
45 Reviews
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People don't get this movie!!
27 December 2023
Most reviews I'm reading here are all saying how stupid or bad the ending was and how there was no real explanation and all that. Does it always need an explanation, a result or a perfect ending to be a good movie? I don't think so. Use your own imagination and try to figure it out. The problem with the audience nowadays is the lack of imagination, the will to just discuss a movie even if they didn't like the ending. Maybe there's a point behind it. I watch many indie movies and most of them make no sense, that's the beauty of it.

Now this movie did make a lot of sense. It was about the fear that we experience , the moment when something like this would happen suddenly especially in our society nowadays that we are so addicted to our devices that we can't even find our direction to drive without google maps. The fact nothing seems to work anymore without the internet is so scary to me! And this movie portrayed that fear very well in my opinion. The unknown of what's happening. And there's no need to know what really happened. Obviously it was not good and obviously the girl at the end was a Metapher for most ppl nowadays that just don't care as long as they're online distracting themselves.

It's a really good movie actually with an important message. The only reason why I gave this only 8 stars is bc I didn't like the soundtrack at all. It was rather misplaced in my opinion. But seeing Robert's, Hawke and Bacon was a real treat for me as 80s lover!
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Holy Family (2022–2023)
Finished Season 1 & I'm loving it!!
20 November 2023
This show is one of the few shows I've seen in Spanish and I must say it is very good. I didn't know what to expect but the cast is amazing. Every character is absolutely believable and all in all just great actors! I love how twisted this show is and that you constantly get surprised. I felt the pain of the characters and the desperation in particular scenes. The love scenes were perfectly paced.. very tasteful and touching. Also since I'm a 90a kid - I love the whole vibe!! I usually get bored easily with Netflix shows but this one I binge watched the first season in one day!! Couldn't stop!
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Gold (I) (2022)
People have no patience anymore!
15 July 2023
I don't get all the bad reviews! First off all I'm usually not a fan of Zac Efron but he was incredible in this one! He looked completely different and not just his appearance, it was his whole demeanor. I'm really glad I usually watch movies and read the reviews after. It's the best way to do it and in this case it proofs it right again.

Everyone is complaining about the movie being too slow, boring, horrible abrupt ending etc. Why do movies always have to have crazy action scenes, lots of back story, a happy ending, different sceneries and so on.. this movie is far from any of that and I love the simplicity of it. It doesn't matter what happened to this guy in the past, it doesn't matter what he was planning in the future, it's all about him surviving that horrible situation he got himself in bc of greed in that very present moment. And they did a phenomenal job doing so. It's disgusting, it's brutal, it's sad, it's shocking, I felt so many emotions watching this guy trying to survive. The end was short and brilliant btw, not what I hoped for but hey it's reality. Life's not always peachy. I enjoyed this movie and hope more people see it through different eyes and give it a better rating bc the writer and actors surely deserve it.
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I enjoyed this movie!
3 June 2023
It's funny how people are giving negative reviews for silly reasons. But you can never please everyone. It's all a matter of taste. I just wish people would not always be so negative and bash someone's work just bc they didn't like the pace or some behavior of characters. There are many bad movies but this one is well made, loved the cast and the idea was great with that plot twist. Never thought that was what really happened. I had no idea! It's a sad story but keeps you engaged through the whole movie. To me it wasn't too slow like some say. It was perfectly made. It's definitely worth a watch.
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The Strays (2023)
People don't get it!! Glad I didn't listen to the reviews!
26 February 2023
I didn't wanna watch this film first because of the bad reviews! I'm glad I'm usually never listen to reviews and always make my own opinions when it comes to movies bc let's face it, it's all a matter of taste.

Most people seem disappointed in it, too slow, no plot, bad acting, horrible ending bla bla. Ok but in my opinion this was a very well done movie that made me feel awkward almost during the whole film. Meaning it made me feel something that most movies these days don't! It was uncomfortable to watch mainly because of the topic of the mother being ashamed of her background, hiding her roots & her past. She obviously hated her old life and was mentally ill. This movie covers so many psychological aspects! It's an important story to tell and it's not meant to make you feel good or to have a happy ending. I'm tired of people reviewing movies bad bc they didn't like the end! Ever watched a Lynch movie seriously!

I can only suggest you to watch it, to have an open mind and to get your own opinion.

