
23 Reviews
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Syriana (2005)
So much potential
1 August 2022
Finally got around to watching this and can can say I agree with most of the critics. George Clooney's Oscar was very well deserved, but man, the story is hard to follow. I would love to see this someday reworked as a miniseries where each storyline could get the time and attention it deserves.
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Invasion (2021–2024)
2nd half is so good!!! If you can stick with it.
13 June 2022
Browsing the reviews, it's clear most people didn't get beyond the first 3 episodes. In all fairness, I totally get why. The first half of the series is soooooo slow. The beginning is entirely character development with little in the way of plot progression. The first 5 episodes could have been compressed into 2 - especially if they'd nixed Sam Noel's completely irrelevant story.

However, from episode 6 on, it's amazing. The aliens are finally introduced and all the disparate storylines come together. And the pace picks up 10 fold. Seriously, it took me weeks to get the first part and then I consumed the last 5 in one sitting. Hopefully they learn from the public reception and season 2 will be engaging from the start.
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Meh, it's fine.
10 January 2022
Reviews are a bit harsh. It's decent, for the low budget, mid-pandemic film it is. Interesting and prescient story, but the script dialogue is stale and well beneath the caliber of actors they managed to get signed on. Seems it was rushed to get out so to capitalize on the pandemic.
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Britannia (2017–2021)
Could be a Cult Hit
6 December 2021
To be honest, I wasn't all that sure about this series at first. However, the second season far surpassed the first after they settled into its own absurdist, high-camp sense of humor. I recall coming across a review that called it "completely bonkers" which it think is very fitting. It's a little bit Game of Thrones, a little bit Monty Python, a whole lot of WTF, and thoroughly entertaining on the whole. I have a feeling this could be a slow burning cult hit.
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Love Life (2020–2021)
Even better second season
15 November 2021
I loved the first season, especially as a young adult in New York. I was a little skeptical when I saw that the protagonist of the second season would shift from an early 20s white woman to a mid-30s black man. Not that I didn't think it would be a story worth digging into, I just wasn't sure what the through line between the seasons would be. Happy to say it was even better than expected. Of course the tone and tenor adjusted accordingly, but it was still a thoughtful and authentic chronicle of a young New Yorkers' relationship evolution. This time though, the story brought us right up to today which made it more topical which I loved. All in all, highly recommend this show as a rom-com leveled up.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Payback (1999)
Season 1, Episode 1
This is where it all started
6 November 2021
Finally watched the first of this series, over 20 years later. This episode proves how impactful this series would be. It addressed the complexity of victim vs perpetrator in sexual assault and was highly topical (in this case, survivors of the Bosnian genocide).

Benson and Stabler (and of course Munch) are nothing short of iconic.
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6 November 2021
Preface: I haven't read the book, nor seen any other iterations.

The visuals were extraordinary, the soundtrack was incredible (as expected from Hans Zimmer). I'm glad I could watch it on HBO so I could google certain things to follow the storyline, haha, but now I want to go see it in a theater. I think it's probably one of those films that is truly meant for the big screen.

Only thing I disliked was that it felt unresolved, but then I saw it is planned as a series. Just wish it was scheduled sooner than 2023.

C'est la vie.
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The Definitive Account of Jan 6th
5 November 2021
The footage acquired by the filmmakers is incredible - much of it previously unreleased to the media. The producers clearly developed a strong report with some of the insurrectionists which is what gave the film the most in depth, on the ground vantage point of any films on this tragic day. Somehow they even managed to get quality footage (taken by the rioters themselves) of many of the individuals they later interviewed. That is what truly sets this apart from the ever growing index of films about January 6th.

I read a Variety review that was very critical of the film for giving the rioters a platform for spreading more false narratives. But I disagree. I think it's critical to hear these voices (as misguided as they may be) for us to understand the mindsets of the people who tried to overthrow our democracy. Because, rest assured, they will try it again.
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Remarkable Story of Survival
16 October 2021
This was a poignant and deeply moving portrait of a family's desperate efforts to rescue their son from the grip of the horrific ISIS regime. I think this was a fitting tribute to the terrible experience Daniel Rye and the other hostages. Highly recommend this film.

RIP Jim Foley and all the thousands who were murdered by ISIS.
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Gangs of London (2020– )
Not for weak stomachs
10 October 2021
I was only able to get through a few episodes. I'm generally fine with violence and some gore, but this felt pretty gratuitous - I'm talking extended violence scenes peppered with some truly stomach turning sounds like bones cracking. I think the realism of it all just got to me.

