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Great. It too short
25 December 2023
Turns out this is well made, well filmed. Great show. So what is it with these paltry little 8 episode seasons we keep getting nowadays. ??

Epic fail by the makers.

Apparently based on a True story (no, I hadn't heard about this either !). Ina h episode was good. An underlying story running along through the series but just not enough details and episodes so what could have been a sprawling epic was left as too short, too time lapsed over periods of time and therefor just slightly unsatisfying. Hope it that this is successful so they some item can be made with better continuity and detail. (Oh and more than 8 episodes please!!!)
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Star Trek: Picard (2020–2023)
Slow-burner but what a nostalgia-fest
12 May 2023
As all of the Picard series, less action and more thought! This is a slow-burner and as usual less action than other typical Trek series !!

But as a person who has avidly followed Star Trek since the mid 70s i can say this is a nostalgia-fest and brings in so many elements and people from the other series.

Growing to be more and more of a fan of this season (on Ep. 7 currently!) Love it.

If you are a fan of this evolving decades long story/series then you should also love this.

I have just finished this and without spoilers i will now edit/add that this made me so happy with past stars/characters being involved.

What a fantastic end - after 50 years following these shows... wow!!!

(Watch the after "end-credit" scene!!! Don't miss that!!)
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1923 (2022–2023)
Very very good
30 March 2023
After Yellowstone this was a different but yet similar feel..... I genuinely enjoyed this and although I would need to see ore something makes me feel that maybe it could be better (a tougher challenge after Yellowstone!) BUT. BUT. BUT.... It finally seems to get going with the side stories merging.... And then it ends - obviously this is set up for a second season - BUT - if this doesn't happen then you have just wasted your time as the story isn't even at a conclusion by the end of this first season.

And there is currently no announcement or schedule for a second season .... This makes me so mad!

It's like going to a great restaurant and only being served the side sissies with no main course!!! What The Heck....

Come on producers.... Pull your fingers out!!!!
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I Am Groot (2022– )
Frustrating as a parent.....
14 November 2022
As we would expect nowadays, a well presented and thought out mini-series if 5 cartoons in this, season 1.

As a parent, this show was super frustrating as they are only a few minutes long, which is ok normally but it feels like an eternity as a parent when the little one starts complaining due to the intro and end credits in EVERY few minute short!!!!

Seriously!? Entertainment for about 50% of the run-time. Frustration level turned up to the max!

What they should have done is have the info/credits on the beginning of episode one and the end of the 5th episode..... Or! .... Now bear with me on this radical idea...! Had the episodes all on one film, and to be just 15 mins of viewing in one block. !!!

Each episode is a "blink and miss it" experience but the credits seem to go on f-o-r-e-v-e-r !

Won't be watching this again, more fluff than features !!!
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The Book of Boba Fett (2021–2022)
Sadly lacking
4 November 2022
By the time I got to episode 3 and watched the chase scene I realised that the production value was good, the story was good but many of the actors are just lame. This is one of the weaker star wars series so far.

Great premise but sadly lacking in quality actors.

The chase scene was particularly bad with speed, reaction times facial expression and body language just awful.... and the blend of so called speed with people walking in the streets was unnatural, unrealistic and lame.

I wanted to like this and willed it to be more entertaining but so far, no, good for children and not for real Star Wars fans.
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Shantaram (2022– )
So so so much better than expected
23 October 2022
(UPDATE. I thought this was brilliant. Just found out today that the absolute thick, moronic numbskull muppets at Apple have cancelled the second season stupid stupid of Apple!)

(2nd update: I still cannot believe that this has not been reinstated due to complaints and uproar from the audience!!! The reviews are generally great and the story was left hanging)

(Update 2 ½: Apple+ you are complete morons. I am losing faith in you entirely!!!)

Review: I started watching this (and have now seen all of the first 4 currently available episodes) at the recommendation of a friend who partly read some of the book many years ago. In fact I have now got the book to read once I have finished this tv show.

The story is based on factual events, and the acting and cinematography is very very good. It starts well and eases you in to the story, you FEEL the angst and the conflict of the main character, The filming and style makes you feel as if you are there as a fly on the wall watching this journey.

