
35 Reviews
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It stars Nicolas Cage
10 October 2022
Nicolas Cage was in debt. He needed a lot of money to get out from debt. He made a bunch of movies that were quickly made and paid him well enough and got him out of debt. This Is One Of Those Movies. (all caps)

Nicolas Cage is a man of few words in a movie that pits man against machine and the winner gets to spin wheels in a hot rod.

If you are a fan of Mr. Cage, then you will probably like it. If you like weird horror or thriller, then you will probably like it. If you like Marcel Marceau and mime theater and acting, then you will probably like it. If you don't like any of those things, then you probably won't like. Enough said.
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Transhood (2020)
After five years so much was missing
30 August 2022
This is not an in-depth documentary examination of what it is to be trans, but it is a good start. If you are ill-informed about transgenderism, this is a good starting point to learn more. Being filmed in Kansas City and the conservative Bible-Belt was gave some edginess to it, but not that much as I was expecting. I would have liked to have heard more of the struggles and maybe from families not so accepting of their child's gender decisions than just parents who were very accommodating. Being trans is nothing easy.and that part was missing from here for the most part, but a good watch none the less.
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Slow, but worthy
16 March 2022
Two broken lives come together to heal, grow and learn from each other what life has to offer. Low budget, family-production is slow to get started but once it does the story relies upon dialogue to carry it forward and the interaction of the lead with the young runaway. Nice movie about love and trust healing two people. Worth a watch if you are not looking for explosions and lots of action in a movie.
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Don't Forget I Love You (2021 TV Movie)
Hallmark hits it
29 January 2022
A review for a Hallmark Rom-Com movie can be hard to do. So here goes. First, it is an Hallmark movie. Enough said. Second, the story seemed believable, even if it has been done before. Third, the actors played well together and had chemistry. Four, it was just a pleasant watch, like a soak in the tub with fragrance.
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Kreuz des Südens (2015 TV Movie)
Good investigation movie
21 January 2022
Sometimes, sleeping dogs just need to be left alone. Wake them and they will bite you. The lead protagonist knows this and is trained to do it anyway. Good story, acting and pacing to the story. The ending, like they so often do, is surprise. Reading subtitles slowed me down but was well worth the time.
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i spit on your dead body
8 January 2022
When you have losers doing things they shouldn't be doing, they lose. Two girls learn baseball bat tricks and what tennis balls are good for besides hitting with a racket at a sports camp for sadists. Or maybe it was the guys that learned those things. Anyway, watchable revenge movie that is over quick enough.
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Extinction (2018)
Who's the enemy
18 August 2021
Good film to while away the evening with and leaves you it all just a simulation after all. I think a comic strip called Pogo (not sure) that says it all about this film: "We have met the enemy and it is us."
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A Love to Remember (2021 TV Movie)
Believability compromised prouction values
1 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Sorry if this review is short and spoilers added, but the sitting bench at the hospital says it all about the production quality herein. The bench is off the walkway, in the dirt, with plants in front of it. No architect or designer in their life would put a bench just anywhere. A one time viewing is all its worth..
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Slate (2020)
Fun watch, but....
24 June 2021
With a soundtrack reminiscent of Ennio Morricone of spaghetti western fame and the stylish Dada-esque set designs similar to Banraku, at times, and samurai action sequences, what more do you need? This is not a Akira Kurosawa quality samurai movie for one. It is a part fantasy, part parody, and part drama movie that needed more parody to be really good. The ction scenes were good enough and the story made sense overall. Acting was also good, considering this is a sword play film. Worth a watch if you don't want seriousness to your movie.
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The Box (V) (2021)
Watch the movie, stay for the credits
29 May 2021
Wonderful story about struggle; the future for one and a failed past as two protagonists go on a journey of discovery and themselves. Top notch acting, pacing, direction, and an overall sense of feel goodness, wrapped in a confection of music. Ah, the music. Watch the movie, stay for the credits, and feel the music. Rock on!
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What was this about again? Oh yeah, sex.
25 May 2021
I don't know if this is a spoiler or not. The movie goes like this. Some pretense about 400 years ago and then the modern era. Some dialog and then sex. Some more dialog, then some about the sub-plot and more sex. Some dialog about the sub sub-plot and more sex. More dialog about the sub-plot, then more sex. Back to the original plot story and more sex. I may have missed a dialog or sex scene, but that is about it.

