder and revenge solve nothing.

I suppose I'm just mad at myself for letting myself waste so much time watching this entire series, and I hope that others learn from my mistake and just spend their time doing something better.
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Deadly Class (2018–2019)
Just plain bad!
22 February 2019
Nothing redeeming about this show. Horrendous acting, writing, plot, and... everything! I haven't watched TV this bad in a long time.

This is what The Expanse was cancelled for? What a shame.
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Final Space (2018–2021)
I expected to like nothing about this show at all.
19 December 2018
I had absolutely zero expectations for this show and found the voice acting, painful "try-hard" cuteness, and overall style insanely irritating..... but........... by the third episode I realized I couldn't stop watching, and actively likely pretty much every character. It ended up being a genuinely good show, with genuinely good characters, development, villains, and you actually grow to enjoy the style.

One thing that surprised me is just how much gore there can be! For a show that seems quite cute, it really does provide some excellent mutilation and gross, eye-popping fun.

Every episode gives you the full gambit of emotions, and quite effectively. A show that I expected to be completely vapid instead has quite a bit of depth! You'll find yourself actively root for (and against) certain characters, and the emotions that follow are surprising (in that you feel any emotion for characters that you might normally find boring or irritating). Overall just very surprising and enjoyable!

David Tennant does an fantastic job, as do the other actors, but Tennant really does steal the show in my opinion.

I am so looking forward to season 2!
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A Quiet Place (2018)
Interesting concept, HORRENDOUS writing, choices, and acting
12 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The very first scene sets the entire mood of the movie -- a series of incredulously terrible decisions. This continues painfully so throughout the entire movie, and has you actively wishing for the death of the ENTIRE cast. How can anyone, as stupid as these people are, have survived for so long? Truly incredible.

Knock-off monsters from Half Life that attack sounds no louder than trees rustling? I can.... kinda stomach that. The decisions made by the entire cast? Absolutely mind-mindbogglingly terrible and irritating.

The sound level that the creatures react to has absolutely no rhyme or reason. There obviously isn't a decible limit, it seems to only be "story-arc driven sound effects" that they react to. HOW DO THEY KNOW? And how/why they even react to it in the first place...... Well, don't expect this movie to have any semblance of intelligence behind it.

Oh, and make sure not to disturb the precious sand! PRECIOUS SAND that is unaffected by: rain, snow, wind, continued walking, or even falling leafs... somehow..... Who wrote this, and then who green-lit this, and then who focus-grouped this? How were all of these people so BAD at their job?
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Patriot (2015–2018)
Huh? A try-hard, faux-quirky, stupidity-fest.
30 November 2018
I failed to connect with a single character, and the show failed to produce a single laugh. There didn't seem to be any reason behind any actions, scenes, or relationships. What, exactly, is supposed to be funny? PTSD? Severe mental disability? The depressive disregard for human life displayed by most of the main characters? Found myself fast-forwarding through the mundane, pointless conversations and insanely irritating characters/acting.

Not that it's the worst show I've seen, but it's definitely pretty darn bad. There is literally no story progression that makes any damn sense at any point, and a complete lack of humor (if you aren't a jerk-wad that thinks disabilities and racism are hysterical.....)

Female characters that seem to exist only for the progression of the male characters is such a darn tired trope, especially in this the year 1940... wait... THIS SHOW CAME OUT IN 2015?!?!??!?!

In the end, I masochistically hate all of the main characters. They are, without regret, terrible, horrible human beings. All of them. Every single one. None of what they do is funny, entertaining, or worth watching in any way.

The political aspects must be written by someone whose only exposure to international politics are reddit's white supremacist subs.
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Homecoming (2018–2020)
Julia Roberts as an emotional predator.
28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First off, this is a TV show about Julia Roberts continually drugging and emotionally manipulating a young man half her age, and then stalking him across the country........ This alone is disturbing.

Next, I don't usually enjoy big blockbusters with action scenes and guns and whatnot, so this *seemed* like an ideal show for me. However, it just really doesn't come close to how great these drug-addled reviewers seem to think it is.

Moving on.... Did I miss something completely? Or was there almost no point to anything that happened in this show? It seems to focus on a whopping 3 people in a facility that was supposed to be inhabited by dozens, possibly over 100 people. There doesn't seem to be any consideration or even acknowledgement that anyone else even exists. It's very.... off.

While every actor did their job extremely well... there wasn't really anything behind the acting. No purpose, point, or even reason for almost any actions by anyone. The hyper-uber-over-stylized film effects more-than-not take you completely out of the experience. Far, far too overdone. Reminds me of when I first got photoshop and went overboard with everything. I am guessing Sam Esmail is actually a handle for a 16 year old deviantart member.

