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Sorry, But It Is Awful
17 December 2023
I just don't get why this series is rated so highly. Say whatever you want, call them die hard stans or bots or whatever. The point is, I just don't get it.

I'll start with this: I love the original She-Ra series. Yes it had a small budget and was rushed out but there was a magic to it. The designs were great, the animation, while limited, was still good and interesting to look at. You can tell who the characters are, the stories were actually pretty decent. Even the filler episodes were fun. But it went dark a couple of times, from the horrors of slavery to families being kidnapped and all-the show was only held back by a lack of cash and time, but they made up for it with some serious passion. A lot of that still holds up, even with the low animation budget.

This series... Exact opposite. More money to work with and time apparently... But there was NO talent involved-or worse, actual talent blind sighted by a crew more interested in insulting both the audience and the original creators. Not a good start. After watching this series, I can say without irony, I hate it. I can sum it up in one word: BORING.

Though if you want an in depth analysis of this show, I recommend the YouTube channel MJTanner. They sum it up perfectly as to how and why this show's story, characters, plots and arcs just don't work. Covering each and every episode.

If you like this show, more power to you. I just couldn't stand it. There was way too much focus on shipping characters, unhealthy-straight up DANGEROUS messages of relationships (No one should try to be like Catra and Adora in this show... Or anyone really), plots that go nowhere, stories that make no sense, the characters themselves were annoying and you can almost feel that it's a mean spirited vision that made this disaster.

Say whatever you want about the original series, at least it had passion, at least it had a vision, at least it had actors with voices that stand out, at least there was some kind of vision. At least. There. Was. EFFORT.

This show, pure garbage.
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Bluey: Exercise (2023)
Season 3, Episode 39
The Cut Version, It's just Ok. The Uncut Version, it's one of the Best Episodes of Bluey.
27 July 2023
This is one of my favourite episodes. It shows how much the parents care about both their kids and their health. Simply looking down at scales and saying "Oh man" is something many of us relate with. We all want to be healthier, we all want to get fitter. How did Bandit and Chilli do it? (Mostly Bandit in this case) They did workouts with Bluey and Bingo, in a way that they were playing games.

How is that offensive? That is both so very wholesome and inspiring.

This episode shows that parents care about their health, they want to do their best for their kids as long as possible. How is that offensive, let alone insulting? You know what, I'm just going to say it. Whoever complained about the "offensive" first minute, you are a problem to society. Why do I say that? Because that means you're upset that people want to get healthier, even healthy. That is an eye opener, not an insult or "fat shaming".

This episode inspired me to do better, particularly that first minute. Since I plan to become a father one day, you damn well bet the original version of this episode I will keep close to the chest.
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... Why Is This Movie Good?
26 February 2023
The first Angry Birds movie was just boring and annoying, despite having some good ideas and I will admit, that one joke that actually was really funny, Terrence this massive red bird and that's all I'll say, just YouTube clips of the guy and look up who voiced him. Otherwise, I couldn't stand it.

Angry Birds 2... Complete opposite. It was funny, it was cute, even endearing at times, despite the occasional toilet humour and even that had a few good punchlines. The voice acting was very good, the characters were likeable, the story was solid, the plot well placed... Why is this movie good? It came off the heels of a rather weak movie. It did not need so much effort put in to it, but I think these writers and directors wanted to have a career after this so they decided to beat Illumination at their own game-Entertaining because of artistic vision, not formulaic corporatism (Which by God I hope the Mario movie is not victim to that.)

I don't know what else to say other than give it a watch. You don't need to watch the first movie to understand what's going on (thank Christ) as they do a decent enough job of recapping the previous movie and enjoy the fun ride.
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The first two acts are solid but the third really brings it down.
28 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
So here, we have a Batman story based in the Victorian era and the major criminal is Jack the Ripper... That alone is an amazing premise!

Every actor and actress hits their mark wonderfully, the animation is good over all and the story is rather solid. So where does it falter? Sadly, the plot of the third act.

You see, everything is built up over the first and second third of the movie. Batman is making a name for himself, that story never fails. Gordon is helping look for Jack with Batman and they have an uneasy trust to begin with while Gordon also dearly loves his wife and they both hope for Jack to be caught, also works. Selina Kyle is a headlining show girl as well as Catwoman... It works a little too well in a way and I love it for that! Bruce Wayne is working on the mystery of who Jack the Ripper actually is and it's very Sherlock Holmes-which is apt because Batman is not only originally influenced by Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock series (along with Johnston McCulley's Zorro), but as I said it's also set in the Victorian era-it's a perfect set up!