The acting is passable, the music is soft and relaxing and the sex is tame and lacking. Oh what could have been if someone who wrote the screenplay had a brain. The budget could have stayed the same and still had a more enjoyable movie.
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Strippers for Satan. Oh really.
2 May 2021
I think the lead for the all girls band said it all: "And now for our next song, 'All This Garbage on My Brain.'" I don't know what to add.

Innocent girl learns and masters the ding/dong of Eastern martial arts, after her boyfriend is killed, Called Rea Vengay in the West, our lead takes it to the other girls who done her wrong. Still wondering what significance the dog had to the story, what little there was. Oh, was that the script you placed on the bar-top.or a poster from a utility pole? Does it matter?

You're not cool if you think of yourself as cool. Other people think you're cool, not you. Cult films aren't made if you are making a cult film from the get go. Where was Lucie Furr, the last ten minutes?
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When six is a seven Or When a 7 is really a 6 Or maybe a 5.75
30 April 2021
There was a PSA some years ago about drugs and the effect they have on a person. The ad showed images, such as, eggs frying on a stove-top, with the refrain: "This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?" This is a Hallmark romance movie. Any questions? The leads where capable and had a good chemistry between each other. The supporting cast were good and it is always good to see more older actors in these roles. Hallmark has always been good in that area. The story was interesting, a romance about romance, or love is there to find when two people are sent to write about romance in a small town. If you are passionate about sunflowers, you will go bonkers from all the sunflowers. Real ones, fake ones, and sunflower jewelry. If you like romance, it's a good watch. I don't remember if they kissed though.

I gave it a seven. It's a good Hallmark movie, not a great Hallmark movie. I probably should give it a 5.75. But it is a good Hallmark movie.
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About Hope (2020)
I wish I had watched 'Vampire Strippers From Planet Q'
18 April 2021
I made it for 30 minutes and decided I had seen enough.nothing wrong with a little god, or is it a big God, thrown in for good measure. But there comes a point when you have to wonder if it is all planned or is there any free will left, or is it Free Willy? Oh, that's a movie that was well written, sorry.

People at 8:05AM, or was it 8:05PM, all happy and open for business. I am not even at work at 8:05AM, I'm usually stuck in traffic swearing at the slow, creep we are doing. Ah, to be in another world, a different reality

The male lead has eyes that say how uninterested he is in the role, dark, mysterious and bland, like vanilla ice cream. No that was double dark-chocolate they had, or was it mocha-chocolate....oh never mind.

If you like your movies covered in sugar or honey, then you will like this movie. Probably even love it. If your feet don't touch the clouds then you probably won't.

Watch 'Vampire Strippers From Planet Q 2: The Big Bang' instead.
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What might have been
31 March 2021
The movie lives up to its title, but you have to wait till the end for any SEX! In the hands of a better scriptwriter or less hands in the cookie jar this could have been really great. Instead it is silly and too many needless diversions to stand above the crowd. I was going to give it 4 stars, but it is better than that Watch at your own discretion.
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An Hour Behind (2017 TV Movie)
A Hallmark Movie That Didn't Feel Like a Hallmark Movie
20 March 2021
I picked this to watch by the title,' An Hour Behind'. I thought maybe it had some time travel aspect to it, but sadly that was not the case.What I got was a romance movie that didn't feel like it was a carbon copy of what came before as so many Hallmark movies tend to be.I actually had to look up who produced the movie, and yes it is Hallmark, and it is predictable, but there was something special about this one. Worth a watch if you are looking for some love story.
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Bad Cupid (2021)
14 March 2021
Quirky, romance-themed comedy about love and the role Cupid plays in it. Cupid is Archie, played by John Rhys Davies, as a curmudgeon matchmaker, who's tired of the role he plays in love and will do anything to succeed. Great scene in the bathroom that could have been stretched out for the whole movie. Many laughs at the banter going on between the characters about Dave's love situation. If you are looking for something different, this is a go.
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Romance Retreat (2019 TV Movie)
12 March 2021
I really did not know why someone had not yet kicked some sense into the lead character's head. She was so annoying the first 20 minutes and if I was paying attention to the early scene with a laptop in yoga class I would not have tortured myself watching it. if you like people talking in the quiet zone of the library then this is for you.

