
10 Reviews
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1883 (2021–2022)
Endless swearfest
7 August 2023
So disappointed. People didn't use the f word in those days and they never stop with the swearing in this movie. We gave up just like we did with Yellowstone. Writers used to have interesting scripts and dialogues, but now all they do is have the actors swear and make up for their lack of creativity by using a lot of scenery. We missed the first few episodes. There were stupid scenes like one complaining about the snow in the mountains while wearing a sleeveless shirt. Just a whole lot of nonsense and vulgarity. There are so many memorable westerns and they didn't have to swear all the way through them.
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Fake, boring, just a movie
27 November 2022
Why couldn't they make up their own movie and family instead of hijacking a great series like the Waltons? The acting was terrible, and it was too far removed from the excellent acting done by the original cast and the writing/lines were so juvenile. It was like a kindergarten version of a once college level show. I would have enjoyed it slightly if it was an original family so I couldn't compare it. Also they changed Ben's history. The characters didn't even try to have the same color hair or mannerisms. We watch the original series all the time, but we won't watch this movie again. The movie is harmless, just not believable.
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The Good Doctor (2017–2024)
Pretty good show in many ways
7 May 2022
I do not enjoy the contemporary political and social garbage and especially private things that just aren't appropriate or necessary for TV but have been thrown in for shock factor. But I do like the individuality of the characters. I like the parts that are about helping the patients and enjoyed the hospital takeover and the way they got it back, although it wasn't plausible. I like Shaun and Lea together. I particularly appreciate seeing how Shaun has grown as a person as well as a doctor. I think it speaks to all of us that we are a work in progress and not stuck where we are.
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Bull (2016–2022)
Enjoyable & not offensive
9 October 2018
This show has interesting plots, characters, and personalities instead of relying on political innuendos, endless swearing, and sex like most shows. We have enjoyed the two episodes we have watched.
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Supergirl (2015–2021)
Political agenda replaced fantasy stories - so disappointed
19 November 2016
I used to like this show because it was just fantasy and the main characters were actually nice, light-hearted, and had good intentions. Not any more. Seriously? Just before the election we get a Trump negative reference, one of the main characters coming out as gay, and then it is promoting aliens establishing themselves in our country? Good grief. Did they run out of actual story lines already or are they just pushing a political agenda down our throats when we were trying to get away from all the political crap? And then there are the stupid office and closet sex scenes... the whole show is going downhill. If I want to see garbage I can watch any primetime station. Can't there be one place to get away from all the junk and just have some old fashioned fun? Television has become mindless. And Supergirl is now a liberal agenda instead of fun and fantasy.
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The Judge (2014)
27 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Very good acting ruined by the constant use of the "F" word... I mean really, those writers can't come up with a better dialog than that? The ending disappoints because you have no idea what Hank Palmer is going to do about his wife and daughter, as all he does is almost screw a girl and then her mother/ex girl friend while watching his father die. And then there is that almost another kid with the ex GF who really belongs to his brother. I dunno. This could have been a great movie, but was too filled with unimportant junk to entertain the dumbed-down masses with vulgarity and sex instead of focusing mainly on his family relationships... That part of the movie was pretty good minus the middle school locker room vocabulary. I thought Robert Duvall was excellent in his portrayal of a dying judge. Hank Palmer needs therapy.
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Last Man Standing (2011–2021)
Great Show
6 November 2015
Minimal vulgarity unlike most of the sitcoms. Current family situations done with humor and showing perspectives from all ages and different opinions. I like the way they keep everything current with what is going on in the world. We laugh and have a good time and wish we didn't have to wait a week for a new episode, so we tape and re-watch during the week. It is so good to laugh. Most sitcoms are so classless... really disappointed with a couple new ones I thought would be family shows. I have no idea why they think they are funny and I certainly wouldn't want my family to see them. This show is FUNNY and family friendly! UPDATE: The new version 2018 on FOX is pretty good... the first episode used a lot of swearing, even Vanessa, right from the start and put a damper on things. They don't need to do that. It is the subject matter we are interested in and laughing... not listening to angry people who can't control their mouth. Hope that changes. The new Mandy is out of place... she is taller than everyone, blonde, and doesn't fit. It feels like she is trying to lip-sync the real Mandy. They should find a better fit.
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Grandma's Boy (2006)
Mindless, classless waste of Time
2 August 2015
Just another vulgar classless boring waste of time. Fit for 13 year old males in the locker room. Nothing adult, inspirational, uplifting, or funny about it. We outgrew this stuff in junior high. We thought a movie with Shirley Jones and Doris Roberts would be funny and clever. I guess they have no dignity. Nothing but swearing, vulgar behavior, smoking pot endlessly, having no direction in life. Sad commentary on some of today's society. Anyone who thought this was funny was probably drunk or stoned. I wish someone would come up with some truly funny movies with clever ideas instead of using trash to entertain those with no morals. We may as well still be in the cave with the rest of the apes if this is the best society can produce.
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Texas Rising (2015)
Huge Disappointment - Graphic Crap
21 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This was nothing more than an opportunity to show just about any graphic killing or bring up about every sex situation they could think of, even a jealous eunuch. It tried to make heroes out of the classless and immoral. There were scenes that meant nothing to the story and just took up space and left the viewer confused. The scenes jumped around and lost place and time. The acting was very good, but the story was mindless and very little was based on any fact. Another show from the history channel that only channels the worst in people. It is no wonder there are so many crazy killers out there when the media makes it look so glamorous and appealing to the immature and unstable. Texas Rising is junk for the brain. There was nothing uplifting about it.
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Vikings (2013–2020)
Predictable endless cruelty and adultery
21 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
So what started out as a family and community story turned into a weekly horror fest and a silly sex session usually involving adultery. Every show, every year, it is the same - they just move around a lot. The acting is good and the characters have some depth which is overshadowed by endless cruelty and lack of loyalty. I am pretty much bored with it now. Too bad the history channel only channels the worst in people and only "entertains" with sex and horror. There is no balance without humanity or inspiration, so each show is unfulfilling and depressing. I would not recommend this show to children, teens, young adults, or really anyone who doesn't have some sick desire to see endless cruelty being inflicted on others.
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