So where does it fail? Sadly, as soon as Bruce Wayne escapes prison (yeah that happens for reasons that at least make sense to the movie). You see, for one, the entire detective arc and work is thrown out the window and Batman only discovers who Jack is by complete dumb luck. Who is Jack the Ripper? None other than Gordon himself! And his wife not only knows it, but she understands it after being brainwashed and scarred (which she hid).

Okay, MAYBE it could have worked but it seemed like it was so desperate for an unexpected twist that logic was thrown out the window entirely. You see, the way a good twist works is if there are some sort of clues to the truth of the matter and the BEST twists were the ones that showed you the clues right in your face and you STILL couldn't tell! Obviously "The Sixth Sense" is a great example of this, another one is "The Dark Knight Rises" and of course, "Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back".

Gordon being Jack the Ripper doesn't really add up when you consider the first two acts, there was no hint of him being the Ripper UNTIL the third act and even then it's so very thin and sloppy. I was considering it to be either a new character (which would have been fine) or Harvey Dent (which also could have worked in this series). Hell, even BULLOCK would have been a more logical choice if they made him buff and younger at least. Plus, James Gordon's reasons for being Jack the Ripper didn't seem that... amazing either. It's the very basic "This is wrong, so I must right it" deal.

Overall I'm glad I saw this, but I was very disappointed. It started off so strong and ended so weak. Here's hoping that there's a remake of this down the line one day, it deserves another chance.
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... What the hell happened!?
22 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I just don't know what to say. This Star Wars movie might actually be the worst of the lot. No this isn't "Empire Strikes Back of its time" syndrome, this is a genuinely awful movie... And it has some of the best talent assembled. I'm not kidding, this had a solid director along with a dream cast... What the hell happened!? I don't fully know if it was pushed by some stupid agenda (many quote Producer Kathleen Kennedy for that reason which sadly holds incredible weight), if it was the wrong director for the job or what but this movie is just BAD! I felt both wounded and insulted after watching this movie, the same way I felt wounded and insulted after Transformers 2; Revenge of the Fallen. After reading that, you must be wondering why I am saying all of this... Well, here we go.

First: The story. Oh it is so scattered. It does not have a focus of any real kind! Not to mention there are things here that just don't add up considering what was built up from the previous movie. Suddenly it starts with the Alliance (sorry, "the resistance". Still not used to that) escaping the First Order who has discovered them. This fleet is lead by General Hux, who last I checked was still escaping Star Killer base... Yeah, you see the first problem here. There's no consistency. Maybe if it was a different commander it would be smoother but that was rather dumb. Then Poe comes along and distracts Hux by "tooling with him" as the captain says and then enters problem no.2: Marvel movie style humour. Perhaps this sort of humour works for Guardians of the Galaxy and The Avengers but definitely not for Star Wars... And there's so much of it, it really is forced and takes you out of the magic. Star Wars did have humour with some hits and misses but even the misses still felt like it belonged. Moving on, Poe then destroys a dreadnought's guns allowing bomber ships to launch an attack and every single one of them must have been made from tin because they just fall apart after being shot six times by enemy fighters. (Why not use B-Wings!?) Anyway, one bomber manages to succeed in destroying this dreadnought by dropping its payload (there's gravity in space now) while sacrificing itself. The Resistance escapes, Poe gets demoted by an angry General Leia for a reason that makes no sense. Poe may have cost them a lot of bombers but he took out a super ship while doing it and she could have over ridden his orders at any time and-Oh lord there's the third problem which I'll get into when I talk about the characters. Meanwhile, Rey is on the planet which Luke has exiled himself to. Here I wondered what Luke was going to say after getting his father's lightsaber back, here I wondered if he was doing some sort of special training, or teaching a new Jedi academy underground or both. What happens? After he's given the lightsaber, he looks at it then tosses it over his shoulder, walks off and wants to be left alone... Later he talks about wanting to die so that the Jedi will no longer exist... Which defeats the purpose of the previous movie, as well as betray Luke's character. Rey must convince Luke to train her and the Resistance must now escape the First Order who is now able to track them with a hyper-drive tracking machine of some sort...