Ps the end was brilliant, it closed the circle perfectly fine!
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Barbarian (2022)
Why?! So very disappointing!
22 January 2023
I decided to watch this only because of the cast and would have never thought that these actors would agree to this crap. Sorry but what happened after the first act? It seemed so very promising and intriguing and then it went all down hill. I actually thought this would be a great thriller with those two in the same Airbnb.. thought there would be a great plot twist but that twist that happened was just silly. No background story, no explanation, only a very short scene with the great Richard Brake. It's so disappointing!

And I don't even wanna start on the stupid decisions these characters made as well as how unrealistic it all is. I honestly don't get who writes this nonsense and why?!

What a waste of great acting talent! 2 stars for the actors!
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Rust Creek (2018)
Why the bad rating?! I enjoyed this one!
2 July 2022
Not sure why the bad rating, it's a very well done thriller with great twists! What else do you want...! Story is great and acting too! I actually was positively surprised didn't expect it to be that good!
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Old (2021)
Ok 1 star since I can't give 0 !!!!
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't even know where to start! I have seen other movies by the director / writer, and they were fine and I'm not a huge fan but this one is just absolutely ridiculous. The idea itself was quite cool but the acting and dialog was absolutely horrible. The whole story didn't make any sense! The kids are aging like crazy and the parents look the same almost through out the whole movie! The way some of them died is so stupid it's very unrealistic! The only cool actress in the whole movie was Francesca Eastwood, the others extremely boring .. I didn't care about any of them. The end was just as stupid and honestly I just wish there were more cool indie movies again that got financed. I don't get how this movie was even made that's how bad it is! NO REASON TO AGE 2 hours for this crap.
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Scream (I) (2022)
Maybe my expectations were too high!!
23 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I feel bad seeing all the good ratings I just don't feel it!

First off I love the original scream. Seen it back in the 90s and still enjoy watching it even after all these years. When I heard this new one was right behind the original and many people hyped it I guess my expectations were quite high. And unfortunately that made me really disappointed when in fact it was not nearly as good as I hoped.

I gave it a 5 out of 10 mainly because of the original actors, Dewy, Sydney and Gale. Also Billy, that had a few small unexpected scenes. And the one I was most excited for Kyle Gallners part, that was by far the most interesting new character - and here's the first thing that went wrong in my opinion, he got killed way too early. They could have done so much more with that character. I just don't get it! Why was his part so short? It doesn't make any sense to even have him in there. That was very upsetting!

The other teen actors were doing an ok job but none of them was really interesting to watch. The cast was quite basic, acting was decent but nothing special and I was missing the wittiness of the original scream cast but that might be a generational thing. The kids in the 90s just seemed darkly funnier and edgier.