Long, drawn out scenes can be incredibly effective.... if they are there to build a mood, let you delve into someone's emotions, or otherwise produce something of value. However, these seem to be there only to draw out the episode length. At least, they have no artistic, emotional, or logistical appeal to the cognizant individual.

Worth a watch? Sure, but you really don't have to pay any attention to anything that happens, because none of it matters. Good for days home sick, mucked up on cough syrup. Like Mr Robot, it's artistic and stylistic with some buzz words, but has absolutely no underlying substance.

In the end, a bunch of fantastic performances don't make up for the lack of anything of substance. Almost every episode could be shortened to about 5-10 minutes if you take out the unnecessary (and at time nauseating) extra scenes.
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Better than you'd think; still quite problematic.
2 November 2018
This show screams Tina Fey, from the "dammit" sung during the intro (by Fey), to the blatant racism and completely ignorant dialogue and LGBT+ representation. It's really unfortunate. In the 70's or 80's it may have been progressive, but today it's... not.

However, it's definitely not as bad as many other shows, and does sometimes try to be good. And at the end of the day, it's marginally terrible and offensive, but can be decently funny as well. It's way too over the top at times, and in my opinion these parts really harm the show -- which is at it's funniest when the arcs are down to earth and more realistic.

Sure, Titus (one of the main characters) is an insanely generic gay man, and can be incredibly offensive, but they do exist, and he's legitimately funny at other times. Unfortunately Titus is also reduced to a token black character, as Fey can't seem to bring herself to hire more than one black person at a time for anything.

I just want to know why Fey is so consistently incredibly racist toward Asians? Why? What does this gain anyone? Tokenized, bad accents, tons of "eat a dog" jokes, just horribly offensive, constant racist remarks. It's truly incensing.

I'm not sure if the show would be better without Fey being involved, but I think it probably would. Her characters are often lazy and generic, and this is no different.
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Future Man (2017–2020)
What the heck did I just watch? And when can I watch more!
16 October 2018
Was not won over by the previews or synopsis at all. Watched it fully expecting it to be terrible, but was convinced by a friend, and was quite surprised at how actually funny it can be. Occasionally it goes a bit too far, or beats a joke to death a little too much, but overall it's the most surprisingly good show I've seen in a while.

Every trope is tied in, but often effectively. Pretty surprising in the age of "references for references' sake".

Worth a watch if you are in the right heads-pace, but can be a bit too much if you're in a low-energy mood.
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Lodge 49 (2018–2019)
The best show you've never heard of.
14 October 2018
The pace and development of the show is plenty quick, and is only slow if you're used to watching brain-dead programming like Southpark or Rick and Morty, or were one of those children that ate glue. Rather than most shows, which go pointlessly flapping about as quickly as possible, disregarding any personal or emotional growth, it has interactions which drive characters' decisions and relationships. It gives you a chance to imagine their thoughts, and what might be.

I cannot correctly describe this show. Every scene feels like there's a magical, secret door hidden somewhere that the characters are just about to find, but never do. It's dialogue references exactly what the story does-- it gets your hopes up high, and crushes them, and I could not be more pleased.

One of the biggest draws of this show is that it doesn't try to take itself far too seriously. That is one of the largest downfalls of many television shows -- they are bad and take themselves far too seriously. This show is both excellent and intriguing, but has a fair amount of fun with its characters, themes, and cliches.

Some of the best television I've invested my time in, but you absolutely have to pay attention! Watch the whole first season and pay attention, and you'll be counting down the days to season 2.
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Other Space (2015)
Why has no one ever heard of this show?
17 September 2018
I only found out about this last week, 3 years after it was cancelled. Why? This show is a hilarious parody without being overly corny and goofy. Everyone fits their role quite nicely. Wish there could have been at least another season or two!
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Episodes (2011–2017)
Finally, a comedy that isn't screaming at you constantly
16 September 2018
I cannot stand shows that are always screaming for no reason (It's Always Sunny, Rick and Morty, etc). This show is funnier, smarter, and quieter than any of those 2-bit shows.

Yes, the stories have been told before and there really isn't anything new here. Sometimes I'm pretty sure I've seen an episode before, years earlier, with different characters. Nevertheless, it's funnier and better written than any of the shows it reminds me of, so it's okay!