Okay, now let's get down to the next part, the plot: There isn't one. There's something like five different stories trying to come out here. There's Rey trying to convince Luke to train her, there's the Resistance trying to escape, there's Finn and Rose (new character) who are on a secret mission, there's Kylo Ren's progression and there's Poe struggling with their new commander. After throwing away the potential of a Jedi academy or Luke's secret training, we get only a couple of scenes of Luke training Rey after too many scenes of Luke being a grouch, drinking alien sea cows milk right after milking them and fishing with a 100 foot spear. Again... Not his true character. There's this whole anti-extreme capitalist message at this very boring casino where Finn and Rose are trying to find this hacker (which ends up being a red herring)... And I can't help but feel like there is some sort of good movie trying to get out but it's marred with so much stupidity. I'm sorry, there's no other word for it. What happens during the escape of the resistance, the bridge of the capital ship gets destroyed and Leia, along with other officers such as Admiral Ackbar (yeah, way to show respect there) get sucked out into space, but Leia survives because right out from no where she can use the force and fly back to the bridge and get through the door while surviving in space... Never explained how she learned to do that by the way. It would have been nice if there was a reference to Luke training her but NO we are just supposed to accept that she's superwoman. Then this new Admiral comes in, Vice Admiral Holtz. By far the worst character in Star Wars history. She doesn't tell anyone what the plan is and only to hope for the best as they flee from the fleet, which Poe gets rightfully angry about and after butting heads/getting constantly condescended by her, Poe leads a mutiny against Holtz and then tries to do something for the fleet only for Leia to come back, stun Poe and the plan then was to escape to the nearby planet on stealth ships that cannot be scanned on any radar this whole time... Why Holtz never told Poe anything is beyond me, especially considering that in real life, if something like that was happening, every member of the military including the privates and cadets would have been told that plan. But her reason was to teach Poe a lesson and she never gets called out for it. Meanwhile, Finn and Rose were on that casino planet looking for a hacker. They park on the beach instead of a place where it could have been better hidden (I don't know why) and as you expect, they get imprisoned. They find a hacker in their prison cell and they escape with him only to be later betrayed by him and that hacker, DJ I think he was called, also gives the First Order the ability to scan those stealth ships. The First Order opens fire and Holdo, who remained behind on the ship just watches in horror while nearly half the fleet is destroyed until she decides to do something which is enter hyperspace at the First Order fleet which leads to admittedly an awesome visual at the expense of Star Wars lore and rules.

During the time Luke and Rey are "training", Rey and Kylo are able to communicate with each other with some sort of telepathy. While we do learn the truth as to why Kylo went to the dark side: It's because Luke after sensing his struggle with the darkness considered to murder him. Our once lead hero, the man who against all odds managed to redeem his father who not only turned to the dark side but actually did commit many nearly successful genocides, thought about killing HIS NEPHEW based on visions which probably could have been avoided if he didn't activate his lightsaber (also you only see him wield his green saber twice, both in flashback which is dumb)-can you see where I'm going with this? Worst. Motivation. EVER! And again, not in Luke's character! After Rey learns that she goes off with Chewbacca (who I only now just mentioned because he barely gets any screen time at all) to confront Kylo, only to be captured, brought to Snoke, briefly tortured by him, then Kylo kills Snoke unexpectedly and Rey and Kylo fight off Snokes guard. Kylo then talks to Rey about how everything needs to die so new things can begin which... To be fair is an interesting idea but the execution was pathetic. Oh, also Rey's parents are nobodies now... Yeah, that was another red herring. So she's not Kenobi's granddaughter, which was HEAVILY hinted at in The Force Awakens, she's just this omnipotent being (Mary Sue) who can fight off Sith Warriors with very little training and there's no explanation. Anyway, after breaking Anakin's lightsaber after a force struggle, she escapes... and is back on the Falcon... Somehow. Kylo then takes the fight to the salt planet (not snow planet) and then there's a diet version of Empire Strikes Back battle scene. You see, they have to stop the first order from using a battering ram cannon (yes that's what it's called) and the First Order has walkers on the attack while the Resistance old speeders. Finn attempts to sacrifice himself to take out the cannon but Rose rams his speeder to save him... All the while dooming the resistance. Finn manages to get Rose all the way back to the base somehow and before the Resistance moves forward, Luke appears. He talks to Leia then goes to fight Kylo Ren on his own. When Luke confronts Kylo... With Anakin's blue saber which we all saw destroyed instead of his green one which he made (you know, which would have made sense), Luke sort of humiliates Kylo in combat, then when Luke gives a speech, Kylo tries to strike him down only to realize that he was a projection this whole time. Luke was still on that planet using the force. After this, we go back to real Luke who looks out to the twin suns of that planet... Then just disappears and dies for no reason. No amazing sacrifice, not old age after a hard life, just ran out of juice and just decided to go apparently... For a man who really wanted to die, he didn't try very hard. Anyway, what's left of the resistance escapes on the Millennium Falcon and Rey and Leia have a heart to heart talk. Then the movie cuts to a scene of these kids who were seen at the casino and talk about the legend of Luke Skywalker, then one goes outside to sweep and somehow uses the force to pull a broom to him...