I am genuinely surprised how good this is and how it makes me feel while watching it.... I felt the raw anger or frustration, I felt touched by the lives of the people the main character Lin interacted with.

I am a big fan if Charlie Hunnam since the days of Sons of Anarchy, but wasn't sure how he would pull of this new character and accent. He does well.

I can't wait for each episode and will read the book once I have finished this show as my experience is that regardless of how good a film or TV show is, the books are usually better.

I recommend anyone to watch this show, you will know within 2 episodes if you like it or not.
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Severance (2022– )
I guess just not for me....
18 September 2022
Such high ratings, watched a few of these and gave up.

It MUST be good because other reviews rave over it - it was very slow and ponderously thoughtful, albeit in a deadpan way.

The concept sounded brilliant and maybe, just maybe, after a lot of musings and episodes it turns into something great, but I was struggling to actually continue which surprised me!

What were other people seeing in this show that I wasn't. My only conclusion is that many people like watching moss grow on rocks too....

You may love it, if ever there was a series that can only be reviewed by watching a couple of episodes the THIS is it.... You will either be sucked in or turned off.
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The Bear (2022– )
FX have dropped the ball if they don't renew this!
2 July 2022
I have no idea why IMDB lists this as a comedy. It is a hard-hitting drama and the cast, story and acting are absolutely excellent. It was down and dirty, real and gritty and by the time I had got through the relatively short first season of 8 episodes I had bonded with characters and the wild ride the show portrayed. This is drama WORTH reporting on..... it now has the potential to really kick off....

And yet..!?!?!?

No second season?

WTH! Come on FX, pull your stupid pen-pushing finger out of your backside - announce the 2nd season!
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The Blacklist: The Bear Mask (2022)
Season 9, Episode 19
Skip this episode altogether. Rubbish
15 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Writing this while I am watching it and genuinely contemplating turning it off.

This is not a Blacklist Eposode - it is a "filler" only and is a east of viewing time.

This premise has been done-to-death by so many shows and so many variations of the theme Drugs, hallucinations and a Groundhog Day of self doubt, paranoia, and drug induced "what if" Even though I haven't finished it, I am assuming this will be about Aram's insec, lack of confidence and second guessing if he is really up for his job position ..... YAWN!
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Uncharted (2022)
21 February 2022
I don't understand the poorer reviews

I think gameplayers will get a few goosebumps over this as some of the points in it were spot on, even some of the back-story.

But action adventure fans should love this too! Even if they haven't played the games!

I went in to the cinema with an open mind and deliberate fist watch any trailers.... I was aware of the very mixed reviews though which worries me a bit - but NOPE! It was WAY BETTER than I even hoped for!

The filming and effects were spot in (ok a little "over-the-top" but very faithful to the games!) Made me laugh and jump a few times.

LOVED IT I will get a digital version when I can and I will watch this again!

Great action movie.

I am praying that there will be a sequel which they have geared up for at the end.....

One of the best movies I have seen in a long while (of this genre!)
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Star Trek: Discovery (2017–2024)
Started strong but I feel it has got weaker.
16 January 2022
Season 4 seems more politically correct, and although it has more and better effects (many seem so false it detracts from the show), it seems somehow more lame! I am really hating the need for every caption to have the go-to buzz word, some in the past were classic but Burnhams "Lets fly" is LAME In my opinion despite being really hard-hitting in the earlier seasons, season 4 seems really dumbed down.
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Finch (2021)
Amazing that just Tom Hanks makes a film!
10 November 2021
In days of special effects full of bangs and flashes and high speed action this was a refreshing, slow (but NOT painful) and thoughtful movie with a decent albeit poignant ending.

Sure this whole film is special effects - aged buildings and landmarks, and of course the robots..... but it just feels "non-effects" if you get my meaning!

This film makes you think, and contemplate what is "life" - what is it to be human? Is it skin and bone? Or is it thought and intent and behaviour?

Funny moments but tugs at the heart-strings none-the-less! - Just like the movie "A dogs purpose" did (for those of you that like dogs and dog films - watch that film too!) Very good family safe movie.
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Dune (2021)
Faithful to the story but still misses the target
18 October 2021
Just watched Dune, I had been looking forward to this for soooo long!

My vote- 4/10 if you haven't read the books and don't know the story.

7/10 if you DO know the story.