The plot also was nothing special and I was constantly waiting for something more original to happen. I knew after 15 minutes who the killer was.. it should not be that easy but maybe they wanted it to be that easy. Idk. Another thing the blood seemed hella fake and the stabbing scenes too. For some reason it just seemed too fake to be cool. Anyways it's entertaining and could be worse but it's definitely not one that I need to rewatch.
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Didn't get the vibe at all!
28 November 2021
First off I think this is a movie you either like or dislike - there's not much in between ..this all depends on your personal taste in movies. For myself I can say that the whole movie I was waiting for a change of style, pace or an explanation what is going on. Now I do understand that the visuals and the little dialog should be enough to get the feeling of the story but to me it just didn't work. I guess I'm too much a fan of story telling and dialog that I felt lost most of the time. Too many different locations, characters, moods and especially women to understand who is who and how is everything connected. You don't always have to understand everything yes you can still enjoy a movie - I know that from Lynch Movies but beautiful cinematography only doesn't do it for me plus it was not exciting enough to keep me interested, in fact I fell asleep. I love tarot though and think the idea was intriguing just wasn't what I expected I guess.
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Hell or High Water (II) (2016)
Just badass! Really enjoyed this one!!
6 June 2021
This movie has it all - Great cast, landscapes, soundtrack & most of all great writing! Absolutely enjoyed every minute of it. You feel for both sides the outlaws and the ones that chase them. Some movies just kill it in every aspect - this is one of them!
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Skin (V) (2018)
Brutal and very touching! Absolutely loved it!!
30 May 2021
First off I absolutely loved this movie!! It's interesting to read the other reviews (lots negative which I honestly don't understand) and some are comparing it to American History X which I also don't get cuz it's a very different story! But I was so involved the whole time and cannot find one thing I'd have done differently! I guess it's all a matter of taste but to me everything fit perfectly! Acting was phenomenal especially from Jamie Bell, I'm a huge fan of! He portrayed this radical insane character so on point and I can only applaud him for that. It must have been very tough to play him. Yes the story was a bit different to the real one but it's about showing this evil violent scene that exists to share some light and also to mention that there's people getting out and turning their life's around for the better. I also especially found the chemistry between the two main characters extremely raw and touching. Great movie that I wish would have been nominated for an Oscar!
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Paradise City (2021– )
Metal fans will be disappointed!
14 May 2021
First off I wanted to really like this, Im a big metal / rock fan and Im always waiting for edgy shows with good music to come out. They are rare and I was really hoping this one would be dope af. But I got pretty disappointed on so many levels. Let me start by saying I know most of the characters are played by actual musicians and not actors but the not perfect acting was not even my issue here it was more the cringe lines and awkward super cliche scenes that made it bad. This had sooo much potential to become a super cool show also with some of the SOA cast included but it was just badly written and executed. Why the weird chick in different roles overacts constantly is a riddle to me. It made so many scenes unnecessarily awkward. The music was way too commercial for my taste not metal enough but ok I can live with that just please make it more badass in case there will be a 2 season! My bf watched two episodes and said this is clearly made for teenage girls and yes that's how it seems like! I want this to continue only bc I know they can do much better, and we need more rock n roll on TV but again please for the love of god do a better job on the writing part and less cliche and overacting!!
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The Rental (2020)
Better than expected!
9 May 2021
The title threw me off first, I thought it was quite lame and yet another pointless movie. But I was surprised how much I actually enjoyed it. People complaining about the ending and that there was no meaning behind it. Sorry but how many killers kill for the thrill without any actually reason behind it. I don't get that argument. It's a very realistic situation, could happen to anyone renting a place over the weekend and that's what I liked most about it. I was entertained the whole time. The only reason why I give this an 8 is bc the third act was a bit too fast for my taste. Anyways if you like thrillers\scary movies .. this one is fun to watch!
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4 Stars for acting 1 star for the plot!
1 May 2021
This seemed like an interesting movie in the beginning! Not gonna lie I never get sick of horror movies about ppl moving into weird houses in small towns. I'm a sucker for it! But not far in the story seemed odd, rushed, too many different things. Like other comments said it felt like two different genre movies. It's not very horror that's for sure. I did enjoy the acting for the most part I think the writer wanted to combine two many things and it made it a bit confusing. Don't have high expectations just watch it for entertainment reasons.
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This movie deserves a 10/10!!
28 March 2021
I almost never rate a movie with a 10 but this one deserves it absolutely! The story considering that it was based on a book and real events absolutely touched me, also considering that I went through a very similar childhood. My mum being an addict and my grandmother raising me and trying the best she could! Maybe only ppl that lived a hard childhood like this can relate and understand how it shapes you for the rest of your life. The movie portrays this as real as it gets, especially with the whole cast that all of them did a terrific job but man did Glenn Close kill it. And I'm also a huge fan of Amy Adams and loved her portrayal of the mother. It's a beautiful but heartbreaking movie but that's how life for some of us is. There's not many movies out there worth watching but this one even though I cried my eyes out I'll definitely watch again.
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Mystery Si-Fi thriller that is worth a watch
13 March 2021