Can you see how little, if ANYTHING here makes ANY sense whatsoever!? I can go on and on but IMDb has a limit. Let me just finish by saying just go watch How It Should Have Ended's episode of The Last Jedi and there you will get a much better Star Wars movie. There was no reason for this film to be so atrocious! Shame on you Lucasfilm and Disney!
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Just reboot it already
29 November 2017
Beyond stupid story (despite some great ideas behind it), dumb script, plot holes bigger than Kanye West's ego, wasted acting talent and nonsensical directing.

What did you expect? Whatever creativity Michael Bay seemed to have has been gone for years, perhaps even decades now.

Besides Peter Cullen and Frank Welker's performances, the only redeeming factor is that this movie was not that big of a hit at the box office (just over 600 million instead of the usual 1 billion plus). This means that people have finally smartened up and realized that Bay and his crew will NEVER make a decent, let alone good or great Transformers film. Even the first one isn't much of a bragging right.

Al I can say now is just Reboot it already. Give it to a director and writer(s) that has talent, skill and most importantly: THE CARE! The care to make a faithful adaptation. The only three true prerequisites are Optimus Prime being pure red and blue and not flame covered and still voiced by Peter Cullen and Frank Welker as Megatron.

The sky is the limit, the lore is surprisingly rich and full of detail. Someone like Joss Whedon is an obvious choice, as is James Cameron and Taika Waititi after showing his competent directing skills in Thor: Ragnarok is a strong contender.

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...How DARE they get such brilliant actors to work in this travesty!?
28 November 2017
I... I am beyond confused.

I am confused about how ANYONE in this production team thought that the animation was passable, let alone good enough to be shown on television. This is quite possibly the worst CGI I have ever seen and I have seen "Food Fight"-Hell it makes "Food Fight" look like "Inside Out" it is that atrocious!

I am confused about how anyone could think the script was good enough in general. At best: Completely generic. At worst: Very bland, even aggravating at times.

What confuses me the most... is how. HOW did they get some of the greatest actors in the business? Paige O'Hara, Jodi Benson, Grey DesLisle, Nancy Cartwright and the very underrated (and underused) Walter Jones to name a few, but the cherry on this cake: Mark Hamill... How DARE they get such brilliant actors to work in this travesty!?

The only thing I can think of is that all the budget went to getting these big name actors and they only had five cents left for everything else.

Just... Watch the reviews about this garbage. Save yourself the effort.
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Castlevania (2017–2021)
I expected an okay, fun ride. I got a masterpiece.
24 August 2017
I went in expecting a fun romp, perhaps with a nice homage or two. What did I get? Video Games answer to Game of Thrones.

I am not too heavily invested in the original Castlevania series. My first and really, only game that I played was "Symphony of the Night". Truly a work of art, a masterpiece but I didn't play the games prior and only saw the games after on YouTube walkthroughs. Though I learned a bit about the rather rich lore.

When I heard this was being made, I didn't know what to make of it. There are way too many bad movies and TV shows based on video games (which is sadly nearly all of them) and some of them had NO RIGHT to be bad. Max Payne, Prince of Persia and Assassin's Creed immediately come to mind in that regard. Even the Final Fantasy movie, Spirits Within was rather lackluster and it was directed by the series creator and visionary, Hironobu Sakaguchi (Though I think there were production issues and "too many chefs in the kitchen" during that time)! I had just given up on VG to screen adaptations.

Then after many friends told me to watch these few episodes, I was curious at most... but then it grabbed my attention when I heard that after the series premiered and got critical acclaim; a second season was confirmed and announced IMMEDIATELY after it was released. So I made time for it... and I am so sorry I didn't watch it earlier. It is nothing short of spectacular!