Review: I have read the books so many times, dozens of times.... I know them so well. Unlike the 1984 film version this is pretty faithful to the books (with some small deviations) but many of the scenes and film story will only make sense to those that have read the books and know what is going on.

If you don't know the story/books then many scenes will leave you scratching your heads. The Harkonnens and the Baron were not represented well enough to portray their evil/ruthlessness. The big battle scene was confusing, the Voice and the reason for using/not using shields and laz blasters was not made very clear (worms yes, atomics and shield feedback no!) Liet Keynes' ending was not as the books, and Pauls prescience was not very well explained.

That said, much more faithful to the books then the previous travesty, but too slow and probably a confusing mess to the non-reader. So much detail and nuance was lost despite its 2 ½ hour run-time and it was JUST finally getting better when it ended.

This is only part 1, it had great potential but sadly missed the target in this initial release (I HOPE there is a much longer Directors Cut released with extra back-story and detail) Mostly I now hope they actually release part 2 and it does not get cancelled due to this slow, confusing (relatively faithful) initial film.
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Goliath (2016–2021)
Started great and then slid down the slippery slope
9 October 2021
Season 1 - Wow! I was hooked. Great acting and great drama and suspense. Great courtroom stuff.... Couldn't wait for more. 9/10

Season 2 - still Good but not as much.... Interesting and investigative but no real courtroom drama .... 6/10

Season 3 - WTF..... what is this trippy-sh!t. ? Absolute cr@p. Not really legal, or investigative. More like wasted/drunk/high. 3/10

Season 4 - not sure if I will watch this one now, struggling to finish season 3 👎
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The worst film of the entire franchise
29 July 2021
I know that ALL of these films are of the action-packed "disengage brain" variety and that you need to suspend belief and just enjoy the unrealistic orgy of actions & stunts.... But this movie abuses its right to do so!

So many obvious goofs and errors make even this utter rubbish , well..., more rubbish!

Blatantly obvious car chases and lorries going around corners that have been so speeded up so they just end up looking comical, not cool.

Heads going through overhead road-signs that have had no attempt to cover the back of them and you can see they are suspended ply board, wood and paper. Terrible slow-mo and special effects that are so OTT they look lov-budget-false even mid scene.

I could go on, but I won't.

I usually enjoy this brain dead action franchise but this was so bad it was insulting.

We sat watching it and were more amused by pulling it apart while we watched than what the actual film was saying.

I have no idea how much they spent making this (the effects and destruction must have cost a fortune) but I cannot imagine it earning enough to cover the cast lunch bills.

They all look so old and worn out. The gags are recycled and this really was the one in the franchise that should never have been made.

Sad, washed up, insultingly bad.
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Loki (2021–2023)
Disappointing Band-wagon jumping sci-fi show
15 July 2021
As a marvel show, LOKI with Tom H it is a let down.

To be honest I tend to think of this as a sci-fi time travel/branching path adventure.

You could literally rename this show "Time Travel Trapped Guy" and remove all mention of Thor, Asguard and Loki and just rename the characters and that is exactly what it would be..... the ONLY thing Marvel-like in this is the name of the show and some of the characters.... it's just a sci-fi series milking the name/association of the Marvel universe. (Which is a blatant con!)
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Clarkson's Farm (2021– )
Loved it. (So did my wife)
3 July 2021
Educational, funny, sad, enlightening, inspirational, great characters, great filming, numerous, meaningful....... nothing like this on TV at all. Not even close!

And so, so sad that it was only 8 episodes.

Please do another year of this show!
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Nobody (I) (2021)
An underdog film with the potential for a John Wick franchise
5 June 2021
This has the makings of becoming a cult movie like John Wick Fantastic and left open for a sequel...

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The Rookie: True Crime (2021)
Season 3, Episode 7
The worst episode so far in 3 seasons
26 May 2021
This is a great show.

This was not a great episode.

I think they were trying for funny and different.


You can all skip this episode entirely and it will make no difference for your enjoyment of the show/seasons!

None Zip Nada.
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Snowfall (2017–2023)
7 May 2021
I'm late coming to this show. 4 seasons are already out and I am binge watching them now. Currently half way throughseason 3 already in about 1 week.

Great acting, damn the guy who plays Franklin is good. They are all good.