Though, truth be told, maybe I wasn't in the right headspace at the time I watched it. The story is right in my lane and visuals were stunning. Plus, I could already tell the performances would be top notch. So hopefully I'll return to the series and eventually update this.
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Should have been on the CW
2 October 2021
Look, I don't think I'm the target audience for this show, but frankly, I don't think the target audience is even watching AMC. I can see how the producers were aiming to introduce TWD to a new, younger audience that will theoretically follow the franchise beyond this series. But, as evidenced by these reviews, they marketed it to the same adult audience that watches the two other series. They should have sold this to the CW or MTV and made it clear this would be a juvenile interpretation of the zombiverse. Then at least the primary audience would have known it wouldn't be what we were looking for.
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Reminiscence (2021)
Hard to follow
24 August 2021
Very intriguing idea, but I think it would have been better served as a miniseries where not time could have been given to character development and developing the setting for the storyline.
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Reservation Dogs (2021–2023)
The Gen-Z Indian Experience
10 August 2021
  • Just a few episodes in and I already know this will be one of the best series this year. It's hilarious and deliciously original. -

My family is from Eastern Oklahoma (Choctaw Nation) and save for the lack of Okie accents, this series is so spot on. I can't recall any media that frames the Indian experience with such raw humor (impeccably delivered by this young crew, btw). Most depictions of Native American life is either pure tragedy and destitution, or an elevation of the "noble savage" trope. To be clear, the driving circumstances here are the very real challenges of poverty and crime that plagues rural Indian communities. But the comedic approach in this series puts these kids in the mainstream and makes their lives widely relatable. Native kids really are just like all other American kids from marginalized, minority backgrounds - with the same attitudes, hustles and pop culture references. In a lot of ways this show is unique to the Indian experience, but it could easily be translated to a black inner city, or an immigrant setting. Basically, anyone and everyone can and should enjoy this show.

Also, side note for anyone unfamiliar with Native American territories - there aren't actually any reservations in Oklahoma. Reservations are sovereign territory with tribal jurisdiction - ie. The Wind River Reservation near where I grew up in Wyoming. However, when OK was made a state, the feds dissolved the tribal governments to make way for the land runs by white settlers. Today, there's this whole complicated governance structure within nations where only tribe members are subject to tribal law, but the state retains most authority.

I know, this isn't all that pertinent to this TV show, but I just wanted to point it out since it's explicitly tying Oklahoma to reservations which is misleading. I absolutely love the reference to Reservoir Dogs, and its totally relevant to the storyline. But considering how little most Americans know about Indian affairs, I hope they find a way to clarify this distinction in future episodes.
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Star (2016–2019)
Black Soap Opera
22 July 2021
Storyline was pretty soapy and major elements were unbelievable (like the artists never leave Atlanta - even the awards were supposedly in Atlanta). But the music was great and the acting was fine. Overall an enjoyable watch.
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Your Honor (II) (2020–2023)
Ignore the whining reviews
13 July 2021
Seriously, what's with all these ridiculously subjective reviews? There were no egregious plot holes as some of these reviews claim. I get it, you weren't fond of the son - but a character doing something you wouldn't do yourself is not a "plot hole". People are complex and make irrational decisions under pressure and duress. That is what makes drama interesting! Also, I really don't get this need for characters to be "likable". If that's what you need, go watch a Disney movie. I personally like to watch dramas with messy, conflicted characters who aren't always redeemable. Whether or not I personally relate to them is irrelevant.

This was a great miniseries all around. Solid performances and it delivered an astute commentary on the highly racialized state of the US criminal justice system.

And Brian Cranston is a national treasure and reason alone to watch this series.
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Hilariously absurd
10 July 2021
Seriously, it's ridiculous and highly amusing. Won't be winning any awards, but it was exactly what I needed in the middle of quarantine.

Will definitely be watching again with my middle aged, Chico's-adorned mother when I finally get to visit her in Oklahoma post-pandemic.
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Oslo (2021 TV Movie)
Diplomacy at its best
8 June 2021
As someone with a Masters in International Relations, I just loved this film. It really humanized the difficult process of international diplomacy. Although it doesn't get into the nuts and bolts of diplomatic deal making, I think it's quite instructive of the power of getting opposing sides to the table for talks. Of course, we now know the Oslo Accords ultimately failed, but the process for which they came about remains truly inspirational.