Matt LeBlanc is fantastic as himself, but Stephen Mangan and Tasmin Greig really steal the show. They were great together on Green Wing, and they're great together again in Episodes.
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The Orville (2017–2022)
Completely surprised
16 September 2018
The first two episodes were pretty darn week, but it picks up quickly and here in Season 02 it's become a right-proper Star Trek with excellent stories. It suffers from some issues, mainly Seth McFarlane in general and some stiff acting from a few of the others.

Unfortunately we lose a great character who's replaced by a less then stellar actress in a rather brazen manner.

Season 01 tried to focus a bit too much on the comedy aspect, although it was still secondary, but it tended to be the weakest parts. I'm not a fan of Seth McFarlane or his comedy style, and it was no different here. However, otherwise, this show has been added to my Star Trek playlist, So, please welcome ORV to the likes of TOS, TAS, TNG, VOY, and DS9. Discovery can burn in hell for all time.
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Jack Ryan (2018–2023)
Not bad, but definitely not good.
16 September 2018
Very standard dialogue, camera, and action for any comparable series. You could mix episodes of this with just about anything else and no one would notice. Luckily John K is barely in it, despite being the top-billed actor. He just does not fit well, and every time he was on screen he immediately took me out of it. He just did not fit. The rest of the cast was quite solid despite him.

Villains with no real motives had me constantly tilting my head trying to figure out *why*. A series of poor decisions is the only thing that runs the show for more than 45 total minutes, as seems standard with every half-baked TV show. A superficial attempt at social awareness that is more than often completely ignored or even contradicted in the next scene makes this whole series feel a little dated.

Even times when there appears to almost be some real emotion, unrealistic dialogue and plot progression immediately removes you from the experience. I was often left wondering "what were they snorting when they wrote this scene...."

My favorite thing was seeing soldiers just feet from unoccupied cover and firing wildly in no particular direction, then getting killed because of course. Very very poorly choreographed scenes that they tried to cover up with the hyper-generic, nauseating "shaky-cam" that every 2-bit director uses to cover up their lack of ability.

Scene changes, segues, and cuts were all poorly timed, just enough to hurt their attempted affect (the quick cuts to certain actions were almost never timed properly).

All-in-all, it was entertaining enough to watch the whole season, but not good enough to say, pay to watch or watch again or recommend to anyone or even mention again.
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The Dragon Prince (2018– )
Five out of Ten Avatars
15 September 2018
I went into this show expecting it to be oriented to the 12-17 group, with plenty of content and a story good enough for older people to enjoy -- much like Avatar/Korra. However it's very obviously intended for the 4-6 group and my rating is perhaps a little harsh out of disappointment for the immaturity of the whole show.

Avatar was corny, but was still one of the best children's cartoons that managed to keep us adults enthralled. But this? This is a vat of high fructose corn syrup that you're drowning in, screaming for help. (Please why won't anyone help?) To the point that it is hard to watch most of the time. The first episode was hard to watch, but the first episode of Avatar was a little rough as well. Unlike Avatar, 8 episodes later and little has improved for Dragon Prince.

A series of obviously poor, obviously bad decisions is about the only thing that keeps the story moving. "Hmm, we can either go the obviously correct way, or the obviously horribly stupid way.... OKAY! Let's go the absolute stupidest way possible and make the absolute worst decisions at each turn!"

I'm really not sure what I winced more at... "dark magic" or the god-awful animation.

Netflix manages to ruin any possibility of expressionism through their stifled and horrific rendering engine. "BACK IN MY DAY" animators could direct emotion through their drawings, creating an entire experience on-top of the story. But the bulky 1990's-esque feeling to all Netflix animated show absolutely drowns any possibility of emotion, innovation, or imagination. Even the first 3d-rendered TV show, ReBoot, had better animation, and that's... not good....

Even if the animation is truly horrible in every possible way, if the show's story and characters make up for it... it can be overlooked. However, this is a show of hyper-ultra-mega-super-dooper-common cliches with no redeeming dialogue, story arcs, or ideas. Not at all what you'd expect from the team behind it.
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Timeless (2016–2018)
Entertaining Time-Fiasco Starring Malcolm Barrett
1 July 2018
Having never even heard of the show until Season 2 was almost done, I found out that it starred Malcolm Barrett and was "Doctor Who/Warehouse 13-ish", so immediately found it streaming and got hooked! It's entertaining enough that the boring and hyper-cliche characters (Wyatt) get drowned out enough that it doesn't bother you as much as it could.