Sometimes it's good not to read reviews before watching a movie. I thought this one would be bad and it actually was quite good. First it does seem odd but if you keep watching you'll understand. It's actually a smart concept and does mess with your mind when you really think about it. Yes it's slow and it's not full of action scenes but that's not always necessary. It makes you think and that's what a good movie should achieve. Give it a try!
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Greenland (2020)
Scary and very emotional at the same time!
15 February 2021
I'm a fan of catastrophe movies but they do mess with me a lot emotionally. I guess watching them makes me realize how small we really are and how unimportant most of our daily problems are. This one is no exception! It's very well done. I like that it's not full of crazy action scenes like most of the others but instead focuses on the emotional side of a situation like this. What it does to our minds when we know we might die any second. How much we start appreciating the ones we love and that are close to us and stop taking everything for granted! It's a different view that touched me a lot. Great movie to watch, also great acting! I recommend it if you like these kind of movies and also it does make you forget your small problems for a while!
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Escape Room (I) (2019)
Kept me entertained the whole time!
23 January 2021
Most people compare this to saw and I think that's why they are giving it a lower rating. If you're into gore this one is not for you. It's more a thriller than Horror and I personally prefer that. Acting was ok, not the best. But I absolutely loved the concept of the rooms and the idea behind it. Kept me excited and I wasn't bored at all! I did enjoy it a lot and thought the ending was fine. Let's not judge too harsh, I don't mind watching a second one!!
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Death to 2020 (2020 TV Special)
Didn't work for me! Not funny!
17 January 2021
I guess I have no sense of humor when it comes to 2020 and all the s...t that happened. I hope there will be an actual documentary coming out documenting everything in a more serious way. Since we're all still living in this nightmare I can't find anything funny about it. If you like that kind of Humor you might enjoy it. I turned it off after 15 min.. for me it was a waste of time!
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Joker (I) (2019)
Finally got to watch this one and loved it!
25 December 2020
Let me start by saying it took me a year to watch it bc I wanted to be in the mood for it! There's movies that I need to be mentally prepared for and I knew this was one of them. I did my research and read the reviews so I knew Kind of what to expect. I wasn't disappointed.. !! I absolutely adore Joaquin Phoenix as an actor since Walk the Line and knew he'd kill the Joker Performance! So he did 100%!! It was painful to watch at times but hey that's life! And I personally loved the deep dive into the jokers personality and what made him the way he became! I'm a huge fan of the character and love the fact that there's finally a movie dedicated to him. Im sure there's many people that can relate and that's why it was such a success and well deserved! I hope there will be a second part but even if not this one is very satisfying. Incredible acting, the vibe of the whole movie was great, and the music was on Point 👌🏻
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
This show is great! Very surprised!
8 September 2020
I honestly didn't wanna watch this at first but man was I surprised once I started! I was a fan of karate kid back in the days but thought this show would be a cheesy rip off. But no - Its such a great mix of old and young generations life struggles! I love the whole vibe, the writing is great, acting is on point, and the music... thanks for that! I'm happy I gave this a shot and now I can't stop watching it. I always liked the character of Johnny ... even back then but now as an adult he's so like able and especially relatable. Watch it you won't regret it!
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
21 August 2020
Let me start by saying there's many movies done after Stephen King books and most of them are bad! There's only a few that are worth mentioning! THE SHINING is definitely the No. 1 next to Carrie! I was sooo excited for this movie, and although I knew it would never be as good as the shining I was hoping to at least be close to it. But what did I just watch? It took me two days to finish this movie, I fell asleep and had to continue the next day. I didn't even feel like continuing cuz I was so bored and disappointed. The only reason why I kept watching was to know the end and when the last 30 min were on I had to rewind bc I feel asleep again! This movie is so chaotic by the way it's made...there's no connection.. it just jumps in scenes ... way too long... absolutely not scary and all in all just plain stupid from beginning to end! The initial idea of a grown up Danny Torrance struggling is great but why the weird supernatural stuff was a part I have no idea. Yes he has a gift I get it but it was not portrayed well. It seemed ridiculous not like in the original one where it was just so very scary and disturbing! This could have been so cool if it was kept more simple. I'm not blaming the director much. If that was the story ( I have never read the book) then there's not much you can change as a director. Filming was decent. Acting was ok! I'm a Ewan McGregor fan and he def was the best part of the movie but the story was so boring and pointless - I don't understand why it was written like that! Why not just have a grown up Danny struggling with addiction going back to the town or hotel and experiencing things there. Why all these weird Gypsy ppl and the other little girl and this and that and too much for my taste! I'm a simple girl, I like simple terrifying horror movies minus supernatural over the top characters and scenes! Too unrealistic, not scary. Very disappointing!
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Well this was a fun ride!
14 August 2020
Very much enjoyed this one! Can't believe I never heard of it before. Perfect cast in my opinion! Has some dope action scenes but also comedy which I liked. Well I'm a fan of redneck outlaw type characters so this is my thing. Soundtrack was great too! Always stoked to find movies like this 👏🏼
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Welcome Home (I) (2018)
First part of the movie was ok then it went downhill!
10 August 2020
The only good thing about this movie is Aaron Paul that I never saw in anything else but Breaking Bad but gotta say he's great in this. I loved his performance. That's about it! The female lead was horrible. Also the best acting can't safe a badly written script. None of the other actors were interesting either. And the story was just plain boring. Nothing really happens that is shocking. It's all very predictable. Very disappointing to have watched another bad thriller this year!
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