Also, Ruth Wilson was wonderful and delivered a quietly powerful performance.

Tempted to give this film 10/10 to balance out the politically motivated ratings. But it's really an 8 for me.

P.s. Teachers in university IR courses or high school social studies classes, this would be a great film to watch and discuss during units on international diplomacy.
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Bushwick (2017)
Where's the DMZ?... I know where the DMV is!
7 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Lol, best line in the whole thing.

I live in Brooklyn near where this was set, so it'd been on my list for a while. Truthfully, I'm bumping up my rating a bit just to balance out all the unreasonable reviews... so I'd really put it at a 6/6.5

Look, the premise is pretty implausible, but that said, being a Brooklynite, I felt at least the social dynamics were familiar. The side characters really shined - the Black mama who reigned in her gang banging son and his "club" (haha); the Hasids fighting back in the alley. The acting isn't terrible, but it's not great either - the dialogue was a bit stunted so not much to work with...

I enjoyed the long-shot steady-cam approach which made it pretty immersive.

Unfortunately, the ending sucked. Killing off the main characters within minutes of the end was gratuitous and left the whole thing feeling unresolved. But, I've been into disaster/apocalyptic films lately and overall this was a fun watch.
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Tickled (2016)
Delightfully Weird Discovery
22 February 2021
Watched this on a whim a while ago. Had no idea about this tickling subculture and was so surprised at the turn the documentary took. It was a bizarre and thoroughly enthralling watch.
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The King (I) (2019)
Edgerton & Chalamet were Phenomenal
22 January 2021
If I'm being honest, I've long grown weary of these storylines structured entirely around a single battle. However, Timothee Chalamet and Joel Edgerton delivered incredible performances here. I still haven't seen Call Me By Your Name, so I've been a bit lost on the hype over Chalamet, but with this, I get it. I expect he'll be one of the great actors of our generation. I'll also say, it was a great surprise to see Robert Pattinson in the dauphin's role. He has emerged as such a talented character actor.

Overall, this is well worth a watch if you appreciate period films and great performances.
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A beautiful, but melodramatic, score....
29 December 2020
It's hard to say exactly what downgrades this film. I thought the performances were truly solid. The storyline was compelling and well thought out. Honestly, I think it was the soundtrack. I hate to say this, because it's a genuinely stunning score, it just served to strike too much of a melodramatic tone. I think the overall presentation of the film would have been served better by a more minimalistic score and corresponding editing.

All that said, I think it's worth a watch.
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A Teacher (2013)
Reviews are a bit harsh - it's worth a watch
23 December 2020
I personally thought it was a thoughtful and subtle character study of a woman's mental unraveling where she copes in all the wrong ways. I don't think it valorized statutory rape or grooming, but it also didn't slip into outright moralizing, which I appreciated. You see how in theses sorts of taboo relationships, both individuals have agency and the ability to behave badly. However, it is clearly evident by the end that the power imbalance was always with the teacher, and you know she paid dearly for exploiting her student's naivety.

Where it fell short was character development. It was just casually dropped in that her mother had I think it was Alzheimer's and that she had left the East Coast. It seems these details were added as an after thought to contextualize her acting out, but without expanding on their impact on her, it probably would have been better to leave those details out entirely. Just let the viewer surmise what led her to her current state.

Lastly, the performances were solid all around.
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Unpregnant (2020)
7/10 overall - 10/10 to balance out BS ratings
12 October 2020
So yeah, this movie is coming with a specific (and frankly obvious) political stance. So it's no surprise the anti-abortion faction is out in force to downgrade it. Like yelpers taking out personal vendettas in reviews. Hence, my inflated rating.

But overall it's a great road trip comedy. In most road trip movies the purpose of the trip really is tangential to the adventure itself. But in this case the objective is topical and woven into the narrative quite well - facilitating encounters with all the eccentric characters one might actually come across in rural middle America (seriously, I grew up in WY and OK). Additionally, it captures young female friendship in a fresh way which I enjoyed.

Lastly, Barbie Ferreira has excellent comedic timing - really looking forward to seeing what she does in the future.

So, in sum, take all the anti-abortion reviews with a grain of salt. If you don't have a hard on for controlling women's reproductive rights and enjoy quirky, relationship comedies, check it out:
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