It opens up with a scene which was heavily inspired by Symphony of the Night (I won't dare spoil it) and it shows WHY Dracula is the world's enemy... and it's really friggin' heart breaking! Then we're introduced to Trevor Belmont in a way that is both epic and hilarious!

I think that's where I should stop because I don't want to spoil even the slightest detail. The characters are great, the voice acting is absolutely brilliant! Kudos to Armitage, Reynoso, McTavish, Frewer and ESPECIALLY Callis! I did not expect that voice to come from James Callis, so low and rich and he's surprisingly intimidating when he wants to be.

The score is great too, but it's Trevor Morris. I've come to expect good work from him. Seriously, I don't get why he hasn't composed a score for something like a Marvel movie yet he really knows how to work the scenes.

The writing is outstanding. Warren Ellis is a very solid writer, his work on the 2011 X-Men animated series is truly something to admire. The animation is BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely stunning! Anime inspired styles done by a Western is something I do have a soft spot for, even the ones which are a bit "standard" !but this is just gorgeous-and where, WHERE did they find Sam Deats!? What an incredible debut! Apparently, this is the first thing he has ever worked on as a director... That is hard to believe. This is definitely a love project, you could FEEL the respect that was being put into this!

It goes to show that when creative freedom is given to the right people, you really can make artistic magic with ANYTHING! Right here is proof that video game to screen adaptations can work. It took nearly two score and twain, but they finally did it!

Kudos to Sam Deats and the entire cast and crew for this masterpiece! Also, expect a few Annies to go to this series. I'm expecting Callis to get the award for voice performance as Alucard.
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Final Fantasy XIII (2009 Video Game)
Words cannot describe my hatred for this game, yet the fixes are amazingly (almost insultingly) easy.
7 August 2017
I just do not get it. HOW did this game get made? Sure I heard the stories (they had to upgrade and invent game engines... Even though they could have used UNREAL 3 easily) and the excuses for it are near insulting! Just read what Yoshinori Kitase and Motomu Toriyama said. Look, I get that's hard to tell a compelling story with good characters, plot and in the case of a video game, fun and compelling gameplay. But it's NOT HARD to tell if the story is bad or not! Okay, first thing is first: The writing... WOW this writing makes "The Room" look like "Inception"! The characters rarely talk about their motivations... or themselves really, it's all over the top emotion and constantly repeating themselves and even going as far to pretty much say that the next part of the game is just to grind and level up... And then we have to read in game data logs as to why thing are happening... Tell me that doesn't sound insultingly stupid.

The story and plot, though I'll give a bit of detail, I can sum up in one word: Pathetic! Constantly crashing in on itself, there are practically no rules in this world, the Fal'ie, L'cie focus thing is never consistent, it's just an over all mess. One great example is the "Checkov's Gun" rule. Introduce a gun in the first act, it needs to be used in the second or third act. In this case: Lightning, the lead character uses an item called a "gravcon". It makes her jump through the air at high speeds, survive long falls... and it breaks in the first hour of the game and it's never used again (and it wasn't even mentioned)... WHY would you NOT put that into the story!?

The characters: I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!! Lightning is supposed to be based on the idea of a female version of Cloud Strife (lead character from the masterpiece Final Fantasy VII) and I don't know what happened here but she was just so unlikable! Temperamental to the point of physically abusive, genocidal tendencies and whenever she does do something good, it almost seems like it's out of spite... I just don't get it at all. Sazh is okay I guess but even then, there's nothing really special about him. Hope is annoying, Snow is stupid, Vanille is also annoying and Fang is just BLAND! The side characters are bland, nonsensical and overall forgettable and the villain is one of the worst villains I have ever seen in a game, his plan is so stupid that it's so hard to comprehend how someone wrote it.

The gameplay... Boring. No, there's nothing else to say, it's boring.

I just don't get how people like this game, even reviews from the big critics like Game Informer were more scathing the game more than praising it... yet they STILL gave it a "Gold Rating" while later on, giving a Silver rating on the much better made Final Fantasy XV and it was heavily praised every which way and its flaws were minor... I just don't understand it.

The ONLY thing this game has going for it is the graphics. Good GOD this game is gorgeous! So much work went into every bit of detail and it does shine... Which actually makes me more angry when I think about it.

I suppose I can say the English voice acting is great too. Jack Fletcher is one of the best voice directors in the business and the cast is stellar... But it's wasted on idiotic dialogue and it breaks me heart.

