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Regular Show: White Elephant Gift Exchange (2014)
Season 6, Episode 9
13 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This became a 9 when Muscle man opened the gift. One of the funniest episodes.
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Infinity Train: The Wasteland (2020)
Season 2, Episode 8
Another great episode.
11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
We see the two converse with one another as the detective displays how ridiculous MT's or Lake's plan is while she questions her existence as he provokes her with the hard questions she combats against his pessimistic mindset by reminding him that she was making her own choicesl. We see her defying her fate trying to rise above the other many miserable reflections who've accepted their tragic fates. She yearns for freedom and continues to pursue it. Undying determination. All of her struggles all in an attempt to acquire her own number, become her own person, form her own connections and to be free. The detective is depressed, angry and cowardly. Which is why he chooses to perpetuate an unethical system and drag down anyone who tries to rise above it and escape.

It's seems as of late this show has gotten a lot more smarter and darker.
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Infinity Train: The Mall Car (2020)
Season 2, Episode 7
11 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is easily the best episode so far. We see how Jesse rejects the group and doesn't bow down to them, he doesn't conform. Acknowledging and overcoming his biggest problem. The apex act like savages and are uncivilised not valuing anything that isn't human they become more like the monsters themselves. Their ideology is interesting as well with their bad experiences and potential psychological/emotional problems making their defiant behaviour understandable.

Yet Lake (our mc) knew something wasn't right from the jump. Which shows how good her intuition is despite the fact that she also shares the same defiant attitude they do but in a different way. She yearns for freedom while the apex look down on the outside and are supposedly trying to save people. Our mc is treated like nothing because she doesn't have a number. Less than. When Jesse chooses her over the apex she feels loved and valuable. Unfortunately for her the leader of the apex leads the police to her and because Jesse overcame his problem he was now allowed to leave the train. Leaving her alone and seemingly forever trapped. The sight of freedom and an important connection lay before her but now they're gone. All that remains are people who are trying to tear those things away from her. Taking everything that's important away from her and forcing her to live out and unfulfilling existence. Them and Alan Dracula a deer that carries interesting symbolism, brings some lighthearted comedic moments to the show and is also important for the characters.
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Primal: Slave of the Scorpion (2020)
Season 1, Episode 10
6 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
On one hand I love this episode but on the other I don't, let me explain. I think this show would've been better if it was just a standalone season but another one isn't so bad but then hopefully that's the last one because this type of story doesn't need that many episodes to tell it imo, it could end up deteriorating overtime if they milk it too much but you never know could end up being even better I just don't know how I feel about it right now. Nevertheless.

This episode tackled slavery, freedom, and religion. People are enslaving Mira's people and Spear and Fang are the ones to free her from her shackles after this she's seen glaring at the sun almost as if she's thanking God for answering her prayers. She's then later on seen praying to the moon. Then we see her communicate through drawings as Spear cannot understand what she's saying he then draws a moon and looks at it I think he's thinking about his family in that moment, they're still on his mind every single day.

I like how her character design contrasts Spear's she's more tall and skinny because she's not in the same type of locations as Spear usually and eats different food from him while he's recognizably smaller and more broad. I like how the fly just sees Spear walk by and doesn't mess with him and then starts tormenting Mira shows the difference in physical power she's not viewed as a threat, but her archery is impressive. I didn't like how Spear could just easily use it that seemed unrealistic.

Her shaven head is probably common among her people I suspect that their oppressors forced them to shave their heads and etched that symbol on the back of it so that they can be known as slaves and there isn't confusion between who is one and who isn't similar to how the Nazis made the Jews were armbands. So what I'm trying to say here is that the attention to detail in this episode is amazing.

The direction isn't as good in this episode compared to the other ones though (but the visuals definitely are great) that and Spear being able to use the bow and arrow are the only actual flaws in this episode imo nothing major though.

With the introduction of this character it gives our mc another connection in this bleak, violent, and cruel world which is what he needs since the loss of his family it's only been him and Fang. Human connection is important. But at the end that's taken away from him just like his family except this time he has a chance to save her.

We hear him speak for the first time at the very end "Mira" this sets up for the second season to be a rescue quest. And the liberation of the people who are currently enslaved.

Overall a light 9/10
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Hunter x Hunter: Evil × and × Terrible (2013)
Season 1, Episode 80
30 April 2020
(Keeping it short). Most underrated HxH ep imo Gyro's backstory was amazing one of the best I've seen very psychological, and messed up, hopefully we get to see him again (doubt it still a lot of stuff in the manga that has to get dealt with first). The visuals and narrating enhanced some of the scenes that are chillingly brilliant in there own right.
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BoJack Horseman (2014–2020)
2 February 2020
This was an amazing ride and one of the best experiences I've gone through, trust me this show is truly a masterpiece, I've been invested in this show for a few years but not from the very start I think, this will help you with depression if you suffer from it, or if you don't it will still teach you worth while life lessons and teach you stuff about your past. There could have been 1 more season as there was still more content, but it still ended perfectly. It has some of the best episodes I've ever seen in my life that are truly MASTERPIECES but you won't see that in season 1 continue to the end and 100% guarantee you won't be disappointed and will remember this show for the rest of your life with one of the best character arcs and most human characters even though some of them are animals this show deals with depression perfectly while still managing to have a light tone throughout the seasons (mostly) but sometime it gets really dark and that's what really makes this show great along with the attention to detail this show is a perfect show for multiple rewatches and you will discover at least 10 things in each episode that you most likely missed, just by watching it again that's how much effort these people put into this show simply, amazing.