And holy-mole, Wyatt is B-O-R-I-N-G! The show would be far far better without him. I don't think I've ever cared less about a character before. After two seasons I still forget his name and what he looks like. He was almost replaced and I was so excited, but then they fought to keep him on the team, despite even the writers not being able to produce a real reason for that to happen. He has no skills, knowledge, personality, raison d'etre.... nothing! Rufus and Lucy are wholly useful and full of character, and could be really nicely accented with a far more personable character.

While Wyatt is forgettable, the rest of the team is a formidable powerhouse of acting talents, including Paterson Joseph (literally too many fantastic roles to name), and Sakina Jaffrey (most famous for House of Cards and Mr Robot).

While the acting talent is fantastic, the show is still rather simplistic and light-hearted, which is perfect. They don't try to take themselves too seriously, which often ruins many shows. For instance, their "consequences" for changing the past, tens or even hundreds of years ago, often amount to just one person that they know personally disappearing or changing slightly. You must disable about 90% of your mind for some of the dialogue and story.

Their consequences for literally changing the events of WWII was just a different James Bond movie. Nothing else, not one other thing changed. Absolutely absent-minded.

Unfortunately the show is really held back by hyper-uber-ultra-copy-and-paste cliches. If you can imagine a cliche, they worked it in. Not just time-travel, but army, nerd, "X-Files" factor, hidden agenda, secret government, romance, spousal death, etc etc. If you have watched TV in the past 50 years, you have already seen every driving story arc (ignoring the time period shifting itself). Nevertheless, the settings, sometimes interesting take on "history", and fantastic acting talent (ignoring Wyatt) really makes up for all... er... most of it.

Definitely worth a watch, even a binge if you are a fan of shows such as Doctor Who, Warehouse 13, Star Trek (real Trek, before the eye-sin currently being made), Stargate, Quantum Leap, etc. And while it doesn't quite stack to those most of the time, if you are a general geek or history nerd you'll probably find this show at least worth watching.
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Ghosted (I) (2017)
It's getting better!
17 June 2018
Okay, so the first couple of episodes are ROUGH. But stick with it! People that review a show after half of a pilot episode are insane and should be ignored in all things in life, not just reviews.

You can estimate the number of laughs you will have by the episode number. Episode 1? One laugh. 2? Two laughs. By episode 10, you'll probably laugh 10 times. That's better than Family Guy or (the new) The Simpsons!

The most painful thing about the show is that it has SO MUCH potential. Some fabulous actors are completely squandered by inept writing and a "rush rush" attitude. There's absolutely 0 character development, story, background on the paranormal things they're investigating, or anything! By episode 10 there's already a conspiracy against the entire organization, without the organization having really been established yet. Warehouse 13 took nearly 4 seasons before a conspiracy story arc was introduced. Slow it down! Give people time to invest in the characters!

Where shows like Angie Tribeca and Psych excel with well timed and (sometimes) witty humor, this show falls almost completely flat and misses almost every single opportunity to do something magical (or even worthwhile). Changing the writing and production team while keeping the same exact cast and premises would probably nail it. It's unfortunately that the team behind putting together the episodes is completely inept. Episode 10 and 11 start to bring things together a bit better, but again, it's far far far (far) too rushed in ever sense, from the story progression to the dialogue itself.
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Rick and Morty (2013– )
One of the most unintelligent shows ever to be released
10 June 2018
*After reading some of the other reviews* I've found a disturbing trend of the exact same sentences, paragraphs, and even entire reviews being repotsed under users with only 1 review. These are all stating "brilliant" and "best show ever", and are all 10/10 rated. It's obvious now why this show has such a high rating, it's fake!

This show is on par with South Park in terms of sheer stupidity. But, while South Park was able to ocassionally make poignant social commentary, any semblance of intelligence or skill is completely disolved. A temporary cultural phenomenon that, once jaded, is thrown to the floor and trampled as one of the worst, most inane shows ever made. I cannot wait for this day, when Rick and Morty is considered with the same lack of respect that South Park now receives.

Unfortunately, the majority of people apparently are complete idiots, and find this show wildly entertaining. This is the same culture that elected Trump president, and the same culture that is often made fun of by the rest of the world as the dumbest people alive. This show proves the point -- Americans think fart and burp jokes are the epitome of comedy.

Repeatedly incredibly sexist, including a world of "women only" that, you guessed it, portrays every tired stereotype from the 1950's that you've seen, and recoiled at dozens of times before.

The creator actually had to publicly address why his moronic, sexist, homophobic show has such an issue with its moronic, sexist, homophobic fan-base. I wonder why?!

You have to be partially brain-dead to enjoy programming like this.
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