One curiosity though - I have listened and re-listened - why does the TV show announcer say "now from FX - SnowBALL". ? BALL???
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New Amsterdam (2018–2023)
Going downhill fast
5 May 2021
Was great. Now it seems every episode is liberal left writing trying to apologise or proclaim the tv show is politically correct.

STOP with the politically correct posturing in episode after episode plots - you know why?

Life isn't fair, life sucks and a tv show is not going to change the world. Get on with the medical scripts and stop pushing those agendas at us.

I know about the racism, the native Americans the gay, bi, trans etc etc etc Please, all these terrible things are not entertaining and should not be part of this show. (News and campaigning, Yes, but not this medical drama!!)

I'll give it another episode or two but so far season 3, from about midway, has killed this show for me.... A good 7+ show is currently riding at about 3.
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Raised by Wolves (2020–2022)
Started great. I thought this would be awesome! NOT
11 October 2020
Fantastic and surreal and hauntingly new and ingenious. Slow in places. Great in others. It ebbs and flows and was the sci-if equivalent of tantric sex: a long low build with promise of a climax.... but nope! After about episode 6 it started to fall apart. I, and many others like me (according to reviews) must be stupid - because I felt it was going somewhere and then just lost the plot?!?!? Maybe I am stupid but it seems like of these 10 episodes the first 5 were a well structured new premise and the next 4 were from a different writer with a different agenda and the final episode was everybody having the end of filming "wrap-party" realising they had no idea what was going on and getting high and finishing the episode 10. I leave you with my parting comment... WTF ?!?!?
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Mayans M.C. (2018–2023)
Good show
29 May 2020
It's not even close to Sons of Anarchy, and the characters are not as developed or interesting, they are simply not presented to you as was done so well in Sons. The first season I was praying it would be another SOA but it's not. It's a pale version of Sons. BUT it is good. The 2nd season is MUCH better and it is worth sticking with it. I hope there is a 3rd season and we learn to love/hate some of the characters. Still a worthy addition to my collection and I hope it continues to improve. Remember, NOT as good as Sons Of Anarchy but still a good show. Other reviews about the acting and ups and downs are spot on. This show is good but flawed and cannot come close to the polished production of SOA. That said, I hope it continues.
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Very good, very bad!
3 May 2020
This show, or the version I saw, was all in Mandarin with the subtitles in English. Not a problem. I watch a lot of shows like that. I can't help feeling that major parts of this were filmed in English audio but it was actually dubbed over into Mandarin, the dialogue in places is poor. The audio and dubbing is very iffy in places. That said I am about half way through the 50 episodes so far and have genuinely enjoyed it as a fresh and fuller story of the development and rise of Brice Lee or B-luce Lee as they constantly say in this version! Some of the filming and action is great, some of the fighting and lessons are brilliant but conversely some is just awful and it is clear that pulled punches and kicks that miss completely are then knocking down the opponents ! C'est la vie! Is is what it is and on the whole very enjoyable. My main hate and I mean that! I detest the overly loud endlessly repeated song "Bruce Lee Bruce Lee Bruce lee"! So over the top I have to force myself to push on and not just skip those entire sections. Seriously over the top volume and over-kill on usage! Oh! And the scenes where Bruce is in jail in the US and the African America Police ladies are analysing his "situation" - oh My God !!! It is the worst acting in my living memory in a show I have actually watched! USA police are not like that, don't dress like that and don't have "offices" like that. In fact the only crime there was the hideous acting and staging!! So bad it was funny! Overall though I am loving this story of Li Xiaolong (Bruce Lee) and I have been binge watching! This show is a love-hate relationship for me but I am a Bruce Lee fan and love the back story. If you are too, and haven't seen them, watch Ip Man 1 (and maybe 2) which is a semi-historical film touching on to this series where Bruce Lee started learning Wing Chun under Ip Man'a academy in Hong Kong.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Fantastic - I am shocked how good this is
28 April 2020
Fantastic - I am shocked how good this is. WARNING - very violent and at times very graphic. However the violence is not gratuitous or unnecessary, but it shows brilliantly the dark worlds behind the empires being built. I am just disappointed there were only 9 episodes. This has to be one of my best ever crime:underworld shows.
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