I will remember this for the rest of my life already feel like rewatching it and I only finished it yesterday. Most underrated masterpiece I've ever encountered and if this got more recognition it would be known as the masterpiece of a show that it is worldwide.
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BoJack Horseman: The View from Halfway Down (2020)
Season 6, Episode 15
"The view from halfway down".
2 February 2020
No one in their right mind can be disappointed with this episode. The level of genius it took to create this is amazing with even the smallest details being meaningful. When I was watching this episode it was like there was a weight on my chest and I could barely breath it was haunting and ofc a harrowing experience for Bojack. The performances were amazing and so was the last scene there was NOTHING bad about this episode, truly a masterpiece.
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Worst episode of rick and morty
16 December 2019
The was literally no storyline they had to stop the wizard or something idk the story was just so uninteresting and boring and the jokes were so unfunny. So far this is easily the worst ep of all of rick and morty.
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10 November 2019
This is definitely the best episode of jojo part 4 so far and one of the best in the whole series the villain Kira is amazing his personality is great and so is his stand and that ending was amazing !
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Peaky Blinders: Black Tuesday (2019)
Season 5, Episode 1
Not peaky blinders
30 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This episode was incredibly boring, the acting was bad, so was the dialogue, there were so many unnecessary forced awkward camera angle shots for no other reason then to just try and impress the viewers wasn't impressive at all tbh just felt sorry for the people currently working on this since it was obvious they had no idea what they were doing and just trying to reach the hour mark by having pointless angle shots, and boring prolonged dialogue, it doesn't feel like peaky blinders AT ALL and I knew that 5 minutes into this episode the same way I did with GOT s8 you just know when somethings not right and when people said that there was a different director it finally made sense now I knew why this episode was so bad. Most of the actors except for a few are just bored now it seems they don't have the same compassion & drive as they did in the earlier seasons, and most of the time don't even try to act out some of the scenes to the best of their ability. They edited out some of Oswald's lines so that interaction makes no sense whatsoever. Characters kill someone in the most over the top way ridiculous way that it's embarrassing to watch and isn't realistic especially when you compare this to other seasons like this is an embarrassment how can fans be happy with this ? I assume the directors thought it looked impressive how he was killed and all their little stupid angles shots spending more time on them then the actual script, dialogue, and characters.

This is the worst episode of peaky blinders and don't think I'll watch another one I was actually hyped for this show being in my top ten shows of all time but this just ruined it

UPDATE: I dropped the series straight after this episode haven't watched another episode of this season it was that bad imo and I definitely don't think it can get better now or at least not to the same quality as the other season were on. It's so sad to see one of your favorite shows gets butchered like this guess the only thing I can do now is rewatch the good seasons and ignore this garbage one and the other ones to come
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Cowboy Bebop: Pierrot le Fou (1999)
Season 1, Episode 20
15 August 2019
This is definitely one of if not the most darkest episode of cowboy bebop but it's balanced out by Faye and Ed's humor at times. I'm not yet finished but this is definitely my favorite so far as is Ballad of fallen angels I can't decide the two are very different, this is more grim and like a horror, ballad of the angels has more action sequences that you would expect from an action movie and intriguing back story for the main character Spike and his nemesis Vicious. This two contrast each other yet are both still great just goes to show how versatile bebop truly is.

The direction is out of this world in this episode it's so intense, and theres truly a spectacular moment were they make you sympathize with the antagonist I won't go too much into that though just watch for yourself.

Overall both great episodes and the best of the series so far for me.
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14 August 2019
This is my first review ever and this movie is the worst or one of the worst movies I have ever seen and I'm not even joking or trying to be dramatic like seriously wtf is this garbage ? The acting is horrible, and the dialogue is just as bad if not worse, the action in this movie isn't anything you haven't seen in any other movie not really unique at all yet it's probably the best aspect about it but at times the action is literally disgraceful like it's so obvious at times when a character is trying fake punches and people are going flying it's funny but I don't think it was intentional ;) The stupid bickering between the two main characters was pointless, and bad, and the cheesy jokes were so annoying. The only time I laughed a little bit was when Kevin Hart was on the plane and that was it, after that I was nearly falling asleep for most of the movie. The story is so predictable a child could do a better job at making the movie and guns that go offline?! Lmao. Why not just use normal guns ? But no ofc the writers are lazy and have to try and figure out some stupid way to make it were the enemy doesn't kill them. This is what we call major plot convenience, and plot armor, this is not good. The clothing designs (or should I say design since they're all basically the same) for the characters is so dull you'd think because it's based in the future they'd try give them more style and have better designs to make it look unique, interesting, etc but again no everyone is just wearing a black top and jeans for the majority of the film, it's like how tf can you be making a film and be so lazy that you can't even make interesting designs everything else is already trash yet you can't do such a simple thing the only time it's different is in the tropical country that I can't even remember the name of it because the movie was so BORING and UNINTERESTING. To no surprise the acting in them tropical scenes were bad too. There is so many slow motion scenes in the end it makes me sick, and it's just lazy and overdone it's doesn't leave me in awe like the incompetent directors or whoever's in charge of slow motion thought it would it's just annoying like everything else in this movie. The action is terrible at times just like to story line with a villain you can't even see because they want to reveal him in a future movie just for the money like Disney with the remakes but not as bad. The only decent acting was from Idris Elba he done what he could with the bad dialogue the writers gave him the rest were laughable.

Please do not waste your money on this movie, the only reason I went to see this is because once upon a time in Hollywood was sold out and there was nothing else worth watching and I thought I'd give this a go. Looking back at it now I wish I hadn't, would've walked out of the theater if I wasn't with my family. Overall 1.5/10 so I rounded it up to a 2/10
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