Yet the worst part of it all is this: All it needs is three or four tweaks and it EASILY could have been in the top 5 Final Fantasy games. That's it...

Despite the characters pathetic dialogue, they all have brilliant backstories. Just take out some of the datalogue stuff and put it in the actual dialogue and go from there, it does write itself. The gameplay, just follow Either Kingdom Hearts example or tweak Final Fantasy XII's gameplay. There, done. Keep Lightning's Gravcon thing unbroken and give the others a Gravcon and there, now you know how they can be so strong. The story does need a bit of an overall re-write but even then it's relatively flexible.

But that's just it. Final Fantasy XIII is just AWFUL! I recommend it to nobody unless you're studying graphics.
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Creation (I) (2009)
Little to do with Darwin's actual theory, more to do with Darwin's personal life (and the latter is surprisingly strong)
20 July 2017
I... Really don't know how I should feel about this movie. If you wanted a film about Darwin's work; this film fails miserably and falls hard. VERY LITTLE about Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection (ten minutes all up from memory... if that).

That said, when it comes to his relationships to his friends, peers and especially family (one of his daughters and wife specifically); the film is not just successful, it is just TRIUMPHANT! I actually forgot that the movie was supposed to show Darwin questioning nature, the bible, etc. It is just a brilliant drama about a husband and father...

But for a film that's meant to be about Darwin's societal changing theories which lead to more scientific methods and acceptance to other beliefs about how life works... nope. The movie focuses WAY too much on personal relationships.

Yet, I was so invested with Darwin's family story that when a few scenes happened (I won't spoil anything here), I cried-no, BAWLED my eyes out! It was just so heart wrenching!

This brings me to another surprisingly strong point in this movie: The acting! The performances from the entire cast is nothing short of magnificent. If this was an original film with all ties to Darwin dropped: I guarantee you that Paul Bettany would have won best lead actor at all of the major award ceremonies, he was just that compelling. I believe the same thing would have happened with Jennifer Connelly too. I could really feel her hardships. Of course Benedict Cumberbatch was good (it's Cumberbatch for God sake, what did you expect?). Teresa Churcher, Jim Carter, Bill Paterson-Large part, small part, everyone was in top form. But the one who really stood out was Martha West... WOW did she steal the show! She was so free spirited, charmingly eccentric and when the role called for it, physically feeble to the point where you wanted to call the Make-A-Wish foundation. Why she is not in more films is both a mystery and an insult to me. What a terrific talent!

So to sum it up: It has little to do with Darwin's science and a lot about Darwin's personal relationships... and the latter is surprisingly terrific!

If you want a film to do with Darwin's theories; there are other films that did it so much better. For those who want the slice of life tale about a man and his family; this is in my top 5... Maybe even my top 3.
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My favorite Star Wars movie
29 May 2017
Even though The Empire Strikes Back was the better constructed film, THIS is the one I love the most. Why? Well, let's just get the nitpicks out of the way.

Ewoks. They are cute... and somehow serve a purpose, but my GOD how I wish they were Wookies or something. That said, I didn't find them INSULTING and though it lacked a bit of maturity, there is still a strong message of science vs nature, wood trampling steel.

Bike chase. Though pointless, still really cool and maybe that's the best word to describe this movie, "cool." I would have liked it so the last words were Luke saying "May the force be with you." in the final scene but I think that's an idea that came too late (though I wouldn't mind Hamill or a Hamill sound alike adding in that last line).

And... Actually, that's it in terms of nitpicks.

It might not be as strong as a film overall compared to Empire, but it has the most powerful moments. Leia and Han reuniting and professing their love (in a very unique way I might add), the whole Jabba scene somehow never overstayed its welcome despite being too long, it was still well paced, designed and acted... And of course, Leia's slave outfit, enough said.

Luke finally understanding his family was a real thought provoker and believing that his father might still have good in him is beyond inspiring. Then there were the show stealing supporting characters, like Jabba the Hutt, Mon Mothma, Wedge Antilles, pretty much all of the Imperial Officers and of course, Admiral Ackbar! The face that launched 1,000 memes. The late Erik Baursfeld gave a magnificent performance as this galactic fish, you somehow felt he had a history, that he knew what he was doing and that nothing would shake him (except for one moment which ANYONE can understand) and his rich, gravelly voice was just perfect for him! Then, there was the Emperor... Oh GOD! He looked like something out of a horror movie! That deep, crackling voice and his presence is just HELLISH! Yes there were times when he was a bit "goofy" but it worked in a way that just makes you uncomfortable. just when he first meets Luke and says "You no longer need those"-it is just UNSETTLING! Ian McDiarmid played the role perfectly.