I really did take 5 hours to finish this movie. it isn't that bad, it just isn't that good either. I wrote emails after pausing the stream, shifted files, downloaded some games, played a game and fed the cat.

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Help for the Holidays (2012 TV Movie)
A Slightly Different Hallmark Christmas Movie
9 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Do you ever expect Hallmark to veer from the formula? Ever think that everything isn't ideal in one of their movies?

I'm not going to restate what other reviewers have already said about Summer Glau and the movie. It was a fun watch and had me from the get go. I was almost expecting snow in sunny, warm LA, California, but alas not a single phony flake or artificial snowplow mound was to be found. No women were seen wearing high heels in a blizzard either. And that was just fine with me. The red roses given early in the film are seen later wilting and looking less than pristine, another plus for keeping things real.

Yes, this is a fantasy and a romance movie and the little imperfections I saw were a welcome bit of reality in an otherwise unreal world. Well worth the watch.
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Sentinelle (2021)
Too Warm For a Good Revenge Movie
6 March 2021
They say revenge is best served cold. Sentnelle serves its revenge on a buffet warming tray. In other words it needed to be served cold, which I don't think it does. I like revenge movies, especially if the protagonist is female. There's something about a female kicking some serious butt that gets to me. Paybacks are, well they're bad, OK.

Sentinelle takes too much for granted in premising the reason for the revenge in the first place and is a little lacking in believably at times, but overall, it was a good enough watch. There are better films of the genre and plenty worse than it. Save for when you don't have anything better.
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Always (2011)
Love is ALWAYS
3 March 2021
At times funny, at others it is sad, but Always doesn't disappoint. Through a developing love two people find purpose to their lives, a will to live again and love and maybe give the ultimate sacrifice for. If you've watched one too many Hallmark romance movies and want to see the real deal without all the idealized fluff, a story of two, down-on-their-luck individuals, both financially and emotionally then you won't be disappointed. A little slow at times, but never dull, it makes the heart stir again.
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I Do, I Do, I Do (2015 TV Movie)
I Did, I Did. I Did?
25 February 2021
If you are considering watching this movie, then you know what to expect. It is a Hallmark romance. You know the plot. The timing of the first kiss, but do pay attention for the timing in this movie. You don't need me telling you more than the storyline tells already. You want to know whether you should watch it?

The time anomaly angle gives the story a new angle for the writers to pursue. Interesting enough and the few repeated scenes where the continuity is messed up aren't that disturbing and are largely missed. Nice message about taking risks in life. I would have given it a 5.7 and not just a 5, but it was either a 5 or a 6 and nothing in between. Watch it once!
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Playing Cupid (2021 TV Movie)
Lovely watch!
23 February 2021
Sweet story and good characters acted with emotion. Nice to see a mix of cultures via a teacher and restaurateur meeting by the young 'cupid'. A rare portrayal of Seattle weather that isn't pouring rain (it rarely does) and the grayness of the sky during the time of the year the movie is set in. If you are looking to get away for 1 1/2 hours this would be a good place to start.
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Late Bloomer (2016 TV Movie)
Nice romance!
22 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Oh how the past affects our future, especially how high school does. The movies uses this as the theme for getting the leads together for a never-happened in the past romance that might in the future, or rather, the present. Good to see there were other romances happening in minor roles to the main one.

One thing I found annoying is the continued use of women wearing eye-ware as unattractive or nerdy. Fine, use cosmetics to add the made-up beauty, but don't take the glasses away. I like women with glasses and do not believe the detract from someone's beauty in any way. So stop doing this in movies. Beyond that, a nice watch.
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Groundhog Day it is not and who cares.
12 February 2021
There always seems to be the starting point for some reviews of time-loop movies, it was done before in Groundhog Day. Well, I wouldn't doubt that the time-loop concept was done before Groundhog Day and really does it matter. Spaghetti sauce contains three ingredients, yet, it is the ratio of those items and possibly the addition of another item that makes it different or more or less enjoyable.

The writers and actors of 'The Map of Tiny Perfect Things' didn't create something perfect. But there is just enough manipulation of the ingredients and a little something added to make it enjoyable. Light and easy it is.
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