On that note, Return of the Jedi perhaps has the best acting in all of the Star Wars films. THIS is the one where Hamill deserved an Oscar nod at the very least, just the final moments alone where we explored Luke's rage, then his conviction, it's just a marvel to watch. James Earl Jones' voice performance made Vader very three dimensional here, this is the movie where we started to understand Vader more and perhaps even feel sorry for him as well as completely fear him, it leaves you vexed in the right way. Frank Oz as Yoda... What more do I need to say? he was splendid, thought provoking and heart breaking.

Ford and Fisher were splendid as always. Williams especially showed more depth as Lando Calrissian in this film, showing his sense of honor and faith in his friends despite going through the worst of it.

Which brings me to the last part: The action. All the fighting that happened with Jabba was practically perfect, though I do wish Luke used the force more often in the rancor fight but that's more than made up with one big thing: The battle of Endor! It is easily still the greatest battle in all of Star Wars and perhaps in the running for the best in all of Sci Fi. The space battle was constantly thrilling, you felt like you were there. The battle on the ground was equally as exhilarating, even scary at times (even with the Ewoks) and easily the best looking saber fight in the original trilogy. Though the drama lasted longer in Empire, this is the where it looks like they are trying to strike each other rather than simply tap swords. The other reason why this action is so amazing, besides the amazing visuals and choreography is that the emotions all match perfectly! You can feel Lando's frustration during the battle, you can feel Han's desperation mixing with his confidence in his abilities, you can see Leia's courage and pain, then of course... Luke's inner struggle. Even the side characters and extras, all of it is on par with the leads! That's what makes Return of the Jedi so great: The problems aren't that big of an issue because everything else is so good, even perfect in some spots. The ending is very fitting, especially the 1997 edition extension (not the DVD version, that was an insult to Sebastian Shaw).

Obviously this gets 10 stars from me. It is my favorite Star Wars movie for a good reason.
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It's not just lies, it is SLANDER!
21 March 2017
How I cannot stand this series. Perhaps there is an issue when it comes to sexism in video games, but I have yet to see it. Whenever I talk to men, women, boys and girls who play games: They really don't care about what a character wears, even the sexualized characters like Ivy Valentine, R. Mika and especially Cammy White. In fact, they LOVE playing as those characters and in some cases, to cosplay as them because they find that sort of thing empowering. Not to mention they are really good characters in general when it comes to personalities and back stories. That is why gamers usually love them.

So I was interested when it came to hearing about tropes in video games involving women. Maybe there was something I could learn. When I saw the first episode; I was STUNNED at how not only one sided it was but also at how horribly misrepresented the material was. It seems that Anita Sarkeesian does not care about the truth at all. If she did, well she would not have said that the video game Hit-Man Absolution wants the player to harm female strippers (yet ironically it shows the score board penalizing the player for doing said action IN HER OWN VIDEO).

Her "Strategic Butt Covering" is probably the worst episode out of this whole schlock. She somehow believes and tries to convince people that video game companies are trying to cover up all male backsides and overly expose female backsides... Obviously she hasn't played Metal Gear Solid 2.

I can go on and on about how stupid, even harmful this series is. It is not just lies, it is SLANDER! It is so easy to debunk her statements, it is actually rather sad. Science is also against her. She talked about how video games are making people sexist and violent without giving any evidence. When I researched evidence of this happening, there were studies from all the way up as far as Oxford University showing how the opposite is happening. According to a variety of reports and studies: It's making men (and women for that matter) less violent, less sexist and somehow more empathetic overall. Now there is an understandable argument of people playing video games constantly and being addicted but that's a whole other topic and it's rather small biscuits compared to other addictions.

This brings me to my metaphorical question: When the grass is naturally, OBVIOUSLY and even went as far to be scientifically proved to be green, why should I listen to someone who tells me the grass red with the only evidence is "because I said so"? Don't look for red when there's only green and don't delude yourself or try delude others unless you have something to actually show.

Obviously this is a one star from me. Avoid it at all costs! As far as I can see: Anita Sarkeesian is a complete fraud, maybe even a criminal. Don't believe me? Do your research. I actually recommend watching other critics debunk her videos if you want to watch her stuff in any shape or form, considering that is the only way to debate with her anyway.
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